#she was TRAUMATIZED waking up w a gash like that on your neck
lockedtowers · 1 month
‘would cassie have been better off if her family was in her life’ her dads the j/abberwock and the one who took her her conscious to physically kill her to unlock her powers its hard to say if she’s have the same level of trauma or worse trauma but she would have had a father who loved her. in his way. which is still kinda shit.
#out.#bc vas does love her#in fact he definitely loves her more than her twin brother#but shes also the one who has most of his power inherited#as well as her moms#being the first born twin and under a blood moon#and blah blah faerie bullshit blah#still does not excuse what happened tho bc she just got away from maddox#maddoxs deal made her forget everything about him so she was already confused and alone and injured#when he was able to mentally break into her head and take over her physical form#to bring her to the abandoned cabin in the center of the j/abberwocks den#in the forest#and cut her throat open#meaning when she finally woke up after being dead for a few days she not only didnt know what the fuck was happening#but she was covered in blood and alone with only the fucking j/abberwock outside#after everything that happened with jack like girl might have mentally adopted the jab/berwock not knowing thats her dad but#she was TRAUMATIZED waking up w a gash like that on your neck#everything hurts#all that pain all that fear all that blood#and for someone who has apathy ingrained into her to be that terrified just did not affect her well like ofc she got way too attached to#hat/ter immediately after meeting him she doesnt know m/arch and hatt/er were related she just felt familiar enough#with him to attach. shes a cat#trauma cw#abuse cw#anyways#man pretending to be her father abused her andnturned her into a weapon. man who only initially cared abt her to the point of fucking w vas#basically becomes a father figure and hes literally the executioner and his job is decapitation which he e n j o y s like she was doomed#girlie was doomed from the start
0 notes
screamxqueenx94 · 4 years
The Tell Part 1/ Teen Wolf Series Rewrite
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A/N: Finally got access to the show again nd wrote this in like a day lol! I'm working more, but I'll post as soon as I can
Bold= texts; italics= inner thoughts
Warnings: arguing, blood and a dead body
Charli's POV
I had just fallen asleep after I finished cleaning up the broken glass in my room when my dad comes through the front door.
"Charli! Hey, come down here, I got good news!" He calls cheerfully. 
I come downstairs, messy bun bouncing, zip up hoodie hanging off one shoulder and a pair of plaid boxer shorts I use for pajamas on, half asleep and rubbing my eyes. 
"Can this wait until morning? I just got to sleep." I reply in a groggy voice. 
"No, it's too good to wait." He answers happily as he shuts the front door. He gently, but excitedly, pulls me into the living room by my sleeve, then stops right in front of me. 
"I talked to the owner of the video store in town and he said he's hiring. Now normally, he'd only hire someone who's 18 or older, but I got him to reconsider and…" He explains excitedly as I just stare at him, eyes half open and barely holding my head up on my own. 
"And what?" I ask sleepily.
"... And he agreed to hire you!" He finishes. "I got you a job!" He holds his arms out as if he's one of those models showing game show contestants what they won. 
My eyes grow wider. Suddenly I'm more awake. "I'm sorry, what?" 
"I got you a job at the video store!" He repeats cheerfully. 
I just stand there in stunned silence for a moment. 
"So…you woke me up at--" I look at my phone to see the time, "11:36 at night to tell me you got me a job?" I ask sassy. 
He nods his head happily. I just turn around and slowly walk back upstairs while giving him a sarcastic thumbs up. I should've been more excited, but all that activity from today wore me out. I'll have to remind myself to really thank him in the morning. He really didn't have to go through the trouble.
I lay in bed, not able to go back to sleep. My phone pings for a text alert.
Isaac: hey, u still up?
I text back.
Charli: ya. wats up? 
Isaac: i was wondering if u wanted 2 go 2 the movies w me next saturday? 
Charli: sure :) id like that 
Isaac: great! I convinced my dad 2 let me borrow the car so I'll pick u up at 7? 
Charli: ya sounds good 
Isaac: great! C u then
I wake up the next morning, get cleaned up and head to my dad's office as he is finishing up a phone call. 
"Do you have a minute?" I ask when he looks at me.
"Sure." He answers as he removes his glasses. I step forward into his office, picking at my nails. 
