sicnna · 4 years
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look !! it’s sienna de vries !! she’s my favorite a-list actress with 78.6M followers, even though she’s only twenty-one. i heard she can be mercurial and jaded, but i think she’s captivating and conscientous. when i first saw her, i could’ve sworn she was ester expósito, but i’m sure she’s heard that before.
FULL NAME: sienna  de  vries  .
BIRTHDAY: september  27 ,  1998  .
ZODIAC: libra . 
NICKNAMES: si  ,  blondie  ,  short stack  .
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5′4  , 104 lbs.
TATTOOS:  a  simple  crescent  moon  on  her  shoulder  .
BASIC STYLE:  usually  consists  of  v  soft  ,  feminine &  parisian  pieces  ,  intermixed  with  more  glamoured  looks  for  events  &  work  .
USUAL EXPRESSION:  typically  smiling  ,  or  wearing  a  detached  ,  far  off  look  .
TRAITS: +captivating  ,  +conscientous  ,  -mercurial  ,  -jaded  .
FEARS:  disappointing  others  ,  failure  ,  but  also  not  the  hugest  fan  of  heights  .
AESTHETIC:  breezy  sundresses  ,   delicate jewelry  ,  stacks  of  unread  scripts  ,  whirlwind  getaways  ,  enjoying  a  glass  of  wine  while  trying  out  a  new  recipes  ,  french  cafes ,  slow  kisses  along  collarbones  ,  bright  camera  flashes  ,   seeing  your  bed  after a long  day  .
TRIGGERS:  super  brief  mentions  of  cancer  &  loss  of  a  loved  one  .
LUNA BETANCORT &  SILAS DE VRIES WELCOME A  BABY GIRL !  ....   it  was  all  the  headlines  had  read  the  week  after  september  27  ,  1998  when  sienna  was  born  to  the  a-list  power  couple   (  an  actress  and  a  major  league  baseball  player  ,  respectively  )  .
sienna  was  born  in  the  limelight  ,  but  has  been  acting  since  the  tender  age  of  three  .  her  first  role  was  a  small  cameo  in  one  of  her  mother’s  feature  films  and even  though  she  didn’t  understand  it  all  at  that  age  ,  she  was  in  awe  of  it  . 
so  she   grew  up  on  film  sets  .  at  age  four  she  began  a  stint  in  a  long  running  sitcom  and  even  had  a  beloved  character  catch  phrase  (  which  i’m  still  working  out  but  rn  we’re  stealing  ‘  you  got  it  dude  ’  from  full  house  )  . 
during  the  middle  of  her  stint  on  the  sitcom  ,  sienna’s  sight  had  shifted  to  movies  ...  it was  around  this  time  her  mom  had  first  started  getting  sick  and  sienna  was  channeling  that  energy  into  her  parts  .  people  started  thinking  of  her  as  this  young  ,  little  acting  prodigy  (  reminiscent  of  a  young  dakota  fanning  )  and  couldn’t  fathom  how  someone  so  sweet  &  timid  could  just  switch  into  these  darker  roles  after  barely  reading  a  script  ,  let  alone  cry  on  cue  .  she  earned  her   first   sag  award  at  the  age  of  8  .
when  the  sitcom’s  run  had  ended  ,  sienna  was  now  free  to  start  acting  in  more  movies  ,  her  talent  allowing  her  to  star  in  movie’s  along  some  serious  hollywood  actors  and  heavyweights  .  the  young  girl  was  smart  and  far  beyond  her  years  ,  soaking  every  bit  of  it  in  .  it  paid  off  a  few  years  later  when  she  won  her  first  oscar  for  best  supporting  actress  at  the  age  of  11  ,  becoming  the  third  youngest  in  any  category  to  do  so  .  she  was  nominated  for  best  actress  8  years  later  and  while  she  won  several  words  that  season ,  people  were  v  surprised  about  her  losing  out  at  the  oscars  .  that  time  ,  though  ,  was  incredibly  bittersweet  .  she’d  lost  her  mom  to  breast  cancer  in  the  years  prior  and  she  definitely  brought  the  room  to  tears  when  she  got  choked  up  during  an  acceptance  speech  talking  about  how  it’d  been  such  a  shared  love  between  the  two  and  how  she  just  wanted  to  make  her  proud.  
ummm  just  finished  playing  katniss  everdeen  in  the  hunger  games  ( jlaw whomst ?? )  and  she  has  a  movie  coming  out  in  september  that  people are  speculating  will  finally  cinch  her  that  first  oscar  win  .
