#shadow has some scary bodyguards lol
kittydoesthings · 2 years
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concepts for Kiki and Mimi but big and sharp
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oh traveler, take heed (additional notes)
some extra notes for my giyushinoweek day 8 fic, oh traveler, take heed! i wrote that one in one shot last night, so it’s like, extra-hastily written haha. somehow i still ended up thinking of a bunch of background info though??
the general idea for the roles were as follows:
-Shinobu as the Butterfly Witch. She turned out to be a little bit like Rui (the spider demon) ability-wise, re: combat ability with threads/spidersilk in what i wrote. But!! she’s more of an “insect-witch” and draws her ability from various bugs and insects, so i suppose her array of physical combat would stem to like, poisoned needles/darts/knives, or some kind of created piercing weapon via magic. she wouldn’t have a sword in this au, but the combat portion of her magic would still draw from her Breath style. she’s a master at general healing and poisons, but also an expert on curses and hexes and suchlike. originally i kind of wanted her to have this exaggerated, not-so-good reputation, more befitting of a scary witch kind of thing, but in the end it’s more mixed. some will find her kind, some will find her cruel. again, i wanted to draw from CLAMP’s xxxholic, or necromancer by soga shina, where requesting help from shinobu is sort of like...”be careful what you wish for, as the results will not always be what you expect.” sometimes, curses are in place for a reason, or sometimes, what one person sees as a curse another sees as a blessing. the price that shinobu extracts is because she uses that “value” or “energy” to combat the curse/hex/illness/whatever. it is not often that she keeps the price, itself. ailments that she can cure with herbs and whatnot she’ll dispense for free--she has no need for money, since she’s still a princess. but magic of her particular kind has a price, and cannot/should not be used so easily. 
-Giyu as the “Grim Reaper”. He was supposed to be more scary!! He’s Sabito’s loyal knight, and also has the ability to lay souls to rest. He’s more in line with a canon demon slayer--that is, in this au he’d be of the few that can kill demons via cutting off their head. (witches can also kill demons!) he’s also of the few that can combat shades, remnants, the undead, and suchlike. to be honest, he takes it upon himself to do the dirty work that sabito would never ask him to do; it’s never anything terribly immoral, as he shares everything with sabito and makomo, but it pains sabito nonetheless that such a thing is necessary. some call giyu the reaper in fear, and some in hope. theoretically, he also has some necromancy abilities, but he’s not actually aware of it yet, and it’s something of a forbidden art. spirits who will willingly do his bidding are one thing, forcing them into a vessel is another. because his ability revolves around death, the common people find him very difficult to be around. it doesn’t help that he’s normally quite taciturn. sabito, giyu, and makomo are childhood friends, but before he met them, giyu was raised more by the dead than the living. (tsutako’s ghost, perhaps?) 
-Sabito as the Fox Prince. sorry, that’s it, i didn’t think any further than that LOL. he has some latent abilities too, but i didn’t think on that long enough to flesh them out. he’s a very good swordsman himself, and is often away from the castle amongst his people. he’s very well liked and has a very strong sense of justice and protecting the weak, and is constantly looking for ways to improve the kingdom. he’s a bit of a workaholic, and relies deeply on makomo and giyu. he kiiinda usurped the throne, but to the relief and benefit of everyone, since before him, it was the hand demon that was sitting on it, who had killed and eaten the previous king and all his family and heirs. he sleeps poorly, hence why makomo says that she hopes he’s at least dreaming well in the fic. (he’s not, unfortunately. the poor boy.)
-Makomo as the Fox Witch. Lady Makomo is the Prince’s companion and assistant in running the kingdom! she also acts as the ambassador to the surrounding kingdoms. she’s also kind of like a shadow operative within the kingdom--like a spy, i guess? her magic is a little unclear, but ranges more on the defensive/communication side. i imagine it extends to foxes also, like she can communicate with them and possibly transform into one. she’s the last line of defense.
-Kanae as the eldest Kochou Princess. Kanae is not quite a witch, more of a seeress or oracle. she tells fairly accurate common fortunes, and has a very good sense of incoming danger. this is also why their small kingdom has remained at peace for so long. she can be a little careless with this ability--shinobu thinks they should have kept it much more hidden. it’s not exactly widespread, but kanae would be safer had she not been so selfless. a more extended fortune-telling would need a more formal ceremony, and so the kochou kingdom will receive requests from high-ranking people on occasion, which the kochou sisters decide together whether or not to take. as such an in-depth telling would drain kanae, taking her days to recover, and so they do not take these requests very often, no matter what they’re offered. kanae’s combat ability affects the mind--she can scramble and distort thoughts if she concentrates, though this can also affect her negatively. she has very strong mental fortitude as a result of her magic. i’d like for her to also have a physical means of defense, so she can probably also swing a sword, haha.
