#sevenxmc good ending continued
Mystic Messenger Fanfiction | SevenxMC Good Ending Continued | Ch.18 Indestructible
***Here we are! It's the end of this fanfiction. I went through so much personal stuff throughout the writing of this one, and I'm so grateful to everyone not only for being patient but for even reading anything I write in the first place. The Good Ending Continued Series project was something I started just to have fun and started posting thinking no one would ever read it, but boy have I been pleasantly surprised. Thank you. Really. For my patrons, there is a new hidden scene available to you of Seven and MC raising their teenagers. I'll be returning to work on posting up my commissions and focusing on Tagged again as we wait for the After Endings for Saeran and V. Thank you again to all of you. ~Let's Connect! FFC***
***You can support my writing on patreon and get access to my VIP Discord Server or other goodies like early chapter releases and hidden scenes. Chapter Directory – Other Fanfictions***
Why was my phone ringing at this ungodly hour of the night? I rolled over with a grumble, taking a few tries before I managed to actually get my hands on the item in question. After struggling all day with the boys not wanting to nap and the girls creating messes all over the house, I was not really in the mood for a phone call. Seeing the caller ID made me question just what crisis Yoosung could possibly have that would require my attention.
“Yoosung? What is it?” Saeyoung stretched lazily next to me, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me slightly closer to nuzzle my bottom. I swatted at him as I tried to make out what the blond was talking about. A lot of it didn’t make sense at first as he was talking about how he heard strange noises and that he’d seen something running around in his house. The only thing that did make sense was when he asked if Saeyoung was home.
I furrowed my brows and looked down at my husband. Had he been up to something? Yoosung started talking again about how he kept hearing Saeyoung’s voice in the house. A prank? Saeyoung still had his eyes closed, but there was definitely a grin on his face. With a sigh, I answered Yoosung’s question. “Saeyoung is home. He’s in bed with me right now.”
That seemed to perplex the blond further, but he apologized for waking me and hung up. Saeyoung’s phone must have been on silent. Now that I looked over at his nightstand, I could see the device flashing green because it had new messages waiting. “What are you up to, Saeyoung?” My husband just nipped my butt and I reached over to smack his before he yelped and rolled over, holding up his hands in defeat.
The grin on his face completely betrayed the lie. “Nothing, nothing! I haven’t been doing anything.” There had to be something going on. Even though I was tired, I was more intrigued than upset at being awoken. Though, my phone was going off again. I picked up much more quickly this time to find it was again Yoosung. “Are you sure Saeyoung is in bed with you?”
I looked over at Saeyoung who was starting to snicker and rolled my eyes. Whatever this was, it had to be a pretty good prank. “Yes. He’s in bed with me. Would you like to video chat?” It was easy enough to change the voice call into a video one and Yoosung’s eyes went wide as Saeyoung waved at him.
“Hey there, Yoosung. Why’re you waking my wife so much?” He’d managed to make the blond pale completely with that question - now starting to make apologies and again describe what was happening. Yoosung appeared to be getting more and more upset, even to the point where his chest was heaving so much that I was almost certain he was about to cry. That was when I saw it.
Something was walking up behind Yoosung on the floor space leading to his bed. The item in question looked an awful lot like a small doll of my husband that he’d once shown me. This only had me further furrowing my brows. Yoosung must have noticed me squinting at the screen, because he stopped mid-sentence. “MC…is something…?”
Almost as soon as he’d asked the question, the blond noticed on the small ‘preview’ window of his own video feed that there was something creeping up on him. He shrieked - dropping his phone and giving us a view of his covers but an excellent audio feed as there were crashing sounds and soft curses. Saeyoung burst out laughing, and I couldn’t keep myself from snickering either.
Obviously, my husband had been testing out a new robot creation of his. I felt bad for Yoosung being the victim of yet another of my husband’s little pranks and tests, but I couldn’t help finding it hilarious either. Yoosung returned on screen - the small robot clutched in his hand so hard that his knuckles were white. “You come get this in the morning Saeyoung or I’m going to smash it!”
The blond’s face was red with anger and probably some embarrassment as well before he abruptly ended the call as my husband only laughed louder. With the call ended, I could join him in the belly-aching laugh until our eyes were teary. Poor Yoosung…but my husband had managed to make Yoosung think that he was being haunted by the ghost of a living human being.
When our laughter finally cooled, we were still both staring at the ceiling with occasional small bouts of the giggles before I rolled over to snuggle into my husband’s chest. “What did you even build a robot you for anyway?” That was accompanied by a giggle of my own, but it died as I felt Saeyoung tensing below me - pulling me a little closer. Was it something worth tensing over?
“I wanted to make a version of myself that would outlive me. A way for me to be around after I’m dead.” That made me tense as well before I pulled back, my hands on either side of his head and hair falling around me as I looked down at my husband’s face. “Outlive you?” Saeyoung looked completely serious as he responded. “Yeah. I made one for you, too.”
This wasn’t exactly an easy topic. He tended to be a little on the eccentric side and obsessive about things I couldn’t even begin to understand like supernovas and the infinite cosmos, but having your husband preparing for your deaths was a lot more disturbing than that. “Why would you be making something like that? Is there something wrong?” My best guess was that Saeyoung was secretly a doomsday prepper, but that didn’t really make much sense, considering.
He’d started to chew on the inside of his cheek, probably because of the look I was giving him, but now he moved to push some of my hair behind my ear. “I just wanted…in case something ever happened to us, I wanted the kids to have a piece of us. They’re still so young…” My heart clenched painfully in my chest at the look on his face. His eyes were showing an intense pain beneath the surface. This wasn’t something he’d created just for fun or ‘just in case’, there was a real reason behind it.
“I grew up without my dad and with a mom who hated me. I was alone for so long…and I don’t want that to happen to them.” Now my heart absolutely crumbled, a tear I didn’t know I’d shed falling onto his cheek before I bent to kiss him long and hard. Saeyoung was creating these ‘outliving’ robots because of all the abandonment he’d suffered when he was young - wanting to keep that from happening to our children.
When I broke the kiss, I wiped my own tear from his cheek and gave him a light peck on the nose. “You’re a wonderful father, Saeyoung…” I gave a soft laugh before shaking my head and lying back down beside him. “I hope we’ll never need it, but you better go get that robot tomorrow before Yoosung throws it down his stairs.”
Saeyoung gave a little laugh of his own before rolling over and tickling me for a short while before I could grab his hands away. “Don’t worry, MC.” His smile was positively wolfish, almost the same sadistic one he gave when he was playing the dominant in our bedroom. “That robot is pretty much indestructible, so he can throw it wherever he wants.”
Their children could have run the RFA all by themselves if it weren’t for the fact that it needed some organization. Thankfully, Jumin had adopted a daughter who took over that aspect as well as Zen and Jaehee’s son. Only one of MC and Saeyoung’s children had any sort of danger filter, and it made for rather interestingly themed RFA parties after the old RFA retired.
Saeyoung and MC’s life was filled with activity all around, even in their last days. With as many children as they had, their grandchildren multiplied quickly, and rest was hard to come by. Neither of them really wanted rest - not when there was fun to be had as a family. Nearly every grandchild inherited the vibrant red hair, and that more than anything showed Saeyoung just how much evidence of his own existence he’d left on the world.
