transingthoseformers · 10 months
(Still a sniplet logs of SGAU1)
+SG!Decepticons on Nemesis, looking for the lost crew.
History log by Frenzy
Private Local CommLink Number : 876209837
Admin : Ratbat of Kaon
[Ravage] I am a Jaguar!
[Ravage] I running across the desert and sneak around a huge insect
[Ravage] I am a Jaguar!
[Ravage] I watch the sky, i sniff the land. Its all only has sand.
[Ravage] I am a Jaguar!
[Ravage] I call my friend with a roar, *Vroom* *Vroom*. Nobody answering.
[Ravage] I am Jaguar!
[Ravage] Why am i a Jaguar? Could i save my friend for just by being a Jaguar?
[Ravage] I am a Jaguar but.... oh i hope to be other than Jaguar...
[Ravage] If i were a seeker i would have help the fight on the Ark.
[Ravage] If i were a tankor, i would  offlined on the day we lost our bark.
[Ravage] And if i were a mech with tire i would have been fought against Black Zarak.
[Ravage] I am a Jaguar because... I am a Jaguar. And that is.. just that.
[Rumble] 14 cycle on this SAVAGE planet, and someone already have existensial crisis?!?
[Razorclaw] Aww, cheer up Ravage, Shockwave may not as good as Constructicons on fixing things, but i bet he can fix some generator so we can watch some movies.
[Ravage] But all our movies are with SKYWARP, how can we watch movies if he isnt here?!
[Buzzsaw] 11010011 10010100010 1010010? :)
[Rumble] Cybertron!
[Rampage] That should be ilegal.
[Lazerbeak] Seriously Buzzsaw, how low can you glide..
[Rumble] Frenzy i dare you to save this history log in your ember storage.
[Frenzy] Why me?
[Rumble] Cause i am red.
[Ratbat] I am just off for 3 breem, and suddenly my notification were bombarded by INDOLENT trying ESCAPES from their duty!?
[Soundwave] Dude... what did just i read?!
( I just stumble on this video at youtube about a fish having existensial crisis, and cant help my brainworming that it was sooo in character with SG!Ravage)
Ah yes! Red Rumble!
of course rav of course
SG Rav actually has beautiful beautiful colors imo
Ratbat and Soundwave are so damn confused with them
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
+ SG! Decepticons encountered coastal area.
Audio record log by Dirge
Timestamp cycle 15
Subject : The Fuel
“ We have been walked -i mean STRANDED, preferably lost, for about 4 megacycle right now, no sign of The Nemesis. Every long ranged communcation are glitched.... and if the MISFORTUNE wasnt enough, we were attacked by a horde of Fleshed-Ugly-Spider! Well, Starcsream said the correct term was Carbonic-Crustacean since hes said they were aquatic. Huge nerd. .....So far, there is no flies, no comm, the inhabitants- atleast the one that we encounter so far- hate you stepping on their land... Have i already said that the sea could devour you alive? I havent... now you knew it. Oh well atleast we dont have to worry about fuel, Thanks to Ionstrom’s bravado, poor kid need to be praised a little. But, that is the thing i want to talk about... the fuel... its like energon alright, but red instead commonly green crystal-like on Cybertron mines, contained or farmed? I dont know wich is wich....  in what some kind civilized-made-chamber half submerged into sea. Megs want to call it Energon Nest though, but damn... im not yesterday freshling Megs, he know what it is, and i... i have been served Decepticon long since... long enough....... I know what it is..., ...., ...., back then before the Civil War, though it still in WAR because there is no time we are not-in-war, ive been assigned to be stationed on this Mechanical planet named Gloiend, rich with fuel but hot as hell, quite literally, with its native have this simmiliarity with Velocitronizen, not transform-like but very fast, well they NEED to be fast otherwise the temperature will claim them, even its planet surface is literally covered on lava. So you may wonder how this people recharge? Have they ever stop? Oh no no, they never stop, no matter what. So they build their city on this Super-Fast-Titanic-Train running on planet-wide track that made their city keep stay on the planet’s umbra zone, keep them cool. ....Cool people.... cool people huh? they are formidable enemies! and we have greedies to fueled back home. So where do the Gloiendinizen go when we bomb their trains tracks? They go NOWHERE, the train is their only safety place that keep them away from the harsh environment their planet live in .......the only safety place who also smelt them alive...,..., heh. Energon Nest, eh? Sooner or later those Autobots will be sniff it too right. Always wanted to keep it from themselves..... Greedies..... Well better get a good recharge right now“
(So.. since in TFOG the decepticons are mostly come from  “We are revolutionaries then turned fascism, frag the Autobots for trying to stop us!” origin i would like to think that in SG the decepticons would come from “ We are once fascist but now we trying to revolt, frag the Autobots for keeping to encourage (Old way) us! its horrible!” kind of niche)
(Have you ever try to move hot water container with your bare hand and the first thing your instict kick in was to swing your hand fast so the air could articulate the burn damage? Yeah that how the Gloiendinizen lives their life)
Hmmm okay okay that makes sense
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Back to post-apocalyptic-earth SGAU1
After the end of the war on earth, theres alot of bots and cons, -veterans trying to send their own recording to the Great Archives of Neo-Iacon. Some are a genuine information worth to be preserved. The rest was just gibberish, sometimes its about the war othertimes its about themselves.