-Kanao as the youngest Kochou Princess. Kanao has some seeress ability, and so is training under kanae, mostly, to hone/develop these. when she was young, she was able to hear voices which were other people’s thoughts. but because she grew up in the slums and no one was really around to explain her abilities to her, she and others believed she was cursed, and she broke under the stress of others’ emotions until she was picked up by kanae and shinobu. kanao was trained by shinobu in combat, and so she’s also kanae’s bodyguard while shinobu is away from the castle, especially when kanae is performing rituals which leaves her defenseless. 
-Doma, as the second prince of demons. There are twelve princes corresponding with the twelve demon moons. i guess there should also be twelve minor princes or nobles, to coincide with the lower moons? anyway. his followers attacked the kochou kingdom once and were repelled, largely by shinobu’s tactics. he’s been in love(?) with her ever since, but has marked her elder sister, because he knows that’s more motivation. 
misc other things:
- the village that shinobu told giyu not to go to--she was, in fact there, releasing the village from a “curse”, but it was one of those things where the releasing the spell was actually more detrimental to the village, but it’s the village’s problem of their own making because they’ve clung to traditions due to malice. the villagers end up being their own undoing, and the “curse” was actually to keep worse things from happening. it’s super vague since i didn’t think that deeply into the actual details of what happened--again, i just wanted that feeling of “be careful of what you wish for” type of thing. 
-i actually wanted shinobu to travel with giyu for a bit before they go to sabito! i wanted something like, giyu takes a small retinue of knights/people from a local village or something while on the search for the butterfly witch, and shinobu slips in and pretends to be one of them (though i was worried her height might give her away lmao). after a side mission is all said and done with, maybe that’s when they all go to the kochou castle, and giyu’s like, “i’m looking for the butterfly witch” and kanae laughs and says “but haven’t you already found her?” and giyu’s like “what?” and kanae’s like “she’s next to you, isn’t she? welcome home, sister.” and shinobu reveals herself and is like “hello. :) thank you kanae, i’m home.” and everyone loses their mind. i love dramatic reveals!! i wanted there to be a dramatic reveal!!!
-the “fox kingdom” (lmao kingdom names are hard and i didn’t actually come up with any proper ones, so i just. vaguely referred around it) and the kochou kingdom are officially allied. sabito saved kanae’s life once, and he and makomo are friends with kanae and shinobu. kanao and giyu were for some reason not present during when this happened LOL. but this is also why makomo tells giyu to search for the butterfly witch. the butterfly witch’s status is not actually public knowledge, hence why makomo tells giyu to go to the kochou kingdom. she would’ve explained more/the fact that the witch is also a princess, but giyu left before she could, lol. 
-originally i was gonna have giyu end up being shinobu’s familiar but then i was like......that’s too much too complicated so he’s just her traveling companion and partner to kill doma lol
hmmmm i guess that’s it for now!! thanks for reading!!
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metawitches · 5 years
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Episode 6 of Stumptown is about ghosts. The characters work through their ghosts while the show tests out new character combinations and expands backstories.
After their falling out in episode 5, Dex and Grey both spend time with new love interests, causing other cast members to feel they’re being left behind. Ansel and Miles take steps to ensure their interests haven’t been forgotten. Dex takes a PI job that has her tracking down the stalker of an old flame.
Meanwhile, Tookie continues to have business issues with his food truck. This time he closes up and goes to visit the highest ranking member of the police force he knows, Lieutenant Cosgrove. This is a friendship I never knew I always wanted. They bond over their love of mole sauce  and experimental cuisine.
Dex gets a female love interest this episode, her former flame and punk rock star client, Fiona X. Meanwhile Detective Kara Lee makes a second appearance and this time she acts more like Miles’ police partner. The women of Portland do exist and it’s good to get to know them. But I’m still waiting for quality friendship time between women that isn’t between Dex and a woman she wants to have sex with or who’s a business associate.