MC would always remember the night her husband passed as she drove him out for what he called ‘one last ride in my babies’ to a grassy area outside of Seoul. He’d been ill for some time, no longer able to walk as his body was reaching its limits. Saeyoung had never taken the best care of himself physically, and it was really showing in his old age. As they’d lain there under the stars, Saeyoung spoke of the emptiness of non-existence and the way MC had saved him from that life. He mentioned that he hoped the reset would start again so he could live this life over, but she simply hushed him and said that whatever came they’d always be together. That seemed to soothe him, and they laid there quietly until he breathed his last.
It was several hours later before MC found herself able to call the medics and let go of her husband. She was right to think that his robots would never be a replacement for him, though she still dug the little thing he’d once terrorized Yoosung with from its hiding place. She was found clutching the item when she passed - the little robot still singing her a lullaby and asking her if she’d fallen asleep.
In their time working for the RFA, they were able to help raise incredible amounts of money. Saeyoung gave up most of his hacking activity and lived a far more legal life than he’d had to before - able to be reunited with his brother and have his own family. The existence he’d never thought he’d have was now a permanent mark on the organization as well as their family left behind. Who could forget the eccentric redhead who’d once protected them from the shadows? His legacy was as indestructible as the robot he’d built.
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raeyvies · 7 years
What happens when Seven finds out about MC’s anxiety? pt.1
MC has anxiety revolving fear of being abandoned/thrown away as though she were worthless. However, she has violent and destructive tendencies to cope with her distress. Luckily she has it under control with medication, but what happens when MC stops taking her meds and Seven accidentally triggers her anxiety once again?
Suggested by @revalya​ : “What would Seven do if he meets an MC who has anxiety like Saeran and she only wants to run away?” I switched it up a bit and instead of running away, she pushes Seven away.
You can read the Saeran version of this story here.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
Part: 1/3
Length: 2751 words
Pairing: SevenxMC
Warnings: implied sex (still SFW)
Your hands gently grazed the polished, glossy surface of the vehicle you had been saving up for years to buy. You were at a dealer ready to seal the deal and possibly get yourself into a well worth debt with this Mercedes C-Class Coupe. Imagining yourself riding out of this place with a bright red luxury vehicle and driving up to work with it, you were lost in your own world for a while.
I’ve worked hard for this. I deserve this, you told yourself as you chuckled, all the while antsy to finally sign the contract. After all, you didn’t work as a forensic ballistics analyst for nothing, making almost six figures.
Taking a peek at the inside while waiting for a sales representative, you closely looked at the designing of the inside, down to the stitch work, until you felt someone’s body invading in your own personal space. It sent chills down your spine as you felt whoever’s hair it was touch your earlobe and the moment you turned your head to meet his eyes, you saw how close his face was to yours. Reflexes kicking in, you attempted to back away from the car, only to hit your head against the car’s roof, gripping at the top of the opened door to keep your balance.
Grunting at the thumping pain in your skull, you shouted at the red hair man, “Aghh! Don’t you have any sense of personal space? There’s literally another door, use it!”
“Oh but from here I can get the best view,” he said. You thought it was a joke but as you glared at him, practically burning holes through him, it came to you that he was actually being serious.
“I’m guessing no one taught you how to be patient then.”
“Anyway, my bad. I didn’t know you would freak out like that, I just assumed you wouldn’t mind.” What bugged you was how casual he was being about this all. Who in the world actually assumes that having a stranger that close to you wouldn’t scare you at all?
Rolling your eyes, you were about to leave him to his own businesses, and dismissed him sarcastically, “Yes, because everyone in this world doesn’t mind having someone four inches away from themselves. Have a good day--”
“Saeyoung,” he interjected.
“Excuse me?”
Finally pulling himself out of the car, you finally took a full look at him and you almost gasped at how handsome he was. You were surprised seeing as he was so much taller than you. He was wearing a black tank top showing through his opened, white button up shirt, sleeves folded at his elbows. And his hair was a bright vermillion. You had never seen someone with such vibrant hair and from what you could tell, it was his natural hair color. And it looked so fine on him.
“‘Have a good day, Saeyoung,’” he bowed slightly, moving his hand in a rolling motion, as though he were greeting himself even though you were just leaving him. “I think that’s what you meant to say.”
You gave him a side glare, a confused yet stunned expression painted on your face, “You don’t really know how to...uh...be social, do you, Saeyoung?”
Saeyoung awkwardly scratched the back of his head, and shook his head, “I’m really sorry. I hardly get to talk to anyone besides my computer. We got off on the wrong hand didn’t we?”
You confess that maybe you did get slightly defensive unnecessarily and you apologized too. The two of you view the inside of the Mercedes, this time from different doors and from there, you two continued your conversation, you being first to break the ice. “You're right though. She's a beauty and I'm hoping to drive out with one of these today.”
“Good choice. I already have one of these but next year's model,” Saeyoung boasts while you were left dumbstruck. How could he have the next model if this one just came out? Picking up on your confusion, he laughed, “That’s everyone’s reaction. Let’s just say I have connections and a garage with fifteen cars.”
This guy, this tall glass of fruit punch, had it all. At this point you wouldn’t be surprised if he said he was heir to some conglomerate. For a few more minutes, the two of you shared some conversations of over your interests and about cars, and in the end you found he was actually a cool guy. You wouldn’t mind being friends with him. Saeyoung was about to ask you if you wanted to keep talking over some bubble tea or whatever appetized you when a sales representative finally approached.
“Give me an hour and this baby will be mine,” you crow at him in return for bragging about his fifteen some cars. Saeyoung smirked in response and told you he would wait until you came out with your new car.
You thought little of it thinking he was just being friendly to you, but when you left the office with new keys in your hands, you saw that he was still there with headphones over his ears. He really had waited for you and that made you heart swell just the slightest bit. You had grown so used to blowing off others or being the one blown off, so seeing him there gave you joy.
Despite having anxiety about being abandoned, your medication always kept you stable and able to socialize without your fears disturbing you. Saeyoung now said what he was previously planning to say, and asked you out to keep talking over fried chicken and honey bwatda chips since that was what you were hungry for.
You drove out of the dealer with a brilliant and shiny new Mercedes while Saeyoung followed behind you in his own luxury sports car. Since you were in the city, you couldn’t afford to go speeding down the streets but at night you knew you would. You got to know Saeyoung even more, and you found his personality attractive. You felt a magnetic pull to him. His cheeriness and joking aura charmed you in the end. You hadn’t felt this with anyone since you started your therapy sessions years ago and quite honestly you missed this feeling. Then again, you were the one who avoided any possible attachment but with Saeyoung you felt that if you at least remained casual, you wouldn’t be hurt. You also didn’t plan to tell him anytime of your mental issues.
However, you wouldn’t know what to do if the two of you did become serious.
The both of you had a great time on your first date that happened later that weekend after your first encounter with him. You got to know more about each other’s occupations and you became more sociable. You found out he was working as an intelligence specialist under an agency and he learned you were a ballistics analysts for an agency as well. Saeyoung thought to himself that he caught a real smart one and told you that. It was burdensome and embarrassing to have been told that, but you couldn’t help but blush. In fact, you felt like nothing was wrong with you when you blushed. It was like you had become a new person. Although in Saeyoung’s presence you didn’t think much of your dilemma, at home, you stirred at night unable to sleep. You kept asking yourself why you weren’t fearing attachment to him.
And that was what you discussed with your therapist that week. She told you that therapy was working very well and since you were always on top of your medication, you were more in control of your emotions now. So she recommended to lower your dosage gradually until you were off the medication for good. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you had a bad feeling. You felt that one day you would fall back and be consumed by your worries and become violent again. It was your way of protecting yourself. You would rather abandon someone than to be thrown away by that person. You would drive them away like that.
