#sienna is my favorite design bc she has a lot of references
sieallie · 6 months
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getting out of my comfort zone with these designs
Also wip or something I’m trying to speed run for a con
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lcvebitcs · 7 years
oh boy... hi ppl, i’m DORIAN & i’ll be bringing quite a few muses into the mix --- so read below the cut to know tf i’m up to if u dare !
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this is MICHAEL
one of the originals, this boy is messy af... he’s also kind of sweet but don’t trust that. don’t this no hoe.
he lives surrounded by girls. I MEAN LITERALLY. i think he has a fanclub or w/e, wherever he goes they follow him around & he’s just chillin’ & listening to music w his earphones on
so, backing up a little --- michael is the strongest & eldest sibling of the original vamp!fam. but he actually doesn’t like showing off, he hates fighting. he likes human, he likes vampire, werwolves... ok so he does have a bias against witches but tf one of them CURSED HIS ENTIRE FAMILY SO THAT’S TO BE EXPECTED
he loves his siblings to death, even if he’s not sure how to express this properly
STORY GOES, his father aka papa original had three wives, his mother was the first wife and she wasn’t all too happy to have to put up w other 2 hoes
she was ... not excited to be a mom. she didn’t want the thing. but the thing was there.
all the moms used their children to kind of gain Attention 👏
his father did not like him very much either. michael was a bit of a rebellious child, and because of that he’d often get ‘punished’. he’d also get double punished bc whatever his siblings did wrong he’d claim it was him so they didn’t have to go thru that
for most of his childhood his mom didn’t want him to socialize with the other children bc they were um.......... a nusiance *cough* but he did anyways & she scolded him for that
since he had no time to play, he learned how to do a lot... he can play a lot of instruments, though his favorite is the violin. he knows a lot about a lot.
at some point he was like i DONT WANNA STUDY I WANNA PLAY W THE OTHERS
and his mother threw him in a fucking lake bc how dare u talk back u lil shit
he almost drowned... it was not fun
michael’s not a big fan of lakes. or water in general
i mean he’s cool w showers but that’s about it.
because he had an........... unusual ;;;;;;; relationship with his mom in the past, and because he learned she had an affair with his uncle when he was v young, he started to think ‘hey... maybe love doesn’t exist and ppl just screw other other’ not to mention he was involved with a lot of girls at that same time. he doesn’t understand love. he thinks it’s a big fat lie and that’s it. just an illusion. he’ll get mad if u try to tell him otherwise or laugh it off.
he mistakes passion for lust and lust for love. it’s all scrambled up in hid head.
he helped his mom to kill his own father, but i’m not gonna lie he was pretty excited and upset he didn’t get to rip out his throat. michael will usually refer to him as ‘that old man’, never by name oops.
but then again, he also plotted w his siblings to kill his own mother so yk.
after awhile he started to think she didn’t love him as she claimed, and instead only liked to manipulate him, so they orchestrated a plan. he was to relieved the final blow, but he held back at the time and the injury wasn’t fatal. he pretty much fled and has been keeping his distance from everyone since.
he loves roses, but he hates white roses. red roses mean passion and love whereas white roses mean lack of it, so he thinks.
he loves his fedora. he never takes it off unless he’s totally at ease.
although he has had a lot... i mean A LOT of girlfriends, when he gets bored he just moves on w/o explanation. love is a foreign concept to him.
overall i say he doesn’t like being alone for long periods of time, but it’s hard to see him in a bad mood because michael is very good at concealing his emotions
he’s a very upbeat person, at least he portrays himself that way
he hates his eyes because they’re the same as his father
......he thinks killing is like a love declaration or whatever. a proof of love. i don’t... i don’t wanna be inside his head. it’s a dark place. no thank u sir.
that’s it. that’s my fedora wearing, violin player, hedonist son.
play w him carefully, he bites.
