#she immediately regrets saying such vile things. but she's hurting and doesn't know how to apologise in the moment so she just. doubles dow
thiefbird · 24 days
Here are a few snippets of dialogue from My Heart and Eyes Have Erred, a far-off addition in So Long Lives This 'verse where Diana and Sophie find out that Jack and Stephen have been carrying on an affair since before either of their marriages (ik this is stretching the game but you're not getting such well-written stuff bc its just dialogue also i do what i want)
First, a snippet of Sophie and Jack's conversation:
Sophie: I know you love him. You’ve told me yourself countless times - “I love him more than anyone but you” you wrote me, from India, even! - am I so very foolish? [more upset again] Did you pride yourself on pulling the wool over my eyes?! Jack: Sweetheart… Sophie: [turns back to face him more slowly] I will not ask you to choose between us, Jack, but by God if the children must see you hanged-! [chokes on a sob] Oh, I could not bear it…
and second, for comparison, Diana and Stephen's:
Diana: [voice deadly quiet, hissing through clenched teeth ] Did you tire, my dear, of playing a man? Did it lose its charms at last? You are rich enough; you could fund Aubrey’s divorce and annul our own bonds, if you wanted to be his wife. I should respect you more if you did - give up this absurd freemartin act and accept the hand you were dealt, like every other woman alive. Stephen: [stricken] I would never - you are my wife, Diana. I would change nothing of our life together, were it in my hands. Diana: And therein lies the problem - you want to have your cake and feed it to Aubrey, too. God-[cuts herself off to smother a sob] -I hate you.
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
the real question about all of this is whether Bambi and Jaume ever have a conversation/yelling match about everything that happened when theyre older.
They so would!
But it would only happen in Injured (Alexia's Version) rather than the other ending.
There's about a four year age gap between Jaume and Bambi so when she's around 17, he's about 13 so he's at that age where teen boys are all lad, lads, lads with their friends.
Jaume definitely does football. He's really good at it and it's a little bit of a gut punch to Bambi because she was never good at football (and she definitely remembers Alexia's disappointment). Everyone kind of knows the culture of teen boys in football squads together and Jaume isn't really immune to it.
In Injured (Alexia's Version) they definitely grow up to be close but there is an age gap between them and they're very separate in their interests and Jaume is definitely a bit of an annoying little brother because he's just at that age.
Bambi, obviously, grows up to be a ballerina and all of Jaume's football friends definitely think she's really hot (something that Jaume is genuinely disgusted by because Bambi's his annoying older sister who can't even kick a ball. No one should be attracted to her, let alone his friends).
Jaume and Bambi generally have a good relationship when they grow up but once Jaume hits the teenage years and puberty, he is prone to saying some pretty hurtful things to Bambi.
None of it is ever meant to cut as deep as they do but Jaume definitely gets annoyed when his friends come around the house and just drool over Bambi (Bambi is genuinely disgusted by it and it freaks her out a little bit because teenage boys say vile things sometimes about girls. She grows up to be for the girls so the idea of boys looking at her body freaks her out anyway). His friends drooling over his sister definitely makes Jaume lash out a bit sometimes once they're gone and it's the kind of insults that escalate until Jaume says something about Alexia and her preferring him because they have more in common.
Of course, this would hit Bambi very hard. Alexia's childhood neglect really shaped who she became when she was older even after the relationship was repaired. She is desperate for Alexia's approval, even more now that Jaume has shown he's got a real talent for football.
She's constantly worried about being pushed aside again and Jaume's words cut deep and in all bubbles up until she's yelling back that Jaume has no idea what he's talking about and he should shut the hell up.
Jaume, as an annoying little brother, refuses to lose an argument to his sister and just keeps yelling back that it's not his fault that Bambi failed out of football and had to turn to something like ballet to get attention.
Olga and Alexia walk into a screaming match, only really catching the general gist of it before they have to separate the two of them.