"I'm sorry about last night, I didn't handle that well. I should've been nicer…" I sigh and sit in the leather padded chair across from his mahogany desk. "You went out of your way to do something nice for me and I was rude--" he cuts me off by putting his hand up. 
"Charli, honey. I'm not mad." He answers smiling.
My eyes shift. "Y--you're not?" I asked surprised.
"No, I get it. It was late, you were tired. I was just excited for you is all." He answers, putting his glasses back on and opening up a manila folder sitting in front of him. 
"I'm excited too though!" I reassure excitedly.
"You are?" He asks, looking up over his glasses with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah! Completely!" I answer back.
He smirks, takes his glasses off and reaches into a bottom drawer in his desk.
"Perfect!" He places an ugly purple and golden yellow button up on the desk and slides closer to me. "Because you start tonight!" He adds. 
I reluctantly take the shirt and set it in my lap. I look at it for a moment then look back up at my dad when he speaks up again. 
"Your shift starts at 3. They close at 11." He puts his glasses back on and looks at the case file again. "Dress code is jeans and sneakers." He looks up at me one last time before turning his attention back to the file. "Have fun." 
I trudge back up the steps and get to work on my weekend homework. I regret all of this morning…
Three o'clock rolls around and I'm inside the video store wearing my shirt open to show off my Rolling Stones t-shirt with ripped jeans and vans with my hair up in a messy bun. I'm greeted by my new coworker, Leveque, who gives me my orientation and shows me my locker. After that, we just head back to the counter and wait for business. 
Hours have passed and we've had maybe two customers, which was Scott and Stiles coming to bring me food and to rent some dumb bro movie. Meanwhile, Leveque is changing the flickering lights while I'm checking the returns and preparing to put them back on the shelves. 
"Dammit." I mumble as I get down to pick up the DVD I just dropped. As I hit the floor, the phone rings and the bell on the door rings to inform me a customer has come in. Fuuuck me…
"Can someone help me find 'The Notebook?" I know that voice. 
A few seconds pass, I put the disc in the box while on the floor hurriedly. 
"Hello? Is anybody working here?" Hold on, douche nugget. 
I pop up and set the box on the counter, making Jackson jump a bit. I let out a snarky chuckle.
"The Notebook, huh?" I ask, striding from behind the counter. "Didn't realize you had a sensitive side there, Jax." I reply sarcastic.
"Are you gonna help me find it or not?" He asks sharply. 
"Check the romance aisle." I tell him as I head towards the phone to answer it. 
He just rolls his eyes and walks the direction I pointed. "Gotta be kidding me." He mutters under his breath. 
I go to answer the phone when Jackson calls out terrified. 
"Charli! Come over here!" 
I run over to where he is and when I'm about to ask what's wrong, I instantly smell blood. I slowly turn and see Leveque laying on the floor with a big gash in his neck. I put my hands over my mouth. Jackson and I slowly back up and he trips over the ladder, making a lot of noise and making the lights short circuit. I help him back up, but as soon as he's standing, we both see something in our peripheral vision and slowly start to turn to face it. We look at it in utter fear, when suddenly Jackson grabs my hand and has us run and hide behind a horror movie shelf. 
Him sitting on the outside with an arm reached out to hold me back. Thanks, Jax, but I could've totally had this one. He sneaks a peek around the corner only to quickly whip his head back around. He looks at me with a finger to his lips when a bunch of movies fall on us. We cover our heads while staying quiet. Once they stop, he looks back again, only for the shelves to start falling like dominos. I start crawling the other way and slide behind a wall. When the shelves are about to fall, he jumps to the side only to get his legs stuck under a shelf. He lays there, clearly in pain, but remains still as the creature walks over him. The creature stands over him for awhile, which made me decide to come up with a plan. 
Why I'm saving him, I'll never understand, but I'm going for it. I crawl to the counter and quickly grab the emergency industrial size flashlight that's under the counter. I crawl back over to where I was and start flashing the light, making it look at me and I shine the light in its bright red eyes, scaring it away. It runs and bursts through the window as I hear a girl scream. 
I run over to Jackson to check on him. "Jackson?" Silence. "Jackson, are you okay?" He must be in shock. I lift up the shelf and throw it off of his legs. He's still breathing, but not moving. I focus my attention on the broken window, then I see Lydia in her car, screaming. I grab my phone out of my back pocket and call 911.