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this is SIENNA 
she’s a witch, always been... ever since she was a lil bean. but she didn’t & still doesn’t know till this day.
when she was just 8 years old she was sleeping safe & sound when a vampire broke into her home, sliced up her parents and ate them.
horrified & still in shock, her cat started to tug at her ankle & guided her to the closet where she hid with him.
she survived the night, waited for her cue & dashed off into the woods
she almost froze to the death but was found in the morning by the cops. she was sent to the hospital than to an asylum & diagnosed with schizophrenia, dissociative identity disorder, depression & paranoia. they assumed she killed her own parents & ofc no one believed the ramblings of an 8 year old about monsters.
she was released under the care of her aunt when she was 16. she brought her to live here, where believe it or not, young sienna found her old friend, mr.midnight. her cat and most dear friend. not to mention... only friend.
thing is, she’s clairvoyant & able to enter the spirit world. when she touches people she sometimes gets these really ugly flashes, of blood and mayhem. she doesn’t understand it but she tries to warn them anyways... sometimes it’s about something they did, or are planning to do, or something that’ll be done to them.
because she channels a lot of negative energy, she does get depressed.
she works at the flower shop, though she just makes the designs, and usually isn’t allowed to interact w the clients bc she scares the crap outta them
ppl dont like that
she’s got really long, dark hair. large eyes. very doll-ish, but very reserved. she usually tries not to wear black or red because it reminds her of death
she likes to spend her time in the woods, she’s growing a small garden of black roses somewhere.
she talks to her cat all the time so ... yeah. she can’t hear him for reals, but i mean, she doesn’t have a lot of ppl to talk to... so it’s sort of a ‘pretend’
sometimes she visits the graveyard and starts to put roses in the abandoned graves bc she feels sad for them.
she also talks to her parents tombstones ... i’m sad
oK i think that’s it
excuse me while i cry
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this is PANDORA
my only human babe. she doesn’t know shit about supernaturals lurking around, and would probably be 120% done if she figured out
so panda is like this religious girl. smol child full of light and hope, everything sugary sweet. tries to be kind even tho some people don’t deserve it
but at heart, i’d say she’s strong. she’s scared of love, of opening herself up to people. she’s reserved, shy, doesn’t approach others unless they seem like they need help.
very strong-willed. she’s the daughter of the local pastor who is also a hunter. she doesn’t know this and if i’m being real would not approve if she learned, because whether someone’s supernatural or human that’s still killing
pandora struggles with being nice to people but standing her ground. she’s not very confrontational. having people walk all over her makes her sad, of course, but she tries not to let this get to her. everyone’s hurting in their own way, so she’s not judgemental.
her older sister rebelled against the goody-two-shoes family and got addicted to drugs and ran away from home. she could never understand this, because the truth is that her sister couldn’t deal w all the lies anymore, she figured out what her father was up to and went off the rails. it’s been a couple years, but pandora still heartbroken about this, because she’s now lost two people she cared about and there’s nothing she can do.
her step-mom is lowkey abusive. not physically or anything, but she’s not a nice woman. pandora’s mom died, but pandora never learned how or why, just that she shouldn’t ask question. she doesn’t know much about her, but she does have a half-burnt picture of her mom holding her as a baby that she carries around in her necklace.
because she feels her life is so... small. her world is so tiny, she tries to explore other worlds through books and movies, music... anything that’ll make her fly away from this earth for awhile is welcome.
she absolutely loves hearing stories & will drop everything she’s doing to hear someone telling her an interest tale.
she’s young and naive, she doesn’t have a lot of freedom & grew up quite sheltered, so she doesn’t understand how the world works very well.
she also has like this tarantula as a pet bc... idk why she has weird taste i effing hate spiders. get margot tf away from me pandora I DON’T LIKE IT
she just likes collecting bugs. it’s a hobby of hers, she’s not grossed-out easily i guess ??
so this is my smol human child
love her pls ok
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