Worst of all, you had no control over yourself. Once your violent outbursts were triggered by fear, it was nearly impossible for you to stop.
You prayed that you wouldn't lose your self control in front of Saeyoung. He really didn't deserve it.
That week you declined a date with Saeyoung because you were still adjusting to no longer using your anxiety medication. For a while, though it felt like an eternity, you would be jittery. You wouldn't eat. You couldn't sleep. You wanted to be with Saeyoung. But he can't see me like this, you thought to yourself as you held a mug a little too tight. Before it could break in your own hand, you lunged it at a wall, letting it shatter and litter the floor.
That became a routine because laying off the medication was not the wisest decision, but your therapist refused to give you another prescription. For now, even though you were anxious and violent, you weren't afraid, and that was progress admittedly. Your therapist told you to give it some time, so everyday you broke one mug, or plate, or cup. And when you ran out of them, you bought some more. As unorthodox as it was, it kept you stable.
You couldn't imagine what would happen the day fear came back into your life, reclaiming its pedestal in your body. You wouldn't let it; you knew that Saeyoung wouldn't throw you away and dispose of you like a used doll.
What you didn't know was that Saeyoung had already tapped into your phone and had already run a background check on you. Through your phone’s microphone, he heard you smashing every single mug. The first few times he was distressed and wanted to run to you, but that would reveal he knew more about you than you thought.. You didn't even know yet where he lived and you hasn't told him your address either.
It was a bad habit of his but it served its purpose as he found out about your therapy sessions too. The night he read about you, he knew he couldn't push you away like he did to everyone else. He didn't want to damage you more than you already were; rather, he wanted to stitch you back up piece by piece until your anxiety was imprisoned. Saeyoung would be doing what he couldn't do for his brother all those years ago. Of course he never made a mention about knowing, but his subtle gestures hinted that he knew something.
Having recuperated your center and grown used to the lack of drugs in your body, you finally cleaned up the mess you had made in your apartment. It took a few hours but you were proud of yourself. Cleaning up the pieces of glass was like picking up the missing pieces in your life.
Saeyoung stopped hearing the sound of shattering glass every day and was sure that you were recovering and moving past your anxiety. He also learned that you had been accused of domestic violence but now he understood where it came from. He began putting two and two together, and it dawned on him that it was just your defensive mechanism because he had read that you feared commitment and attachment.
But both of you knew that you wanted to take it further. You started making an effort to change yourself, and Saeyoung’s subtle gestures were making a difference even if you didn't see it.
After about two months as a casual couple, one date the both of you took deepened your relationship.
It was Saeyoung’s idea to go out and have a little race in the middle of nowhere. Oh he has some creative ideas for dates right? Seeing as you were competitive too, you accepted his challenge. The two of you in separate cars, engines roaring, sped down a deserted highway that day, and adrenaline coursed through your veins. The rush of driving at 100+ miles per hour was so exhilarating that you hadn’t notice you won until you finally came to a stop.
In the end, you came out victorious against the one who even suggested the race and with a smirk you greeted the unfortunate loser. Leaning casually against your car you winked at your boyfriend as he got out of his car and jokingly, relished in his misfortune, “Don't tell me now that you just lost on purpose. Admit it, your girlfriend is a better driver than you.”
As your boyfriend stepped out of his car, he swept his hair back and chuckled at your cocky way of expressing yourself, striding towards you. Saeyoung placed his hands on your waist and closed the space between the two of you. You saw that he was biting his lip as he looked down at you. Since there’s such a height difference between you and Saeyoung, it made you look like an adorable couple. But in that moment, it only increased the tension between you two. He was so close to you and you could feel his heartbeat; you could hear his breathing so closely that you could tell he was still calming down from the rush of racing. Moving a strand of hair from your face with his finger, he admitted, “You know I actually won right?”
Seeing your confused expression, he added in a lower voice, “Because you're my girlfriend.”
You gave him a glance that only said, Tell me more. Honestly you couldn't get enough of his flattery and just waited for Saeyoung to continue as you pulled him closer, your fingers hooked in his belt loops.
“You're beautiful. Competitive. Extremely intelligent. A fighter.”
“I know.”
“We're all alone out here too. No one’s watching us.”
Instead of saying anything, you just closed the gap between the both of you even more.
“And I love you. So so much.”
“I know,” you whispered as though it were a secret. You licked your lips out of habit waiting for Saeyoung to say more.
“Do you?” He asked with an implying tone. You two had grown to know each other so well in the last few months and you knew exactly what he was trying to say. You rise to your tip toes, one hand grasping at his shirt to pull him down to your level, and clashed your lips with his. You felt as Saeyoung caressed your waist, he was also pushing you onto the hood of your car, slowly and gently.
As the kiss became more heated, the sexual tension multiplied, feeling his waist between your legs. Saeyoung bit your lip and loved the sounds you made as you tried to find some breaths in between. It was almost a whining yet pouty sound.
And then the kisses moved on to your neck, making you gasp but wishing for it to never end. He started unbuttoning your shirt all the while grazing your skin with his rough fingers under your tank top. You could feel his heat so close to you and you just pulled him closer to you, desperately craving more of him.
“W-wait,” you whispered and Saeyoung paused. He thought that maybe he was crossing a line but as he was about to pull away from you, you pouted, “I don't want a dent in my baby!”
You were obviously referring to your car.
“Oh my god, MC,” Saeyoung sighed in relief half out of breath with his heart racing. “Ruining the moment much.”
You gave him a devilish smile, with lust clouding your eyes, as you slid off the hood and opened the door to the passenger seat. “I learned it from you, love.”
Saeyoung laughed under his breath thinking that he was right; he had the greatest girlfriend he could ask for. He knew that he made the right choice to never push you away. He watched as you teasingly removed your shirt and jeans, only leaving your translucent tank top on, revealing your body’s curves, and slid into the passenger seat that had readily been adjusted for such an occasion. Saeyoung didn't take long to follow you, allured by your seduction.
Right then and there he left his trace on you that he existed. That was not the last time he left his seal on you, and you never wanted it to stop.
To be continued.
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Mystic Messenger Fanfiction | SevenxMC Good Ending Continued | Ch. 12 Surprise Hack
***I've started doing headcanons on tumblr again! Which I think is super exciting, but I don't know about you. Here's the link to my masterlist. On that note, we're gonna get back into some Seven and MC. ~Let's Connect! FFC***
***You can support my writing on patreon and get access to my VIP Discord Server or other goodies like early chapter releases and hidden scenes. Chapter Directory – Other Fanfictions***
I rubbed at my eyes, stepping out of our bedroom and looking around. Where was my husband? The RFA party was nearly upon us, and we were currently on crunch-time to finalize the guest list. He'd been a little on edge as soon as I'd mentioned that I would be inviting those hackers again, the ones who were looking for Grandma Choi - their nemesis. I had thought he would find it funny, maybe I was wrong.
Saeyoung hadn't hacked in a very long time, so maybe it was something about not wanting to be reminded of his sordid past. My heart sank at the thought that I might have hurt my husband. He certainly wouldn't have told me if I had. Lately, he spent all of his time making toys and gadgets - things that our daughters could play with as well as more of those cat robots. Jumin had taken an interest to them for a business plan. It was almost to the point where I was going to suggest he open a toy-shop and sell his little creations that way. Maybe I was crazy, but I seemed to remember him mentioning a dream he'd had like that in the past.