super  dedicated  to  anything  she  throws  herself  into  .  people  like  to think  she’s  some  sort  of  diva  bc  of  her  impressive  catalog  of  roles  and  how  long  she’s  been  in  the  public  eye  but  she’s  probably  the  farthest  from  it  ??  she’s  enjoyable  to  work  with  and  has  this  sort  of  magnetic  thing  about  her  that  effectively  draws  people  in  and  just  ...  good  energy  .
if  you  haven’t  sensed  it  yet  she  tends  to  overwork  herself  and  is  often  super  tired  bc  of  how  thin  she  spreads  herself  with  projects  and  wanting  to  please  her  fans  .
still  ,  its  rare  not  to  see  a  smile  on  her  face  .  she’s  a  media  darling  and  definitely  has  that  golden  girl  sort  of  vibe  going  on  .  
it’s  not  surprise  that  she  can’t  go  anywhere  without  paparazzi  being  quick  to  find  out  and  its  definitely something that frustrates her ??  she’s  never  had  a  normal  life  and  as  much  as  she  thinks  about  all  the  things  she’s  missed  out  on  ,  she  also  doesn’t  know  anything else ??  she  feels  selfish  for  thinking  this  way  and  for  wanting  something  different  and  quieter  for  herself  ,  esp  when  so  many  other  people  aren’t  lucky  enough  to  have  a  voice  and  platform  ,  but  she  does  and  she  esp  hates  that  success  in  her  world  is  measured  by  the  amount  of  publicity  or  roles  she  gets  .  because  then  where  does  happiness  factor  in  ?  still  ,  she  loves  what  she  does  .
as  i  sort  of  mentioned  above  ,  she  is  v  conscientious  about  her  celebrity and  how  she  presents  herself  .  she’s  involved  with  a  bunch  of  different  causes  ,  v  philanthropic  and  all  about  giving  back  .  v  passionate  about  animals  ,  especially  elephants  !  she  does  a  lot  work  with  them  and  sanctuaries  after  a  movie  role  she   had  a  couple  years  back  and  wanting  to  learn  more  .
loves  to  cook  and  just  have  quiet  time  with  friends  in  between  busy  schedules  .  she’s  incredible  loyal  and  considerate  with  friendships  ,  but  can  be  very  short  and  maybe  even  a  bit  petty  when  she’s  hurt  .
ummmm  libra  sun ,  sagittarius  moon  ,  &  cancer  rising  !  
probably a hufflepuff lbr 
and  i  was  just  talking  about  this  yesterday  so  i’ll  add  that  si’s  love  language  is  physical  touch  with  quality  time  being  a  v  v  close  second  and  i  think  that  speaks  volumes  about  the  kind  of  person  she  is  /  her  values  ??  she’s  just  v  affectionate   and  intimate  moments  away  from  the  camera  when  her  agent  isn’t  blowing  up  her  phone  and  she  can  just  connect  with  someone  else  are  some  of  her  favorite  .  
man   idk  i’ll  maybe  add  more  here  later  but  this  is  a  lot  already  .  i  just  love  her  and  hope  you  will  to  !
any  &  all kinds of  friends ,  former co-stars  (  bonus  points for  anyone she was on the sitcom with  )  .
a roommate:  as  requested  here  !
fake  friend:  someone  who  simply  just  wants  to  be  her  friend  and  be  seen  with  her  for  clout  !
industry rival:   sienna  and  your  muse  bump  heads  every  time  they’re  in  close  proximity  of  one  another  .  whether  it  was  because  of  that  time  they  sold  sienna  out  for  a  story  ,  a  party  snub  ,  or  that  one  time  one  wore  it  better  ,  no  one  really  knows  what   it  was  that  started  sienna  and  muse’s  dislike  for  the  other  .  but  the  media  thrives  off  of  the  rumors  of  the  feud  .  (  fellow  a-lister  or  b-lister  preferably  !!  )
friend for the camera: being  friends  with  your  muse  is  one  of  sienna’s  most  exhausting  acting  jobs  to  date  .  they’re  often  seen  hanging  out  at  events  or  talking  about  each  other  in  interviews  like  they’re  great  friends  ,  when  really  it  couldn’t  be  further  from  the  truth  .  behind  the  scenes  these  are  two  people  who  simply  cannot  stand  each  other  .  they’re  thorns  in  each  other’s side  and  often  bring  the  other’s  blood  to  a  boil  when  the  cameras  aren’t  turned  their  way  .  is  the  good  publicity  really  worth  this  headache  of  a  contracted  friendship  ?
