#shush i know i’m just posting the same stuff from my instagram account
x-noirangel-x · 4 months
Blackwell is so photogenic… ( u ͜ u )
I thought I’d scan and share some shots I took around campus!
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avenging-fandoms · 6 years
Snow Day / Dacre Montgomery
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*requested by anonymous *Heyy! Can you maybe do an imagine where Dacre and the reader get bored and are doing an Instagram love and answer questions? And putting face masks on? And maybe she gets a little hate and she’s like a badass at firing back at the comment!! Thanks sm!! ❤️ *in which y/n and dacre are snowed in and find ways to entertain themselves  *WARNING: nothing except swearing *word count: 1255 *PLEASE send me requests!!!!! i can do whoever :)
the snow was falling heavily, blocking the roads and making them slippery, trapping everyone, including you and dacre, inside for the day.
you sat on the couch with your hot chocolate in hand while you watched dacre start a fire in the fireplace.
“how are you not cold?” you ask, looking at his clothing which was just sweatpants that hung lowly on his waist, and socks.
“i don’t know, i don’t get cold easily like some people” he taunted and you glared
“sorry” you rolled your eyes and sipped your drink, finishing it then setting it down on the table next to you. dacre sat next to you and wrapped you in his arms and he jumoed
“oo! your hands are really cold!”
“i’m always cold!” you laugh. he takes your hands in his and blows hot air on them and then rubs them together
“did that help?”
“a little”
“go jump in the fire” he joked. you jumped on top of him and straddled his waist, placing your freezing hands on his cheeks “ah, no! get off!” you both laugh and dacre pins you to the couch
“we’re so opposite of each other”
“opposites attract” you smile and he returns it. he gets off of you and you sit up 
“it’s 2 o’clock, wanna make something for lunch?” dacre placed his hand on your pajama-clad thigh 
“can you make grilled cheese?” you smile at him and he looks at you, squinting his eyes a bit “pleeeease?” you say softly and kissed his jaw
“ohh, you know how to bribe me” he sighs and you laugh. he stands up and throws you over his shoulder, making you shriek
“woah! i didn’t know we were going somewhere or i would’ve packed a bag” you laughed and dacre put you on the counter
“you’re a nut” he knocked your head slightly and you smile. you grab his phone and go on instagram, and press the “start a live video” button. it counted down and you put the phone against the wall
“i went live on your instagram”
“but i’m shirtless!” 
“that didn’t stop you before, loser” he ran to go put a sweatshirt on and you got the pans ready “we’re making grilled cheese, because we’re snowed in and we can’t drive anywhere”
“ah what the ff.. fuck you!” you slapped his chest that was now covered in a maroon sweatshirt. he laughed and hugged you from behind, chin on your shoulder as you both looked at the comments “ ‘love from brazil’ “
“hi brazil”
" ‘where are you guys right now?’ “
“new york. that’s why it’s snowing” dacre says and backs away, going to prepare the sandwiches. he cooked the sandwiches and you two walked to the living room. you put the phone against the mug and you took a bite of your sandwich, moaning at the taste
“you should stop acting and become a chef”
“oh yeah, totally” he laughs. you two talk to the camera for a bit before dacre gets up, taking your dishes to the kitchen and then walking past you 
“where are you going?”
“i’m getting stuff for us to do!” he replies and goes upstairs. you furrow your eyebrows and look at the phone, reading comments
“ ‘if this is dacre’s account why am i seeing y/n?’ uhm, because you have eyes” you laugh and read some more “ ‘tell dacre to take off his sweatshirt like he had before’. i don’t think that’s gonna happen it’s cold ass hell”
dacre comes back down with Uno in one hand and a pore mask in the other
“why do you-”
“because they’re fun. don’t judge me!” he sat in front of you and opened the mask 
“remember, DON’T put it on my eyebrows”
“someone commented put it on her eyebrows” he laughed. he put some of he mask on his fingers, spreading it over your nose and cheeks “aw you look cuuuuuute!” he said putting it on your forehead “ok i’m done. do me”
“that’s what she said” you giggle 
“you are such a middle school boy” dacre teased. you climbed into his lap and put the mask in the same spots he did
“wow we’re so cute. couple goals” he said and you stared at him
“what did you put in your grilled cheese?” you laugh and he smiles and kisses you. you sit across from him and he shuffles the cards, handing you seven (7) and giving himself the same amount. he put a red card down from the pile and he nodded at you
“you go first” you sucked your lips between your teeth as you placed a draw two (2) down “oh, so we’re playing like that now, huh? watch me kick your ass”
“okay, fuck this” dacre slammed his cards down and looked at the camera “she’s cheating, i swear to god” you laugh and put the cards back “oh, well that’s not very nice”
“what?” you sat next to him
“the comments”
“oh well. who really cares”
“i do! you’re my girlfriend and i need to protect you from being hurt”
“well, taking off the masks will hurt me”
“oh, then you do it yourself”
“we need to take them off now, they’re fully dry” you peel yours off and your eyes tear up
“yours is so clean! i love my healthy girl” he smiles and kisses your cheek. you wet a paper towel and wipe off the excess mask. you sit on the coffee table and watch as dacre takes off his mask “ow. ow. ooowwwww. how did you not make noise?”
