#ship: leave the hurt behind ( ANDREI & IZOLDA )
andryuska · 6 years
14, 17, 26, 37, for izoldrei sorry about not reading it first
shipping headcanons // @intoxicatiing
Anything they both dread?
they both dread a lot of things tbh but i think one that is definitely shared between them ( and that neither are particularly good at talking about, bc communication?? izoldrei don’t know her ) is the awful, terrible combination of their other half needing emotional support in a really bad time and being afraid to be left alone, and at the same time wanting more than anything to be left alone. having that feeling is awful for both of them, and neither of shown any promise in helping the other through it, which means it is something to avoid —- for andrei for sure when izolda is in a dark place over something, he feels it very strongly, and gets that sort of knot in his stomach because he’s dreading how little he can do about it. they’re in general not doing great with having emotions, they gotta … work on that one.
What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
oh heck. andrei leaving for a really long time certainly puts an ugly dent in their relationship in one au, that combined with his trauma from the war, and the trauma izolda endures through luken when andrei is away and can’t provide the moderate protection he had then. that doesn’t necessarily break them up, but it pulls them apart enough that getting back together is something the would probably never fully happened, as the two are both individually in places where they really can’t be the rock that the other needs.
i think things that would permanently break them up would be if either did anything to harm the other’s family —- if andrei did something that izolda perceived to be harmful to jane, or if izolda did something that andrei perceived to be harmful to marya or nikolenka. that, or if either intentionally harmed the other. though they might still be married, depending on whether arrangements for an annulment could be made, but after that? i don’t think they could actually be together in a meaningful way, and instead would just kind of live in the same house and avoid each other. of course, both of these seem really unlikely, and though there are fragile part of their relationship, in general they can be pretty strong, these things would end them for sure.
How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
in general their relationship is not viewed very positively, and honestly, the only reason they probably don’t get more grief about it is because most people in society see it as an obligatory arranged marriage —- it would probably be eve worse if society knew that andrei had actually lowkey fallen in love with izolda. because of their difference in station, anyone in andrei’s circles will not only look down on izolda, but will view her marriage to andrei as sort of ruinous to the entire family —- a dark mark on the bolkonksy line, that they might even pity andrei for having the bear for the sake of important business dealings. that the two haven’t had children or publicly shown any of their connection is, if anything, a relief to andrei’s friends who might want to see him separated from someone who socially brings him down. the only exception i think might be with one of andrei’s closest friends ( like pierre ) who knew about andrei’s affection for his wife —- in which case, they might gain some very private support and approval.
the relationship of izolda and andrei’s family is … complicated. while andrei’s father strictly speaking approves of the union he arranged because it got him something, he doesn’t like izolda, and so he doesn’t like that she’s married to the son for whom he had once held very high hopes. andrei’s sister doesn’t approve the marriage at all ( though she might, if she knew how happy it made her brother ) because she has some very strong religious beliefs that certainly don’t go with izolda’s profession, and because she in general doens’t like people for petty reasons sometimes, and i have a feeling she wouldn’t love izolda. nikolenka might be the only one who does like izolda, from a somewhat guarded distance, but he’s like seven. all together, it just makes for some really awkward family dinners.
How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross?
for andrei, at least, there’s not a lot that he wouldn’t sacrifice for izolda —- he wouldn’t give everything, and doesn’t realize the depths of his feelings, but the things he would choose before her are pretty limited. he would probably give his life and well being for her, and would put himself in danger if it meant protecting her in some way. he would give up a significant amount of what he owns for her —- but i’m not sure that he would give up everything, and this is because he needs the inheritance he has in order to pass it to his son. so the deeds to his estates, i think, he probably wouldn’t sacrifice if he had to, though it would be an extremely difficult and drawn out decision. 
as for lines that wouldn’t cross, similar to what would break them up, i think the line for what they might sacrifice for each other most definitely lies with their families —- for both of them, family comes before each other, and honestly i think both of them know that enough that they would understand that line if they ever happened to come to a situation that tested it.
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andryuska · 6 years
👌👌👌 (oops who put that there)
send me 👌 if your muse would bang mine // @intoxicatiing
NICE GOOD CONTENT, andrei loves being close to his wife, let them have good soft nights of banging each other nice and slow, good shit
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andryuska · 6 years
ship tag drop ( bc all mine ?? disappeared ?? )
ship: the snow in the moonlight ( ANDREI & NATASHA ) ship: would have been ridiculous ( ANDREI & ANATOLE ) ship: leave the hurt behind ( ANDREI & IZOLDA ) ship: i’ll be your bridge o’er troubled water ( ANDREI & FINNICK ) ship: he takes his hand ( ANDREI & LUCIAN ) ship: i can’t get used to something so right ( ANDREI & RAFAEL ) ship: if you wish to be my friend ( ANDREI & PIERRE )
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