#shael stormchild
afreesworn · 2 years
Ghoa and Shael
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Two mighty fine ladies!
@britishmuffin completely blew me away with this picture of Ghoa and Shael. From Shael's perfect attitude and badassery to Ghoa's stunning beauty that just barely hides her inner strength, I am flabbergasted.
THANK YOU SO MUCH MUFFIN!!! Your art is always SO wonderful!
Featuring @jaliqai-and-company and @shaelstormchild 's LOVELY characters that Nabi is so lucky to know.
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anchor-management · 1 year
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C&F: Corruption Arc
Featuring: @sea-and-storm [Ghoa Mankhad], @shaelstormchild [Shael Stormchild], @anchor-management [Anchor Saltborn] and [Brick], @afreesworn [Nabi Kharlu] and [Roen Deneith], @sentryandco [Egil Nylor] and [Estrid Nylor] + ∞ NPCs, @tribblesfuriousart [Buoy Saltborn] [Diya-something-or-other], @banquoviaquo [Gideon North], [Orfeuille], [Luri Kai].
Until Dashboard format isn't borked, you can view full post formatted correctly here.
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The group's search for answers has taken them from The Far East, to the shores of Vylbrand. Their continued research into corrupted aether leads them to investigate a reclusive "Doctor Nylor", a name given by an ailing man--Abner Funk--that had a curious and yet similar sickness as Anchor during a visit to The Salt Strand.
Things quickly go wrong when the group splits to investigate the lead on two different fronts: Nabi and Ghoa devise a plan to infiltrate a theatre posing as entertainers, while Anchor and Shael travel to Upper La Noscea to follow a lead concerning the doctor's apparent employment of ailing individuals.
Separated and without contact due to a number of troubling circumstances, multiple plans fall into action over the course of the following days--with the help of some allies and friends in the midst--all eventually converging on Doctor Nylor's residence.
Of course, no amount of planning could prepare them for what surprises lay in wait...
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Some closer-ups.
This pic took entirely too long to do. That is all.
Oh, just that and the fact I appreciate the people involved in this ongoing story of stories. It's been years actual years and that is pretty cool.
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sea-and-storm · 2 years
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FFXIV Write 2022 Prompt #15: Row
Cheaters never win, the old adage echoed within Ghoa’s mind.. along with a faint, stinging throb. Too bad the saying hadn’t occurred to her before the unfortunate string of events that had transpired all within the last two or three minutes. Not that she would have listened to it anyway, probably..
A race had been proposed, from the end of the docks at Costa del Sol to a rock upon the nearby sandbar. Of course, the intention of the proposal had been for the racers – Anchor, Shael, Nabi and herself – to take the route across the sand and then swim across in the final leg. But such specifics were never stated and, knowing full well how horrid of a chance she stood in any contest of physical prowess, that clever mind of hers had begun thinking of a way to exploit the loopholes.
Her strategy? As the others raced down the roundabout path across the beach, she would head in the opposite direction back across the dock to the closest jumping point between here and the finish line. It shortened the run and swim both, not that she was overly concerned about the latter. If there was one physical task that Ghoa could claim some skill at, it was swimming.
The run was still plenty long for her.. less than hardy endurance. But so, too, did she have an idea for that.
"You know? I'm feeling so confident that I think I might even give you lot a head start," she hummed as she hung back. "I can start from right here."
"Ya’ up tae somethin,�� Shael answered as she fixed her with a rightfully doubtful look. “..but that be yer game."
"I'm just saying," the Mankhad answered innocently as she takes off the sunglasses perched atop her head, stuffing them into the waistband of her swim bottoms for security. "I was raised on the beaches and in the water. It's only fair, you know?"
"Ya sure showed that gurgling salt water that time.” Anchor’s retort saw her gaze narrow as she looked over in his direction.
“That was different,” she huffed defiantly. For one, they weren’t atop a wildly pitching ship tossed to and fro by storm-frenzied waves, but she didn’t press the point. It was doubtful neither he nor Shael would concede that point. Besides, she’d show them just how adept of a swimmer she was when she stood victorious upon that rock, looking down upon them in triumph.
As the others started forward towards the end of the dock where the starting line should have before, Ghoa primed herself to leap into action the moment the moment the word ‘Go!’ left Shael’s lips.
Off she was down the pier like a bolt of lightning, only to hit her first stumbling block early. Her sandal caught on an uneven board of the pier, snapping the thong and sending her pitching forward. Luckily, she was able to catch herself, but the mishap had certainly slowed her. But she would win. She had to win.
Pushing down the frantic burning of her lungs from the effort, Ghoa kept her eyes on the prize. Wait, what even was the prize? Maybe it was that thought that caused her focus to lapse as she reached the pier’s end. Or maybe it was the quick look back that told her she was in the lead as the others just reached wading depth in the shallows, filling her with overconfidence.
Whatever it was, it kept her from committing wholeheartedly to the graceful dive she had planned. Another misstep and the Mankhad found herself suddenly sliding without control across the slippery end of the dock and with a shocked squeal quickly drowned out by a splash, Ghoa bellyflopped into the sea. 
Well.. so much for winning.
Choking and sputtering as she surfaced, the bleary-eyed Xaela’s first instinct was to look around to see who had witnessed her embarrassment. Immediately, her eyes found those of a ferryman but a few fulm away, affixing her with a look that was equal parts concern and amusement with a healthy side of confusion atop it.