“practice” dacre stops and looks at you and you both start to laugh. he takes off the rest of his mask and you look at it “eeeeewwww, look at all the blackheads”
“shush” you wipe off the excess mask off his face and you two look at the comments some more
“ ‘she looked better with the mask on’ bringing someone down because you’re not confident in yourself isn’t a very nice thing to do. it can hurt, y’know” you answered
“alright. well, i’m done reading all this gross comments you guys are leaving about my girlfriend. see you guys later” he ended the video and posted it to his story. you sat in his lap and looked at him while he looked straight forward, eyebrows furrowed slightly
“dacre? babe” you turn his head towards you and he looks at you in a sad manor “hon, what’s the matter?”
“those comments”
“oh, don’t worry about those, monty. if they don’t bother me they shouldn’t bother you” you played with his hair and he laid his head on your shoulder and you laugh
“today was a great day. i love spending days like this with you”
“i love spending days like this with you, too. i love you dacre”
“i love you more, y/n” he kisses you and you smile, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
the comments that told you you didn’t deserve to be with dacre and you weren’t ‘pretty’ enough to be with him didn’t bother you
you only cared about the words that came out of dacre’s mouth, and those words actually meant something.
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Dear G,
I go through the same days now. I wake up from a dream about you. I lie in bed and think about you. I read my affirmations. I think about you. I get up and go pee. I think about you. I brush my teeth. I think about you. I journal about my sobriety progress. I think about you. I have a shower. I think about you. I put some music on. I think about you. I go to get my kids for school. I think about you. I eat some breakfast. I think about you. I get dressed for the day. I think about you. I go down the hallway to the elevator. I think about you. I get in the elevator. i think about you. I cross the parkade. I think about you. I get in my car. I think about you. I drive into my day and my life. I think about you.  Dreaming its you and me and there isn’t the terrible ending that we had. Or its something made up. Or if I’m really lucky my brain lets me experience some sort of memory of us. The other day I was dreaming about the time we went to that beach in Toronto and my car almost broke down. Except it wasn’t Toronto and we never left the beach and it was just us. Then I wake up and I realize you’re gone, you’re really gone, and in so many ways than just being 5000 or so kilometres away. I think of how I used to roll over and say to you good morning beautiful. Or I think of how you would try to wake me up and eventually you would succeed. Or I think of how I used to lay beside you and start rubbing your hips and kiss your neck and squeeze your little belly. So many things and times we had in the washroom together. I just always think about how I would lay my head in your lap when you went pee. Or how you would watch me when I went pee. Or how you would always ask me what I was doing and I would say going to the washroom and you would say aww my poopy bb. I remember watching you put your makeup on and kissing you from behind. Brushing our teeth together before we would go to bed. I’d always get your toothbrush for you and put toothpaste on it for you. Or how you would always tell me you cleaned the washroom and it was so nice and I would say thank you so much. You would scold me when I didn’t put the things away under the sink. How your stuff was so organized with the bathroom shelf dividers we bought from Ikea for you on one of our trips there. I think about all our showers that we had together. I think about washing your perfect brown body. I think about kissing you in the shower and peeing on you. I think about how you would wash my body too. I remember getting cold and trading the shower water stream with you. Playing music in the shower and singing and being silly together. Fucking in the shower. Fucking in the shower but going to the bed because it was better. How we always used to ask each other how our outfits were. That one time that I asked you if I was the most stylish boyfriend you’ve ever had. How we always had soo much laundry that we never folded. Sometimes we would just sleep with it. How you had so many sexy little panties and I would always want to smell them. How you would touch your pussy and I would whimper for it wanting to smell it too. The hallway where you would always shush me for being too loud when talking. For the longest time I would always have to guess at the key at our door. One day you got frustrated and told me to use some of your nail polish to know which key I had. I gave you the key to my place the very first week. I asked you to come stay and much as you wanted to. I really wanted you here all the time and I considered it your place too. Soo many times in the elevator kissing you grabbing you hugging you laughing with you. Going to or from places together. Living our lives together. Loving each other. The emergency press assistance button where we always used to put your Sapporo beer before going somewhere. How we would always snap coming back and you were a little drunk and dancing and we were both being so silly. I think of all the times we drove somewhere together and we would hold hands. I see you everywhere. I think of you no matter where I am. Everything in this city reminds me of you and us and our life together. Even when I’m not thinking of you the most random thing will just remind me of you, something we did together, the feelings I had at the time. Everything reminds me of you. I just spend my day going through these daydreams. I feel sad at the situation we’re in now because of me and my addictions that forced you to let go and leave. But you’re not gone at all. You’re still here in my heart and my mind.