the up & comer:  while  your  muse  may  be  just  starting  out  in  hollywood  ,  sienna’s found  herself  taking  a  quick  liking  to  them  ,  and  is  often  there  to  lend  encouragement   or  advice  on  how  to  navigate  fame  .
the almost: sienna  and  your  muse  maybe  v  recently  dated  and  both  had  pretty high  hopes  for  the  relationship  .  they  were  really  into  each  other  but  one  thing  after  another  happened  .  they  fought  a  lot  ,  their  busy  careers  left  them  with  conflicting  schedules  ,  and  soon  enough  what  started  off  as  a  genuine  connection   became  a  much  too  publicized  relationship  .  after  one  fight  in  particular  ,  they  mutually  decided  the  relationship  was  no  longer  going  anywhere  and  they  broke  it  off  . 
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jacemontgomery · 4 years
look !! it’s jace montgomery !! he’s my favorite a-list actor with 34.3M followers, even though he’s only twenty-one. i heard he can be vexatious and egotistical, but i think he’s ambitious and jocular. when i first saw him, i could’ve sworn he was noah centineo, but i’m sure he’s heard that before.
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Hellooooo. My name is Ali, but we’re not gonna talk about me, so.... this is my butthead Jace. He used to be a sweetheart (and still can be rarely), but the spotlight turned him sour. Let’s see… .
Jace’s full name is Jason Oliver Montgomery, but do not call him Jason. He has never gone by that name (save for maybe once as a wittle child???) and will not answer to it. There may be a rare couple exceptions.
Born October 31st! Halloween baby, man. Grew up in Seattle, Washington.
Jace and his parents made the permanent move to LA when Jace made his way into the business as a child actor at age 11, but he still spent plenty of time visiting his grandparents.
His father (Brooks Montgomery) is also in the business and travels a lot, so he’s not around super often, but the relationship is still okay between them.
He was raised mostly by his mother (Lori) with the help of his grandparents (Maeve and Albert), spending a lot of time with his grandfather listening to jazz music.
Jace loves and cherishes jazz, but at this point in his life, he would never tell a soul. Not his aesthetic, ya feel?
His grandpa Al was always, always teaching him to know who he truly is and stick to it, never let the spotlight change him, and always remember his morals. Jace adored his grandfather and took his words as law. He worked hard to remain humble and remember who his grandfather taught him to be as a man, until....
Jace’s attitude went south around the same time his grandfather’s health declined and he eventually passed. Ever since, that sweet little Montgomery boy has rarely been seen. RIP. Welcome, Asshole Jace.
This boy no longer gives a fuck about anybody (okay, there MAY be one or two out there rn, buT HE’LL NEVER SQUEAL). It is Jace against the world now, and he will burn it to the ground... when he’s not charming it up for the cameras and his fans lol.
He does, however, have a tendency for bad publicity. Typically little scandals and hookups and perhaps a bar fight or two ?? who knows??? Like we established, he doesn’t give a fuck.
Jace recently had more than his share of negative publicity, so now his publicist is working on a way to fix it. lolol bless this person
Jace is Spider-Man! Most recent claim to fame! He starred in The Amazing Spider-Man (maybe a year or two ago???), and now production is getting ready to start for the show Edge of Spider-Verse.
Ummm I think that should be good to start with? I’ll try to work on an about page for him. :D Anyway, I’d love to plot, so come at me! I have a couple (not well thought out) ideas, but I’ll def need some help brainstorming.
wanted connection here for ex-girlfriend
brother from another mother?? best buds that are seen together all the time. they party and support each other’s careers and shit talk... and even if they have a spout and don’t talk for a while, they pick up right where they left off
punching bag aka the person jace takes his frustrations out on. like this poor person probably always catches him in a bad mood (okay he’s always in a bad mood these days but sTILL)
the “never working together again” as tagged by the paps bc there are great stories of how terribly things went on set with these two
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rydcrisms · 4 years
look !! it’s RYDER ABBOTT !! he’s my favorite A-LIST ACTOR with 29.9m followers, even though he’s only twenty-four. i heard he can be artificial and ascetic, but i think he’s insightful and steadfast. when i first saw him, i could’ve sworn he was TYLER POSEY, but i’m sure he’s heard that before.