Bambi storms off, yelling about she's sorry that she's not golden boy Jaume and that she doesn't want to see any of his gross friends ever again if this is how he's going to act when they go home.
Bambi's neglect wouldn't be something that was openly discussed as Jaume grows up. There would be a little mention of it very vaguely and very infrequently at family gatherings so Jaume would genuinely have no idea why his words cut so deep until Alexia and Olga sit him down to explain why what he was saying cut so deep and why it was unacceptable to say those things regardless of if the neglect happened or not.
As I said before, Jaume and Bambi did grow up quite close in Injured (Alexia's Version) so he is very regretful and wants to apologise immediately but has to wait until Alexia goes in to talk to Bambi and reassure her that he didn't mean it.
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lesbianpepsi · 10 months
Meant To Be Yours
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pairing: amber freeman x fem!reader
summary: amber has tricked you into killing one student, you refuse to be tricked again; something amber doesn't like.
words: 2.165k
warnings: canon scream stuff, death, description of murder, knives, violence, blood, swearing, toxic!amber, manipulation, bad writing
authors note: a double whammy tonight for y'all. i have no regrets.
"All is forgiven, baby. I promise I'm not mad about what you said to me." Amber said through the call making your jaw clench as you shake your head, not believing a word that comes out of her pretty mouth.
"Stop calling me, Amber." You told her in the most demanding voice you could muster up, covering it up with your growing fear as your eyes glanced around your living room. "I've not forgiven you so just leave me the fuck alone." 
Amber scoffs through the device. "Why are you saying these things, Y/n? You've practically thrown me out like I'm fucking trash!" Her voice became more gruff as her anger quickly replaced her fake kindness.
"Because you are, Amber, you're fucking trash. You tricked me." You remarked as you ran a hand through your hair, staring intently at the dark corners of the room. 
"Is that what you think? That I tricked you?" Amber asks you in an overly heartbroken tone making you roll your eyes. "You did trick me, Amber, you manipulated me into doing something vile."
"Baby, you know I'd never manipulate you, I love you too much." She says her voice is becoming quieter. 
Tears swelled up in your eyes as you shook your head, your jaw still clenched tightly. "You manipulated me into killing, Wes." You whispered through gritted teeth, your heart beating erratically in your chest. "You said it was going to be a harmless prank to scare him."
"It was harmless." She defended, the sound of her shuffling around being heard on the phone. "Wes was a bitch boy anyway."
You scoffed as you stood up from the couch, your anger towards your girlfriend and the grief and guilt of Wes's death making your blood boil in a disgusting way.
"Fuck you." You whispered before hanging up on her, turning your phone on silent mode before tossing it onto the couch. 
It was only supposed to be a prank; that's what she told you. 
Wes was notorious for his hatred towards horror movies, especially Amber's favourite Stab. 
Amber suggested to you that you and her should play a little prank on him after he was "too touchy" with you as Amber said.
The prank being you and Amber would dress up in the famous Ghostface costumes and give him a little scare.
You were reluctant in the beginning but after Amber's persuasive words you eventually agreed.
Amber had already planned it out and told you how the prank was going to play out. 
You would call him as Amber would sneak into his house and scare him before taking off her mask and showing her friend it was a prank.
That isn't how the prank went. 
You were in Amber's car on call with Wes as Amber sneaked into the house late at night in the Ghostface attire.
In the beginning it was going smoothly, even funny to you at times. Then in a blink of an eye everything changed.
As you uttered the iconic line "What's your favourite scary movie?" you didn't get a panic response or even get hung up on; instead you heard fighting.
Screams so loud and guttural you had to pull your phone away from your ear.
Immediately you ran into the house to see what had happened to your absolute horror. You saw Wes on the floor covered in blood as he gargled on his own blood, his throat cut lightly, as if Amber was teasing him an easy and quick death. 
You didn't even know how it was possible that Amber could hurt him so much in less than thirty seconds. 