My eyes landed on the door to his computer room - the door slightly cracked and light spilling out of it into our darkened living room. Now I was even more confused. What would he be doing in his computer room when he was supposed to be asleep in bed next to me? I pushed the door open slowly - my eyes widening as I saw him clicking away at the computer. Not that I didn't normally see him on the computer, but there were walls of coded text all over the monitors.
It was almost too much for my bleary eyes to take. Blinking hard, I had to rub at them once more just to refocus. When I did, my husband was wincing as he rubbed at his arm - over the injury he'd sustained during the Mint Eye debacle. "What are you doing?" Back then, Vanderwood had said he might never hack again if he didn't get treated quickly. It was quite obvious that the activity was causing pain.
He had his headphones on - probably listening to something louder than he should be, so he hadn't even heard me. With a grumble, I approached - pulling the offending item off his ears and repeating my question as my husband turned his head to look at me in shock. "Um...Nothing!" He hastily shut down all of the monitors with a key command - turning in his swivel chair to smile nervously at me. His eyes flicked to the monitors and back to me several times.
This was even more suspicious than it had been in the first place now. Saeyoung was officially in big trouble. I just didn't know for what yet. My hands ended up on my hips as I leaned forward - a dark glare in my eyes as I mumbled. "Oh yeah? Then why aren't you in bed?" He was chewing on his cheek - a dark blush rising. "Uh...You know...I just got really excited about something - Wait!"
Suddenly, he jumped up, making my heart nearly escape up into my throat in surprise before I just got even crankier. "What are you doing out of bed, young missy? Off you go! I do declare!" His hands pushed at my shoulders - making me turn around before he put his hands on my back and started to march me out the door. At this point, I was just going to let him. At least then I could trap him with me in the bedroom and make him reveal his secret.
Then, his monitors started to go crazy. There was a high-pitched whirring sound, and as I turned my head slightly I could see a red and glitching skull across them. "What in the-" Saeyoung was done pushing at me now - turning swiftly around and trying to close the computer room door on me before I slunk my way in. My glare was even more intense than it had been previously. All I got was an apologetic and nervous expression before the whirring got louder. "Well, fix it! Preferably before it wakes our girls."
Now he was moving again - slamming into his computer chair so quickly that it took him around once before he stopped himself and got to typing. Once again, the monitors were filled with code. None of it made any sense to me. Why was Saeyoung hacking again? Was he bored? Had something happened? Could someone be after us? "Sae-" I frowned, pausing my question as something on the screen actually became legible. There were some notes up at the top. "Oh, Grandma Choi - I thought you'd died of a heart attack." A little further down it said, "Let the battle continue!"
"You're battling the hacker group that's been trying to find you?" My tone was completely incredulous, but Saeyoung just grunted a soft affirmation - his focus clearly elsewhere. What on Earth was he thinking? I had half a mind to pull on the back of his chair and just yank him right out of the room. On the other hand, it was intoxicating to watch him working. I'd seen it before at my apartment, but the way he got absorbed into the codes that made no sense to me was amazing.
That didn't mean he wasn't still in trouble. When this was over, I was going to give him a piece of my mind. Saeyoung made another grunt - going to press his hand over that wound again. The computer brought up a skull on one of the other monitors, and I pushed his hand aside to replace it with mine. "MC, what are you-?" I just shook my head, indicating the monitors with my chin. "Hack." My husband's face turned from confusion to a smirk - lifting his other hand to give a quick salute. "As my lady commands."
If someone asked me how long we were there working on this, I couldn't possibly answer. It seemed to be over so quickly, yet my hand was tired from the constant massaging over my husband's injury. The screens were declaring, "Victory" in bright green letters when Saeyoung pulled his hands away - letting out a satisfied sigh before punching his fist in the air. "Defender of Justice strikes again!" With a shake of my head, I pulled my hand away. "So, that's what nothing is, is it?"
His hand went to the back of his head as he chewed on his cheek - trying to come up with some sort of answer for me. "Yeah..." With a shake of my head and a roll of my eyes, I reached for his hand - pulling him from his chair and towards the bedroom. "What was that even about?" Saeyoung seemed a little taken aback that I was so calm - stuttering out an answer. "I uh...it was a thing that we did last time when you first invited them. They tried to hack me again as part of deciding whether they needed to come or not. Just to make sure they actually needed whatever information they might get at the party."
That actually made a good deal of sense. Why come after all if you had managed to hack the information you needed at the last minute? I could understand that, though I was none too pleased with some other aspects of this. "You shouldn't have just done that...Your injury was hurting you. Why didn't you ask for my help or let me know?" Saeyoung squeezed my hand - looking away from me just as we entered our bedroom. "I kind of wanted to see if I could still do it, and I thought you'd be angry."
He turned to look at me again, a broad smile on his face as he chuckled at himself. "I guess you kinda were angry, huh?" That earned him another eye roll, though I had a smile on my face. "I wonder why." Saeyoung leaned in to press a quick kiss to my forehead. "Yeah, me too? How weird! I never do anything wrong. My wife adores me." My husband now let go of my hand and flopped into the bed. "That's why she'll except my apology and come give me some cuddles!...You will, right?"
His tone seemed to mix between serious and joking. Sometimes it really hurt to know that he was always worried I was just going to walk away from him or hurt him. "Very right." As I snuggled into him, I felt that now familiar warmth in my heart like only he could grant me. It was good to be loved - to love him. "Just no more surprise hacking." This was mumbled into his shoulder as I nuzzled in, soon getting a peck to the top of my head that made me hide my face even more against him. "Yes ma'am!"
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Mystic Messenger Fanfiction | SevenxMC Good Ending Continued | Ch. 14 Impact
***Still focusing on Seven Good Ending Continued right now, but I'll start up again on Tagged soon. Tagged takes a lot more work to come out with a chapter as its chapters are much larger, so please be patient with me! I'm nearly done with all of the Seven chapters I wanted to write and am moving on to completing the hidden scenes for this story arc, so it shouldn't be too long before we're done!! If you want access to early release chapters, don't forget to become a patron ;3c ~Let's Connect! FFC***
***You can support my writing on patreon and get access to my VIP Discord Server or other goodies like early chapter releases and hidden scenes. Chapter Directory – Other Fanfictions***
It was unfortunate that we had not been able to go to the party when I first became a member of the RFA, because now that I had been to one - I realized just how amazing they were. Everything came together so beautifully: guests were hilarious, people were happy, and it was like living a dream. Maybe it was a dream? It certainly seemed as real as could be.
There was a memorial set up for V - one for Rika as well. Yoosung seemed somewhat down in spirits when he would pass it by. That was when I realized why Saeyoung hadn't gotten completely rid of his slice of immature personality. After pretending to spill all over Yoosung's dress-clothes and making the younger male completely livid - Saeyoung had successfully managed to drag the blond away from the memorials. Yoosung was rather irritable with him, but they ended up having a good time speaking to the guests after that. It wasn't living a false persona so much as living his true persona of wanting to help others.
By the time the night was over, my feet were aching, but there was a permanent smile plastered on my face. The party had been a success. It was an amazing feeling - knowing how much money we had helped to raise for good causes. This time a portion would be sent to a mental health organization and another portion to drug rehabilitation programs. Drugs are not very common in Korea, but it felt fitting after what had happened with Mint Eye.