Lydia and Jackson are both being seen by EMTs while I'm talking to an officer, telling them what I saw. I stop mid sentence as I start to smell blood again and I become nauseous again, covering my mouth like I'm going to vomit. The officer looks at me concerned, then leads me to his cruiser and opens the door so I can sit down and puts a blanket over my shoulders.
Suddenly, the Sheriff's car pulls up. "Paul, let's get this area locked up." I hear Sheriff Stilinski say. I quickly jump up and start running towards him, when the officer who was interviewing me tried to grab me and stop me.
"Mr. Stilinski!" I cry out. He turns towards me and signals the officer to let me go. I run to him and hold his forearms with tears in my eyes. 
"Charli, what happend?" He asks concerned. 
I don't answer his question. I just beg him in panic, "please don't tell my dad! Please don't tell him what happened! He can't know! He'll make us move!" I'm in tears again, makeup running down my cheeks. 
"Oh--okay, Charli, listen to me, alright? Deep breaths." He coaches me through taking deep breaths. 
"Why don't you let an EMT take a look at you, okay? I'll be right over to talk to you… I promise." He calmly tells me. I listen and go see an EMT. As she examines me, I'm listening to Jackson complain. We just went through a traumatic moment and you wanna complain? Suck my balls, Jackson…
"Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine." Jackson bitches to Noah. 
"I hear ya, but the EMT said you hit your head pretty hard. They just want to make sure you don't have a concussion." He answers back, understandingly.
"W--what part of 'I'm fine' are you having a problem grasping? Okay, I wanna go home!" He sounds like a literal child.
I wince as the EMT pulls splinters out of my palms. " I understand that." Noah answers.
"No you don't understand! Which blows my mind since it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rent-a-cop like you!" Jackson yells, shoving his finger in Noah's face. "Okay, now I wanna go home!" He continues to scream. 
"Jackson! Shut the fuck up and show some respect for once in your life!" I scream back as I rise to my feet while the EMT was wrapping my hands with gauze. Noah looks back at me and signals to me that he's got this under control.
As I sit back down I hear a familiar voice yell, "Oh, whoa! Is that a dead body?" As other EMTs roll out a stretcher with Leveque's body on it, covered with a sheet and his arm hanging off the side. Fuckin aye, Stiles. 
I start to feel sick again. "Do you have anything for nausea?" I ask the EMT as I cover my nose and mouth with the blanket. She hands me two pills and a bottle of water. I take them like candy and chug the water like my life depends on it. After I finish off the water, I see Derek and Scott on top of the video store, watching everything happen. The hair on my neck starts to stand. I watch them leave and see a familiar face in the crowd. Dad…
He tries to come over to me, but an officer holds him back. "Dammit, that's my daughter!" He pushes through and comes straight to me. He wraps his arms around me and I just burst into tears. I hold him tight as his hand rests on the back of my head while the other wrapped tightly around me. He holds me until I let go.
"Are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened to your hands?" He asks frantically as he holds my face inbetween his shaky hands. 
"I--I'm okay… I just had some splinters from lifting a shelf off Jackson." I tell him quietly as I direct to Jackson with my eyes, making him look over at Jackson, who's still bitching about wanting to go home. 
He pulls me in close again, kisses the top of my head and hugs me tight again until Mr. Stilinski comes up to us. He relaxes his hold a bit and faces him, shaking his hand. 
"Ambrus." He greets.
"Noah." My dad greets in return. "What happened here?" He asks.
"An employee here was murdered and the kids not only stumbled upon the body, but we're also attacked." He answers, resting his hands on his belt.
"Well who did it?" My dad asks conceringly.
"We don't know yet, but Mr. Whittemore and Miss Martin described it as some type of man-dog creature. Mr. Whittemore said it had bright red eyes." 
My father looked at me with concern, but I just looked down at my feet and turned slightly away from him.
"Charli, can you confirm what they saw?" Mr. Stilinski asks. 
"I--It..it was d--dark. I--I couldn't tell w--what it was…" I stutter out, turning away from them. But I knew exactly what it was. An alpha… 
"Can you try and remember?" Mr. Stilinski asked again, stepping closer. 