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helloooo babes ! if we haven’t met yet, i’m karis & this is my trash son ryder and he’s been floating around in my head for about 4 years now ( since the start of the og shine ) so explaining who he is may be a bit of a wild ride !
his mom was an aspiring actress ( and now his recently fired momager hA ) , his dad is a well-known director ( that’s why he got a name that sounds like it belongs to a clint eastwood character ) , and he has two younger siblings
this boy has been acting practically since birth ( those huggie commercials from the 90′s ? yup, he was in those ) and basically lost any sense of control because his life was constructed for him
that sorta led to him becoming very strict about how he lives/controls himself because it at least grants him some kind of power, even if it’s just over himself ! homeboy has control issues !
outwardly, he doesn’t seem nearly as disciplined as he actually is because of the need to build a pr rep … he’s always thinking about how people are going to perceive him and how that, in turn, affects his status … 90% of the time , he pretends like he’s playing a character/alter ego when he’s supposed to be ‘ himself ’
to the public he’s a charismatic , likable hollywood prince who has his moments of crazy behavior ! that’s p much the current narrative thanks to him and his pr team !
but as we learned from wizards of waverly place : everythin is not what it seemS
uhhh he’s p disillusioned with the hollywood life bc he’s been living that his whole entire life but he knows he gotta play the game
he’s a total workaholic woW it’s kinda crazy he’ll be the last to leave set and the first to get there
catch him tryin to eventually cop that oscar ! lookin to do a biopic of gregory peck next !
during almost all of his conversations , he’s trying to get to know people and figure out how their mind works … what makes them tick and all that
he is sO SO observant and calculating he likes dealing with facts and weighing outcomes
homeboy is lowkey a snake and knows it
he’s like an onion … he has layers … it takes a longass time for him to trust anyone enough to let them see past his chill exterior and into that darker, conniving side of him
and then underneath THAT he’s p ashamed of how relentlessly ambitious he is and is a SOFTIE
umm he also loves classic movies ( he’s probably seen casablanca more times than anyone else he knows ) and also nice watches ( peep his collection of rolexes )
i think that’s the gist of it :~) i am HYPE ! let’s plot if we haven’t already !
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halilcd · 4 years
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look !! it’s delilah knox !! she’s my favorite b-list actress/singer with 564K followers, even though she’s only twenty-one. i heard she can be distracted and naive, but i think she’s sincere and hardworking. when i first saw her, i could’ve sworn she was maia mitchell, but i’m sure she’s heard that before. 
delilah knox is the queen of facades. to the public, she’s america’s sweetheart. sweet as sugar, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, an excellent role model for young people to follow with an incredible work ethic ! an idea that shine love to push as much as they can
to her stans, she’s confident and loves to have a good time. a total independent woman who doesn’t need a man ! lovable, friendly and incredibly optimistic. an open book and loyal to the end.
to her friends and family she’s honest, reliable and very happy-go-lucky. dedicated to her work and so grateful for the life she has. a true lover not a fighter type. a little sassy. incredibly flirtatious. a major party animal. a bit of a liability when drunk. will open her door for anyone who needs it, even her worst enemy if she had to. the biggest supporter for anyone she loves and there are a lot ! can be a bit of a drama queen at times but they love her for it anyway. 
behind closed doors, she’s actually incredibly insecure and relies heavily on the attention she receives from fans, her friends and random hook-ups she gets with in nightclubs. you might not notice unless you properly paid attention but she’s rarely ever home alone for more than an hour, especially at night. has major abandonment issues which is why she tries to make sure everyone feels wanted and supported. not independent and only tries to remain single to avoid more heartache than she’s already suffered. her bright smile hides the true pain she feels. 
as for her work, delilah has always been a lover of acting. it’s her one true passion in life and has been since her grandmother took her to her first acting class as a child after having to watch her hyperactive granddaughter put on play after play in the living room. singing is something she found later after hearing her acting teacher tell a fellow student that in the industry it’s helpful to have multiple talents including singing and dancing so she got classes in both. acting still comes first but when she fancies, she releases music.
she and her brother jacob were both raised by their grandparents after their father died and their mother ran out on them, unable to handle the grief of losing her soulmate and raising their two children alone. while delilah doesn’t hold this against her mother, she can’t help but blame herself for this happening. the source of her abandonment issues.
other information - she’s a major animal lover, especially dogs. she’s a people pleaser. lives for astrology and gives off major leo vibes. she’s a true crime enthusiast. believes strongly in aliens. despite her insecurities and abandonment issues she’s still a hopeless romantic and dreams of having a family one day. definitely a summer person. a major bad influence on her friends. lives for anything cute and pink. her fashion sense is either incredibly cutesy and pastel or major baddie vibes. she’s small and petite. always wearing high heels. always one glass of wine away from bleaching her hair. adores paris and is learning french. she loves herself a bad boy like if they seem unattainable, they’ve got delilah’s attention. 