I leaned my head against the side of the door as we were heading home - the soft hum of the car's engine lulling me slowly to sleep. Saeyoung's hand was resting on my thigh lightly, fingers slowly stroking over the fabric of my dress there. Was he going to try something in the car? That honestly would not be surprising. We had naturally had some fun in his vehicles in the past - mostly quickies before entering the home to relieve Saeran of babysitting duties. It was the best way to get in our private time.
Assuming this was what he wanted, I shifted my legs with a blush heavy on my face - trying to be more available. That was when his voice interrupted my thoughts. "I want to open a toy factory." Well, that had nothing to do with a quickie in the car. "What brought that on?" I sat up away from the window - showing him that I was paying attention. Naturally, I had been trying to suggest to him that he needed to find something to do, but I hadn't expected him to come to a decision right this moment.
"With the robot-cats coming out in Jumin's company, I think I've got a chance to actually make something of myself. Leave evidence on the entire world that I was here." Those words sounded familiar. For years, my husband had been hidden away in the shadows without an identity. "What better way to leave a lasting legacy than making people happy with things I'm already building?" It was a surprisingly mature thought, and a refreshing one. "I think that sounds perfect, Saeyoung."
He parked the car in its usual place, turning it off and then just sitting there with me in silence for a moment before I took his hand away from my thigh and brought it to my lips. "Though...Saeyoung." My husband had been chewing on the inside of his cheek, deep in thought, but now looked at me once more with those bright yellow eyes I loved so much. "You've already left a legacy. Think of the party, the RFA, our girls."
My own heart was swelling as I thought of the impact that Saeyoung had on the people he met. There wasn't a single person he met who wouldn't remember him - probably quite vividly. "You don't have to work so hard to leave a legacy, because you are a legacy." I dropped his hand to poke his nose instead - a little smirk appearing on his face as he leaned in to catch my lips with his. The kiss was long - ending with a bite to my lower lip before he pulled away.
Silence again, though this time he was the one to break it. He had become serious once again - holding my face between his hands as his eyes searched mine. "Have I really made it? Do I really exist?" It almost seemed like a panic was rising in him as he asked yet another question. "Will the game reset again?" I wasn't sure I followed, not entirely. Taking his hands and squeezing them seemed to calm him down at least some - reminding him that we were in the real world. "Of course you exist. You've even managed to exist so well that you have two little girls."
This only seemed to comfort him further as he leaned close - pressing his forehead to mine. Saeyoung's voice was soft as he responded, so soft that I almost didn't hear him. "Yeah...you're right. You're always right, MC. Thank you...For everything you've given me." It wasn't unlike him to get sentimental like this sometimes. He almost always would make reference to a reset. That would always go over my head, though it did tickle at a memory that would swiftly fly away.
It seemed like it had been ages we were sitting there before we finally entered the house - finding that apparently, the kids had not been nearly as easy to take care of as usual. Our little girls were jumping up and down on a pile of blankets and pillows in the living room as Saeran held his head in his hands - looking up only when we entered. "You were supposed to be home an hour ago. Tell me you weren't just in the car again." He seemed quite angry, but at least we hadn't just been in the car this time for our own amusement?
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Mystic Messenger Fanfiction | SevenxMC Good Ending Continued | Ch. 17 Welcome Home
***Don't forget that I did a write up of Saeyoung's Valentine's endings for my patrons. Next week will be the last chapter of SevenxMC's story arc, which means there will also be a new hidden scene for patrons of Seven and MC raising their teenagers. It's been a long road getting all the original routes' continuations done, but we're almost there. I almost can't even believe it. ~Let's Connect! FFC***
***You can support my writing on patreon and get access to my VIP Discord Server or other goodies like early chapter releases and hidden scenes. Chapter Directory – Other Fanfictions***
The little cat on the bed was a poor substitute for my husband - even poorer a substitute with each passing day. By now, I was used to seeing Saeran around the house throughout the day, but the first week it had been a struggle to keep from getting excited that Saeyoung was home only to have my hopes and dreams dashed to the floor below me. It had only been three weeks, but with each passing day, I grew more and more anxious.
If I could have rolled over onto my stomach to hide my face in the pillow, I would have. Instead, I cupped my growing belly and played with the cat with my other hand as it sang a lullaby in the voice of Saeyoung. All I wanted was my husband in the flesh. A computer could never replace him.
I tilted my head, using my arms to press myself up in a half-seated position as I heard the door to the garage opening. That was strange. Saeran had already headed home, and the girls weren’t tall enough to reach the code box - let alone knowing the code to begin with. They were probably still safely tucked in their beds.
My heart started to race, but not from fear. Anyone coming in through the door would have to be someone who knew the code. If it were Saeran, he would have announced it. The only other people it could be were Saeyoung or Vanderwood.
It was like I couldn’t get out of bed fast enough as I rushed out of the room - grabbing the door frame to keep from slipping on my socks across the smooth flooring when I saw him. His shock of red hair was even messier than usual, but his eyes were that same vibrant yellow - maybe even more so since he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Saeyoung!” My breath left me in a rush as I let go of the door frame to run directly into his arms.
He shifted to take a step back - letting out a soft grunt and then starting to laugh as he nuzzled into my shoulder. I clung to him - feeling as though my body was finally heating after I had been cold for so long as he wrapped me up tightly in his arms. The laughter slowly quieted, and it wasn’t long before I realized there was something warm and wet landing against my shoulder.
I pulled back to see his face - putting my hands on either side of it and brushing at the tears streaming. “Are you hurt? Saeyoung, are you okay?” He was still smiling that big grin of his, and it was almost frustrating to see him smiling when he had scrapes all over his face and had clearly been in some sort of scuffle judging by the muck on his clothes. “Yeah, I’m perfectly fine, kitten.” My husband put his own hands on either side of my face now - smooshing my cheeks together before he stopped and earned himself a glare.
“It’s so good to be back.” As irritated as I was with him making light of being bruised and battered, I couldn’t keep glaring when the stark honesty of those words made my heart turn over. I let go of his face with a heavy sigh - letting the tension wash off of me before I grabbed for his bandaged hand carefully and indicated our bedroom with a tilt of my head. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He followed behind me dutifully into the master bathroom, though he started to complain as I turned on the faucet to draw him a bath. “Hey, MC, it’s fine. I can dust myself off and join you in bed. You’re probably tired with the pregnancy and all.” If I knew my husband at all, and of course I did, he was feeling guilty. I stood and gave him a once over - noting the way he was chewing at his cheek and inching away from the door as though to let me through. He was definitely feeling guilty.
“If you’re going to come home at who knows what time after doing who knows what, then you’re going to let me take care of you. I’m your wife.” It wasn’t above me to use his own guilt against him, and I might as well use the babies against him, too. I placed my hands over the growing bump and gave their father a stare. “Your pregnant wife. Let me worry over you.”
Right on the money. He wasn’t going to complain now. I did feel a twinge of pain at the way he looked down at the ground - scuffing his muddy shoes at it. “I’m sorry…” At least he wasn’t resorting to pretending everything was fine and making a joke. I sighed and stepped up to him, moving to pull off his hoodie slowly and finding that he let me do so easily. “Saeyoung…it’s really okay. Whatever you had to do, I’m sure it wasn’t because you wanted to…”
Words I had been planning to say to him started to bubble forth. I’d been drafting them up every night, but they were true. “You love me and our family.” His hands had already found my hips - his thumbs brushing over my belly as I started to undo his belt. “So I know that you did the right thing. It doesn’t mean I didn’t miss you…that it didn’t hurt to be without you, but don’t beat yourself up about it.”
