#sex clinic in Gurgaon
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gautamclinic05 · 1 year
Consult with the Best Sexologist Doctor in Faridabad
Gautam Clinic is the best Sexologist Doctor in Faridabad. With a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors, Gautam Clinic provides high-quality medical services for all sexual health problems. They specialize in treating a wide range of conditions related to sex, including infertility, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low sex drive. 
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At Gautam Clinic, patients are provided with personalized treatment plans that are tailored to their individual needs. The doctors use a combination of medications, lifestyle changes, and counseling to help patients. The clinic also offers counseling and support for couples who are struggling with their sexual relationship. 
The doctors at Gautam Clinic understand the sensitivity of the issues involved and provide a comfortable, non-judgmental environment for patients. They are willing to discuss any issues with their clients and offer the best possible advice and solutions. 
Gautam Clinic also offers a wide range of tests and treatments to ensure the best care for their patients. They also provide regular follow-up visits to ensure that the patient is receiving the best possible care. 
If you are looking for a sexologist doctor in Faridabad, Gautam Clinic is the best choice. They provide the best services for
The following are the top services offered by Gautam Clinic.
Penile Implant Operation: This is a surgical procedure that involves implanting a device into the penis in order to treat erectile dysfunction. A penile implant is a device that is surgically placed inside the penis to help achieve and maintain an erection. Penile Implant Operation in Delhi can help you to get the best treatment from Gautam Clinic.
Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment: This refers to a range of treatments designed to help men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) or other issues related to their sexual health. Treatment options may include medications, lifestyle changes, psychotherapy, and other techniques. Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment in Noida can help you get rid of male sexual Dysfunction. Gautam Clinic can give you the best treatment for Male Sexual Dysfunction. 
Female Sexual Problems Treatment: Female sexual problems treatment is a form of therapy that focuses on addressing physical, emotional, and/or psychological issues that can lead to difficulties with sexual functioning in women. Treatment options may include psychotherapy, medications, and lifestyle modifications, such as changes to diet and exercise.The goal of treatment is to improve a woman's overall physical and emotional health and to help her enjoy a satisfying sex life.  Gautam Clinic is the best Female Sexual Problems Treatment provider in Gurgaon which can help you to get rid of it.
Why Choose Us?
Gautam clinic is a leading sexologist clinic in India that offers a wide range of services to help people improve their sex life. 
The clinic is staffed by highly qualified and experienced sexologists who are dedicated to providing the best treatment possible. 
Gautam clinic offers personalized counseling, educational workshops, and sex therapy to help people overcome any issues they may be facing. 
They also offer a variety of treatments for sexual dysfunction, such as hormone therapy, medications, and surgeries. 
The clinic also provides premarital counseling and fertility services. 
Gautam clinic is committed to providing the highest quality of care and treatment to its patients, and its team of experts is committed to helping you achieve optimal sexual health.
24*7 treatment is available through phone consultancy, personal visits to the clinic
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latasingh1 · 2 years
Sexologist in Delhi 8010977000
Sexologist in Delhi - Dr. Yuvraj Arora Monga
Looking for the Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Delhi? Male sexologist in Delhi, Sexologist clinic Gurgaon.
The top sexologist in Delhi for male sexual disorders, Dr. Yuvraj Monga has steered thousands of patients toward a healthier path for over 25 years. With extensive knowledge of Ayurveda, he has formulated some of the most potent medications for major sexual problems such as Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, and Infertility in men.
Find male Sexual Problems treatment in Delhi by the best sexologist or sexologist specialist doctor at the best sexology Clinic at Dr. Monga Clinic. 
We offer the best treatment for Sexual Problems, You can book your appointment online and Contact Us for Any Queries: at +91-8010977000, and +91-9999219128.
Male sexual disorders are very common in today's world. It is estimated that one in every four men will suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives. This can be highly debilitating and can have a significant impact on a man's quality of life. Luckily, there are treatments available that can help. 