His eyes met yours as he whispered out his final words, a look of betrayal on his face.
Amber killed Wes, and you helped her. 
You screamed at Amber as she gazed at Wes's dead body, taking off her mask as a look of pleasure swirled in her dark eyes.
She was proud. 
When you threatened to tell the police what she had done her proudness was replaced with smugness as she waltzed at you, a bloodied knife still in her grip. 
"You're an accomplice to my crime, baby. You call the cops on me and we both go down." 
Her words hit you like a wrecking balls with reality. You were an accomplice to her crimes.
The Bonny to her Clyde.
You didn't know what to do - you still don't know what to do, confess the truth to the police and go to prison or keep the entire killing an unsolved mystery; let your best friend become an unsolved case.
One thing you have been doing is avoiding Amber, hell, you've been avoiding everyone. You haven't left your house in days as you rotted away; the guilt slowly killing you.
Sighing, you ignore the vibrations from your phone as you move towards the kitchen, going to make yourself a glass of water in a weak attempt to calm yourself down. 
Grabbing a glass you headed towards the sink to fill up your glass. As the cold water slowly filled it up your eyes were focused on it as your thoughts were plagued by Wes.
You didn't even notice the person standing in the corner of the kitchen.
You gasped as you dropped the glass making a loud clatter as it landed in the sink. Turning on your heel to your horror you see Amber standing a few feet away with a soft smile, the one that used to make your heart swoon. 
"Don't run." She asks you as she takes a step forward. 
Without hesitation as you do the exact opposite of her words, sprinting away as you headed towards your front door.
"I said don't fucking run away from me!" Amber yelled as her heavy footsteps were heard right on your heel.
Using all the strength and speed you could muster you force yourself to run even faster, but it wasn't fast enough. 
Amber's foot trips yours making you collapse to the ground as the view to the front door just reaches your eye sight.
You whimpered in pain as you tried scrambling back up but was stopped by Amber jumping forwards and standing in the hallway heading towards the door, blocking you from escaping the house; blocking you from escaping her.
She sighs as she runs a hand through her hair, looking down at you. "My love, please stop being like this. We're in this together, you can't leave me alone." 
Her soft spoken words wither into your heart as your glare softens, staring up at her as you slowly stand up. 
"Why are you here, Amber?" You demand as you take a wary step backward, your eyes focused on her body the entire time.
Amber's eyes gleam as she smiles crookedly at you, taking a singular step closer to you. 
"You left me, Y/n." She whispers, taking another step closer as you take another one back. "I fell apart without you and you've fallen apart without me."
You shake your head as you glance back at the stairs that would lead you to your bedroom before back at Amber's innocent looking face.
"Don't lie to me, sweetheart, you and I both know we can't live without each other. It's what made me realise something." Amber whispers, taking another step closer as you don't take another step back, breathing heavily as you stare at her.
She smiled sweetly as she reached you close enough to place her hand in your cheek, caressing it gently.
"We're meant to be." She insists.
You smile back at her as you lean into her touch, Amber visually relaxes as her smile softens.
"No we're not." You say before punching her in the face with all the strength you had in your body.
Amber stumbled back in shock as a small ooze of blood began spilling from her nose. One of her slender fingers touches the blood before pulling away to examine it.
Her jaw clenched as her eyes connected with yours, a look of pure rage in her black eyes.
You swiftly turn around as you run up the stairs as you head towards your bedroom, the only place you know has a lock and a secret weapon.
"Y/n!" Amber yells as she chases after you, right behind you as she tries grabbing you, her fingers skimming over your back. 
Scrambling towards your room you unlock it and throw yourself inside before slamming your body against it, shutting it as you locked it. 
Amber's fist pounds against the door as she screams your name.
"Y/n, don't lock me out! I was meant to be yours, we were meant to be one." She yells through the door, her palm laying flat against it.
You jump towards your dresser where a small pocket knife Amber gifted you was hidden.
