#she is either 400 years old or 12000 years old or 24 years old depending on how you ask
elbiotipo · 8 months
Much like I did with Beto, I'll try to make a timeline of Ragua's life. It's in Earth years, but her species ages differently and much of her life is spent in virtual paradises/relativist travel, so the dates here are very approximate:
0: Is born in one of the paradise hatchery worlds of the Irruita (now called Precursor) civilization
1-15: Learns to swim, talk and all that (she did NOT eat her siblings at this time how dare you imply that's RUDE)
23: her parents "get bored of her" and she's raised by her grandparents in a rural world
23-54: Mostly gaming and herding fish and making shrimp egg honey
54: goes into her first galactic cruise with her girlfriend, she has a short honeymoon relationship with her (about 25 years max)
75-97: (plays gacha games):
98: reconciles with her parents for a brief time, works as a retainer in the Irruita celestial bureaucracy, quickly resigns
120: (plays gacha games)
130: Tries a singer career, goes kinda well
130-170: her "sex drugs and rock n' roll era" according to her (exact ratio unknown)
168: Gets bored of fame, might have blown up a moon in her farewell concert
170-210: (plays gacha games)
210-260: her second galactic cruise, has some short relationships but mostly goes sightseeing and such
270: (plays gacha games. some lady on Earth is inventing agriculture at this time, don't pay much attention to it)
295: goes into her third galactic cruise, this time alone
320: tries a contemplative pilgrimage to the center of the galaxy. Just kidding. (plays gacha games)
327: has a short fling with her girlfriend again (about 10 years)
340: nostalgic about her childhood, decides to become a retro game streamer/idol.
353: Reaches a thousand subscribers
360s: the retro fashion in this era gets her more popular
370s: she has about two billion subscribers now, making her a minor celebrity
381: she gets dared by her chat to wait for the release of a new game in relativistic travel, she takes the bet and goes into animated suspension.
The spaceship fails, sending her into relativistic travel for thousands of light years.
The Precursor civilization dissappears mysteriously.
The enterity of human recorded history happens
After the Machine War, modern galactic civilization emerges
381: spaceship deaccelerates into regular speed again, only a couple of months of internal time has passed, millenia have gone by outside.
386: discovered, still in suspended animation, by antiquities collectors who might be working for more secretive powers
387: Awakened by Beto and Suisini in a regular transport mission. After a short fight with the grave robbers, they agree to shelter her. She joins the tripulation of the Mastropiero
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