Dr. Yuvraj Monga is a leading expert in this field and has helped thousands of men overcome their sexual problems. His knowledge of Ayurveda means that he can offer unique and effective solutions that other doctors may not be able to provide. If you are suffering from any form of male sexual disorder, it is essential to seek professional help. Dr. Monga can offer you the guidance and support you need to get your life back on track.
Who is the Best Sexologist in Delhi?
Every man and woman must achieve sexual satisfaction so that they lead a happy life. As it is imperative, dissatisfaction in sexual intercourse will cause unhappiness as well as discomfort. 
It is considered that sex-related diseases are the real cause of this. If you want to get complete pleasure and satisfaction during sex, you must have a healthy reproductive system. 
If you have any disease or any problem, then it is advisable to consult the Sexologist in Delhi.
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prasadji7 · 2 years
Now Ayurvedic Sexologist In Delhi Doesn't Have To Be Hard.
Gautam Clinic is one of the most famous web-based sexual wellbeing discussion firms in Delhi. You can request Ayurvedic Sexologist in Delhi and seek customized help. The great reasons might incorporate the ID of the seriousness of sexual brokenness. Prior to starting treatment, getting to the main driver of sexual failure is the superb concern.
We have turned into a go-to put in Faridabad, Gurgaon, Noida, and other Delhi/NCR regions where the expert sexologist gives great medical services to people. Dr. Inderjeet Singh Gautam is an eminent sexologist specialist who has been serving for a long time with demonstrated results and state of the art draws near, effectively driving this firm.
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Sexual wellbeing is a close to home subject, as it is straightforwardly lined up with family joy. The best Ayurvedic Sexologist specialists keep patients' very own data hidden at any expense. It tends to be a mental, profound, and actual issue that confines any couple from getting sexual delight.
In this way, having a sexual issue isn't a worry. We are here to improve with the best ayurvedic sexologist in Delhi. The sexual failure can show up at any phase of life and can occur with the two sexes.
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beenamuktesh · 2 years
Failed To Conceive Despite Regular Intercourse: Try Successful IVF Treatment In Gurugram
Several couples failed to conceive despite engaging in regular unprotected sex. Sperms might fail to reach the egg because of scarred or blocked fallopian tubes. Sexually transmitted diseases, pelvic infection, and endometriosis results in obstructions in the fallopian tube. IVF treatment from a specialized clinic helps you to successfully conceive and give birth to a healthy baby.
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Causes of infertility include
●       Irregularly shaped uterus preventing the egg from being attached to the uterine wall
●       Inconsistent ovulation because of obesity, hormonal imbalances, and polycystic ovary syndrome
●       Blocked fallopian tube
●       Abnormal sperm, less sperm count, or abnormal shape of sperm
●       Unhealthy habits
●       Diabetes
Manage stress
Stress may have an impact on your fertility. It is better to manage your stress to get pregnant quickly. Your husband needs to reduce work stress and focus on lovemaking to help you conceive faster. Consuming a healthy diet and ensuring a healthy diet also plays an essential role in your efforts to have a healthy baby.
Sperm production is possible throughout the life of males. However, women may stop their menstrual cycles usually after the age of 45 or 50 years. So, you need to hurry up before achieving that age to conceive and give natural birth.
Do you need IVF?
Women, who have trouble conceiving, can approach an experienced IVF specialist Gurgaon to improve their chances of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy or baby girl. IVF is recommended after 12 months of trying intercourse regularly if you are below 35 years.
If you are aged above 35 years, it is suggested to undergo IVF after 6 months of trying lovemaking. If your age is above 40 years, you need to undergo IVF after three months of trying to conceive naturally. IVF improves your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Are there any complications with IVF treatment?
To date, complications in women undergoing IVF treatment in Gurugram Infertility clinics are rare. According to user reviews, the success rate is more than 95%. You can try this treatment without any fear of side effects on your health or your expected baby.
IVF specialists in Gurgaon are well qualified and trained to perform in vitro fertilization using the latest techniques and medical machines in a certified clinic and lab. Only biocompatible equipment is used for your IVF treatment. It takes a few visits to the clinic for an IVF procedure.
How IVF is performed in Gurugram Clinics?
