#should be less harsh then Maya HAHA
alienrascal · 10 months
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Here's the completed 3D scene for uni. I wish I had to time to add more details, especially for the house and trees. But still pretty happy about the placement.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 3 years
And now for my negative thoughts on the past week and a half of emmerdale. Look away anon who hates this stuff...
The Chaddy wedding is still incredibly stupid and I can’t believe he just decided to do it because Marlon was talking about how terrible his Christmas wedding was. What a way to start that off. I just...I fear they’re going to go through with it and it’s just going to be torture. 
The Paul story is still...painful. I can’t believe they gave him a childhood seizure disorder just to relate to Liv. It’s just so absurd. And this whole thing with Liv and the seizures is just so annoying. I feel like they did all of this already and I thought they already decided she had epilepsy. It feels callous to say I’m tired of seeing her cry over it but because her seizure stuff has just literally never been about her and still isn’t, because just like brining her drinking back up, it’s just to further this dumb Paul plot. Just like her asexuality too. It’s just to get her involved with Vinny so that she can be a plot device in this Paul stuff. I just wish they’d actually at least try to do something with her that’s just for her. It’s very frustrating. And it’s like they remembered that there was no real reason for anyone to be keeping quiet about Paul to Mandy so they had to use Liv to throw another wrench it because it didn’t make any sense. I’m just tired of it all and it’s never going to end. Positives? Vinny has a nice singing voice and I enjoyed Eric being like “I don’t know who the fuck this guy is” to Paul in the cafe. 
Let’s see...the Malone story? Also still terrible. Haha. I mean Harriet is just not meant to be this much of a main character. Let us be free! I really hope all of this new vicar stuff leads her to just go away or at least take a major back seat. The body exhumation stuff is...ridiculous but it’s soapy so sure why not. This would all be more fun if it hadn’t been dragging on for so long and if it centered on just about any other character. Harriet worked so much better as just the cool vicar or the private eye who just popped up to calm down the Pearls and the Emma Bartons of the world and make a quippy comment and then go away. Also....I hate everything they are doing with Dawn. I want her to be free of all of this nonsense too. And I loathe the way they are punishing her for everything with this stupid STI/infertility bullshit. She was put in an impossible situation by her parental figures who got involved with Malone. She was the only one who actually just went to the police about him and then she killed him in self defense and yet she’s being punished this much? I hate it. 
The Al stuff...*eye roll*. I have a problem because I wasn’t watching when he and Priya really got together so I get it even less than I might if I’d seen that. They just really don’t know what to do with Al and they don’t know what to do with Priya either other than give her terrible men to date. Save Priya. As for Al and this whole “mystery woman” nonsense. First of all, it came out of nowhere and has been spectacularly bad. I’m 99% sure it’s just going to be Kim because she’s also supposed to be having an affair and they’ve mentioned her enough times in relation to Al’s weird secret trips. And well...Kim/Al didn’t work the first time so why would it work now? I’m preemptively mad and bored already. It should be Chas. 
This Gabby/Leyla/Liam stuff still feels like too much and not enough. It went on forever and then I don’t feel like the resolution was at all worth while. I still feel like Gabby’s reasons were...underwhelming? Mostly because it’s the same thing she’d been saying from the start. There was never any more to it so why did we bother with such a long story? And Liam continuing to moan about the “accusations” is just getting a bit silly since literally nothing happened because no one knew about it and Gabby came clean rather quickly. I get him breaking up with Leyla. They need to do some real work on their relationship if they want it to actually work. But also, Leyla’s reasons for believing Gabby make sense due to the Maya situation and Liam was acting weird with Gabby over the whole stupid flowers thing. I don’t know, it just all needed to be better told and have a greater purpose. 
The Meena/Manpreet/Rishi stuff is...incredibly forced?! I mean I think they’re starting to handle Meena a bitter better in regards to David, in that we’re actually seeing them spend a modicum of time together but they’re still rushing it unnecessarily. All of the comments I saw in the live blogging about everyone treating Rishi like a child are absolutely valid. It was really dumb. Sometimes they just push him too far into the bumbling comedy thing and it doesn’t work. As far as Meena and Manpreet go, that’s where the forced thing really comes in for me. I just feel like they have this obsession with warring siblings and so they keep trying to make a set that works. Again, the Sugden brother feud worked because it was based on years and years of build up. You can’t just bring in a sibling like Meena or Mack or Billy for that matter and be like “look they have a traumatic backstory with their sibling and now they hate each other and are going to have a constant rivalry for no real reason even though the backstory was explained away and those shouldn’t really be reasons anymore!”. I was thinking back to Jai and Nikhil when they came in. They came in together and they clearly had a brotherly rivalry that you could see play out in the business and how different they were to each other and any conflict they did have was built to more naturally. Hell they did a better job with Ross and Pete and I was never crazy about that. I just feel like Manpreet is unfairly harsh on Meena for stuff we’ve only vaguely heard about instead of anything we’ve actually seen on screen so it doesn’t really work for me. 
Same with Mack and Moira. I get that he might not get over what happened when he was a kid immediately just because he knows the truth now but again it was like this big thing and then it was proven to be not that and now they’re just using it as a reason for Mack to show up and make snarky comments toward Moira about her relationship. I don’t know, I like Mack for the most part but he can’t just be that. Hopefully he’ll have some real feelings in this upcoming Charity stuff and that will round him out a little bit as a character. We’ll see. 
I think....that’s it? The Jamie saga was blessedly quiet in these episodes but with Kim returning, I’m sure I’ll have more to critique there later. 
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