I start to shake my head. Then my body shakes and I put my face in my hands and start crying. My father comes to me and puts his hands comfortingly around my shoulders and leads me towards his car. 
"Noah, I think she might need some rest. I'll bring her in another day to talk to you, once she's in a better frame of mind." My father insists.
"Of course. I understand." He then looks to me. "Get some rest, Charli. We can talk another time okay?" 
I don't look at him. I just sniffle and nod my head. My father wraps his arms around me again and leads me to the passenger side of his car. He opens the door and guides me in while slipping the blanket off me as an officer hands him my things from my locker. He takes them and puts them in the backseat, then comes around front and starts driving home. 
The car ride is quiet. I just keep my hands balled tight in my lap, shaking, not looking up. My father keeps looking over at me. I can tell what's going through his mind. He wants to move again, I know it. Once we get home, he pulls into the garage and shuts the car off. We're quiet for a moment as we just sit there. 
"It was an Alpha wasn't it?" He asks. 
I'm quiet, but I nod my head. He punches his steering wheel, making me squeeze my eyes shut. He puts his hands over his face and slides them down until one hand is back in his lap and the other is resting on the steering wheel. He looks at me and is quiet for a little longer. 
"Did he hurt you?" He asks. I shake my head. He exhales deeply. 
"Does he know?" 
"I don't know…" I whisper.
We sit in silence again. Too long. 
"Please don't make us move again…" I whisper.
"That's not up to you." He answers harshly.
"Of course it's not…" I comment back, still never looking at him.
He looks at me with anger in his eyes.
"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" He asks with fire in his eyes.  
"You know exactly what it means, Dad." I spit back, still not making eye contact. I pull the door open and slam it shut then head inside the house. 
He punches the steering wheel again and follows me in. By the time he tries to catch up to me, I already have my bedroom door locked. He knocks on my door. 
"Charli?" I don't answer. "Charli… I'm sorry, okay?" I still don't answer. "C'mon, Charli, let's talk about this...please?" He waits before he talks again.
"Look, honey I'm not mad at you okay? I was just scared…" I get off my bed and listen by the door. 
"I was scared because I thought I lost you…" I can hear him tearing up. "I already lost your mother, I don't wanna lose you too, okay?" I continue to listen. 
"If I lost you… I--I could never go on. You're all I have left. We are all each other has, I don't wanna lose that, okay?" I start to tear up too. 
"Look, if you don't feel like talking anymore tonight, I understand… but can you at least let me know that you're okay? Please?" He starts to beg. I stand up and unlock the door. As I open it, we just cry in each other's embrace, falling to the floor and doing what we should've done a long time ago. Letting ourselves cry. 
After I finish crying, I wipe my eyes and look at him. "Promise me that just because this happened that we won't move again… I'm sick of running, Dad." He puts his head down. "Dad...please…" I rest my hand on his. He looks into my eyes and brushes some loose strands away from my face and wipes away the last few tears trying to escape. 
"I can promise that we can try this out…" he pauses. "But my main concern is your safety. The last thing I want is something happening to you." 
I nod my head. "I know, Dad, but please… promise me we're not going to just run away anymore." 
He sighs, wipes his face, then looks back at me. "If we stay… then you start your training after school." 
"What about my new job?" 
"I have a good feeling you probably won't be going back there ever again." He informs me with a half smile, resting his hand on my shoulder. I half smile back at him. 
"Well, get some sleep, you have school in the morning." He kisses my forehead, helps me up and heads off to his room. 
I couldn't sleep a wink last night. I try focusing on getting ready for school, but I can't cover my dark circles to save my life. I just throw on a beanie again with a hoodie and jeans with my beat up converse. I say goodbye to my dad, grab my bag and start heading to the Stilinski house. Just as I reach their driveway, Stiles is coming out, keys in hand and backpack over his shoulder. He spots me and looks like he's seen a ghost. 
"Charli! Hey…" 
"Could you give me a ride to school?" I ask quietly. 
"Uh, y--yeah, sure." He speedwalks over to Roscoe and opens the passenger door. 