“You, er.. okay, miss..?” he managed as he leaned over the boat’s edge, offering a hand to pull her into the dinghy. Thank the gods he at least had the tact not to bust out laughing in her face, or else the Mankhad might have just lowered herself to the sea floor then and let the ocean take her right then.
“P-perfectly fine..” Ghoa managed with not a small dose of sarcasm as she paddled over and reached up to take the hand, using it to pull herself into the boat. Sort of. As if to only add further insult to injury, her foot slipped upon the edge and with another splash, back into the briny depths she went for a second helping of humble pie.
Finally, the Mankhad made it into the rowboat on her second attempt. By then, it was obvious that the ferryman was struggling not to laugh at what he had just witnessed, his cheeks as red from the effort as her entire front side was from the sting of meeting the water face-on. 
Yet he paddled on in merciful silence and Ghoa pulled her sunglasses from her waistband – half amazed that they hadn’t managed to go by the wayside much as he broken sandal – and slipped them onto her nose. As if that would hide her embarrassment once she disembarked..
“Don’t. Say. Anything,” she huffed as she reached the sandbar, still red-tinted and hair bedraggled. 
“The hells happened?” Anchor asked.
At least the others had been so consumed by competition that it would seem none had witnessed it. Only the ferryman and probably half of La Noscea besides once his shift was ended and he was able to recount the unfortunate encounter to much laughter later.
“Oh, um..” Nabi chimed in, tone suspiciously evasive. “Caught a bad wave, yes?”
Well, at least the only one amongst them who had witnessed the spectacular failure was Nabi, too sweet by half to acknowledge it. 
Before she could answer, another coughing and sputtering fit overtook her. As she straightened, her tone was sour. “I hate races,” she huffed unhelpfully. “This was a terrible idea.”
Yet for all their amusement at her expense as they crossed the beach in search of what she sorely hoped was a nearby bar, Ghoa had to admit there was a part of her – deep, deep down below the humiliation – that was thankful for a moment of shared levity. It was rare for the lot of them to steal moments like this together in peace rather than having to band together in the face of a common, dire foe.
But next time they had a moment of respite, Ghoa sure hoped that no one proposed anymore stupid races.
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sentryandco · 4 years
#1: Crux
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For as long as he could remember, Arasen knew he was destined for something important. He had prepared himself for it. He had prayed to the gods that when the time came, he would be worthy of the path that would reveal itself to him.
Then when the horrific visions came of the futures that could be, Arasen was nearly undone by the terrors that visited him every time he closed his eyes. But he didn’t bemoan that the gift of Sight was truly just a curse that no longer allowed him to see beyond the suffering that lay ahead. Instead, he persevered, escaping the precipice of insanity from the sleepiness nights and overwhelming despair. He had to learn that compassion and mercy had no place in his life, for if he was to walk the path that would lead to the salvation of all, he couldn’t afford any distractions that could detract him from his goal. He would fulfill his duty by any means necessary, truthfulness and happiness be damned.
And now, within the bowels of the earth beneath the ancient ruins that held powers capable of granting his ultimate wish, it was here that Arasen saw his destiny. This was where his years of torment and nightmares would end, where the prophecy of the Lost Daughter would be finally fulfilled.
Only, there were two paths that await him.
The first choice was the obvious one. It was what he had been working for, his years of machinations finally bearing fruit. The Lost Daughter had been found, and she had been brought to the altar of the ancients, where her blood and soul would give life to the god that slept. He needed only to nudge the tides of battle in favor of the black irises, so that they would take what is rightfully theirs, and awaken the nameless entity that slumbered beneath the mountain.
It should have been an easy decision. All those years he had labored, deceiving everyone, hardening his heart, and damning his soul, what was it for if not for this moment? 
And yet, it had been a journey of solitude. None else had walked this path with him, only the crushing weight of the foreboding knowledge was his companion.
But somewhere along the way, he saw the Lost Daughter for more than just the ends to his means. Nabi was warm and full of life. She was so eager to share her joy but also too generous in her mercy. Even after finding out about his machinations, she forgave him, and even offered him a second chance. But he should have expected that. The sacrifice had to be worthy of the greatness that awaited.
What surprised him, however, was the flawed and unworthy companions his cousin had around her. Arasen had long come to accept that the rest of the world was tainted. It was because of the imperfections, the hubris and greed in people’s hearts, that allowed for so much suffering to exist in the first place. And that was initially what he saw in everyone that Nabi called her friends and family.
Arasen had no hesitation in lying to them, using them, and manipulating them. He was certain a few of them would have to die, even if by his own hands. So then, why was he fighting by their side now?
Stormchild was easy to figure out, but dangerous to scheme around. A cold-hearted killer, whenever she threatened to take his life, Arasen had no doubt she would carry it through. But she held her hand, and risked much, including her own life, for the sake of his cousin. 
Then there was Saltborn. Quick of temper with a sour disposition, the hyur took a disliking to him immediately. Arasen was certain the Confederate had to die, for he was closest to Nabi, and the strongest obstacle in his way. Arasen had even put a blade to his throat, fully intent on killing him.
But in a twist of fate, Saltborn instead saved Arasen from drowning beneath the tumultuous sea, and even forfeited his chances to kill him outright, when more than a few opportunities were laid at his feet. With much reluctance, the hyur spared the Kharlu, even after fully remembering all the pain that the Xaela had caused him. All because of the slim chance that Arasen could now save Nabi from her fate. Arasen knew full well that he would not be here, if it wasn’t for Saltborn.