Women are given injections after three days of the menstrual cycle using very thin needles under the skin. It is done for over one week. When more eggs are developed in your uterus, the physician collects the eggs using a safe procedure.
Such eggs are then combined with sperm collected from your husband in the Lab. After 12 days, the cells multiply and are ready for transfer into the uterus. The physician then puts embryos into your uterus through the vagina after administering a mild sedative. It is almost painless and helps you to get pregnant successfully.
Testing for pregnancy
You will be tested for pregnancy after a few days. After confirming pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe medicines. You need to visit the clinic after a few days for regular checkups. You can consult an IVF specialist for the cost and treatment time to achieve pregnancy and give birth to a baby.
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gautamclinicindia · 2 years
The top Ayurvedic Sexologist in Gurgaon near laxmi nagar metro station for male sexual disorders, Dr. Inderjeet singh gautam has steered thousands of patients towards a healthier path for over 25 years.
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drskjain · 2 years
How to Support Your Partner With Premature Ejaculation
Even while managing premature ejaculation together would create a sense of connection, your spouse has the right to privacy if they so desire. You should accept if your spouse wants to go to a specialist or undergo therapy without our participation. Many individuals believe that overcoming fear and humiliation will be simpler this way. If you want a suggestion for the best sexologist in Gurgaon, we would suggest visiting Dr. SK Jain's Burlington clinic.
Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates during sex earlier than he and his companion would want. It's hard to say how long sex must last. If it becomes a problem in the relationship, there is treatment available here from the best sexologist in Gurgaon.
 Premature ejaculation is very natural and fairly frequent. It's difficult to say how many men suffer from it because many don't disclose their symptoms. If it happens at least half of the time you have intercourse and is upsetting you or your partner, it's time to get treatment from your local sexologist in Gurgaon.
 Speaking With Your Spouse About Premature Ejaculation
Doctor SK Jain's clinic claims that addressing premature ejaculation might be difficult for both of you. Your spouse may be concerned about his sexual ability, concerned about his wellbeing, or angry because you have shared horrific situations. It's preferable to bring up the issue at a moment when sex is not on the table. If he comes to you to address it, try to be calm and sympathetic, and it's likely that he's taken a lot of guts to express his concerns.
 Don't Get Too Wrapped Up With Erection
An erection is not required for enjoyable sex, you do not even require penetration. Couples may make sexual interactions a pleasurable and engaging activity by not having aims or goals. In these instances, sexual intercourse should be for pleasure and not for performance.
It is critical to prevent harmful remarks or comparisons with prior relationships. Concentrate your sex chats on what your spouse is doing well and where they are successful in fulfilling you. Tell them what they're excellent at when you're most excited, what takes your ending to the next step, and when you're most connected. Positive reinforcement is really effective in this situation.
 Try Home Remedies
There are several home remedies you may attempt with your partner to assist him to postpone his ejaculation. Masturbation must be avoided since it might train his brain to finish quickly. Porn videos should also be avoided since they not only exhibit false expectations of how long sexual activity should go, but they may also confuse the person who watches them, making them ignorant of their body's climax signals. Another recommendation is to wear a thick condom, which will reduce sexual feelings and allow the male partner to endure longer.
 Encourage Them to Seek Expert Assistance
Premature ejaculation can have serious consequences in a relationship. Seeing a relationship counselor can help you and your partner examine possible difficulties together. Visit the NHS website and enter your postcode to find a relationship counselor.
 Addressing any issues with a psychologist may frequently enhance your relationship and aid in the resolution of premature ejaculation symptoms. Partners could also talk about various strategies to assist with delaying ejaculation during treatment.
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dr-2345 · 2 years
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his or his partner's sexual needs. Most men experience this at some point in their lives, usually by the age of 40, and are not psychologically affected by it.
For some men, a physical test and responding to questions (medicinal history) are such's required for an Erectile Dysfunction Specialist Doctor in Gurgaon to analyze erectile dysfunction and prescribe a treatment. If you have incessant well-being conditions or your doctor speculates that a basic condition may be included, you may need further tests or counsel with a specialist.