there’s probably more but at this point it’s easier to just be delilah than explain delilah so let’s see what happens.
if you want to plot hmu on here or discord and i have some plot ideas.. not many but a few here (they’re song themed.. idk i guess that’s my vibe lmao)
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xcvian · 4 years
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look !! it’s xavian shah !! he’s my favorite d-list musician/model with 32K followers, even though he’s only twenty-three. i heard he can be irresponsible and an egomaniac, but i think he’s spontaneous and dynamic. when i first saw him, i could’ve sworn he was avan jogia, but i’m sure he’s heard that before.
i’d like to introduce you all to my problematic son.
first thing’s first, xai’s an ass. his priorities are himself, himself and himself. he takes being a rockstar to the extreme... if we’re honest, he takes just about everything to the extreme.
he’s the drummer in an up and coming band and he’s incredibly talented at what he does. he likes to claim he’s a musical genius due to his ability to play a large majority of instruments and being self taught. his band hate him because he likes to point out how much better he is than them and how they’d be nothing without him. not just due to his talent but also because he ‘works hard getting their name out there’ by being a douche.
his antics include but aren’t limited to getting wasted on various substances, not just alcohol. trashing hotel rooms. sleeping with anyone and everyone. getting into very public altercations. causing chaos... if he can do it, he will. anything to get his name in the headlines. all publicity is good publicity after all.
he’s the ‘bad boy’ of the group and the ‘heartbreaker’. considering he’s a pretty attractive guy, it’s not hard to imagine how much attention he gets from their fans which only boosts his ego even more... didn’t think it could get any bigger but somehow it does.
he was born and raised in doncaster, england in a loving family environment with his mum, dad and two sisters. and as you’d probably expect, even growing up he was a bit of a troublemaker and did whatever he could to get attention like acting up in class and doing things he definitely shouldn’t have been.
the thing is, xai really truly doesn’t care about anyone’s opinion but his own. like some will claim they don’t care but deep down it’s all they can think about but xai really doesn’t. his mind is purely on himself and he loves himself so in his mind, everyone else can fuck off. and anyway, whether people love or hate him, they’ve still got his name in their mouths so he still wins.
he is incredibly charming and manipulative and will use anyone to get what he wants. if you have a higher fame level than him, he will try his best to use you to his advantage to grow up the ranks. and he’ll drop you just as fast when you’re of no use to him. you think he cares if he hurts someone? nah, does he fuck!
xai is a big ol’ torment. like if he knows he’s pushing someone’s buttons and winding them up, he’s going to keep going and keep pushing until they blow up.
as much as xai loves his appearance, don’t think he’s afraid of getting into a fight. if anything, he loves it more when he’s all bloody and bruised because it makes him look ‘punk rock’ and edgy.
there’s a huge possibility that he has sociopathic tendencies... probably narcisisstic tendecies too.
he has a heart of stone so if he gives a shit about you, you’re either extremely special or extremely unlucky because satan boy likes you. though don’t think you’ll be able to use those few people as ammo against him, he’ll act like they don’t exist before ever showing anyone a sign of weakness. 
his idols are sid vicious and secretly oasis. he also really enjoys noel fielding but like who doesn’t?
his style is a little out there like sometimes he’s v classic punk-rock but other times he’s quite flamboyant (e.g. similar to noel fielding’s fashion)
he has a very strong yorkshire accent.. think yungblud/alex turner/oli sykes/louis tomlinson vibes. also me but like you don’t know what i sound like (also i sound brummie but we’ll ignore that)
if i knew him in rl i’d probably punch him but for some reason i love him. my demon child!
if you want to plot or anything, hmu over pm or on discord and if have some plot ideas if you’d like to check them out here ! they’re all song themed bc idk that’s my vibe i guess
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cassiaq · 4 years
look !! it’s cassia quinn solomon !! she’s my favorite c-list voice actress with 87K followers, even though she’s twenty. i heard she can be indulgent and indecisive, but i think she’s magnanimous and empowering. when i first saw her, i could’ve sworn she was kaylee bryant,  but i’m sure she’s heard that before.