Then there was Ghoa. She was most like him, with her honeyed tongue and selfish motivations. And initially, whenever she extended a hand of friendship towards him, Arasen thought it much like his own incentive, to keep everyone close and yet at a distance, to watch them and discern their weaknesses. Enthralling her was an absolute necessity. But Arasen soon realized just how easy it turned out to be. Was it because she loved Batuhan that she assumed the best of him as well? Arasen could not deny that Batu’s fondness for the Mankhad may have softened his own disposition towards her. But that did not stop him from using his blood magic to tug on the woman’s thoughts, turning them to his own favor. 
But to his surprise, when faced with a great need, Ghoa offered something of herself, without any manipulation on his part. A schemer caring for the sake of others. That caught him off guard. But moreso, it reminded him that he too had such good intentions, at the very start of his own journey. So when had things gotten so warped?
It was because of all of them that he was even giving this second choice a thought. 
As Arasen stared up at the colossal darkness that loomed before them all, he reminded himself of the pure idea that began his journey. The prophecy had been about salvation and sacrifice. But what he hadn’t realized until now, was that somewhere within it all, was also a thread of hope. Of an impossible dream that could be realized if one was willing to give all they had for the sake of others.
Arasen touched his chest for the rune that was etched there, a tactile reminder of his childhood promise and his bond. Of his original ideals. To choose the second path would be to break the enchantment upon Ghoa. To return to Batu all that Arasen had taken from him. He would be severing his bonds with all of them. A wash of loneliness returned to him, but with it a sense of contentment. He wasn’t following Chanai and Siban’s designs, he wasn’t being driven by visions of death. The path he chose now was for hope, and a future of happiness, not for himself, but for others.
He would prove himself worthy.
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r2ruen · 5 years
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C&F: Flower Arc
Featuring: @shaelstormchild [Shael Stormchild], @sentryandco [Batuhan Kharlu] and The Dickhole [Arasen Kharlu], @afreesworn [Nabi Kharlu], @anchor-management [Anchor Saltborn], and @jaliqai-and-company [Ghoa Mankhad]
This was. Quite the project. But! I adore these characters and the stories weaved by not only the very talented DM (or whatever an rp equivalent would be called) @sentryandco​ who is the mind behind our current antagonist and some of the most bestest beloved “NPC” characters--i hesitate to even call them that (shoutout to Batu and wherever you are Myuto), but also all the flavor added on top of that of everyone's character’s individual stories and personalities I get to see unravel as time goes on. I always get inspired to do like... poster style Chapter/Arc pics in the past, but have never tackled one. AND SO I FIX THAT TODAY.
So this is dedicated to all of them and the current Arc. And also as thanks to you-know-who-you-are. 
So thank you. 
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shaelstormchild · 5 years
Flaws & Strengths
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moody  |  short-tempered  | emotionally unstable  | whiny | controlling | conceited |dishonest | possessive  | paranoid  | impatient  | cowardly  | bitter  |  selfish  |  power hungry | greedy | lazy |  judgmental  | forgetful  | impulsive | spiteful  | stubborn |  sadistic |  petty  | unlucky
honest |  trustworthy  | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient |  selfless  | ambitious | tolerant |  lucky | intelligent |  confident  | focused |  humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever |  charming | cheerful  |  optimistic |  decisive  | adaptive  |  calm
Tagged by: @jaliqai-and-company thanks!
Tagging: Who wasn’t tagged... @vanitysruin @liadanswhisper @zhauric @shroudblessings
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afreesworn · 2 years
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A Happy Birthday
@anchor-management surprised me with this very wonderful birthday present! It brings me such joy since it calls back to Nabi's first nameday celebration she shared with her closest people.
The picture shows that years later, they remain as close as ever, if not more so.
Thank you SO MUCH @anchor-management!!! <3
And if you want to go check out more wonderful art, you can look up @r2ruen!!
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sea-and-storm · 2 years
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FFXIV Write 2022 Prompt #10: Channel
[TW] Just a smidge of non-descriptive body horror, but nothing too wild!
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It was well after midnight when Ghoa finally finished with her fervent scribbling of calculations, slumping back in her chair as a great, long yawn overtook her. Though her mind continued to race with ‘What if?’s, the stresses of the day and the uncertainty of the unknowns of those yet to come had begun to weigh heavy upon her now drooping shoulders and eyelids both.
Her half-lidded eyes came to rest upon the scribbled list in front of her for one final appraisal. None of the reagents listed upon it should’ve been especially burdensome for Luri to obtain, especially not in a place so rich with trade as La Noscea. Most of that which she had requested were but basic alchemical materials meant to form a sufficiently aetherically conductive suspension within which the concoction’s main ingredient could flow unimpeded. But the final ingredient upon the list, though it would likely be even easier than the rest for the handmaiden to find and acquire for her, gave the alchemist pause regardless:  a single lightning crystal shard.
It brought Ghoa’s mind back to distant memories, of late nights much like this one spent holed up in the grand personal library of the Parikh estate. Given that her Hannish mentor’s life work had dealt with the human aetherochemical condition, it was little wonder that the lion’s share of tomes and papers within those shelves dealt with such subject matter.
For one such lesson in the basics of aetherology early on in her tutelage, Sarasvati had assigned to her a number of those works for her to study and report back upon. It was to one of those papers that her mind wandered to now, a sort of academic warning tale of the fragility of a person’s aetheric state. The notes of an alchemist who had been tasked with the treatment of a fool who thought by consuming the shards of a fire crystal, they would thereby be able to summon and channel powerful fire magicks.