I usually say the Bechdel test is a low bar to jump, but Stumptown is proving me wrong. Maybe the women on the show have technically had conversations about something other than men and relationships, but, for the umpteenth time, there are no female friendships on this show, despite the fact that it’s a show with a female lead.
Why not? Dex doesn’t hate other women. Why wouldn’t she and Ansel have female friends? Why are other women only love interests and business associates, as if Dex is a misogynist “man’s man”? And it’s not like the other women are getting scenes with each other, either.
Are they afraid a group of women will turn into a coven of powerful, scary witches?
In the minds of ABC and the writers, does bisexual, aka a woman willing to have sex with a woman, code as “might as well be a man”?
Dex and Miles are at the Labyrinth for a punk concert by Fiona X. Dex wanted to thank him for letting Grey go and introduce him to something she likes, while they relaxed after the tension of the last few weeks. Miles figured sex might be on the table, even though punk isn’t really his scene. Dex agrees that they both might get lucky after the show.
Fiona X starts the show with a song dedicated to the one who got away. She specifically namechecks Dex as the one. Awkward. Later, at his place, Miles asks how long Dex and Fiona dated. Dex tells him that they dated for 5 or 6 months, ten years ago, right after Dex got out of the military. Then Fiona got signed, went on tour, picked up the X (real name: Finklebocker), and Dex hasn’t seen her since.
Miles asks Dex out on Friday, but this time he wants to bring her into his world. His world inexplicably involves bowling shoes. Which he owns rather than rents.
I think we need to consider the theory that Miles is a time traveler from the 1950s.
Also, it’s become very clear why this good looking, decent guy, who has a steady income, is so, so single. Ladies, apparently the bowling alley is where you should be trying to meet men on Friday nights. Or maybe he’s just saving himself for Grey. YES, I SAID IT. WHERE IS MY FAN FICTION? Don’t make me write my own.
The next day at the bar, Grey wants to know all about Dex’s night out with Miles, but gets frustrated that she won’t spill all of the juicy details. She tells him that she doesn’t know who he is anymore, so she can’t trust him with the details of her sex life. He’s going to have to get his own sex life now.
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At that moment, Fiona X struts into the bar, along with her full entourage, to give everyone’s sex life a little help. Fiona’s in town for three nights and wants Dex to act as PI and security that she can trust. She has a stealthy stalker who hangs on the fringes threateningly, but Fiona has never even gotten a good look at him before he melts back into the shadows. For that reason, her manager doesn’t take him seriously and she hasn’t gone to the police.
The health inspector finds a few violations in Tookie’s food truck and shuts him down until they’re rectified.
Grey talks to Ansel about his hidden past and if it going to come between them. Ansel is here to be an angelic, blonde disabled saint, the Tiny Tim of Portland, so of course he forgives Grey without a second thought. But Ansel, who has already been abandoned by his birth parents, is worried that this argument between Dex and Grey, his replacement mom and dad, is going to cause them to get a divorce and he’ll lose one of them.
Before Grey can reassure Ansel that he’ll always be his dad big brother friend, no matter what happenes with Dex, an intelligent brunette brings in a group of people on a tour of the most haunted bars of Portland. She tells Grey that 50 years ago, when the building was a cannery, a fishmonger named Dunk Henry was tragically killed in a sluicing accident. Grey is skeptical, until the tour guide, Liz Melero, points out how much new business she’s just brought him.
Ansel notices them flirting and isn’t happy about it. Mom and dad Dex and Grey may be platonic right now, but he knows they’re endgame.
At Fiona’s concert that night, Dex spots a man rushing the stage. She follows, while she’s having PTSD flashbacks, worried he’s the stalker, and tackles him before he reaches Fiona. He turns out to be innocent and Dex is blamed for ruining the show, which ends early. Fiona’s manager, Nick Tallarico, tells Dex that the stalker isn’t real, just a product of Fiona’s overactive imagination. He thinks Fiona just needs a friend.
Condescending much?
Det. Kara Lee, the detective who brought the files to Miles at his apartment last week, is back this week to help him with his lady troubles. But first, everyone needs to make sure we understand that he’s the superior detective and she’s a glorified secretary, there to further Miles story and nothing more.
Once she’s been put in her place professionally, Miles gives her the chance to be a good woman and give him advice on his dating life with Dex. She actually is a good detective, because she quickly figures out that one issue is that he and Dex aren’t on the same page as far as agreeing about whether they’re actually dating or just acquaintances who occasionally have sex. She tells him he has to use his words like a grown up when it comes to communicating with women.