Notwithstanding when ED doesn't begin with mental issues, it can cause them. On the off chance that you have Erectile Dysfunction Specialist, you might need to converse with psychological wellness proficient. A sex advisor can likewise enable you to manage any passionate and relationship issues that may have happened as a result of Erectile Dysfunction. Be that as it may, the best spot to begin is forever your essential consideration doctor.
Dr. Monga Medi Clinic is an Erectile Dysfunction Specialist Doctor in Gurgaon. The main thing your doctor will do is to ensure you're getting the correct treatment for any well-being conditions that could be causing or declining your erectile dysfunction.
If you are seeking ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION TREATMENT IN GURGAON, then we are the sure destination for you. All you have to do is to buy our product online. We are offering global shipping of our products. Our product will certainly provide you cure for the problem.
For More Information contact- 9355664222
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arogyaclinic01 · 2 years
Are you looking for a sexologist in Gurgaon? Well, the most appropriate question would be if you needed a sexologist? Often people don't realize that they might need a sex therapist to help them make their sex life better. However, some people feel shy about disclosing their personal things to someone else. Well, it's a pretty normal thing, and being shy about it is reasonable, but you should never feel ashamed of sharing your sexual problems with a sexologist. Nonetheless, this write-up will help you understand when you may need to visit a sexologist.
Often Not in Mood Masturbation Problems during Intercourse High Sex Desires Some people become sex addicts and have too strong Sex desires. For them collecting organs becomes almost impossible. Well, this can affect your personal and work life, so it's better if you consult with a sexologist doctor in Gurgaon or wherever you live. Bottom Line Physical intimacy is crucial as it strengthens the relationship between partners. If you want to keep your sex life healthy, you need to maintain your health. Regular exercise and a good diet are indispensable to keep one's sexual organs health and maintain hormones. However, sexual problems may arise in anyone regardless of their age, but they are treatable. So, if you need help, it's better you get in touch with Arogya Clinic, a top-rated sexologist clinic in Gurgaon.
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sexologistpk-blog · 7 years
Looking for Sex Expert in Gurgaon? Well, Dr. P.K. Gupta clinic is dedicated to provide 100% relax from sex disorders/diseases within your budget. We keep your personal information private and do not disclose with anyone.
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gautamclinic05 · 1 year
Best Sexologist Specialist in Gurgaon
Gautam Clinic is a premier Sexologist Specialist located in Gurgaon. The clinic is run by Dr. Gautam, who is a highly experienced and qualified Sexologist Specialist. He has been providing sexology services in the city of Gurgaon for more than 10 years.
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At Gautam Clinic, patients can get a wide range of sexology services, including sexological evaluation, counseling, and treatment for sexual dysfunctions. Dr. Gautam's approach to treating sexual problems is highly effective, and he has a successful track record of curing many patients. He is also well-versed in the latest techniques and technologies used in sexology.
The clinic is well-equipped with modern facilities and the latest medical technology. The staff at the clinic is friendly and knowledgeable, and they provide excellent patient care. The clinic also offers personalized services that are tailored to the individual’s needs.
If you are looking for a reliable and experienced Sexologist Specialist in Gurgaon, then Gautam Clinic is the best choice. They offer excellent services that are sure to help you regain your sexual confidence and improve your overall sexual health.
Why You Choose Us
Our team of 35 highly experienced and well-qualified specialists are available 24/7 for phone consultations and personal visits to our clinics located in Delhi, Faridabad, and Gurgaon.
We also offer home visit services and specialist on call (within India). We are expanding with upcoming branches in Mumbai and Lucknow.
Highly experienced and well trained doctors
 Quality healthcare services
 Clean and hygienic environment 
Comprehensive range of treatments
State-of-the-art infrastructure 
Quick and reliable diagnosis 
Patient-friendly approach 
 Affordable treatment options 
Personalized care and attention
Here are the best treatment provided by Gautam Clinic
Penile Implant Operation in Delhi - Gautam Clinic is an acclaimed clinic in Delhi that specializes in providing top-notch penile implant operations. It is one of the best clinics in Delhi that caters to men’s sexual health needs with the most advanced technology available. With the help of highly experienced and skilled surgeons, Gautam Clinic offers a comprehensive range of penile implant treatments for all sorts of erectile dysfunction. The clinic has the latest medical equipment and highly trained staff to ensure safe and successful outcomes. Moreover, its experienced staff provides personalized counseling and treatment plans to every patient to ensure maximum comfort and satisfaction. With its commitment to provide the best quality of care and services, Gautam Clinic is the best choice for penile implant operations in Delhi.
Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment in Noida - Gautam Clinic is a renowned medical facility located in Noida, India that specializes in treating male sexual dysfunctions. The clinic is renowned for its highly skilled and experienced medical team that is devoted to providing the highest standard of care to its patients. The clinic is equipped with the latest medical technology to provide the best possible treatments for a variety of male sexual dysfunctions. The treatments available at Gautam Clinic are tailored to each patient's individual needs and preferences, ensuring that they receive the most effective treatment to resolve their issues. With a wide range of treatments available, Gautam Clinic is able to provide the best care possible to its patients.
Ayurvedic Sexologist in Gurgaon - Gautam Clinic is a leading provider of Ayurvedic Sexology services in Gurgaon. They offer a full range of treatments for sexual health, including diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders, sexual counselling, sex education and treatment of sexual diseases. The clinic provides a safe and secure environment for patients, offering quality treatment and care. Their team of experienced doctors and therapists provide personalized treatment plans to ensure that patients receive the best care possible. They also offer a range of resources and support to help patients manage their sexual health. Gautam Clinic is dedicated to helping people live a healthier and happier life.
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latasingh1 · 2 years
PH 80109770000 Sexologist in Indirapuram
Dr. Yuvraj Monga is one of The Well-Known Best Sexologist Doctor In Delhi, NCR, and India.
He has treated thousands of people to date and provided them with The Best treatment for the same. 
He is working for the last 25 years and his dedication to his profession has made him A well-known face as The Best sex doctor In Delhi, the Sex Specialist doctor In Delhi, Contact no of Best sexologist In Delhi, Best doctor In Delhi, the Top sexologist In Delhi, Erectile Dysfunction Problem, Dr. Yuvraj Monga Sexologist in Delhi, HIV Symptoms In Men Female, Ed Treatment In Delhi, Sexologist In Gurgaon, Best Sexologist In Noida, Best Sexologist In Delhi NCR, Best Sexologist In South Delhi. 
Get Treatment for all sexual problems from India's top Sexologist. effective treatment. with proven results and no side effects, and also book your appointment online. sexual clinic in Delhi. sexologist in Delhi NCR. Call 80109770000 or 9999219128. Get Effective Treatment Get 100% Satisfying Results.
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Contact - Sexologist Doctor in Faridabad, Noida, Gurgaon, Sex Clinic in India
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If you are suffering from male problem like Premature Ejaculation, Night Fall, Excessive Masturbation, Spermatorrhea or other sex problem then consult Shiv Clinic, is the best sex clinic in Faridabad.
Call: +91-9811046766
Website: - https://sexologistfaridabad.com/pages/contact
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beenamuktesh · 2 years
Why Has IVF Technology Proved To Be More Effective?
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To date, IVF technology has helped millions of couples. The technique is one of the most effective and can help couples fulfil the dream of becoming parents. If you are unable to conceive then you can undergo IVF. 
Technology advancement has proved effective in pregnancy
If you have pregnancy-related issues, then IVF can help you conceive at the right time
The technique can be used on any woman at any age
You can look around for an IVF clinic in Gurgaon if you dream of being a parent. Couples who are helpless certain can benefit from IVF in many ways. There are many reasons why IVF is still considered highly effective. 
Blocked tube treatment
Several women are suffering from blocked tubes related issues. If the tubes are blocked then pregnancy becomes an impossible part to achieve. These are the women who can undergo IVF.
If you are facing this issue then you still have a lot of hope if you undergo IVF treatment at the right time. The technique helps as the woman can conceive using eggs and the artificial insemination method. Such women can become pregnant if the IVF has been performed by an expert. 
