oceansmotion · 1 year
The sleepy town of Wormwood
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A powerful witch has cast a spell over the town, isolating it from the rest of the world. Perpetually 1956, it exists in a stasis, unchanging over the years. No one has ever questioned the way things are, never thought about why nothing seems to change from year to year. Will anyone ever break free of the curse and bring Wormwood into the present or will it forever remain the same? I really love this hood and despite having so many issues with it, I still love playing it (and so does @nonsensical-pixels who is the one that inspired me to dig around to get most of the original files back because she was making me jealous). It's a little more silly but there are some pretty dark undertones as well. I know there's a couple issues but they really aren't a problem if you play the hood as a standalone or with non-PV subhoods. There is an overarching mystery/plot :) Who really is Moira and...is she really that bad? Is she actually evil or is there more to it? What's going on in the Moore house and why is there a strange smell wafting from it? The Tegan's sure are an odd bunch, is the picture perfect family of blonde hair and blues eyes a coincidence or something more sinister? Will Olive Specter finally find some good luck and love in Ocean Grisly? Sam Spyers is determined to figure out what's happening in Wormwood, but can she figure it out before it's too late?
There are 3 files included: Required, Highly Suggested, and Wormwood itself. The Required folder contains various CC that I used, almost entirely from Michelle's recolors from MTS (merged) + the Bespoke build set (merged), the (optional) Prison mod from Simlogical is not required but sort of ruins the immersion for two families, there are various plants from Parsimonious, fences from Smug Tomato Basket, more plants from the Castaway conversion site, the Sims 2 store sets, and unfortunately a really old merged buy mode folder that I genuinely do not remember what's in it other than a ton of Veranka's stuff. I don't think I used too much from this folder and most of it has the creator in the item descriptions. In all, it's about 1GB of CC, so it's not exactly that much. CC lite, I guess? Most of it is just to get the general vibe of the hood and can be replaced and even then, the bulk of it is simply recolors or bespoke wallpapers. I used this template from enchantedw0lf on MTS to create the hood. Townies may or may not be bald. No, I will not explain. As the first hood I've ever made, it has been through hell and back. I actually completely finished a more complex and involved version of it before managing to corrupt it due to a simple misclick in simpe and thinking I had a backup but not actually :):):) Then entirely remade it from scratch again but it was a hacked down version with fewer sims and simpler plot lines (rifp cowboy farmer who secretly wanted to be a pretty ballerina and had a room full of mannequins facing a stage where he'd dance for them). All this to say that I didn't make this hood 100% correctly and it has some...quirks. When I remade it, I forgot to disable stealth hoods (you'd think I'd have learned my lesson from this when I decided to make Natosi later lol), and I simply can't be bothered to delete townies n stuff. I don't have the energy or willpower to clean it up. The hood itself is still very pretty and fun to play, I think the odd quirks actually fit in perfectly and helps give the vibes I wanted for it!
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