I start to think that maybe I should actively be shipping Grey and Miles, rather than just tongue in cheek. These are two grown men who have no idea how to speak to women about what’s important, who had no problem talking about dating each other and communicated just fine when other men needed to be rescued. Maybe Dex isn’t the only bisexual character.
Tookie brings his problems with the health inspector to Lieutenant Cosgrove, hoping that dropping Dex’s name will help him. She supposedly doesn’t like Dex and has nothing to do with the permit offices he needs help with, but decides to talk to him anyway. They discover that she used to love the mole sauce that he made early in his career at Arturo’s Restaurant, until Arturo stole the credit for it and Tookie vowed never to make it again. Cosgrove has such fond memories of that mole sauce from the time when she’d first moved to Portland that she promises to help Tookie.
We’re just going to take this unlikely scenario at face value and move on.
When Dex is done with the manager, they go back to Fiona’s hotel room. Dex is impressed with how much nicer the hotel is than where Fiona used to stay. Dex clarifies that she’s a PI, not a bodyguard, which requires a whole different license. She intends to continue her investigation even if she’s with Fiona most of the time. Fiona clarifies that she wants to resume her relationship with Dex. Dex clarifies that she isn’t clear about what she’s doing with Miles.
Fiona wants 24 hour protection while they’re in town. She’s not sure where the next leg of the tour is going. Her manager keeps track of the logistics for her. Dex calls Grey to arrange for him to watch Ansel while she’s with Fiona. He teases her, but then apologizes.
Liz, the tour guide, comes back to the bar to see Grey again. Grey is happy to see her, but Ansel purposely drops a bottle of wine to show his displeasure.
Fiona and Dex drink and reminisce. Fiona reminds her that she considered getting a degree in psychology, which Dex had forgotten. Fiona remembers every little detail about Dex and their time together. Dex thinks about Fiona, too, whenever she sees her on TV.
A doorman brings an envelope that was dropped off at the hotel which contains a photo of Fiona and Dex in the hotel room. It had to be taken that evening. There’s a message written on the photo saying that Fiona is safe.
The next day, they take the photo to the police. Miles interviews Fiona while some cop-fans take souvenir photos. Fiona notes that the stalker could be a cop. They discuss any suspicious fan interactions Fiona’s had.
Fiona warns Miles that women like her and Dex are too much woman for him. He’d never be able to figure them out or keep up with them. He keeps her phone to look through her social media. She tells him to be careful, because some of her photos aren’t safe for work. Wink.
Lol. It only took her 5 minutes to get his number.
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Tookie brings Cosgrove a special delivery of his famous mole recipe that he almost never makes anymore to thank her for her help with his permit extensions. The food takes her right back to the era when she’d just met her husband.
Back at their hotel, Dex suggests they change rooms, but Fiona thinks the stalker will just find her again. She has confidence in Miles’ competence.
After Miles put Kara in her place, I love how down on him Fiona is.
Fiona sings to Dex, then makes a move on her. Dex says that she could lose her license for sleeping with a client, but Fiona doesn’t think anyone will find out. They kiss.
One of the hotel room curtains is still open and they know the stalker was watching through these very windows the night before. This seems like a purposeful set up for blackmail material against Dex, maybe just on the part of the writers, maybe by the stalker or Fiona. We’ll find out in some future episode.
Kara fills Miles in on the stalker she found through her research into Fiona’s social media. Martin Newtlander had created multiple accounts, but analyzing language patterns showed they all belong to the same person. Miles and a uniformed cop visit the hotel room. Newtlander isn’t there, but a scope and a creepy shrine to Fiona are.
As Dex and Fiona lie in bed and enjoy the afterglow, Dex muses that this is what being on tour with Fiona would be like. They’re interrupted by Miles, who calls to fill Dex in on the stalker. She correctly guesses that he’s white, doughy and very alone.
Cosgrove brings one of her own specialties to Tookie’s truck for him to try, a Phillie cheesesteak eggroll with her own special touches. He’s skeptical, but gives it a try. He loves it so much that it inspires him to take the recipe even further. She gives him the go ahead to play with it.
Liz and Grey have spent the entire evening at Bad Alibi. Now that it’s closing time, Grey asks what comes next. Liz suggests some full moon activities, such as vampirism, but settles on radical honesty to jumpstart their relationship.
The women in Portland take no prisoners.