He helps me in, closes the door, then jogs to the other side and hops into the driver seat. He starts Roscoe up, backs out and heads to the school. It's a quiet ride. There's not even music playing and for once, I welcome the total silence. Just the sound of the engine. We pull into the school parking lot. Stiles shuts off Roscoe. 
"Thanks for the ride, Stiles." I tell him as I'm gathering up my belongings and reaching for the door handle. 
I push the door open slightly, only for him to reach over and pull it closed. I look over at him and he looks calm on the outside, but his whiskey colored eyes are drowning in worry. 
"Charli, last night--" I cut him off.
"Stiles, thank you, truly, for caring… but I'm not ready to talk about it. Not yet." He looks down, almost disappointed, but he turns to me and his eyes are filled with understanding.
"When I'm ready to talk about it, I promise you're the first person I'll come to." I reassure him, resting my hand on his that's resting on the center console. He looks at me with reassurance.
"Promise." I tell him, holding out my pinky for a pinky promise. He looks at it with a raised eyebrow, then chuckles and wraps his pinky around mine. We smile at each other then head inside the building.
"Just a friendly reminder, Parent Teacher conference is tonight. Students below a 'C' average are required to attend. I won't name you because the shame and self disgust should be more than enough punishment." Mr. Harris drones on as Stiles and I are sitting at our lab tables. 
"Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" He asks, putting his hands on his hips while eyeing Stiles who's highlighting literally everything in his book. 
I start biting on my thumbnail while Stiles looks up at him with the highlighter cap in his mouth. As I'm about to speak up, everyone's attention turns towards the door opening and in walks Jackson. He walks over to his table and sits down. Mr. Harris walks over to him and gets close to him and places a hand on his back.
"Hey, Jackson. If you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know." Jackson just nods his head. 
Mr. Harris then looks at me. "Charlotte, same goes for you too." I just give him a slight nod. 
Stiles looks at me in confusion and I just shrug to tell him I don't understand why he's being nice either. He starts walking up to the front of the room. 
"Everyone, start reading chapter nine." Everyone opens up their books and starts reading. 
"Mr. Stilinski…" Stiles looks up. "Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs… it's chemistry, not a coloring book." Stiles spits the highlighter cap straight up and catches it with ease. It's weird that I think that was kinda hot isn't it? Yeah...it is…
I start reading, but of course, Stiles is distracted. "Hey, Danny… can I ask you a question?" Oh no…
"No." He says blatantly. Wise choice, Danny Boy.
"Well I'm going to anyway…" I should've known better…
"Um, did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?" Okay, that's not at all what I was expecting. Good question. 
Danny sighs. "No." Stiles and I just look at each other with a knowing look. 
"Can I ask you another question?" There it is. I knew it was coming… 
Danny is clearly getting frustrated. "Answer's still no." 
"Does anyone know what happened to her, Charli and Jackson last night?" Wow, okay another good question…"He wouldn't tell me." Weird.
"But he's your best friend…" Exactly, that's really weird. 
Danny just shrugs and goes back to reading. "One more question…" Based on his body language, I think it's safe to assume that Danny is rolling his eyes. 
"What?" He replies a little too loud. 
"Am I attractive?" There it is, I knew it was coming… Danny is quiet. As the silence grows longer, Stiles keeps leaning forward, then falls off his stool. 
I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh, but at the same time, worrying if he hurt himself. I look over and Jackson is giving Stiles a dirty look. God I wanna punch him in his face so bad…
As we leave class, Stiles is trying to get ahold of Scott while I'm trying to get ahold of Allison. Stiles calls Scott while I'm texting Allison, Stiles and I keep looking back and forth at each other. 
"Finally! Have you been getting any of my texts?" I hear Stiles say. Must've finally reached Scott. 
"Do you have any idea what's going on?" He asks. I try to listen in but he's pulling the phone and himself away, so I poke him in his ribs to make him react. "Lydia's MIA and Jackson looks like he's got a time bomb inserted into his face, another guy's dead and you gotta do something about it." 
"Something!" He continues, frustrated. "Hello?" He then looks at the phone and makes an angry face at it. 
"He hung up, didn't he?" I ask snarky with my arms crossed, genuinely enjoying seeing Stiles feel the way I felt the night we helped Derek. 
"He better not make a habit of this or…" I cut him off.
