#she is so irrelevant in the creation myth I’m writing rn
team-mythic-beasts · 2 months
The Gods of Hetaveyond: 10 Facts About Diadema 🐺
A.K.A. The Moon Goddess, Goddess of Design, The Prophet, etc.
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1. Diadema is the youngest, yet also the most worshipped among the Three Primordial Gods.
2. The abode of the gods, Hetaveyond, was first created by Diadema.
3. Diadema’s gift is personal magic. Studies have shown that those blessed by the Moon Goddess cannot teach their magic to others, but descendants may inherit it.
4. Diadema is known to receive “prophecies” through a mysterious handheld mirror. Notable events she had “foreseen” include the Rise of Feliciano the Great, the Siege of Bylemisto, and the Dynasty of Discord.
5. Diadema has had nine children in total— six daughters and three sons. However, her eldest son had long perished, a tragedy she has chosen to forget.
6. Diadema’s many instances of splitting her own soul to “bear” children made her emotionally numb and physically weak.
7. Diadema seldom engages in the affairs of mortals, as she believes it to be a waste of energy.
8. Diadema is the most reclusive among the gods, so much that her subjects literally had to beg her to visit them at least every 10 years so she isn’t too disconnected from them.
9. Despite how highly Diadema’s daughters speak of her, she is no less distant as a mother than she is a goddess.
10. Diadema can predict future events with incredible accuracy, but struggles to recall past memories.
Bonus: A Word From Diadema’s Youngest
So… that’s a few facts about my mother. The giver of my name, my magic, and a family for me. And, well… her story goes to show that not even gods are exempt from mistakes.
Celinians really don’t give my sisters enough credit. They’re the ones who deserve all the praise for founding and defending their homes. What has Mother even done? She barely even leaves her room!
But to say I’m not grateful for what she’s done for me would be a heinous lie. Not only did my mother take me in without condition, she technically did the same to my maker as well. She deserves some appreciation for giving me an identity, at least. I just wish she could be more present in the lives of her subjects, rather than watching it all through a tiny little mirror.
Well, that’s about it from me. Please look forward to the other gods and my older siblings as well.
— Lucas R.
(Next: Photia)
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