Grey is up for the challenge and reels off his basic history. After his recent past with Dex, he’s throwing a challenge back at Liz to see if she can handle his baggage.
I don’t think that Dex’s problem was his history so much as the fact that he lied about it, and she’s told him that. This time he’s going to be honest and put everything that might drive someone away out in the open right from the start.
Grey: “My Mom left when I was 6 years old.”
Liz: “I’m sorry.”
Grey: “I’m not. She wasn’t strong enough to save herself. And if you ever met my father, you’d understand. Is this too honest?”
Liz: “Actaully, I’ve never done this before.”
Grey: “My father was a crook, but he was low-rent. He was a hell of a teacher, though. By high school, I was making bank, stealing cars. But grand theft is a gateway crime and by 18, I was a boxman. There was not a safe I couldn’t get into. I did a few stints in prison and met some pretty bad dudes. And that’s actually how I got the money for this bar. Tell me what you’re thinking and be radically honest.”
Liz: “My place or yours.”
Grey tells her that he lives upstairs. Ansel drops an entire tray of silverware and walks away. Grey goes to talk to him.
Liz never confesses her radically honest life history.
When Dex and Fiona get to the concert venue they run into the stalker, Newtlander, in a hallway. He has a knife, so Dex sends Fiona to hide safely in an elevator while she subdues him. Newtlander insists that he’s the one protecting Fiona.
Once Miles has Newtlander in an interrogation room, the stalker still insists that he and Fiona are friends and that she asked him to protect her. He tells Miles to look in his hotel room for the letters he’s been exchanging with Fiona.
Miles gives Dex an update and brings up their Friday night date, but then decides that she probably has too much going on to get together.
Grey makes Liz his famous morning after eggs. Ansel catches them kissing at the breakfast table and questions why Liz is still there. He runs out of the room, upset that Grey is replacing Dex.
Dex stops by to see Fiona, who is very grateful that Dex is the one who rescued her. She wants to do drugs together to celebrate their victory, and calls Dex a bore when Dex says she doesn’t do drugs anymore. Dex’s phone rings before the argument can escalate.
It’s Grey, calling Dex to help with Ansel, who’s locked himself in the office. Back at the bar, Grey and Dex quickly fall into aguing over Ansel, Grey’s lies and their respective love lives. Ansel opens the door to make them stop. They all sit in the office for a family meeting.
Ansel wants to know if Grey is leaving the family, now that he and Dex don’t like each other anymore, just like his Mom and Dad left them. Grey is shocked by the question. He and Dex assure Ansel that Grey is part of the family, no matter what. Nothing is going to scare him away, no matter how mad anyone gets at anyone else.
😭😭😭 This right here is why Grey is endgame. He needs Ansel as much as he needs Dex, and Dex needs someone who understands that Ansel is the center of her universe, not them.
Dex gets called to the police station to finish up with the case. Grey tells her and Ansel that he’s still here, and it’s no problem for him to stay with Ansel. But he and Ansel both admit that dropping the tray of silverware was OTT.
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Miles found a stack of letters from Fiona in the stalker’s hotel room, encouraging him to follow her. Dex figures out that it was Fiona’s manager who wrote the letters, not the singer herself. The stress of being stalked inspired her to write more intense songs for her album. Miles arrests the manager.
Fiona repeats her request for Dex to go on tour with her, and Dex suggests that Fiona take some time off and stay in Portland. Fiona gets a little insulting about Dex’s life, yet we’ve been shown all episode that Fiona doesn’t know where she is or where she’s going most of the time, she just goes from plane to hotel room to venue and it all looks the same. What would be in that life for Dex? More alcohol and drug abuse, when she’s just gotten her life together?
Tookie serves Cosgrove the new special on his menu: Tacos a la Cosgrove. They’re both married, so they agree this is just a friendly cooking collaboration. Cosgrove gets called back to work before she can eat her tacos, so she asks for them to go. But before she leaves, she tells Tookie that her friends call her Bobby.
Did we even know she has a first name?? I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Grey and Liz have a picnic in a park and take the oportunity to clarify that Dex and Grey are just friends and Grey won’t let Dex or Ansel’s feelings dictate who he dates. Liz tells Grey that she understands why the thought of losing someone like Grey would be unsettling. He says that’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to him in a long time.
I hope she’s for real, but something about that conversation makes me worried that she’s been planted by Kane’s people. She didn’t even blink at Grey’s history and the first thing she did was talk about death. Now I feel like eventually he could be forced to choose between the Parios sibs and her, which would leave him more vulnerable to underworld influence. He was only rescued last week because of Ansel and Dex.