"Or what? What are you gonna do?" I ask with a smirk. He looks at me through his lashes and licks his lips.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He asks.
"A little bit, yeah." I continue to smirk, then walk ahead. He pauses for a moment then catches up with me. 
"So…" he rubs the back of his head nervously. I look at him. "Do you wanna go with me to go talk to Lydia?" 
"And miss out on you making a fool of yourself in front of her again? Of course I'm coming." I chuckle. 
"Maybe I'll just leave you in the car." He shoots. 
"Maybe I'll go talk to her myself while you wait in the car." I shoot back.
He scoffs. "You're not gonna make me wait in my own car." 
"I may be smaller, but I'm definitely stronger than you." I inform him with a smirk and slight bite of my lower lip. 
He scoffs again. "You're not stronger than me." 
"You really wanna debate that?" I ask, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. 
He's quiet. I think he remembers what happened over a week ago when Scott almost attacked him in his room because he's pursing his lips. He looks down, then back to me. "Nah, I'm good. I think you made your point." He replies, knowing I'm right. 
We go over to Lydia's house and are greeted by her mom, who is actually really sweet. She leads us to her room where she's just laying across her bed, looking at her nails and resting her head on her other hand. 
"Honey, there's a Stiles and Charli here to see you." Lydia's mom informs her. 
Without looking away, she mumbles, "What the hell… is a Stiles?" I try not to laugh, but Stiles elbows me. 
Stiles looks at Mrs. Martin, almost offended. "Uh, she took a little something to ease her nerves." She moved so we could go in. "You can go in." She continues. 
We both thank her and she leaves the door open behind us. Stiles looks back as she walks away while I make myself comfortable in a chair that's in the corner of her room as Stiles approaches her. Lydia looks back at him and places a hand on her hip. 
"What are you doing here?" She asks.
"We were making sure you were okay." Stiles replied. You came to make sure she was okay. I came because this was my only source of entertainment for the day. 
"Hmm." She barely replies and makes a weird sound with her mouth. "Why?" She continues as she pats the bed. Omg, she's is so freakin high… this is gonna be interesting
He sits down where she patted. "Because we were worried about you today." He tells her. I roll my eyes. Uh… you care about her. I'd push her in front of a bus if I knew I could get away with it… 
"How are you feeling?" He asks her. She starts caressing his arm. Okay, this is starting to get uncomfortable…
"I feel…" She gets close to his face. "...fantastic." Oh yeah, she's definitely high…
Stiles clicks his tongue and inhales sharply, letting out a chuckle. "Oh!" He quickly snatches up her meds that are on her bedside table. He reads the name of it and shows it to me. I almost start laughing, but instead I come up with a winning idea. 
"I bet you can't say I saw 'I saw Susie sitting at the shoe shine shop ten times fast." I smirk. Stiles gives me dagger eyes, then reverts his attention back to Lydia. She takes a minute before she replies. 
"I saw Shusie…" she stops. Stiles and look at each other. I raise my eyebrows and he whips his hand under his chin to signal for me to cut it out. "I shaw…" She tries again. I giggle. Stiles puts the pill bottle back. 
"I saw…" she trails off, staring into space. Stiles and I notice something isn't right. 
"Lydia, what did you see?" Stiles asks, placing his hand on hers. 
"Something…" she trails off. 
"Something like… like a mountain lion?" Stiles ask. 
"Mountain Lion…" she repeats.
"Are you sure it was a mountain lion or are you saying that because that's what the police told you?" I ask her as if I was talking to a child. 
"A mountain lion." She repeats again. 
Stiles grabs her stuffed giraffe. "What is this?" He shows it to her. She looks at it dazed. "A mountain lion." She replies, almost childlike. 
"Okay..." Stiles retorts, then puts the stuffed animal back. 
"She is so dru--" I begin to say, but stop as soon as she puts her head in Stiles' lap, passing out, making his whole body react. 
I walk over and help her off of Stiles as he slides off of the bed, which wakes her up, makes her prop herself up with one arm and face us. 
"Okay, well we're just gonna go, uh, let you get back to the whole… Post Traumatic Stress thing." I tell her as I start closing the door. 
"Mmm, stay." She replies weekly. Stiles is quick to go back in while I'm still standing in the doorway, waiting on him so I can get home and start my training. 