Naturally, it hadn’t worked out well for the individual, no matter how hard the alchemist treating their self-inflicted condition had worked to reverse the effects. Such a sudden and stark destabilization of their aetheric balance had caused irreversible damage as their very being had rapidly unwound like a loose spool of thread. Not only had it manifested in horrific external mutations in the subject, but the autopsy performed after had revealed that even their internal organs had turned black as ash, as if burned by raging fire. A miserable and painful end it must have been, to be consumed so violently from the inside out. 
It was hardly a reassuring thought to allow to bounce around in her mind given that this was – albeit to a lesser and hopefully far more controlled degree – exactly what her potion made of ground lightning crystal sought to achieve. Thus was why she had to be so very sure of her calculations and her formulation. Every variable and value had to be exactingly accurate. Just a hair too much crystal in the mix and it stood to reason that she could very well end up as the subject of her own ill-fated academic paper meant to warn people away from exactly what it was that she was doing now.
Ghoa breathed out a shaking sigh as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Truthfully, there was no small part of her that wanted to just discard the idea entirely. It was too risky. It was too reckless. The margin of error was so punishingly small. 
But.. that had always been when she had done her finest work, no? From the time so many years ago when she had fled the Kharlu, to far more recently when she had stood with the others against the embodiment of suffering itself deep underground.. Nothing had ever caused Ghoa to rise higher to the occasion than having her back against the wall, forcing her to have the confidence in herself and in those around her to see her through those trials.
The corner of her lip twitched upwards into a soft, tired smirk. Mayhap she was mad for it, but Ghoa would not back down from her wild plan now. She was confident in herself, in her ability and her alchemical knowledge. She was confident in Nabi’s peculiar restorative abilities being able to pull her back from the knife’s edge if necessary. 
Perhaps most importantly, she had faith that if all were to go awry regardless, Shael and Anchor were still out there somewhere. That even if her own efforts did fail them, that pair – just as reckless as she at times – would have no qualms about cutting and shooting their way to their rescue if need be.
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afreesworn · 2 years
Friends and Debts
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Anchor Saltborn.
Sour disposition. Loyal to Ironsong. Suffering from aether sickness. Possibly prone to attacking strangers upon regaining consciousness. Perhaps even involved in illegal affairs.
The last bit was pure speculation on Roen’s part but both Shael and Brick avoided answering the question of how and where their friend contracted his current ailment. Roen knew next to nothing about Brick – other than he seemed formidable, careful, and was most frugal in his speech – but the fact that Shael was tight lipped about so many things surrounding this man and her next urgent matter, likely meant that they were all involved in something Roen would not approve of.
But that never stopped Shael from getting her involved before, even peripherally. And given their past together, and for all that Roen owed the smuggler, she couldn’t say no.
Aylard’s death would forever be a deep wound in her soul, one that Roen could never willingly mend. The pang of guilt was well deserved, and for that, Roen would forever feel indebted to Shael. She honestly didn’t know how that could be rectified.
Which brought her attention back to the man laying on the bed in front of her, clearly in pain though not wholly conscious. His countenance had yet to relax from its tight grimace, and often he let out a moan of pain. Roen had given him his tinctures and every few bells, sat him up, tried to get some fluids down without him choking, so his body didn’t become completely depleted. She wiped him off with a wet cloth now and then to cool his fever, but the heat beneath his skin would not relent.
"He's sick so ya don' need much doin'. Just make sure he don' move on tae the great stream, yeah?"
Roen had not seen Shael in over two years. And for the past year, she had been writing letters and leaving missives for the highlander at her usual haunts. But there had been no answers. Then suddenly, the smuggler shows up out of nowhere and asks her to nurse her ailing friend. 
"He's not the most friendly o' folk, and when he wakes up, ya may want tae be armed."
It wasn’t a surprise that an acquaintance of Shael would show aggressive proclivities, but the male didn’t look like he hailed from Gyr Abania. And if the Higan letters she spied on Brick’s notes were any indication, both the xaela and the hyur had spent some time in the Far East. 
So was it true then that Shael too had spent some time there in the past few years? Roen had heard rumors of a red haired woman sporting a magitek gun in Kugane, but mentions of such foreigners were commonplace in the port city. And Roen was first to admit, at the time, she herself was too busy with personal affairs of her own to be on the lookout for an old friend.
But now that she was back in Eorzea and gave herself a reprieve from her travels to attend to some mundane business – much to the delight of her accountant – her thoughts had strayed more than once to her past acquaintances. And once the news of her partner Shooey’s death reached Roen’s ears, she had reached out to Shael in all the ways she could conceive of, only to be met with silence.
For as long as Roen had known Shael, the highlander had Shooey by her side. And the fact that she had disappeared from the face of Eorzea right after his passing, it worried Roen. Her resurfacing brought much relief, but now also many questions.
Just who are you? Roen asked silently, looking at the ill hyur next to her. The fact that Shael finally made herself known, just to ask for help in taking care of this man, meant something. It did not escape Roen’s notice that Shael looked relaxed around Brick, and very much intent on keeping Anchor alive. Roen could see the two had a significant place in her friend’s new life.
A small smile found its way to Roen’s lips. She was glad. She knew all too well how losing someone so important could tear a part of their heart out, and how difficult it was to move forward after. To find the next reason to keep going. 
Glancing at the groaning man next to her, it looked like Shael had done just that. Roen exhaled and stood, walking to the head of the bed to lift him up for his next helping of water. 
She had cost Shael someone very dear to her before, and she could never repeat that mistake again. So if it was left to her to feed this stranger water, wipe him down, and clean up his bile until he woke, then so be it.