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cassia is very much a fan of city life, though she does fancy the idea of living out in the country (at least long enough to say she’s done it)
caleb solomon’s twin sister(ish)! she is older by 5 minutes.
cas was actually adopted at birth, abandoned by her bio mother and absent bio father
i’m thinking maybe a teen pregnancy??? mayhaps...
she was born on the same day in the same hospital as caleb, and the solomons decided they had plenty of room in their hearts and home for another sweet baby
upon the adoption, the solomons named her cassia to stick with their c theme and quinn as the middle name (adoptive mom’s maiden name). she was theirs from the very beginning and made very much a part of the solomon family. <3
even though they aren’t technically twins, cassia and caleb developed a bond very similar and have been pretty inseparable 
she would do ANYTHING for her brother. when he got sick, she was basically sick with him. she donated bone marrow to him when he needed it, and she absolutely refused to leave his side in the hospital for more than a quick trip to the cafeteria or bathroom.
she was never sure if she could do anything without him, and it wasn’t until they went to school on opposite coasts that she learned they could have their own friends and be somewhat independent
degree in graphic/digital design with a minor in business at state university of new york at new paltz
anywho, she is such a giving girl. she loves to show the people around her how much she loves and appreciates them with little gifts. 
through school, she has discovered a love of voice acting. she often volunteered her voice for her classmates’ animated shorts, and that is what kind of kicked off her rise to stardom.
a goooood chunk of her fans come from her brother’s fame - a bunch of his fans followed her because OMYGOD CALEB MIGHT SHOW UP IN HER POSTS, and some just ended up staying because cas is cute and dorky.
chose to use cassia quinn as her professional name to give a little separation between her and her more famous twin.
oh I mean a key part of her existence is her queerness?? she is Hella Gay. I’m thinking she’s been out since mid/late high school to most family and friends, but it wasn’t long after that when she just gave away all her fucks about anyone “finding out” or whatever, so she’s your local gay babe, drooling over the pretty girls (like i do lol)
ooh so she’s super new to fame/hollywood life, and she’s definitely going to be fangirling over some of you guys (probably most, tbh)
this is so long omg i’m so sorry, but congrats if you read all of it!!
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vcls · 4 years
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look !! it’s valencia ‘v’ rivera !! she’s my favorite c-list stylist with  192k followers, even though she’s only twenty-six. i heard she can be undemonstrative and impatient, but i think she’s illustrious and passionate. when i first saw her, i could’ve sworn she was ursula corberó, but i’m sure she’s heard that before.
FULL NAME: valencia rivera.
BIRTHDAY: september 14th 1994
ZODIAC: virgo
NICKNAMES: v, rivera, val ( by friends ), valencia ( parents ), cia ( by her sister )
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5′8, 130 lbs.
TATTOOS:  a few placed all over. working on sleeves
BASIC STYLE:  androgynous, more masculine than feminine, alternative
USUAL EXPRESSION:  resting bitch face or resting confused face
TRAITS: +illustrious,  +passionate,  -undemonstrative,  -impatient.
FEARS: letting her family down .
AESTHETIC: messy hair, under eye bags, takeaway coffee cups, scuffed up shoes, kind heart, unsent letters, 2am phone calls, late night adventures, long drives, worn leather jackets, doc martens.
TRIGGERS: negative mentions of her family, specifically her parents and sister
valencia comes from a very loving home. she knows she’s incredibly lucky to have the family she does, her parents are still madly in love with each other and she couldn’t ask for a better relationship with her little sister. they are her world. 
growing up, the family were just comfortable. some months were better than others money-wise but they knew that no matter what they’d be okay because they had each other. 
as a child she found it a lot easier to get along with boys than girls. she enjoyed the adventure and play style most of the boys around her had rather than the girls. like imagination games and moms and dads was fun sometimes but she loved play fighting and getting muddy more... a thing that drove her mum a little bit crazy but she wouldn’t change valencia for the world!
gender norms weren’t a thing that val stood by either. she loved ‘boy things’ like playing sports, fighting, watching games with her dad and just being rowdy but she also liked playing dress up, giving makeovers, baking with her mom and being sensitive. 
all her life, she knew she was different. she could agree with her sister about the cute boys in their magazines and on tv... but she couldn’t picture herself ever marrying one. her sister would have crushes on various boys at school and v never found herself feeling anything. it all soon became clear though. and her name was sarah. 
from the age of 10 to 15, val and sarah were best friends and she was wrapped around that girl’s finger. they’d do everything together and quite clearly adored each other. it was so clear to everyone except val and sarah however that val’s adoration was a lot more than just from the perspective of a best friend. and it wasn’t until sarah had to move away that val realised her true feelings. she was heartbroken. the two girls wrote each other all the time but val never felt right confessing her true feelings to her friend. there had been a few times where she’d tried to write it out but always decided against sending them. 
she told her family about what she’d realised. she was a lesbian. they all took it well, her happiness being their only priority. her sister was a little bit taken back and took a little longer than her parents to come round but she was only 13 and didn’t totally understand the whole thing. 