Dex gives bowling a try, even though she’s terrible at it and Miles is a bowling supernerd. He tells her he likes the game because, “No matter how badly you screw up, you always get a second chance.”
Okay, that was really sweet.
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In two weeks, Ansel has to suffer through the worst Thanksgiving ever. Someone send Mama Cosgrove and Tookie to rescue him.
Since when do rock concerts end because someone fell down or had to be carried out? Especially a punk show? The first clue that the manager is the culprit is the fact that he yells at Dex for doing her job as security.
I believe that tonight was the first time we saw Dex linger in bed after sex.
Fiona really cares about Dex. Dex had a thing for Candace Tapper, who is the same physical type as Fiona. Does Dex have a disappointingly mainstream and patriarchal preference for tall blondes, or did Candace remind her of Fiona?
I could handle Fiona becoming a recurring character and her relationship with Dex continuing. There was a warmth to their chemistry that Dex doesn’t have with Grey or Miles. They just have a lot lot of obstacles to overcome because of their different lifestyles, despite their strong feelings for each other.
Since Kara’s been alone with Miles in all of her scenes so far in this episode and the last, they all could have easily been shot and inserted into the episode after the rest of it was finished and they began to realize how few women there are in this show. (But hopefully I’m just paranoid.) Kara also gives Miles a chance to act superior to a woman at work after spending several episodes under Cosgrove’s thumb, and adds another person of color to the cast. She potentially resolves several notes from the network.
It’s Complicated
Did Kara Lee really have to say that she could set Miles up with someone who could take care of him in every way and wouldn’t play games? Miles might as well hire a hooker who’d wear an apron for him him. But then, Miles decided that Dex is playing games because she’s not all over him, despite her complete openness and honesty about their lack of a relationship.
He’s the one who said he liked complicated women. I don’t think that word means what he thinks it means. He seems to think it means it’ll take a few dates to get her to commit to a relationship and for her to let him save her.
What it really means, in this case, is that she’s in love with both a dead guy (Benny) and a living guy (Grey). And as it turns out, there’s a woman who got away, too. Dex has a big heart.
She doesn’t want to screw things up with the living guy and also mess up Ansel’s life, so she keeps it platonic. She’s bisexual, so when she dates outside her platonic relationship to get her sexual needs met, she dates men and women, but she’s not interested in anything serious.
She and Miles have sexual chemistry, but they don’t gel on a deeper level, the way Dex and Grey immediately did, or have many interests in common. He’s a good choice for a nonserious date.
So while Dex superficially appears messed up and potentially available, in fact, now that she has her PI license, Dex has her life together, knows who she is, and is taking some time to work through her emotional stuff. She does not need a man, or a woman, to save her. She’s busy.
Images courtesy of ABC.
Stumptown Season 1 Episode 6: Dex, Drugs and Rock & Roll Recap-Dex & Grey spend time with new love interests, causing Miles & Ansel to worry they're being left behind. Tookie & Cosgrove strike up a new friendship. #Stumptown Episode 6 of Stumptown is about ghosts. The characters work through their ghosts while the show tests out new character combinations and expands backstories.
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geek-gem · 7 years
Annabelle Creation
Well I’ve finally seen it and just got out of the shower. Also on Wikipedia because just in case I wanna spell some stuff right.
I saw it with my Nana and she wanted to see it.
Spoilers will be included in this post and I’ll tag it.
But I wanna reveal this first actually. It’s also one of the reasons why I saw the movie. Also this is well I don’t know if I wanna say review but also a reaction meh just a talk about the film.
Yet one of the reasons I saw this because on DeviantArt and I’m just saying I’m a Sonic The Hedgehog fan. Their was this fan casting by someone I watch of one of the actresses in the film. Her name is let me check Talitha Bateman checked three times. It was this fan casting as Maria Robotnik.
It seemed like a good casting choice yet instead of wanting to see some clips just also the good scores about the film it being better then the original. I wanted to see it…
I’m gonna say okay in my head no I don’t wanna say glad yet…it’s nice I saw it. But holy shit seeing that.
Honestly I liked it. Gonna tell you this I’m new to The Conjuring franchise. Including the idea that theirs actually a cinematic universe for it. The idea of it is honestly quite nice. By the looks of it, it’s doing pretty well. Despite the first Annabelle film doesn’t seem to be the best.