He had to help me with pulling off his shirt, and a small grin appeared on his face as he got it over his head. “Are you undressing me for the bath or something else?” The joke wasn’t delivered with his usual gumption, but it did tell me that he was taking what I was saying to heart - easing up on himself. Saeyoung made a soft grunt as I lightly smacked his chest. “Don’t push your luck.”
With the rest of his clothes removed, he revealed more bruises and scuffs than I would have liked to see on him. At least nothing looked serious, but the bath looked like it was sorely needed. He eased himself into it and let out a soft involuntary sound of relief nearly as soon as he was in there before looking up at me with pleading eyes and holding out his hand. “You’re…not too upset with me to join me, are you?” He was pulling out the puppy dog eyes, or I almost would have declined.
Still, there was no real harm in joining him, and the tub was certainly big enough for two - even with one of the two pregnant. “No, but I won’t tolerate any funny business.” The comment was delivered with a harsh look that didn’t quite reach my eyes. How could I really be upset with him being himself when for so long I’d had to hear it from a cat robot instead?
I pulled off the t-shirt of his I’d been wearing as well as my skirt and panties - feeling a blush building despite the fact that we had been married for over four years. The water was pleasantly warm as I stepped in, using his hand to guide me. Instead of sitting across from him, I settled into his lap with my back to his chest, and Saeyoung nuzzled into my neck - placing his hands over my own on my belly and our growing children within.
The silence was pleasant, and I couldn’t shake the feeling of truly being home. Without him in the bunker, nothing had seemed right. Our girls would play with the cat robot and try to, ‘talk to daddy,’ but even they had known it wasn’t really him talking to them - just a bunch of recordings spliced together using an algorithm of his own invention. Here with his arms wrapped around me in the warmth of the bath, everything seemed perfect. “Welcome home, Saeyoung...”
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Mystic Messenger Fanfiction | SevenxMC Good Ending Continued | Ch. 4 One Big Happy Family
***We have officially made it to the final part of the Secret Endings, and from here on out will be continuing with purely fan-work. May you enjoy! ~Let's Connect! FFC***
***You can support my writing on patreon and get access to my VIP Discord Server or other goodies like early chapter releases and hidden scenes. Chapter Directory – Other Fanfictions***
Finally. It seemed like finally things were getting figured out, calming down, relaxing to a normal world again. Everyone in the RFA seemed so excited, too. I hadn't been onto the messenger to chat, only checking the messages, but everyone seemed more or less resigned to our new reality. Just last night, Saeyoung had arrived at Rika's apartment, picked me up, spun me around, and told me, "I'm going to propose to you tomorrow!"
That had been quite the surprise, and not just the spinning, which had made me suppressing some nausea. "You're doing what?" Saeyoung had put me down with this massive grin on his face before he was biting his cheek as his face nearly matched his hair. "I told you...before we went to save Saeran that I had plans for us, that I wanted to build a future with you. This is part of that...So meet me at the bunker tomorrow! I'll make sure everyone is there to witness it. We're one big happy family, so we have to share this moment with them as we actually...become a family." Somehow, those words made me incredibly anxious and want to just blurt out the truth right away, but I was able to hold it in by some miracle.
So, here I was. Saeran had been recovering, and Saeyoung felt safe enough to leave his brother alone for a few hours at a time, to let him be around the others as well. It was a beautiful thing. There was only one last thing to worry about, which was the baby we were having that he didn't know about. Maybe I should have told him right then, after he'd dropped his own bombshell, but I really wanted today to be about the engagement, since he was so excited about it. Saeyoung needed something good right now and not another worry to pile on top of things right away.
The door to his bunker opened to let me in, proceeding to talk to me as I looked over to see everyone standing all around with bright and smiling faces. Well, Zen looked slightly forlorn, and Saeran looked a little like he wanted to go to his room and hide. It was the first time I'd actually seen him since Mint Eye, because Saeyoung had been caring for him, but now his hair was red once more, and it looked like one of his eyes was even turning back to a golden color.
Saeyoung bounded over to me as the door finished professing his love for me, ending by asking if I would be his 606 forever and marry him at the space station like we'd talked about as he dropped to his knees and basically slid across the bunker floor before pulling out a little box. I couldn't help but start to laugh. As much as he'd said he wasn't the jokester guy anymore, he still was; it just wasn't something he was using to hide. The real him having fun was definitely a lot more entertaining, and I could feel a strange melting feeling in my chest as I let him put the ring on my finger. "Of course I will, Saeyoung..."
Well, now there were tears, probably a little bit harder of crying thanks to my hormones, but I didn't even bother trying to hide it, since it was normal for women to cry at proposals. At least, I thought so. Saeyoung got up immediately, pulling me into his arms. "Hey, is something wrong? You don't like the ring? Should I have let it be a surprise?" His hands found their way to my cheeks, trying to frantically brush away the tears that just kept coming. I just shook my head what felt like a million times before I could finally answer. "I'm just so happy."
There was clapping from the corner, and before I knew it, Yoosung had launched himself at us to shove flowers at me. "Here, MC! I got you these! I didn't know what to get an engaged couple, so I just went with what I would have gotten my girlfriend." His face seemed to get red as he said the last word before he held his hands up and waved them back and forth frantically. "Not that I'm trying to say something like that."
Saeyoung had been grinning ear to ear since my confession of happiness, but now it seemed like the smile was splitting his face. "What, you're trying to steal my woman, Yoosung? I challenge you to a duel!" He reached for the nearest long object, which for whatever reason happened to be a bottle of champagne. Yoosung, clearly taking this seriously, started to run away, making frantic comments that he hadn't meant it like that.
Jumin started shouting, more like speaking loudly, that that was an expensive bottle of champagne, and it didn't deserve to be mistreated in that way. The man sure liked his alcohol. I had a feeling that if it had been a bottle of wine, he would have called his bodyguards inside to apprehend Saeyoung. If that had happened, I probably would have been laughing nearly as hard as Zen was right now as the albino shook his head.
Jaehee looked like she had broken into a cold sweat before going to a nearby table with snacks and grabbing a drink of her own. For some reason, the perfect way that everything was arranged made me think that Vanderwood had been central in setting that up, although he certainly wasn't here at the party. As much as he'd been getting to know the RFA, he probably was still warming up to the idea of having so many people in his life.
I looked around for Saeran, finding he'd moved away to the corner, propping himself on top of a bookcase with a book. The havoc was probably a little too much for him, and I decided to go talk to him, at least briefly. He would be my brother-in-law, after all, and I hadn't gotten the chance yet. Saeyoung was still having fun, and it warmed my heart to see him so playful again. I just left him to it, approaching his twin brother instead.
The book in his hands seemed to be a book on herbs based on the cover image. As I got closer, I put on a bright smile, only to have his gaze appear just over the edge of the book as I was nearly to him. "Do you want something?" His voice was a little gruff, disinterested, a little like an annoyed teenager, really. "I just wanted to see how you were doing." I tried to keep my own tone bright and happy in hopes that it would ease him some, just in case he was nervous.