being the 2000′s, being gay brought a lot of bullying and homophobia her way. older family members in spain even writing to her parents to tell them they need to ‘get her help’ to which her parents kindly told them where they can shove their opinions and let her continue to find herself. a lot of the girls at school treated her like she had some kind of disease and would refuse to be around her which made her feel like shit as you can imagine but she always pushed through with the support of her family. 
eventually, she came across a group of kids who didn’t treat her any different and supported her, some of them even being the same or incredibly similar to her. they opened her up to a lot of new things. new styles, new adventures, new music. and she loved it all. this group is why she is how she is today. they taught her about androgyny, about doing what you want and not giving a fuck about anyone else and about always being open and welcome to other people, even if you don’t totally understand them at first. 
all these years, one thing about herself had stayed consistent. she’d always loved a good makeover. she was the one her friends came to for their hair and makeup for parties/dates and she’d be the one they came to for style advice and she loved that! she showed a lot of promise, as told by her drama teacher who often recruited her for help with costuming and styling for school plays. so as soon as she was able to, v went to beauty school and grew her talents. 
never in a million years would she have thought this would get her to where she is today, stylist to the stars! and an incredibly popular one at that. fame isn’t a big deal to her though, she just happy to have a good job in an area she loves and being in a position to help her family out. 
relationship wise, val has always dreamed of having a connection like what her parents have but so far, her few short lived relationships haven’t exactly shown much promise. sometimes she jokes that she’s terrible at picking girls since they all either only like her because she has access to celebrities, only like her because she has a little bit of fame they can use or they’re just not great people! she still secretly holds out hope though.
v has gained herself a bit of a tough outer shell after all these years of dealing with rude celebrities, catty competition and just general homophobia. some find it hard to get close enough to truly know her beautiful personality but those that do know they have a friend for life in v. 
in her spare time she likes going to sport games, experiencing l.a, drawing and painting and occasionally going out with her friends. she’s very into politics and often attends protests, this isn’t something she usually talks about though like she prefers to just do stuff than talk about how she is going to or has done something.
her professional name is v rivera so to the majority of the people at shine, they would only call her v or rivera. she likes to save ‘val’ for her close friends, who are also welcome to come up with their own nicknames and ‘valencia’ is something only her parents call her (or sometimes her friends when she’s in trouble) and ‘cia’ is something only her sister has ever called because she struggled to say valencia when she was a toddler.
sarah (this name can change): the girl who has always been a ‘what if’ in val’s mind. perhaps they lost touch and stopped writing to each other after a while? maybe they still write each other but just haven’t crossed paths again? maybe she also had feelings for val but was too scared to say anything or maybe she saw her purely as a best friend and we can find out her reaction to knowing the truth? maybe they could now be industry rivals and have to deal with the dynamic of their once best friend being competition? so much choice!
her sister: these two are as close as can be. they’ve had each other’s backs from day one and val would die for her sister no questions asked. 
best friends: your muse is one of the few in the industry who took the time to break down val’s walls and get to know who she truly is. you see the weird and wonderful things that go on in her brain and also the fire in her heart and embrace it all just as she embraces everything about your muse. ( would be open to probably 2 or 3 )
industry rivals: hollywood is cutthroat and there’s always someone better. these two have been head to head for a while. maybe they admire each other’s artistic ability and use that to better themselves? maybe they can’t stand each other and always want to one up the other out of spite? maybe they’re really good friends and a bit of healthy competition never hurts? maybe they were once good friends but the competition pushed them apart?
“boyfriend/husband”: this is valencia’s boy best friend. he’s her boy and if she were straight she’d marry the fuck out of him. they probably get each other valentine’s day gifts and make jokey relationship posts about each other on their socials. they have a lot of love for each other. they always wingman each other and bro out whenever they can. i also like to imagine val practising make up looks on him if she can’t picture how it’ll look on an actual person.
idk what to call it: they love to work with each other. so maybe an actor/singer/model/etc who whenever they’re given the choice will always ask val to be their stylist and if she’s available, val will always do it because they’re one of her favourites. they probably have a good vibe together and enjoy each other’s company and if they spent more time together would be great friends but maybe due to work they’ve never had the chance before?
ex-girlfriends: this has so much opportunity for plots and backstory so if you’re interested in this then we’ll have to talk about what went down and why things didn’t work.
exes who can’t seem to let go: (i’m v inspired by this song and need a plot like it) maybe they broke up because things weren’t working but they decided to stay friends because even though the relationship was wrong they still care about each other. and they keep trying to move on but everytime they see each other, something ends up happening even though they both know it probably shouldn’t.
flirtationship: maybe her and a straight girl or her and a boy or even her and a gay girl... they probably both know nothing’s going to happen but they enjoy flirting with each other. where’s the harm in flirting?
enemies: these two just don’t vibe together. it’s not a thing, it doesn’t work. backstory can be worked out but yeah, they’re really don’t get along.