But I’ll talk about that a bit more later. To be honest I’m not the biggest horror fan these days. Yet it may sound stupid I don’t think I wanna call it a phase yet since I have a collection. I do like some horror I’m just not no offense the biggest nut. Including me trying to be intelligent. Mainly as a teenager was big into some slasher characters such as Jason, Freddy, Michael, and Leatherface. Along with some other horror related such as Evil Dead and some Stephen King movies. Yet it’s stuff like Alien and Predator that’s mostly a thriller. Also some video games such as Outlast, FNAF, Bendy And The Ink Machine, Tattletail, Resident Evil, Dead Space, and some Silent Hill mainly the games despite I’ve haven’t played them.
This film is honestly quite good. I’m just gonna mention related to the first part about that fan casting. Now just put Dead Space behind Resident Evil ha stop
But the acting is great. Including I’m gonna say with little moments and just throughout the film. Gonna be kind of silly. Yet the concept that in a way where most of the characters are kids. In my head I’m like NOT THE KIDS and was worried.
Let’s say I was invested including yeah some characters just really they are okay. Nothing much bad as the film goes on as shit gets real.
Also this little moment between Talitha Bateman’s character and Lulu Wilson’s character looked on Wikipedia for Lulu’s name. Theirs this moment I think in the middle of the film. Where I feel a bit emotional yet I was thinking of Shadow The Hedgehog just their acting and them as kids I can believe. Including this relationship they have.
Basically it was nice I was concerned about the characters.
I will say I’m new to the franchise it’s basically the first Conjuring related film I’ve seen. Let’s just say I may sound stupid. I’ve even told my Nana and mom. I was uncomfortable, and yeah scared. Because I’ve even talked to my Nana I’ve haven’t been the biggest fan of horror for some time. Mainly such as watching movies. Including over time no offense their not for me at times.
Even my Nana she liked it and she’s a nice lady. It seemed a bit much for her. She says she likes horror movies yet she was not expecting that. She’s also a Christian so that kind of relates to it.
Really the film was creepy and just brutal.
To be honest I might sound stupid and be a pussy. Seriously I was covering my eyes a bit yet just seeing a bit of the screen. Because to be honest and I agree with Jeremy Jahns before I saw this I think two days ago or some shit. If you’ve seen the trailers and commericals. You kind of know some stuff of what to expect. Yet their are some parts yet still just the way it’s portrayed.
Seriously I’ve just took a long time away from horror movies I felt weird after the movie ended. It was good and I think that’s kind of a good thing. If the film is scary then it’s done it’s job it depends on your opinion. Yet also again I was uncomfortable.
To sound stupid and silly seriously in my head I for some reason wanted that Annabelle doll to start talking and making dark jokes something like Slappy from Goosebumps. Yet that shit wasn’t gonna happen. Mainly it was in my mindset okay then it won’t be that scary ha stop.
In fact after this my Nana is interested in that The Hitman’s Bodyguard. I’ve seen the commercials. Seriously it seems funny despite it’s getting mixed scores on Rotten Tomatos. I’m even interested in it just as the movie ended I even said I just wanna see that ha stop. I also even said to my Nana I wanna watch BVS the ultimate edition on Blu Ray. Yet looked on the guide some OK KO Let’s Be Heroes was gonna come on Boomerang. Just another story lol.
Jesus honestly I’m fine lol just fine that word but even my mom asked are you gonna have nightmares or some shit. I told her kind of no but it’s imprinted in my head. But think I remember I told her I’m okay.
Seriously I liked the film even the score was good. I even saw that was popping up when I’ve been listening to the BVS sound track. Yes BVS is dark yet I like that film.
Really it was nice oh no not kind oh my head lol stop. Kind of a nice introduction to The Conjuring franchise. The first two Conjuring films seem great and really I have to make my own opinion on the first Annabelle film.
Including and I’m gonna get into spoilers. Because I even talked to my Nana. This film has some easter eggs. Including possibly hinting at other paranormal creatures in The Conjuring universe.
Seriously I like the idea it’s a cinematic universe and theirs so many of these paranormal beings and I remember looking up more of the franchise maybe two months ago or last month of how the films mainly the main films are based on and well inspired by some real cases. It’s another thing to talk about.