Saeran lowered the book a little, solely giving me a look before making a soft, "Tch" sound and looking back into the book. I shifted uncomfortably. This was going to be a little harder than I had thought. "So...how are you doing?" His mismatched eyes didn't leave the book this time. "My brother seems happy." That was a good way to avoid answering the question and letting me in, but Saeran lowered the book again now, making eye contact with me for a moment. "I'm glad you help him feel better." There was something just slightly hurt to his tone. I couldn't quite place if it was jealousy. If it was jealousy, then what was he jealous of?
Was it possible he had a similar worry to the one I'd had when Saeyoung had been intent on visiting his brother in the hospital before he'd even been discharged himself? I put my hand on the bookcase near Saeran's foot, only to have him pull his legs up towards himself. "You know, you make him happy, too. He's so much happier now that you're with him again." The brief moment of eye contact we'd shared now disappeared as he once more buried his nose in his book, the soft sound, "Tch" escaping him again.
That was probably about as much as I was going to get out of things for now, especially now that I could see Saeyoung running over with a big smile on his face that seemed to turn a little worried as he approached and read our body language. I flashed him a smile, and that seemed to help him calm down as he wrapped an arm around me. He was about to say something before his brother's voice broke the silence again. "Thanks, MC." He had buried his face even more in the book, so I couldn't tell what his expression was, but Saeyoung seemed to brighten considerably.
As he pulled me into his side, he stepped toward Saeran. "Aw, we're like one big happy family!" Saeran's response was to curl up even more on the bookcase. Saeyoung had no idea yet just how right he was, but he didn't seem to mind as he now grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards the snack table. "Now it's time for a toast!" Oh no...Oh no, he wanted to do a toast?
Jumin had seemingly instructed Jaehee to pour the champagne, now that it was done being tossed around. Zen took Yoosung's glass as the shorter male tried to get it back from the albino, who was insisting that the blond couldn't hold his liquor. Saeyoung grabbed two glasses and held one out to me. Time to think of an excuse. "I think I'll just toast with water, I'm pregnant." That was...a great excuse. I could just as easily have said I just didn't drink alcohol, but now everyone had quieted down and was staring at me.
Saeyoung had this shell-shocked look on his face, just like I thought he might, and I felt blush rising in my face the more everyone stared at me. The only thing I could hear was my rapid heartbeat, and then the sound of Saeran hopping off the bookcase. "Great. Another one of you, Saeyoung." The sarcasm in his tone was heavy, but now Saeyoung's shock seemed to wear off as he all but dropped the champagne glass he'd been holding. Jaehee hastily saved the glass as he launched himself at me, hugging me so tightly that I thought I couldn't breathe.
"My fiancée' is having my baby!" He sounded so happy, so much less stressed than I thought he would be, and now I wasn't regretting the slip-up nearly. Once more, there was a chorus of congratulations. Saeyoung dropped to his knees for the second time that day, this time pressing his ear to my stomach and then nuzzling into it before pressing what seemed like a hundred kisses all over it. It was enough to bring those tears bubbling up into my eyes again as I started to laugh. Why had I been so worried, again? My fool of a fiancé' looked up at me with shining eyes as he repeated what had been said earlier. "We're just one big happy family."
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Mystic Messenger Fanfiction | JuminxMC Good Ending Continued | Denial
***I think I'm finally back! We have finally closed on my house in Texas after months of issues, and my grandmother has been laid to rest peacefully next to my grandfather as it should be. Grieving comes and goes, but I finally feel like I'm getting back into the groove of life, so I'm hoping I haven't lost all of you in the meantime T_T. The final chapter of JuminxMC should be next week! I'll then take a week off to prepare for SevenxMC!
Don’t forget to subscribe to the email list for access to R-Rated Scenes and my monthly newsletter. You can support my writing on patreon and get access to my VIP Discord Server or other goodies like early chapter releases and hidden scenes. JuminxMC Good Ending Continued Chapter Directory ~Let’s Connect! FFC***
There was something so strange about watching this woman from behind a piece of glass. She’d been trying to trick my husband into taking down the entirety of the RFA as well as our guests, and when she hadn’t gotten what she wanted, she’d put my life and the life of our second child at risk. Rika. I bit at my thumb nail as I looked through the glass as her. V and all the other ‘Disciples’ had been taken care of and sent to treatment along with Seven’s twin brother. Not long after, Seven had taken his brother from treatment at the hospital and run off with him. Yoosung was distraught, and he was here almost every day with Rika. It wasn’t until I’d gotten a call from a concerned Seven that I considered going to this hospital, but he was right, Yoosung needed someone, and he couldn’t be there for the blond right now.
I wasn’t sure why the task had fallen to me, and I was technically supposed to be on bedrest, but my heart went out to the younger man. He was a member of the RFA and Jumin always said it was important to take care of your friends and fellow members were even more important. My husband was always so practical about this kind of thing. He’d insisted I stay home and simply have Yoosung come to me, but as soon as he’d left for work, I had one of the bodyguards take me to the mental hospital, assuring him that I wouldn’t tell my husband which of the guards it had been who took me there.
Zen and Jaehee weren’t much help really either since Jaehee was trying to deal with the media hailstorm and Zen was helping her with whatever he could. That was somewhat strange to me. Zen was a helpful man as it was, and he did hate how much work Jaehee tended to get piled on herself, but he was really going out of his way for her. Maybe there was something more there than met the eye, just like Seven and Yoosung. Other than Jumin and I, it seemed all of the RFA was off having secret relationships when it came to the public eye.
Rika was walking around aimlessly at the moment and then suddenly she slammed her fists against the glass. “I know you’re out there~ Please, please let me out! I have to save everyone from her! She’s a liar!” The doctors had mentioned that Rika kept attempting to entice them to set her free, had even tried to grab a nurse’s syringe and stab her with it to escape, but she tended to play word games, and she was blaming me for everything. This was part of why I felt like I had rocks in my stomach, even though I knew I only had our second daughter and a perfectly cooked lunch, as always. Yoosung seemed to be shutting himself off to only contact with Rika and Seven, and that could only spell bad news, because he was even starting to pay less attention to the redhead too.
I heard the door open behind me and turned to see the blond walking into the hallway, violet eyes falling on me almost immediately and then turning cold. “MC.” He didn’t seem at all like his cheery self, not even for a moment, and the way he was looking at me actually felt like it made my heart stop in fear for a solid few seconds. I put on the bravest smile I could manage. “Yoosung! It’s good to see you again. I heard you were visiting Rika and wanted to come see you.”
He actually narrowed his eyes at me. It was very likely that he believed whatever stories Rika was telling him, and if so, then there had to be some way for me to get Rika to tell him the truth? I’d managed it when I walked in on her talking to Jumin and foiled her plans. Of course, that would be some shock therapy, because her attitude was completely different when she wasn’t pretending, but maybe it would break Yoosung out of whatever she was telling him now? “Maybe we should both head in to talk to Rika?”
Yoosung’s eyebrows furrowed, but he just nodded numbly before walking to the door where a nurse was waiting to let him in already, I just followed along. “Just don’t say anything mean to her. She’s trying to get better.” For the first time that day, Yoosung had talked to me, and I counted that as a win even despite the fact that he was being supportive of a person the doctors were saying they were pretty certain had actually been fully aware of what she was doing when she kidnapped and drugged all of those people. I just nodded to what the blond had said.
The way Rika’s eyes lit up upon seeing Yoosung and then dulled as I walked in made me shiver to my core, and the baby jumped in my belly in response before I patted it and Rika’s eyes flashed between my belly and my face. “I see she’s still breeding. Her hooks are so deep into Jumin, Yoosung, why would you bring her here?” Her voice was so sickly sweet, and Yoosung actually sounded nervous and apologetic as he responded. “I’m sorry, Rika! Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s just a huge misunderstanding. You’re just sick, and you’re going to get better. MC will help too! She’s not like V.”