Stiles looks around, shocked and then points to himself, "Me? Me stay? You want me to stay?" He asked surprised. 
"Mhm." She mumbles, patting the spot on the bed in front of her, weakly smiling. Is he really dumb enough to go for this? 
He quickly sits down. "Yes, please." She tells him as she inches closer. I roll my eyes and close the door then go sit in the jeep and text my dad. 
Charli: sorry Dad. Running late, needed to stop & drop off homework 2 Lydia
I lean back and rest my head on the headrest as I wait for Stiles to finish up his little rendezvous with Lydia, who apparently wants to get with everybody. I'm getting ready to text him when I see him rushing out. He hops in on the driver side.
"Wow, thirty seconds… that's the best you could do?" I joke.
He gives me a look, then starts up Roscoe. "We gotta try to call Scott again." He informs me.
"Why?" I ask. He looks me in the eyes. "Because I think I know what that was that attacked you guys last night."
"Well, you're on your own for this one, cause I promised my dad I'd be home right after school." I remind him as I look out the window.
"C'mon, Charli! I need your help in this too! I mean, you know more about this supernatural stuff than I do." He begs as he drives us home.
Sorry, Stiles. After last night, my dad needs to know exactly where I am and what I'm doing at all times…" I look at him. "In fact, I can guarantee that he's gonna be pissed that I wasn't home twenty minutes ago." I continue in a matter factly tone. "Do you really wanna piss off my dad?" I finish.
He exhales sharply. "No, I guess not." He mumbles.
"Okay, then I need to go home." I insist. 
My dad is in the kitchen when I get home. 
"For someone who doesn't eat, you sure do spend a lot of time in the kitchen." I remark as I cross my arms over my chest.
"Well you seem to be back to normal." He chimes.
"Not really…" I sigh and sit at a stool placed in front of the kitchen island and put my head down. "I couldn't sleep a wink last night." I continue. 
I pick my head back up and rest it in my hand, looking down at the counter, picking at the skin around my thumbnail. "When I did, all I could see was that face...those red eyes." I tell him, starting to tear up. 
He comes around the island and places a comforting hand on my back and rubs in small circles and just looks at me with understanding eyes. I look up at him. 
"How do you get used to it, Dad? How do you get used to facing creatures like them and not have nightmares or PTSD?" I ask softly.
Honey, I don't sleep. I never did, but your mother…" he trails off, looking away. I look at him, hoping he'll finish that sentence. He does, "...your mother would always say 'it comes with the territory, but if I can live, knowing that I'm protecting others and protecting my family, then it's all worth it'..." 
I look down at my hands. He pats my back. "One day… one day, you'll understand what she means, Charli." He tells me softly.
"But for now, I want you to get your homework done before I get back." He pats my back then starts walking away. 
I quickly turn around. "B--but what about training?" I ask cautiously.
That can wait. What can't wait is parent teacher conference." He explains as he puts on his black peacoat and adjusts the collar. 
"Shit…" I mumble as I put my head down. 
"You forgot didn't you?" He asks as he grabs his keys from the wall hook. I just nod my head slowly, looking at him with my bottom lip poking out. 
"Well, I'm assuming I'm going to hear all good things,right?" He asks, placing his hands on his hips. 
"You should...unless of course there's a teacher that's out to get me." I joke. He rolls his eyes and chuckles. 
"Stay here. Be good. Get your homework done…" he says as he starts walking down the hallway, then stops and points at me. "...and no boys." He finishes sternly.  
"Not even Stiles?" I ask sweetly.
"Especially Stiles. I see the way you two look at each other." He uses his hands to signal the eyes to eyes motion. "Why don't you call Allison or Lydia, or another girlfriend or something? Why does it always have to be boys?" He asks, with his arms half out. 
"Because boys don't care about shopping or makeup or what dress is perfect for homecoming." I inform him. 
He rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say, kiddo. I'll see you later. Love ya." He calls back as he walks out of the kitchen. As soon as the door closes, I run upstairs, jump onto my bed and text Isaac...
@softpeteparker @mummybear @ficus-fig @stiles-o-dylan24 @cry-btch @sporadiccookiebagel @inschi @wil2space @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @nicole-lynne @fullangelimagines
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