#she's a criminal whose records are hidden- thanks to a government agent she knows well but isn't close with them-
thedemises · 3 months
. . .  STRATEGIC TWISTS! featuring kaoru takamura & krystian karmazin!
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contains! . . .  lowercase writing, use of the word monster (not in an insulting way..? i mean, its kaoru), pretty much none! notes! . . .  so... im trying out a new... this, whatever you call it— hope ya enjoy this lil drabble i made abt my two silly ocs :]]
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with her back to the mostly monochrome jester, kaoru takamura begins, “so,” after outlining her strategy in eliminating her archenemy. she knows that her opponent will employ similar unexpected turns and twists as she did, but thanks to her intelligence, kaoru came very prepared for any planned deception going through her path.
with two allies at her side (albeit only one was willing to participate, the other... not so much, but begrudgingly, they had no choice but to accept), kaoru is confident that the plan will be deftly carried out to guarantee her success.
the hot pink-hued woman turns around and smiles expectantly at krystian karmazin with slim intertwined hands in front of her torso.
“you got it, krystian?”
grinning resolutely—showcasing the two pairs of sharp canines that were different from the rest of his less pointed teeth—the taller individual standing at a freakish 7’6” (228 cm) gives the woman of mildly-wavy hair a thumbs up, expressing his delight in flawlessly executing the intellectual’s plan.
krystian doesn't exactly to do things precisely wrong, unless it involves anything to do with those cunning clever little rodents called rats and mice.
“got it!” he exclaims proudly, well aware of the role he has to play and the tasks he has to do in the plot—quite ironic considering his true thoughts about the plan.
‘got what??’
of course, it must've been tiring keeping up with kaoru and this nemesis of hers' plots with dozens of turns of events.
because, as told by a majority of others spoken around, kaoru takamura is an absolute monster when it comes to strategy. not one person has been recorded to have figured out or outsmart any plan she made against them.
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved. please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own.  ━━ word count: 293.
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ebaeschnbliah · 7 years
A metaphorical reading of  'A Scandal in Belgravia'
A while ago I wrote about the scene  'Oh, have you had sex' in TFP where Eurus deduces - based on the tune Sherlock plays on the violin -  that he probably had sex because she had sex to the same music.  The following is the attempt to interpret this event from Sherlock's POV in ASIB. It was great fun to do this. That's why the initially planned singele scene became finally  the whole episode.   :)
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(Source of PromoPic)
For a better understanding of the metaphorical storyline I changed the names of the  main characters:
Brain (Sherlock)
Government or the 'most powerful family in the country' or 'the ruling family' or ' the queen'  (Mycroft) -  the concept by which the majority of Sherlock's brain is ruled. Established by Mycroft. Based entirely on logic and reason. Has to be kept appart from any emotions.
Love (Mrs.Hudson) - the type of love the ancient greek called STORGE  It can be found between family members, friends, pets and owners, companions or colleagues.
Romance (John) - romantic or passionate love, called EROS by the ancient greek. Personified by the gods Eros and Anteros (whose image accompanies the title of the Pilot-Episode of Sherlock BBC)
Sex (Irene) - Sherlock's sexuality. According to himself he knew 'nothing whatsoever' about her existance before ASIB. Mycroft as well as Irene share this opinion.
Darkness (Jim) - Sherlock's dark side  The susceptibility for boredom. The desire for clever and/or dangerous distractions. The inclination for self-destruction. The death wish.
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A matter has come to light of an extremely delicate and potentially criminal nature. It's a matter of the highest security, and therefore of trust.
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It turns out that a member of the 'ruling family' misbehaves. The member in question engages in such a scandalous activity as ... sex. There are even documents to confirm this intolerable misbehaviour. Immediately Brain is summoned by Government to put an end to this scandal. Brain loaths to follow that command.
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And because it is always such a pleasure to annoy Government, Brain shows up completely naked, wrapped only in a bedsheet. What a fitting misbehaviour for this special case.  
Government: 'This is about Sex. What do you know about Sex?'
Brain: 'Nothing whatsoever. But Sex doesn't alarm me.'