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afreesworn · 2 years
22: Veracity
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The chocobo let out only a small huff of protest as Roen nudged him forward, having been woken from sleep to bring both her and Anchor back to the tavern where they had started the afternoon. 
It had been an eventful sun to say the least. In the bells that Roen had come to know Anchor Saltborn, an ailing man that was left to her charge by Shael Stormchild, Roen had come to discover rumors about an eccentric nobleman named Doctor Nylor, who was possibly poisoning people with corrupted aether and conducting unscrupulous studies right in the heart of Mist.
What was most surprising was that one of her oldest friends and sometimes confidant, Gideon North, had also been recruited by Shael to help a small number of her friends meet this Doctor. Never in the passing years that Roen had been corresponding with Gideon could she imagine their reunion would come about in this fashion.
But that anticipated meeting would have to wait, since by the time Roen was at the Nylor estate, it was well after midnight. She was promised a visit with Mister North in the morn, which seemed to have partly appeased the otherwise disagreeable Anchor Saltborn.
Roen knew better than to believe that he became suddenly amenable from her inquiries alone, she suspected that Shael and Brick had something to do with the hyur agreeing to return to the tavern rather than marching into the Doctor’s estate. By his words, Shael and Brick have “got things handled” when it came to his xaela acquaintances.
And yet, something still felt off. Whatever was said to Anchor, it still didn’t satisfy him completely; the consternation upon his visage never eased. He only barely resigned himself to rest for the night. Then there was the miqo’te who seemed too sprightly for a stroll – in a dress, no less – in the middle of the night within the Nylor grounds. That in itself would have garnered a liking from the paladin, but Diya – as the miqo’te introduced herself – then proceeded to provide the details regarding the xaelas in question. Only, Roen had specifically and carefully asked about Gideon North only.
But all these details on their own didn’t warrant much more than a passing curiosity. So, why was there a nagging dissatisfaction in the back of Roen’s mind? Was it the number of guards she saw around the estate? Or the fact that something bothered Shael enough, that these details were deliberately not shared with her? Did they tell Anchor what he needed to hear to simply keep him out of trouble? The man wasn’t well enough to involve himself in any conflict as he was. Even Roen could see that clearly.
She gave the estate a look as the wagon slowly rolled past. The wealth of the place was obvious even from this distance. An expansive mansion surrounded by an immaculately maintained garden, and even with a private theater built onto its west wing. A few lights flickered from the windows of the residence, but the frame of the large home was darkly set against the white bluffs of Mist. Could something nefarious be afoot within?
Roen would have her answers in the morn. It would not be the reunion she was hoping for, but find Gideon North she must. She trusted that he, of all people, will not mince words in telling her the truth of the matter.
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sea-and-storm · 2 years
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TOO LITTLE - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Nabi Kharlu, Elam Grave, Lehko'a Nhali.
TOO LATE - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Nabi Kharlu, Elam Grave.
EXPECTING THE WORST - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Elam Grave, Nabi Kharlu.
CROWDS - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Elam Grave.
THE PACKAGE - Hisanobu's Perspective MENTIONS: Hisanobu Mifune, Saya Mifune, Ghoa Mankhad.
GARDENIA - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Hisanobu Mifune, Saya Mifune, Elam Grave.
WEAKNESSES - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Elam Grave, Hisanobu Mifune, Nabi Kharlu, Anchor Saltborn.
DEAREST NABI - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Nabi Kharlu, Elam Grave.
INDISPENSIBLE - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Elam Grave, Nabi Kharlu, Anchor Saltborn.
OPPORTUNITY - Saya's Perspective MENTIONS: Saya Mifune, Hisanobu Mifune, Ghoa Mankhad.
DOUBLE OR NOTHING - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Elam Grave, Nei Uzuka, Saya Mifune, Shael Stormchild.
ESCAPE - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Elam Grave, Nei Uzuka, Musa, Hikomoro, Nabi Kharlu, Anchor Saltborn, Shael Stormchild, Tserende Valqirelle.
NEVER BEEN BETTER - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Lehko'a Nhali, Elam Grave.
FAREWELLS, PT. 1 - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Nabi Kharlu, Elam Grave.
FAREWELLS, PT. 2 - Saya's Perspective MENTIONS: Saya Mifune, Hisanobu Mifune, Ghoa Mankhad, Elam Grave, Nei Uzuka.
FAREWELLS, PT. 3 - Hisanobu's Perspective MENTIONS: Hisanobu Mifune, Saya Mifune, Ghoa Mankhad.
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LUCKY - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Lehko'a Nhali, Batuhan Kharlu.
PROOF - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Akhutai Khatayin, Arasen Kharlu, Batuhan Kharlu, Nabi Kharlu, Bayanbataar Kharlu.
NIGHTMARE (TW) - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Lehko'a Nhali, Ino Ghostwalker, Batuhan Kharlu, Nabi Kharlu, Anchor Saltborn, Shael Stormchild, Bayanbataar Kharlu.
COMFORT (TW) - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Lehko'a Nhali, Nabi Kharlu, Batuhan Kharlu, Anchor Saltborn, Shael Stormchild, Otsuyu.
STARLIGHT - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Shael Stormchild, Anchor Saltborn, Batuhan Kharlu, Nabi Kharlu.
FAVOR (TW) - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Lehko'a Nhali, Arasen Kharlu, Nabi Kharlu, Tugan Kharlu, Bayanbataar Kharlu.