+ SG!Decepticons discovering that a liquid substance from a “Sea” could kill you in horrific way.
Audio record log by Mixmaster
Timestamp cycle 12
Subject: Patient with Severe Metal Oxidation
“ If Big M said no flies, it means NO FLIES! If you colour-FOOL flyboys cant respect your own boss atleast respect your Hook overhere, hes been holding himself not to cut YOUR MOTOR SYSTEM out of principle! Listen, Listen boys, Listen here.... i tell you thinggs.. the thing is being grinded, grinded by Auto-scum tire-pede is more dygnify than this... this...what should to call this substance again? Right..  here being grinded by Auto-scum is more dignyfull than to FALL, DROWNED, and RUST TO DEATH by SALT WATER!”
( So i think because the earth has alot of huge tree, then that would make it has more oxygen especially on water. Wich unfotunate for mechanical race since its can speed up rusting (Oxydation)).
+ SG!Autobots still trying to figure out how to reach the planet surface...
Audio record log by Huffer
Timestamp cycle 5
Subject : Beautiful Sunset
“I dont understand why Prime take a fuss on we having stuck on the sky. Everything just perfect up here.... green scenery, reddish sky, beautiful sunset, catchy echoes of falling mech. Ah you see, it take no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad...”
(Since they still retain their hovercar mode, i like to think that they tire are still equipped with surface-tension tech were they can float on hard surface, but will sank on liquid/soft surface like muds or leaves (They still can run on liquid-surface but not stand on it, like that water-lizard thing) ...so dont worries no bot were harmed except their feeling)
Oooo okay that's cool!
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
I have been thinking about TFSG recently, on what things that should need to be inverted and wich other thing that should stay the same. In conclusion ive made two my own timelines on how SGAU’s Greatwar begins and resolved.
Alright, lets start with the first version where it was “less dark” compared the second one. The SGAU1 Its kinda a mix mash of element from G1 cartoon, Bayverse, and Earthspark. So its gonna heavely based on earth.
The Earth where The Ark and The Nemesis would landed (crashed) will be the most affected from Shattered Glass. Unlike TFOG1 Earth where its mostly based on 90s classics themed earth, SGAU1 would be based on post-apocalypse-nuclear-war 22nd centuries earth years, where human is on the brink of extiction.
The difference between classic TFOG1, the Autobots and Decepticons on SGAU1 didnt scan any Earth vehicle ( Havent decided if it still exist) so they remain on their cybertronian alt mode, like the seekers with tetrajet, the scouts with hovercars, etecera etecera.
Okay, on the awakening within the ark both crews has no idea on what is going on at the planet where their landed. So there was clash on the ark, the decepticons got cornered, Megatron declared decepticons to retreat and search the Nemesis. That is when they finally pay close attention to the surounding environment.
One by one, the seekers that trying to flown from the ark entrance got crashed into something sturdy, not only flight frame meet their unfortunate, the scouts who been ordered to chase them also fall one by one from high ground. Apparently The Ark has been crashed into somekind of a giant tree in a Giant Jungle ecosystem.
Yes! this earth has been overtaken by mother nature itself. Not only that, starscream also indentified that earth atmosphere are reeks with radioactif-hazard wich prevent any techno to stay function nor let any signal escapes on its “danger zone”. Its hindering for the seekers, and its also prevent any starship to take off from the planet, making both faction to get trapped within.
That  just the beginning alright, there is much more that meet the eye.
Ooooo now that's gotta cause some very interesting differences!
Nice that they keep their cybertron altmodes
Oh this sounds intriguing, they can't leave, nature has reclaimed her reign on earth, and humanity is on the *brink* of extinction but still around? ??
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