#shisaku rp
kacatshi · 11 months
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Hello :) I'm looking for roleplay partners to write on Discord with. I'm 30F, she/her pronouns, and I'm looking to roleplay as Sakura Haruno. 18+ because I'm not interested in interacting with minors, sorry. That said, I am willing to write NSFW content, but don't come looking just for smut, not my thing. Plot above all. Willing to plot all sorts of AUs as well.
I have my own headcanons and background for Sakura. She is an adult woman and I will not be following Boruto canon. More information about some of my headcanons below, as well as some of the ships I'm looking the most forward to roleplay. If you're interested, please like this message and I'll send you a private message to discuss further. I am open to more than the ships listed below, too, as well as polyamory, so don't hesitate to give this post a like if you wanna discuss something else.
Per my headcanon, post war and after things settled, Sakura travelled on her own for a while with the purpose of helping villages in need with her medical prowess and also learn more about medical practices from other lands. She returns to Konoha after four years to implement all of her new knowledge.
By the age of 25 she's become a well-respected member of staff at the hospital and is rumored to take over as the next director once the current one steps down. Sakura is a Jonin and goes on missions as needed, but for now has no interest in leading a team of her own while her work to reform the healthcare system keeps her busy.
Also interested in plots where Sakura becomes Hokage, either the sixth because Tsunade steps down later and appoints her instead, or the seventh while Naruto still has some responsibility to learn.
I have no interest in roleplaying SasuSaku at all. Please don't assume Sakura is married or has a child at all without prior plotting.
I am interested in playing a multitude of ships. I've been roleplaying Sakura for a very long time and have accumulated a fair bit of pairings that might be considered 'crack ships', some more ~problematic~ than others. The characters I'm most looking are the following:
... And many others, but those are the ones I've been craving.
Thanks for reading! xo
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hana-akari · 11 months
@shisui-uchiha-anon continued xXx
Sakura’s lips pressed together at his question.
She rolled over how to answer his question. Should she just be out with it? Would it ruin what they had? She wanted badly to be able to hold him, and be with him more than just a friend. Shisui’s blindness came as a blessing at that moment. He couldn’t see the conflicting look she had on her face. Slowly, she reached out and placed one of her hands against his, and laced her fingers with his,
“No… There is no place I’d rather be than to be at your side.”
Sakura spoke softly, a blush rising up on her face. She lifted his hand, and placed it against her cheek. So he could feel the warmth of her blush, “You… You’re more than a friend to me. I have such deep feelings for you, and I wish to stay with you for as long as you let me.” Selfishly, she wanted to be the first person he sees when he gets his new eyes. Part of her feared he would no longer have need for her and cast her aside.
A smile lifted on her face when he praised her cooking, her practicing has really paid off. Just another little thing she did for him, “I’m glad you like it… I might actually make a good wife yet.” She chuckled softly,
“I have faith they will call soon, and I will be there for the whole surgery. I won’t let you go it alone.” She gently leaned against his hand affectionately.
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Imma get my Sakura on, don't mind me: ShiSaku, SasuSaku, Karin/Saku, Kabuto/Saku, KakaSaku, Kisame/Saku, Hina/Saku, Deidara/Saku @haruno-sakura-rp
ShiSaku: ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART - I’ve seen some really adorable fics for them, I’ve also seen them in a triad with Itachi and it is always fun to read that kind of dynamic with my faves
SasuSaku-  ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART - not my favorite ship, but I don’t know how much of that is because of poor writing and the forced nature of their whole romance in the series. But in fix it fics, absolutly.
Karin/Saku-  ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART - Sasuke did Karin dirty during the whole series. He knew about her feelings for him and used those to manipulate her and she deserved better than that. Especially when you realize the hell that she had to go through. 
Kabuto/Saku-  ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART - NOPE. Not touching this ship with a 10 ft pole. 
KakaSaku-  ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART - I could see it in an AU where Sakura is part of Kakashi’s generation instead of Naruto and Sasuke’s generation, but otherwise, hard no. 
Kisame/Saku-  ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART - not a romantic ship, but I could see Kisame taking on a protector role and caring for Sakura in more of a platonic way. 
Hina/Saku-  ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART - 10/10 adorable supportive badasses. I can imagine them training together as they both try to get stronger and then going out for tea or coffee afterwards and just being super cute together. 
Deidara/Saku-  ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART - I just don’t like Deidara. I can’t bring myself to ship him with one of my faves. 
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