Tears are free falling from your eyes speedily but you paid no attention to them, your only focus being on your life.
"You were meant to be mine." Amber growls from behind the door, banging against it once again. 
You flinch at the sound as you flick the blade out of its pocket, backing up against the corner wall as you sobbed quietly.
"I'm all that you need, Y/n, me. Not Liv, not Chad, not even fucking Tara; but me." Amber insisted in a raucous voice as she yelled. "You carved open my fucking heart, Y/n, you can't just leave me to bleed!" 
Your heart is going a hundred miles per hour as your hand becomes shaky, the small knife with Amber's and your initials on the blade shakes.
"Y/n!" She screams in a guttural rage, leaning her forehead against the door from the other side. "Open the door, please." Amber whispers but is loud enough that you hear it.
"Y/n, open the door." She begs again in a pleading voice, her own voice becoming shaky.
You frowned at her hurt voice as you unconsciously took a step closer to the door.
"Y/n, can we not fight anymore, please?" Amber whimpers, making your heart crack at her voice. 
You shake your head as you try to force yourself to stop getting closer to the door. You know she's only doing this to make you open the door, yet you still can't help but feel bad. 
"Please, baby, can we not fight anymore? I get that you're scared and that's my fault, and I'm so sorry, Y/n." You don't say anything as you remain frozen in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do.
"I've been there, feeling the guilt, I was there with you, remember? Do you really think I haven't been feeling horrible about it too?" Amber wailed from behind the door, her voice cracking.
Amber has been feeling guilty about it? You thought she didn't care?
"I can set you free, Y/n. From all the guilt and pain. I know how to." Amber states making your eyes widen in hope. She could make you feel better?
You're silent as you try to process her words, something Amber sees as a sign of rejection.
"Y/n, don't make me come in there." Amber says, her voice becoming louder and angrier the more she spoke. "I'm gonna count to three and if you don't open this fucking door I won't help you." She yells banging the door once again to emphasise her point.
You don't want that, you want Amber's help, if she wouldn't lie to you again, would she?
Wordlessly, you quietly walk over to the door, unlocking it as fresh tears still flow down your cheeks.
Amber immediately opened the door as her eyes locked with yours, her furious expression fading away. 
"You opened the door." She says breathlessly as she takes a step closer to you, her eyes averting  from yours to the knife in your hand.
You nod your head slowly as you drop the knife, your heart beating for Amber and Amber only now.
"Will you help me?" You croak out in a strangled voice. Amber nods her head as she smiles at you, placing a hand on her cheek just as she did earlier, the blood under her nose dripping onto her shirt but she didn't care.
"I'd do anything for you, baby, you're mine and I love you with all my soul and heart." Amber says as she uses her free hand to grab yours, interlocking your fingers together. "We're meant to be." She insists with her crooked smile.
You look down at your hands noticing the bruises on Amber's knuckles along with a few healed cuts. 
God, you caused that. You might've hated Amber but you also loved her. 
"Say it." Amber asked as she tugged your cheek making you look at her with tearful eyes. "Say you're meant to be mine." 
You swallow nervously as you gazed into Amber's dark eyes, blinded by her beauty and soft words.
"Meant to be yours."
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Watched the note story in the main panel for JDM and JA. I agree, there is a lot of overgrown frat boy energy. But one thing I'll give JDM is that he calls out what JA did for what it is. He says it's shady twice actually. Then he tells the story about him and HB getting together and how she was dating someone else at the time. JA immediately turns back to the crowd, almost defensively, and says "See?" And JDM once again says it's shady. He never once shies away from it and he doesn't get defensive.
On the other hand, JA does that time and in response to JDM saying it's shady with "Look, we were young, alright?" That's the difference between the two for me. JDM may not regret how he and HB got together, but he's not getting defensive or trying to make it something it isn't.