BENEATH THE WAVES - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Arasen Kharlu, Anchor Saltborn, Batuhan Kharlu, Nabi Kharlu, Shael Stormchild.
CRUX (TW) - Arukh's Perspective MENTIONS: Arukh Mankhad, Ambaghai Mankhad, Ibakha Mankhad, Ghoa Mankhad, Chakha Kharlu.
MUSTER - Arukh's Perspective MENTIONS: Arukh Mankhad, Ghoa Mankhad.
SWAY - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Arasen Kharlu, Batuhan Kharlu.
ANSWERS - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Arukh Mankhad, Ibakha Mankhad, Ambaghai Mankhad, Unegen Mankhad, Galdan Kharlu, Tseren Kharlu, Maa Kharlu, Chakha Kharlu.
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REFLECTIONS - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Arukh Mankhad, Ibakha Mankhad, Ambaghai Mankhad, Unegen Mankhad, Arasen Kharlu, Batuhan Kharlu.
NOSTALGIA - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Anchor Saltborn, Naseem Malakar, Farrah Malakar, Bashir Malakar, Leila Malakar.
MISTAKES WERE MADE - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Nabi Kharlu, Egil Nylor, Estrid Nylor.
CROSS - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Nabi Kharlu, Egil Nylor, Estrid Nylor, Luri Kai.
CHANNEL - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Luri Kai, Nabi Kharlu, Estrid Nylor, Egil Nylor, Anchor Saltborn, Shael Stormchild.
YAWN - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Luri Kai, Nabi Kharlu, Egil Nylor, Estrid Nylor.
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sea-and-storm · 2 years
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BOND - Ibakha's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Arukh Mankhad, Unegen Mankhad.
NOT A WEAPON - Ghoa's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Arukh Mankhad, Unegen Mankhad.
ATTRITION (TW) - Arukh's Perspective (The Steppe)MENTIONS: Arukh Mankhad
CLOSE - Unegen's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Unegen Mankhad, Baidu Mankhad, Bayanbataar Kharlu, Ghoa Mankhad.
CHOOSING, PT 1 - Ghoa's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad.
CHOOSING, PT 2 - Ghoa's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Unegen Mankhad.
RUNAWAY (TW) - Ghoa's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Yisu Kharlu, Togene Kharlu, Bayanbataar Kharlu, Tugan Kharlu, Sechen Kharlu.
HEARTBREAK (TW) - Ghoa's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Togene Kharlu, Bayanbataar Kharlu, Tugan Kharlu.
PRAYERS - Ghoa's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Cota Kharlu, Togene Kharlu, Yisu Kharlu, Bayanbataar Kharlu.
OFFERING (TW) - Ghoa's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Bayanbataar Kharlu.
ARUKH - Arukh's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Arukh Mankhad, Ghoa Mankhad, Bayanbataar Kharlu.
SURVIVAL - Ghoa's Perspective (The Steppe) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Saran Kahkol, Muunokhoi Kahkol.
THE CRATE (TW) - Ghoa's Perspective (Kugane) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Saya Mifune.
UNNOTICED (TW) - Ino's Perspective (Kugane) MENTIONS: Ino Ghostwalker, Ghoa Mankhad, Hisanobu Mifune, Saya Mifune.
MISS THE BOAT - Ghoa's Perspective (Thavnair)MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Dinesh Sutar, Sarasvati Parikh.
CONFLUENCE - Ghoa's Perspective (Thavnair)MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Sarasvati Parikh, Dinesh Sutar.
TEMPER (TW) - Ghoa's Perspective (Thavnair) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Ino Ghostwalker, Sarasvati Parikh, Naseem Malakar.
CUTTING CORNERS (TW) - Ghoa's Perspective (Thavnair / Eorzea) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Sarasvati Parikh, Unegen Mankhad, Bayanbataar Kharlu, Hisanobu Mifune, Ino Ghostwalker.
ONEROUS - Arukh's Perspective (The Steppe, Post-Flower Arc) MENTIONS: Arukh Mankhad, Ghoa Mankhad, Baidu Mankhad, Unegen Mankhad, Bayanbataar Kharlu.
TEPID - Arukh's Perspective (The Steppe, Post-Flower Arc) MENTIONS: Arukh Mankhad, Unegen Mankhad, Baidu Mankhad, Yesui Mankhad, Ghoa Mankhad.
HISTORY - Unegen's (?) Perspective (The Steppe, Post-Flower Arc.. sort of) MENTIONS: Khenbish of the Final Tempest, Sorocan the Stormkeeper.
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ECHO - WOL!Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Unegen Mankhad.
FLING - Ghoa's Perspective MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Lehko'a Nhali
ROW - Ghoa's Perspective (Pre-Corruption Arc) MENTIONS: Ghoa Mankhad, Shael Stormchild, Anchor Saltborn, Nabi Kharlu.
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0 notes
afreesworn · 3 years
8: Adroit
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“Nabs. Ya ain’t breathin’.”
Nabi blinked, letting out an exhale through pursed lips. She took another inhale and released it again for good measure, but still her hand shook slightly.
“It ain’t too heavy fer ya, yeah?” Shael tilted her head, looking over the Xaela. “It be a small model, I made sure the barrel was light titanium, sturdy but not heavy on the wrist.” She squinted. “And some wobblin’ be alright. Or ya just scared?”
“I’m not scared.” Nabi replied quickly enough, moistening her lips nervously. But if she wasn’t afraid to shoot the rifle, then why did her hand shake?