I spend hours just going through our photos. In the process of doing that I’ve gone through and started editing my photos. Alot of really good photos that I’m now just starting to go through. I spend hours doing that when I come home. Was doing that just now. Even that reminds me of you. You always used to tell me that I was really good. I always liked helping you with your school work too . It does give me some sort of peace for awhile though, editing old photos, I go through them and remember each and every moment I took them. A lot of those pictures and alot of those moments are in relation to you, whether or not you’re in the picture, whether or not you were there with me. It doesn’t matter, it was always you. I’ve started two different instagram accounts to put all these pictures somewhere and since they’re in relation to you of course I’ve made both of these accounts about you and me and us. You’re gone now but doing these things every day gives me some sort of peace, some sort of reason to keep moving forward and not get stuck on the fact that I lost you and you’re gone. There is only you. There only ever was you. There will only ever be you. I just want you always. I will always love you. I will wait for you to come back. If its forever that’s ok with me. I will. I’m sorry that I pushed you too much with my VSCO and Spotify yesterday. I realize now that no matter what you were saying to me and talking to me about on your Tumblr and Twitter and VSCO and even Spotify I shouldn’t have pushed back on you so hard. I really just have to let you go now. Let you do you. I’m going to do me. I’ll have hope that one day we can be together again. But that day isn’t anytime soon just yet. No amount of pushing will change your mind now. You’re angry upset hurt and you probably don’t even want to see or hear from me right now. I can only say to you that i will continue to do all the things I’m doing but I will give you the space on those platforms that you need now. I really was destroyed when you took down and deleted all those posts and reblogs and VSCO collection things. There is nobody in my life, there is only you and there will only ever be you. It doesn’t matter if I’m with you or not. I just want you and nobody else. That will always be the case. 
The one thing that really brought a light to my day today was one thing though. After all that self hatred, self anger, desperation last night after reading your Tumblr post I was just so low. I went to bed and told myself I wouldn’t look at your socials until tomorrow. Today I had my first traditional healing session as a part of my outpatient program. I don’t know how much I got from it but it did help me stay focused and centred. After that I did check on your VSCO once because I wanted to see one thing. I wanted to see if you still had the miss you xx post that I sent to you in December. I wanted to see if you deleted that. I didn’t want to find out but I forced myself to. It was still there. You didn’t delete it. The picture that I sent you that you posted on Christmas Day with the caption xx. The picture that I later posted myself later after seeing you that last time in my car in front of E’s place. Where i begged you to stay and gave you that promise ring. My caption was until I see you again xx. That one post that tied us together meant so much seeing that and its keeping me going. I feel that so much. I know that we are always talking to each other somehow because I just know us. I know that for some reason you didn’t delete that post. It means everything to me and that post is how I really feel. It’s how I felt when I took the picture and I sent it to you. Its how I felt when I posted it the day before you got on a plane and left. Its how i feel now and will always feel. Until the day that I see you again. 
I go through your VSCO gallery and I feel every single picture that you’ve posted. I know each and every picture intimately. I’ve either seen them, been somewhere off the camera, or you’ve sent them to me before posting them. Sometimes it the fact that the picture was taken in the place we used to call home. You look so perfect taking selfies in our mirror. I just want to jump into the pictures. Other times there pictures of a moment that you shared with me like on the plane to back home or on the beach before or after surfing. Or maybe it was the trips you took with your parents. Or a snapshot of your life where you are back now again. Some pictures are of our moments together, our dates, our times together, our happiest and brightest moments together. A few of the pictures are even pictures that I took and sent to you.  Alot of them are the flowers that I bought you. It doesn’t matter that nobody else really knows all the life behind each photo. I do. Your gallery represents a life that i used to be apart of and I life that I so desperately want back to. If I ever make it back to you and us I’ll splash you all across my social media with wild abandon. I’ll be the happiest man in the universe. For now I’ll just watch you from afar and I’ll always wait until that day and until I see you again. 
The last message you sent me on VSCO was I love u more. VSCO doesn’t keep time stamps on the messages. It doesn’t matter. I’m never going to delete that message. One day I hope you message me that again. Until then I’ll wait.
I love you
I will wait as long as it takes
If that is forever that is fine with me
I want you and only you
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