Pregnancy at old age
At present time, you come across many couples who decide to get married later in their life. Getting married at any age is not an issue if you can find the right life partner. But it is certainly not possible for women to conceive a baby at any age.
These are the women who can undergo IVF treatment. With the help of the right treatment and at the right time, old age women can also expect to get pregnant. IVF technique is very much effective. 
Infertility treatment
If you feel that only females suffer pregnancy-related issues, then you are wrong. You come across many males who face infertility issues due to many different factors.
If your man is showing signs of infertility, ten IVF will prove effective. The sperm from another man can be used to mate with the female eggs. You just need a donor. IVF can help these women conceive pregnancy in case of infertility issues as well.  
Best track record
As compared to any other form of treatment, IVF offers with best results. So far to date, millions of couples around the globe have benefited from this technique. You just need to look around for IVF specialists in Gurgaon. 
A professional IVF expert can help in many ways. They can recommend the right time when couples need to get started with the treatment procedure. They can also guide you in taking the right medicines so your delivery is normal. 
Same-sex couples
Many couples get married to the same sex individuals today. They may never dream of having normal babies. They can always undergo IVF treatment to conceive a baby. 
These couples might always take egg cells from the other sex donor. They can at least ensure that they get to become a parent. As compared to surgical procedures, IVF has offered a better success rate. 
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sunriselifecare · 2 years
IVF fertility hospital in Gurgaon Sector 52
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If you are facing problems in conceiving, you are not alone. Many couples experience difficulty in having a baby. This is where fertility clinics come to your rescue. Infertility is the inability to achieve pregnancy over a period. If the woman is below 35 years, this period is one year and is six months otherwise. There are many apprehensions about visiting a fertility clinic. Some reel from the fact that they could not conceive, some get terrified about findings and the decisions they would have to make, while they are feeling embarrassed. The SunriseIVF clinic is one of the best fertility centers in Gurgaon and Faridabad. The doctors and support staff are extremely compassionate and understanding. Backed by world-class facilities, the latest technology, and highly skilled doctors, SunriseIVF has earned a name. Excellent outcomes, more than satisfied patients, and high success rate talk much about the quality of services and treatments. There is a wealth of information about fertility clinics making it difficult to distinguish facts from positive rhetoric. The following information will help you have a leg up before walking in the door.
Try conceiving naturally
It is perfectly normal for it to take several cycles to get pregnant. If you are not above 36 or are not already aware of infertility, there is absolutely no issue in waiting for a year. You should find the optimum time of the month when the likelihood of fertilization is maximum. Good sperm frequency is also essential. Finding the right time and having unprotected sex every 2-3 days can help you conceive naturally.
Get screened
Fertility clinics cannot treat you if you have an active infection. Of you decide to go for fertility treatment, it is important to get screened for various infections. Even if you have been taking regular testing, go for a thorough screening before stepping into a fertility clinic. There are certain tests like HIV, hepatitis B, and C which is mandatory before taking fertility treatment. Make sure that you get these tests done not more than three months of the treatment starts.
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sunriselifecareivf · 2 years
Infertility treatment in Gurgaon
Are you planning for a baby and nothing is working out for a long time?Your immediate step should be consulting the best gynecologist to get diagnosed if there are any problems in your reproductive health. The couple should take counseling from the doctor to get better clarity about their ifs and buts on the sex life and understand the problems of infertility. Infertility is the inability to produce offspring even after a period of 12 months of unprotected sex. It means there are some inherent problems or disorders that are stopping you from expecting a baby. The sunrise IVF hospital provides the best in quality infertility treatment in Gurgaon.
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Infertility Causes
Infertility is caused due to a variety of reasons in women such as hormonal imbalance, problems in ovulation, or growth of benign polyps in ovaries, problems in the uterus and fallopian tube that blocks the development of healthy egg to get fertilized. Similarly, in men, it is caused due to ejaculation disorders, infection, undescended testicles and much more. Our clinic that renders the best infertility treatment in Gurgaon has world-class facilities and well-equipped laboratories for procedures such as IVF(InVitro Fertilization), IUI(Intra-Uterine Insemination), HSG(Hystero Salpino Graphy) and much more.
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