I almost think if someone else had said that it was shady and not JDM who JA respects, no matter who they were, JA would have gotten even more defensive. By his own actions and words, he knows it was wrong what he and DH did. Yet AA's still continue to act as if it's a true love story and a soulmate connection written in the stars, while choosing to blatantly ignore the fact that there were hurt parties, and not just his own SO but also DH's by JA's own words, and what JA did was extremely disgusting.
I didn't think my opinion of him (or DH) could sink any lower. I truly hope he takes some serious stock of how he portrays himself, his wife, his kids, his family, his career, and his influence and the power of his position on a public platform and what effect that has. Not to sound like a Spiderman movie but with great power comes great responsibility. He has the ability to teach his fans and younger generations what love is actually supposed to look like, for this latest example anyway, and he just did the opposite. And the AA's in the echo chamber are helping that by assisting him in portraying this vile story as a romantic one.
Pitiful. Just pitiful.
Yeah, Jensen doesn't seem like he takes criticism well, from anyone. I'm glad JDM called him out on it, though, even Jensen's defense doesn't work because they weren't young (immature, yes). They were both in their late 20's and certainly had enough relationship experience behind them to know that what they were doing was wrong. And anyone who thinks that story is cute or romantic has probably never experienced (and likely never will) an actual romantic relationship.
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hyunverse · 3 years
how to hide a body | fushiguro megumi
✧ gender neutral.
✧ tags: angst, thriller.
✧ warnings: dead body, death, murder, mention of cheating, vomit.
✧ summary: everything in your life changes the moment megumi asks you how to hide a dead body.
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fuck, fuck, fuck. those were the only words you repeated— no, you could comprehend in your head. everything happening felt so surreal that your head was empty. or maybe it was so full, you couldn't focus on just one thought.
the lake was calm, a contrast to your racing heartbeat. if the lake wasn't so hidden then maybe people would come here to fish. you're certain nobody comes here though, you did your research.
much to your dismay, the blanket covering the body slipped, showing the corpse's face. you looked down at the dead woman and winced. her eyes were wide open— no, popped out like fucking buttons, lips a light blue and her veiny neck was bruised. the bruises were all black and blue. she looked so fragile in your arms, her shoulder blades seemed sharper than usual. it must've hurt like hell, you thought. to be choked to death like that. you hissed when the image of getting choked and gasping for breath appeared in your head. not now. not when you're discarding the body. you decided to think about this mess later on.
carefully, you closed the woman's eyes with your gloved fingers. discarding her body would be impossible if she was staring right at you as if she's still alive, judging your every move. quickly after, you covered her face back with the blanket.
megumi on the other hand sat on a rock, eyes glued on the ground. just looking at your figure holding the dead body made his body run with chills. it's like that feeling when you know you're about to get tickled— the throbbing and the itch on your body. scared that the person will touch you. that's how he felt, chills ran all over his body, goosebumps on his skin.
fushiguro megumi has seen many dead bodies, but none he killed. he gulped. he killed her. he killed the woman in your hands— his girlfriend. was his girlfriend.
"i didn't mean to, i didn't mean to", he repeated in his head. as if repeating the same words would make it real.
truths are the things you make. truths aren't things that actually happened, it's something you make believe. however, it's not guaranteed your heart will believe in it. minds are easily deceived, but your heart isn't. right now megumi wishes he could just rip his heart out his chest. then take some stupid pills to quiet down his brain or something. anything to destroy this feeling in him.
you looked back at megumi to see his hands in his hair, ripping the pretty black strands you've always loved. his body heaved as he breathed.
a few days prior megumi had stormed into your dorm, where you were happily watching a show. he was panting, and he was sweaty.
"how do you hide a body?", he asked. you laughed, because you thought he was joking. the amount of times you binge-watched criminal minds with him must've gotten into his head.
but he was short of breath. you looked at his hands and saw the way his hands were trembling, and you instantly knew he did something wrong. incredibly wrong.