Right, I was painted as the bad guy from Rika’s point of view, V included, but at least Yoosung had the sense to believe that I wasn’t the problem and that was a start. How long did I sit there listening to Rika’s little pleasantries and fake kindness before she would start to slip in snide and rude remarks? Each time she did so, it was like Yoosung would emotionally recoil as though slapped. It hurt him to see her not getting better, because she wasn’t just sick, she knew what she was doing. That much was obvious, but Yoosung was so far in denial, clinging to the hope that she would get better and be the woman he’d once admired. Was there really anything anyone could do to break him out of that?
Suddenly, Rika grabbed Yoosung’s hands, leaning over the table and making frightened glances my way. “Don’t you see, Yoosung? She’s being so sweet, but she’s hiding the truth! MC is going to take you all away from me. It was V’s plot from the beginning!” Yoosung was about to shake his head and deny it before Rika let go of his hands and turned on me, trying to get at me from her side of the table as I scooted back in my chair as quickly as I could with my heavy belly. There was a loud booming noise as the door slammed open. This was too much stress for me, and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate before I saw that it was my husband standing in the doorway.
Jumin’s dark grey eyes slid over all of us, surveying the situation and looking like a supervisor barging into the breakroom. “That’s enough, now, Rika.” His tones were so dark and cold like when he had to reprimand workers at his job that it felt like my comparison was accurate. Yoosung stood, his chair scraping against the floor as he faced Jumin. “You can’t just come in here! She doesn’t want to see you.” That was true, he’d been barred by Rika, but then again. “She didn’t want to see MC either, but you brought her. You’re just trying to find the truth, right Yoosung? Except you’re trying to find the truth that you want.”
My husband’s observation was spot on and Yoosung made soft little attempts at protests before he looked between all three of us. “I just…Wanted…MC isn’t a bad person…” Jumin sighed heavily and crossed his arms, his fingers tapping lightly against his sleeves. I was certain that he had realized I was gone after trying to text me and not receiving any answer since my phone was off in the hospital entrance. His eyes slid over me, and I could see his displeasure, but he looked back towards Rika who was starting to make a fuss again, her eyes wild. “We’re the only ones who know the truth, Yoosung! Don’t you see?!”
Yoosung immediately made a move as though to comfort her, but my husband reached out and pushed him away from the now shrieking and panicking woman. That was enough to make Yoosung angry as he pushed against Jumin’s arm to get over to Rika, but Jumin ended up moving to hold the younger and smaller man from behind. “Let me go!” was mirrored by Rika shrieking for Yoosung to be let go as well until Jumin called out over them. “I said enough.”
The world quieted, and I simply sat there watching, my mouth completely dry. What could I even do? I was just a spectator at the end of the day. Rika had seemed to completely shed her veneer as she huffed and her eyes glazed over to that lightless look, her voice smooth and soft like syrup. “I simply can’t stand up to you, Jumin.” Yoosung had stopped fighting Jumin, but now dropped his arms from Jumin’s completely, a look of confusion crossing his face. “Rika?”
Rika picked at her wrists for a moment before she turned her back to us, looking at us in the reflection on the window. “Yoosung won’t leave me no matter what you say to him, so no matter how hard you try, he’ll always be mine.” Jumin let go of Yoosung slowly as he started to blabber. “Of course I won’t leave you, Rika. You’re the best person I’ve ever known.” It almost seemed like Rika was in some sort of mental break as she started to babble too, grating laughs interrupting every once in a while. “All my Disciples weren’t even as loyal as Yoosung and Saeran…I should have brought Yoosung with me too! But V wouldn’t let me take the RFA, that’s why he pretended I was dead! He ruined everything.”
At this point, I wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying. Instead, I was watching Yoosung’s face as the denial was starting to shatter. It was almost impossible to keep denying the truth when she was spitting it out right in front of you. At first, he was shaking his head, mumbling that she was sick, but she’d replied that she wasn’t, that that was how she wanted it, her darkness that V had tried to get rid of or something of that manner, and Yoosung went silent. Tears built in his eyes, but he just stared in silent horror now. He took a step back, forgetting that Jumin was behind him and bumping into my husband who was watching with a stoic expression. Yoosung turned to look up at Jumin, looking over at me then, and taking off into the hallway through the still open door as the tears started to fall from those violet eyes.
All of his denial had been shattered, and I could hear him crying so hard as he banged on the hallway door to be let out. “We should go after him-“ Jumin sent me a glare that froze my blood. It wasn’t the norm for him to be so angry with me as well, but he clearly was. “I’ve already called Zen to take him to Seven’s bunker. He has to deal with his brother, but he can’t abandon Yoosung either.” Rika was still going off on her tangent in the background, only now realizing we weren’t paying her any attention, so now she lunged towards me in the chair only to be backhanded by Jumin, stepping back to hold her cheek. “Nurse!”
At his call, a nurse appeared almost immediately, but I didn’t get much chance to see what else was happening before Jumin took my hand and pulled me out into the corridor. He was gentle and careful as always, but his grip was tighter than usual, and he was silent until we got into the car waiting for us out front. “You lied to me and put yourself in danger, our child in danger.” His tone was so cold, and I put my hands over my belly. “You know that bedrest is just because we had such a hard labor with our first daughter, not because I actually need it.” Jumin just huffed at my explanation, fixing his cufflinks. His façade was up, but now it faded as he stopped messing with them. “Don’t you understand…I was afraid?”
I bit at the inside of my cheek, feeling a pain in my chest. Only I ever got to see him so vulnerable, and I knew that it would worry him when I wasn’t where I was supposed to be, but I had been so focused on helping Yoosung. “I’m sorry…Yoosung needed help…and I didn’t realize how much I would hurt you.” Jumin looked towards me, our eyes locking for a solid few minutes, saying things we never could verbally. This man loved me so deeply, needed me to help him know that the world wasn’t made up of only liars, that it was okay to truly care for other people and show them that too, and I loved him so deeply too.
With another deep sigh, Jumin scooted towards me in the seat, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against his chest as he put his face in my hair. “Don’t ever do that to me again, MC.” Being in his arms felt so safe and easily made any stress melt away, even if I still felt horribly guilty. “Promise me.” Could I really promise that I would never do something similar? “I can promise to never lie to you again…but I’ll always choose to help people.” I could almost feel the little chuckle that didn’t quite escape his lips. “I understand. That’s the type of woman I fell in love with. I just never expected it to become such a problem. I’m almost jealous when you choose to help others over listening to me, even in my own route.”
At heart, Jumin really was just a big softie. I nuzzled into his chest, feeling our child moving around and taking his hand to place it over the baby as well. He splayed his fingers over my belly automatically, a familiar feeling and something he did daily. “But I’ll always come back to you. You’re the man I chose.” Jumin kissed the top of my head. “I’ll take better care of you from now on.”
He pulled away from me to look down in to my eyes. “And I’ll do the same.” On some level, it was almost ominous when he talked about taking better care of me, because I knew that would mean him trying to set new rules and stipulations out of fear for me getting hurt or something happening to his now happy family of four, but that was a challenge I would always have to deal with, and I couldn’t help but smile and give him a soft kiss. There was no denying that I loved this man.
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