This wasn’t the first time Shael had given her a gun. The first pistol Nabi ever held was a gift from the Highlander, back when Nabi was still working at the stall in the Rakuza district. It was for self defense, Shael said, after she had robbed the herbal stall. Ironic, and yet soon after, the gun came into good use.
If Nabi hadn’t had it, she would have been completely helpless when Anchor was fighting against the mothra.
Still. The weapon felt wholly foreign in her grip. But I don’t want to be helpless, to rely on everyone else to save me. This trip to Eorzea was her idea and they were about to set off to places where there could be dangerous creatures. She wasn’t going to put her friends in jeopardy because she didn’t know how to defend herself. So when Shael suggested a shooting lesson, Nabi agreed. A new line of determination furrowed her brow and the Xaela narrowed her eyes again.
“Alright, let’s try again,” Shael said patiently when the Nabi raised the musketoon. “Line up the target with yer eyes." She paused when she glanced over at her pupil. “Keep both eyes open. Ya got two, it be nonsense usin’ only one tae aim. Unless ya got a scope, but we ain’t doin’ that yet.”
Nabi opened the other eye she had closed, and squinted under the afternoon sun. The clouds above casted a drifting shadow over the rock set on a boulder, but at least it wasn’t some wild animal Shael had suggested earlier. Nabi took a deep breath in, and then released half of it back out, as the Highlander had instructed earlier. But when she was focusing on breathing, her target wavered. How did Shael do this all at once?
She squeezed the trigger, and the gun jerked upwards with the momentum of the shot.
The rock never moved.
“Ya sure ya actually hit somethin’ when ya went antenna huntin’ with Saltborn?” Shael teased with an amused smirk.
“I did!” Nabi pouted, although her pride was quick to deflate. “It had big wings, so… it was hard to miss, I suppose.” Her shoulders slumping with a sigh, she gave Shael a glance. “So much to remember all at once. How do you make it look so easy?”
Shael snorted, adjusting her hat and her shades propped on top. “I practiced. A lot. And had a patient teacher. Better than I’m ever gonna be.” There was a wistful smile that flitted across the woman’s lips, before she shook her head. “Nothin’ is easy at the start. But after awhile, ya do it without actually thinkin’ on it.”
As if to prove a point, in a blink of an eye, Shael drew her gun, fired and spun the pistol in her hand, sliding it back into its holster before the rock that was sent flying even touched the ground.
“Just like learnin’ how tae walk." The Highlander shrugged, then winked at her. “Ya fall at the start, but ya just keep at it.” She placed her hands on her hips and turned back to the Xaela. “Now. Again.”
Nabi pursed her lips to one side, straightening. She doubted it was that easy, and she was sure that Shael's skills in shooting were one of the best. But that meant that she had the best teacher. Which only had to bode well!
Nabi raised the musketoon again, both eyes squinting at the next rock lined up on the boulder. She tried to keep all of Shael’s lessons in mind as she focused on the target. Keep the aiming brief. Some wobbling is going to happen. Grasp the wrist of the stock firmly. Squeezing the trigger should be smooth. Don’t jerk up too fast-- why was her heart beating faster?
“Breathe, Nabs. Ya need tae breathe.”
((much thanks to @shaelstormchild for the impromptu RP for inspiration!))
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afreesworn · 3 years
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"I wanted tae see if ya knew anythin' about any slave traders on the eastern part o' the sea. Thavnair, mayhap? Or somewhere in between them and Hingashi?" Shael made a vague gestures into the air. "It don' have tae be recent. It be years past."
The blonde's grin did not falter, though his brow rose. After a pause, Tal rolled his shoulders, withdrawing back to his chair with movements like a lazy cat stretching in the sun. “There’s been run-ins. I won’t deny. Though we’ve had to move… carefully… when confronting them.” The pleasant tone cracked on the word, taste salted and bitter. “On this isle we can end them as needed with the Admiral’s backing. Across in those sands and seas… well, we must dance to their jig.”
Anchor rubbed the bridge of his nose, his brows pulling together with a slow intake of breath, "Tae narrow it, mayhap one more prominent fifteen cycles or such back. One that, mayhap gone quiet seven before."
A wash of calm and soft determination settled upon Tal's visage and pose as he swayed his head gently in thought, showing a glimmer as to perhaps deserving of his rank. “Or such? Many ceased sixteen cycles back, a great storm saw to that. Though adding in the seven... “ He took a sharp breath as his gaze cycles over all four. “That would limit… you don’t seem the type to want to go into business with such heathens, so let me think a while. Or better, let me consult. My memory isn’t as fine as the written word and the Limsan paper adores gossip.”
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afreesworn · 3 years
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Shael stared back at Nabi, wordlessly, just studying her. She eventually nodded. “Saltborn’s gotta do his thing, and ya gotta do yer own.” A genuine smile quirked one corner of her mouth. “And both o’ ya be reckless as hell, so someone’s gotta look out on ya.” She snorted. “But that’s why I’m here.”
Nabi’s lips broadened with a relieved smile. She was expecting sterner words. She clenched her fists excitedly and bounced once. “Don’t worry, I won’t be spending all my time in Mor Dhona. After all, we have to make our way, and I have to send payment for rent while I am away to keep this clinic.” There was new anticipation to her voice. “And I get to discover new places and see things I’ve never seen before! With you all!”
Shael shook her head amusedly. “Leave it to ya tae plan a trip tae a place full of corrupted energy and people, and make it all sound excitin’. Ya haven’t even seen the desperate streets o’ Ul’dah. Or taken a whiff o’ the Wench when it gets past midnight. Or been chased out by them wood wailers.” She took a breath to continue, then shook her head. “On second thought, nah. Ya ain’t seein’ any o’ that. Not while I’m around.”