"she cheated on me y/n, she cheated on me", megumi kept on repeating when he brought you to see the body.
his girlfriend was laying on the floor of his dorm with her eyes wide opened, lips slightly parted. she looked like she had regrets. which she most probably did, what sorcerer doesn't die with regrets? most of them do, that's what the principal had said before. megumi's blood was under her finger nails, you could tell she tried to free herself.
when you think about it again, you realized that you could've just ran. run out of his room, back to yours and drool over fucking levi ackerman or something. or you could've reported to the police. anything that would get you of this situation.
love makes you do stupid, irrational things. you were in love. crazy lovesick. he was your darling, your angel— whatever you call somebody you adore. so you covered the body with a random blanket you bought in kyoto. you loaded the body into the boot of a rented car, with megumi crying in the passenger's seat. you drove miles away, ignoring the rotting smell of a corpse.
all for fushiguro megumi. how foolish is that?
"do you want to say goodbye?", you asked, immediately regretting your decision. megumi shook his head, not even daring to look your way. he fiddled with his fingers instead, his tears nearly slipping from his blue eyes.
okay then, you thought. you walked towards the edge of the water, and you swore you could feel the earth swallowing you down. perhaps it was your punishment, for covering up this murder. she was a cheater but she didn't deserve death. you knew that. it took all of your energy to walk even more, the earth swallowing you down inch by inch.
finally, you kneeled. you placed the body down, watching the water pull the body down, consuming her away. away from your sight. hopefully never to be seen again. you tossed her phone into the water, eyeing the electronic as it submerges into the water.
you took a deep breath, shutting your eyes close as you did so. you turned towards a weeping megumi, dusting dirt off your jeans.
"it's done, 'gumi", you muttered, "she's gone".
he simply nodded and got up from his spot, summoning one of his divine dogs. the two of you walked back to your rented car, the dog trailing behind to cover up your footsteps. in case anyone visits the place.
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complete silence. the car was completely silent, quieter than a library. the scent of a corpse was still present in the car, so you hung up your air refreshener.
and then you drove. away from the madness. for good. in hopes that the further away you get from the lake, the more innocent you'll feel.
megumi sat cross legged on his seat, looking around in the car. his gaze fell on your hands resting on the gear stick. pristine and clean— if he hadn't known better he would've thought you just got a manicure.
his body moved before his brain did. softly, he put his hand on top of yours, caressing your soft skin. something in him fluttered. you didn't move your hand away so he left his hand there. gentle fingers circling your complexion.
as he cradled your hand he thought about your friendship. why didn't he like you instead? he squeezed your hand as he pondered. wouldn't it have been easier? things wouldn't end up the way it did if he chose you in the first place. you were always so nice to him. he tapped his pointer against your hand to the rythm of the song playing on the radio. megumi imagined your blood streaming throughout your body— something his girlfriend would never be able to do anymore.
curse his mind. he felt sick. there was heat bubbling up his stomach, up to his throat. a vile taste on his tongue. rushing, he grabbed a brown paper bag and threw up. vomit pouring out of his mouth the way you poured bleach on his bedroom floor.
hearing him throw up, you looked at him through your rear mirror. megumi's eyes met yours through the mirror too, only for a brief second before he felt the need to vomit again. you looked away as well.
figuring out how megumi felt wouldn't require a mind reader. you understood his gaze immediately. things will never be the same, not after the two of you saw what you were capable of. secrets would be kept but the friendship wouldn't.
all of that shit wasn't worth it, you monologued. what did you expect anyway? for him to pull you into his lap, kiss you senseless and tell you he loves you? that he had been in love with you since forever? for him to tell you that he's proud of you?
no matter how much you do for somebody, they wouldn't change their feelings for you unless if they want to.
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✉ taglist (send an ask to be removed) : @aliteama @dearsukuna @cybergoo @hanniemilk @ariasann @soulasdarkascoffee @okusetomura @eidotheiapriv @maat-the-prescriptive @etoilezone @elipres @scarednekozz @iridescentkitsune
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