As a guy who likes horror well not the biggest fan but the idea just a cinematic universe finally with all these creatures is kick ass said that in my head random words. Mainly because as a guy who was or is still kind of obsessed with ideas like Freddy Vs Jason and… really it’s mainly shit like that if shit ever crossovered. Despite I thought of some funny shit let’s not be realistic imagine all of these demons and whatever just hanging out, Annabelle, The Nun, The Crooked Man, and any other of them that appeared in these films just partying and making people’s lives miserable. It’s stupid dark humor normal to smile. Maybe all getting drunk.
Including since mentioning those other creatures these paranormal beings. So the one thing that really got to me that got me thinking it’s a brief little scene and I’m gonna talk about spoilers now.
Theirs this brief little scene where the sister is talking about a picture featuring her and some friends that are nuns. I’ll leave sister it’s a nun thing but theirs a little mention and looking at it I thought. Including the sister nun does not know who this person is in the picture. I thought to myself in a way my God that’s a easter egg. Including told my Nana I’ll tell her later and as the credits rolled.
It’s a little easter egg showcasing what appears to be The Nun character that they gonna make a film I think they may have wrapped filming I don’t know. Theirs gonna be a film next year and the character appeared in The Conjuring 2.
Including one little moment it’s mentioned but it doesn’t relate much to the situation the characters are in. Theirs this creature that appears in the scene where the two older girls are in. Including they were talking about a tale. Yet it’s not important much yet the characters mention it. It’s not really related to Annabelle and it’s not the demon that possesses the doll.
It’s a stupid guess it’s maybe a new paranormal being they’ve introduced in the franchise and they wanna make a film based upon it. Or it’s already been introduced yet I’ve haven’t seen any announcements yet.
Including theirs this thing and one of the older girls messes with a Scarecrow and thought it was gonna do something. Then it returns in the film and as a joke in my head throughout the film I want a Scarecrow film. Because I was expecting the shit. It was used yet it seems to have the demon possessing Annabelle unless I’m getting designs mixed up.
Then we have the ending of the film which disturbs me including one of the reasons I decided to look up the film on Wikipedia. So it turns out it is the ending no sorry the set up for the original Annabelle film. Which is nice. Including no offense ha stop but unless they want to no offense I feel this seems to be the last full on Annabelle solo film. Maybe they might put her in again.
Also another thing just seriously the ending I’m like uncomfortable ha stop just the way it sets up stuff said in my head worried yet just no I’m concerned about these characters and that’s a good thing ha stop.
But the other thing I guess it’s a easter egg the real Annabelle doll well another version of it. I remember finding this out when looking up more of the franchise. Mainly when the news of The Crooked Man movie was announced or some shit and looked up a clip and watched a bit of what the character was ha normal to smile.
Yet the original or well real Annabelle is a raggedy Ann doll and I think that was meant to be an easter egg. I think and remember comments below YouTube talking about how the people who own the rights to the doll didn’t want that to be portrayed. Despite it’s cute yet the simple version just…..ha normal to smile just the idea it can be unexpecting yet reasonable they don’t want their dolls to be represented like that on film. Still the Annabelle doll in the film is creepy as fuck.
Then I also found this out and disappointed I didn’t stay to wait. Just my reaction and the aftermath I thought the whole turning head which I even covered my eyes because I expected the doll to turn it’s head very quick but it didn’t seem much.
Their is is a literal post credits scene hinting or just revealing The Nun to set up the film next year. I gonna look that up yet it sounds really cool.
Wow I seem a bit better lol normal to smile. Just it was so fresh and just seeing the film for the first time you get concerned about oh God how am I gonna deal with this for the rest of the week.
Yet talking about it also tv on ha normal to smile sorry I’m a bit better. It depends. But Jesus that left a mark. Or just I’ve got a taste of the no not the Annabelle franchise The Conjuring franchise.
I’m kind of interested a bit more if I’m bit more terrified lol.
Also thought of this and looked at the paragraph talking about the post credits scene I remember the guy who made this is gonna direct the Shazam film holy shit.
Okay got tags down and felt scared a bit finishing up the last two ones. Also ticks yet yeah liked the movie quite a bit.
Jesus and gonna think other shit ha normal to smile but okay smiling is okay that is can’t spell inprent right I wanna finish this ha. Even the previews. I will say I’m kind of interested in IT now.
Honestly even thought of stupid funny shit like Twisted Metal and Jesus I wanna think of Darkseid and Doomsday more
edit I mean Jesus I put Catfish The TV Show on also ticks same shit edit sorry just oh gonna do other shit
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