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ofcalcb · 4 years
look !! it’s CALEB SOLOMON !! he’s my favorite B-LIST MUSICIAN with 10.2M followers, even though he’s only twenty. i heard he can be juvenile and melodramatic, but i think he’s vivacious and articulate. when i first saw him, i could’ve sworn he was KJ APA, but i’m sure he’s heard that before.
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hi hello ! it’s karis again and this is caleb , aka king of the himbos ... aka the human embodiment of “ ¿ por qué no los dos ? ”
( i say this bc he is somehow genuinely invested in so many things at once and his interests are ridiculously varied . he just ! loves things a lot ! for example , he thinks the bachelor is the fakest show on the planet , yet watches it religiously , and he cries shamelessly while watching roman holiday and yells at the tv while watching football ! he uses the word Bro as if it could be Any part of speech and also is very proud of how well he can do a dutch braid ! i don’t know how he isn’t constantly exhausted . okay , anywAY )
homeboy grew up in a fairly normal , middle-class household , loved musical theater and every sport under the sun , and was a pretty typical kid
he’s the proud life-long best friend/adopted twin of @cassiaq​ and their family never had excessive amounts of money , but there was plenty of laughter and love
and then at age 11 he was diagnosed with a nasty case of leukemia and his parents ( who were/are both teachers ) were understandably super freaked out
at least at first , he was pretty lonely and suffered under an intense bout of depression because facing his own mortality before he had graduated middle school was … admittedly the Worst
while he was fighting his disease during his pre-teen/teen years , he got into poetry ( aka sobbed while watching dead poets society & almost got in a fistfight while defending byron … while in a wheelchair )
oh , did i mention that he LOVED 90′s boybands ? because he definitely listened to the classics religiously . like the backstreet boys ? boyzone ? *nysnc ? 98 degrees ? he’d regularly tell his nurses that cancer couldn’t take 90′s music away from him
with the like . truly extraordinary support system of his family and a few close friends , he managed to brave the storm and , after three years of being in and out of the hospital and doing all kinds of treatments , he was given a clean bill of health
after about a year of readjusting to normal life and getting stronger physically so he could audition , he was selected to be in a boyband for shine ! which was one of his ULTIMATE dreams and something he pursued tirelessly !
in this period , his life goals really formed , which are to 1) give back to his family in any way he could because the cost of his treatments was truly a burden / caused a lot of tension between his parents and 2) carpe diem the hell outta everything
the boyband was suuuuuper successful for about 3 years and caleb was just along for this absolutely wild ride ! so when they decided to go on hiatus bc they were all exhausted and burnt out , he transferred from online university to a small private college in la bc he ... missed Normal School
he just graduated a year early and is now focusing on building a solo career with shine !
here are some random tidbits about him that may be helpful for connections or just a laugh tbh :
caleb is the DEFINITION of a ride or die . he’d fling himself into moving traffic for the people he cares about … and he may care about someone after one ( 1 ) conversation about how cars ( 2006 ) is a masterpiece
he’s still kinda like a kid because he feels like he missed out on so much of his adolescence and he loves being goofy and having fun ( think like … jake peralta or winston bishop kinda demeanor )
this boy hella cares about people . like , maybe too much . he’s not afraid at all to show affection, whether that be through physical touch or through words of affirmation … ( this is stolen from the 5 love languages ! i’m a white suburban Mom on the inside ! ) he will hug you ! he will tell you that you are brighter than the north star !
whether he means to or not , caleb can be a Big Flirt bc he loves giving and receiving attention . he wants to be friendly / make people laugh / make people feel loved more than anything , but sometimes it can get a little out of hand
he’s always down for a good time – and that can mean partying , or driving to get food and belting mariah carey on the way , or singing around a campfire . with too much alcohol , Drunk Caleb makes bad decisions and tends to hook up with someone. Sober Caleb thinks ahead ; Drunk Caleb does … not
he briefly dated one of mitt romney’s granddaughters … 
and also almost got into a fistfight with one of her cousins over politics . why was this one of the first facts i knew about caleb ? who knows .
anywaY, this is WAY too long,, thank you for sticking with me ! let’s plot ! i’m PUMPED :~)
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