Nabi blinked eyes wide. “All of that sounds very exciting!”
Shael patted the Xaela’s shoulders with a knowing shake of her head. “It ain’t. Ya ain’t missin’ a thing. Trust me.”
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afreesworn · 4 years
3: Muster
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“Seriously? Her?”
Shael’s incredulous question was probably on everyone’s minds, they were just not giving voice to it. At least, that was what Nabi assumed. But as silence started to settle in rather awkwardly amongst them all, Nabi was starting to question her own idea.
It was a strange notion to begin with, that this extra credit club— it was a nice way of saying detention class — showcase their own talents with an act in the spring festival. It was teacher Batu’s idea, to draw more attention to their strategy based dice game that, surprisingly, had captured the interest of everyone in the group. While it was a learning curve for everyone, since they started this exercise, everyone who had rolled up a character began to attend the after school sessions faithfully. Even Ghoa, who feigned disinterest at the start, started to show up with her own personalized jeweled dice with a decorated case for it, that even had her own initials carved into it.
“What? If I am going to play, I am going to play in style,” the Mankhad purred. “I know these beauties will bring me luck.”
Shael rolled her eyes at her, but Nabi caught her arching her brows when Ghoa’s first few rolls were in the high teens. A few days later, Shael too showed up with her own set of steel etched dice, that she proudly told Nabi she won in a game.
Jude only snorted his disdain at the notion of spending any money on something they were forced to do for school credit, but when the game began, Nabi noticed his intense concentration and focus. He wanted to win, and was not shy about pointing out errors that others were making.
He was the first to scoff at Nabi when she consciously made a decision that didn’t favor the party. “But… my character likes animals! She wouldn’t want them hurt!” Nabi explained. Surprisingly, she expected more derision from him, but when their teacher gave her extra points for staying faithful to one of her character “traits”, everyone took note, reviewing their own character’s flaws and inclinations. Jude said nothing else on the matter, and Ghoa started to make extra effort in bringing to life her own character’s lively persona. 
Nabi couldn’t say the party’s quest went smoothly always; it was a mixed bag of mistakes, hard-earned lessons, and surprises. But when they achieved victory over an opponent while also learning more about each other’s characters, none could deny the air of satisfaction that lifted them all.
Except Pjel. The viera maintained her stoic silence. She made her moves on the board without any fanfare, and her character being mute, she stuck to that trait religiously. She never spoke a word, in character or out. But her rolls were impeccable and she was fearless in battle. There was no doubt that the group could not have succeeded without her.
Nabi was still unsure her reason for being in detention, whether she missed classes, had a failing grade, or if it was for other disciplinary reasons. Every time she tried to strike up a conversation with Pjel, she was just met with silence and a blank stare.
So when teacher Batu put on the group their next task, to put together an act at the spring festival, everyone stared at him dumbfounded. Ghoa laughed bemusedly, while Shael rolled her eyes again. Jude muttered and Pjel, as usual, said nothing on the matter.  But once the session was over and their teacher left them to their own devices, protests and gripes began to rumble amongst them.
That’s when Nabi injected the idea about performing a song. 
“What… like a band?” Shael snorted out loud. 
“Wh-why not?” Nabi blinked, eyes wide. “You play in a band, the bass guitar right?”
The Highlander immediately narrowed her eyes, as if warning not to share too much. “Yeah well… we broke up a few months back.”
“A ridiculous idea,” Ghoa hummed. “I can’t imagine doing death metal or whatever you call music.”
“You have a lovely singing voice, Ghoa!” Nabi quickly interjected before Shael retorted back at the Mankhad. “I heard you at the last Starlight festival.”
“Oh… that!” Ghoa waved her off with a chuckle, but her smile widened. “That wasn’t even my best. You should see some of my posts on--”
“Yer actually serious,” Shael cut her off, staring at Nabi. “Ya can’t just wave yer hand and put a band together. Okay so ya got a bass and singer. Ya need drums and lead guitar and--”
Shael was interrupted yet again when sounds of tapping drew all of their attention. Pjel was tapping her feet and gloved hands were percussing over the edge of the table. And as they all stared in disbelief, the viera proceeded to slap and bang on the wooden table, the plastic chair and the floor with her hands and feet. And the rhythm that was starting to fill the room, it made Nabi grin horn to horn.
“Seriously? Her?”
Nabi shrugged exaggeratedly at Shael, looking both surprised and delighted. “We have… our drummer!” She laughed with a sweep of her hand at Pjel. 
“Pfttt.” Shael threw her hands in the air. “Well, none o’ that be of any use unless ya got a lead guitar.” 
Nabi chewed her lips and started to look around the room. 
“Well, no way we can count on him,” Ghoa groaned, rolling her eyes at the door. Jude had already left, he never lingered long after these sessions were over. Nabi knew not where he had to go, but he always left in a hurry. “Besides, I doubt the likes of him knows a thing about carrying a tune or holding anything other than a knife or a bottle of booze.”
“The idea was ridiculous, anyroad,” Shael added, gathering her bag. “No way we can muster a band together.” She tutted with a frown. “It’s just one of teacher’s crazy ideas. Again.” She started out the door.
Nabi sighed, her shoulders sinking. And as everyone else started to leave the classroom, she hurriedly picked up her own books and followed. 
But the idea refused to leave her.
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