Apparently Sex has no intention to blackmail Government. And only when it becomes clear that the whole case seems to be a sort of powerplay between Sex and 'the most powerful family in the country', things get interesting for Brain. Brain always loves a good game. This could be great fun. And so Brain puts on the disduise of a clergyman. The 'self-proclaimed virgin' visits Sex to retrieve the compromising documents (delete the memory of sex?). But Sex is well prepared and already waiting for Brain ... in the battle dress.
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Sex is highly amused and immediately 'attacks' Brain's 'virginity'.
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Much too eager to lay hands on the annoying documents, to ensure a quick and successfull operation, Government secretly sends in more agents. Agents who threaten to kill Romance and Sex if Brain doesn't unlock the place where the information is kept. That turns out to be a big mistake, because now Brain sides with Sex and together with Romance they put the 'agents' out of action. Then, according to the given order Brain takes the documents to transfer them back to Government. Sex doesn't agree. Sex is not willing to give up the information (delete the memory?). And Brain underestimates Sex grossly.
Sex beats Brain
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Brain gets completely high on neurochemicals (not unlike a drug) and is 'out of order' for the rest of the day ... and the night too ... Romance takes care of Brain. 
You’ll be fine in the morning. Just sleep. ... Of course I’ll be fine. I am fine. I’m absolutely fine.
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Government realizes now that putting Brain in touch with Sex to eliminate her threat had been a great mistake. But Sex has gone 'undercover' by now. And that's the moment when Government puts 'Bond Air' in action. Brain listens closely. Brain senses that Sex might be in possession of more things than just 'photographs'  (memories/thoughts about sex). Much more! Something really big might be coming. Annoyingly Government gives Brain an unmistakable order:
Sex is no longer any concern of yours. From now on you will stay out of this. ... Oh, will I? .... Yes Brain, you will!
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Then it's Christmas and Brain get's a present from a person who is a mirror for Romance. The gift is carefully wrapped in red paper, with a nice bow.
Dearest Brain. Love Mirror-Romance.   XXX
Wait! What? Love? Kisses? No, no, no .... Poor Brain just dealt extensively with Sex and now Mirror-Romance turns up with .... love???  That's clearly too much!
'I'm sorry. Forgive me.'
Orgasmic sound. Another gift also wrapped in red with a bow appears on the mantlepiece. It's from Sex. Wow! Both Mirror-Romance and Sex have a present for Brain ... with the color matching the shade of the lipsticks (Sadly the content of Mirror-Romance's gift is never revealed) 
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Sex sends Brain all the carefully treasured informations Government wants to have so badly. So Sex must be dead! Look Government ... there is no Sex anymore. Head bashed in. Completely 'deaded'. Now stop annoying me and leave me alone! All of you! Merry Christmas!
But I wonder if there's something wrong with me ...
Of course, Sex being dead was a lie. But now that Government is soothed, Brain has time for a another little experiment. What might happen if Sex meets Romance in the private and intimate environment of a disused power coplex? Just an empty shell now ... with no power in the electric wiring anymore ... therefore completely safe. (and oh ... the beautiful water there!)
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How might Romance react finding out that Sex is in fact not dead but very much alive instead? And what might be the result of Sex deducing Romance? Could be interesting.
Sex, do you know that Brain writes sad music. You must tell Brain you’re alive or I'll come after you 
I can’t, Romance. Brain will come after me
Fine, then I’ll tell Brain. But just for the record: we are not a couple and I'm not gay! 
Yes, you are!  And I am!
What??? Romance and Brain are already a couple? Sex is gay? Looks like rather unexpected things can happen when Brain lets Sex do the deduction thing. No wonder Brain looks a bit like struck by an electric shock. Seems this 'disused power complex' wasn't completely dead after all. It's not uncommon that electric wiring - carelessly abandoned for a long time - is prone to ..... short-circuits. :)))
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It's also no wonder that Goverment's agents are already waiting for Brain when he comes home/to himslef again. And now the agents are after that scandalous information more eager than ever before. They even threaten and torture Love. A very bad idea because now Brain really loses his temper and throws the chief-agent unceremoniously out of the window and onto the bins .... multiple times.  
Then Brain gets hungry and eats something nice out of Love's fridge.
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It turns out that Love has kept Brain's secret information safely hidden from the Government's agents.  
Love leave Baker Street? Brain would fall!
Later Romance tells Brain that Sex must have more information than just photograhps (memories) of sex on that device. Brain agrees. But Brain is not able to access any information. The case is locked.
'I AM ....... LOCKED'
Time for another experiment then ... to unlock the case. This time Brain and Sex try working together - reluctantly and cautiously - not really trusting each other - to solve the problem. Sex provides the information and Brain tries to make sense of it. Seems to work. But suddenly it's not about scandalous photographs anymore.
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It's all about an aeroplane now. How confusing. And alarming too?
Hasn't this happened before? When was it? It's on the tip of my tongue ....
While Brain is still evaluating data and thinking about Government and the mystery of 'Bond Air',  the now revealed information is secretly passed on from Sex to Darkness and then to Government. Government is clearly shocked and horrified learning about  this unwanted developemant. 
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Romance has left the building. Sex tries to seduce Brain but Brain isn't hungry. Love interrupts because Government summons Brain again. And Brain thinks he knows exactly what is going to happen. This turns out to be a very wrong assumption though. A plane full of dead people that will never fly nor explode = the appearing of a distant memory that can't be supressed/destroyed/controlled anymore? Because a carefully laid plan has been leaked?
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Government is full of sarcasm and disdain. He accuses Brain for being 'naive' and 'obvious'.
Months and years of planning .... everything lost ..... you were played by textbook .... Sex gave you a puzzle and watched you dance .... Sex might have you on a leash now .... then you'll be a prisoner of your own meat ..... is this what you want?  Or are you clever enough to avoid it?
Brain is rendered speechless and looks deeply affected by the unexpected turn of events. 'A matter of highest security and trust' ... Government had told Brain at the beginning of the case. And Brain has betrayed that trust utterly. Now Sex tries to take over Government by means of blackmail.
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Brain should have known how stupid and dangerous it is to get involved in sentiment. He should have known that caring is not an advantage. But he willfully ignored everything he had been taught by Government since childhood. Just behold the consequences now! The chemistry of love and sex - so simple and yet so distructive.
Thank you for the final proof, Sex.
And of course, lurking behind Sex - like a spider in it's web - is Darkness. 'It's coming to get you!' Almost - but 'no, you wont!'. This has been a very,very close call ... but no. Brain knows now how to 'crack the case'. He himself is the code. How stupid! That's exactly the reason why mind and heart have to be kept appart at all costs.
This is your heart ... and you should never let it rule your head.
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Brain unlocks the information - and without taking one look at it - hands it all over to Government who is very pleased and relieved. Brain apologizes for the inconvenience he has caused and leaves Sex in the power of Government.
If you are kind, lock Sex up. If not, let Sex go. Sex wont survive long.
Government tells Romance that Sex has gone abroad ... never to return again ... no, wait .... better tell Romance that Sex is dead. That's more .... final.
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And Brain keeps the now empty shell of the device where the secret data had been kept by Sex. But two different kinds of information were on it:
thoughts and memories of sex and
the 'Plane-Memory'  - still deeply hidden and heavily guarded
Government doesn't lock Sex away. Government lets Sex go. Into the desert. Why? Because Brain told Goverment that Sex wont survive long on her own and without protection? Government is not very kind then.
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Turns out that Brain is right. Sex gets indeed into mortal danger rather quickly. But then - surprisingly - in the very last moment Brain is there to save Sex from being beheaded. Sex stays alive and Brain keeps the knowledge of it deep in one of the many vaults of his Mind Palace. Government must never suspect that Sex is still alive.
Heavy rain poors down the windows of 221b Baker Street
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Irene texting Sherlock in TLD and John calling Sherlock a 'bloody moron' for not calling her back, is in that case a very good sign, I think.
Just text her. Phone her. Do something while there’s still a chance.
Could this be a foreshadowing of John's face when he finally realizes the truth about Sherlock: 'Oh, you are the .... one ... who liked the ....?  Ohhh!'
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I leave you to your own deductions.   Thanks @callie-ariane  for the scripts.​ 
Mai, 2017
@gosherlocked @isitandwonder @loveismyrevolution @sagestreet @monikakrasnorada @tjlcisthenewsexy @sarahthecoat @sianbrooke @my-strange-old-book-collector
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