nanasense · 4 years
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‘The Dolls’ House of Petronella Oortman’, Amsterdam
c.1686-1710, oak, tortoise and other materials, H 255 W 190 D 78 cm
Several spectacular dolls’ houses were produced in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century. Created by and for affluent women with the time, money and inclination to spend on them, these dolls’ houses were intended not as toys for children but as showpieces to impress visitors. In a sense they are comparable to the collector’s cabinets housing precious objects, artworks and curios. The realistic and detailed interiors and furnishings of these dolls’ houses make them an important source of information about the typical household of moneyed seventeenth-century burghers. This impressive example was made for Petronella Oortman in 1686, when she remarried a wealthy Amsterdam silk merchant. Petronella continued to perfect the interior and furnishings over the next twenty years, commissioning well-known painters to supply the painted wall hangings and chimney pieces, among other things. The rooms include (from left to right, top to bottom)  a laundry attic, a peat and storage attic, a nursery, a drawing room, an entrance hall with a garden beyond, a lying-in room, a display kitchen, a working kitchen with a cellar, and a newborn infant - the only doll to have been preserved.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘Self-Portrait’, Rembrandt
oil on panel, c.1628, H22 W18 cm
The painter who so self-consciously returns our gaze here is only twenty-two years old. Though it was his first foray (of many) into self-portraiture, Rembrandt was not afraid to experiment. He opted for an unusual, almost brazen lighting, sharply illuminating his right cheek while leaving the rest of his face obscured by shadow. Using the handle of his brush, Rembrandt scored lines in the wet paint to accentuate the curls of his unruly hair.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘Portrait Of A Woman, Possibly Maria Trip’, Rembrandt
oil on panel, 1639, H107 W82 cm
Though the identity of the woman in this painting is not certain, the family tree one of its eighteenth-century owners does yield one likely candidate: Maria, daughter of the weapons merchant Elias Trip. The woman’s clothes and jewellery leave no doubt that she came from a wealthy family. She is dressed in the latest French fashion, wearing a silk gown trimmed with ‘batiste’ ( transparent fabric). Her shoulders are covered with Flemish pillow lace and just below her string of pearls she also displays a diamond broach. In her left hand she holds a closed fan that seems to project beyond the picture plane. This is an illusionistic device Rembrandt used to suggest greater depth in the painting.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘The Corpses Of The De Witt Brothers’, Jan de Baen (attributed)
oil on canvas, c. 1672-75, H69 W 56 cm
Far into the seventeenth century, the Netherlands succeeded in holding its own within a league of giants through its clever divide and rule tactics. These divide-and-rule came to an abrupt end when the Republic was attacked simultaneously by France and England in 1672. At the same time, armies from the ecclesiastical principalities of Muster and Cologne advanced across the eastern border. The Dutch were incapable of rallying much resistance. Fearing plunder, several cities surrendered without fight. Normal daily life was utterly disrupted. Eventually, partisans of the House of Orange gained the upper hand and forced the appointment of Willem III as stadholder. In many cities, those in power were removed from office and replaced with Orangists. The year reached its absolute low point on 20 August, when Johan and Cornelis de Witt were murdered by lynch mob in The Hague. Their mutilated bodies were hung from a scaffold, their toes and fingers sold as souvenirs. The offensive gradually came to a stand in the autumn. In 1674 the alliance finally crumbled, leaving the French standing alone. Though the Treaty of Nijmegen (1678) reinstated the areas that had been occupied, the Republic was no longer what it once was. Three-quarters of a century of Dutch dominance on the world economic and military stage had ended for good with the calamitous year of 1672.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘The Syndics’, Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn
oil on canvas,1662, H191 W279 cm
Every year, the Amsterdam drapers’ guild appointed five men to the committee of syndics, or sampling officials, charged with inspecting textile quality. The committee of 1662 had itself portrayed by Rembrandt in what would become one of the most famous portraits in the world. Particularly notable is the way the men seem to respond to the viewer, with expressions ranging from disdain to welcoming smiles. Their arrangement around the table suggests the meeting has just been interrupted by someone entering the room. Rembrandt angled the composition so that our eye is level with the side of the table, thus enhancing the spatial effect. This group portrait hung in the executive chamber of the draper’s guild on Staalstraat, where it joined five previous group portraits, all depicting the officials firmly seated. Rembrandt took pains to ensure his composition would fit in with the other portraits, as X-ray photographs reveal that he repeatedly adjusted the poses.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘The Milk Maid’, Johannes Vermeer
oil on canvas, c.1660, H45 W41 cm
A young woman with her sleeves rolled up has focused all her attention on pouring milk into an earthenware pot. Looking down, she uses her left hand to steady the heavy jug, tilting it to emit a thin stream of liquid. Vermeer subtly manipulates the light effects in this austerely furnished interior. The piece of glass missing from one of the leaded glass panes in the window serves to draw our attention to the refined play of light, as do the tiny irregularities on the bare kitchen walls. Above the milkmaid’s head, a projecting nail throws a short shadow on the wall and a damaged spot slightly to the right indicates where another nail has left a hole. These trivial details work to give the light an almost tangible presence.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘The Old Town Hall Of Amsterdam’, Pieter Jansz. Saenredam
oil on panel, 1657, H65 W84 cm
On the night of 7 July 1652, Amsterdam’s old town hall went up in flames. This painting dates from five years after the fire. However, according to the inscription running above the book-shop on the right, Saenredam had actually ‘first made a drawing from observation, with all its colours’ in 1641. The town hall, which has a whalebone hanging on the façade, is in conspicuously poor condition. Its roof is in need of repair, one window is crooked and weeds are spouting from between the stones. This painting hung in the mayor’s chamber in the new town hall as a reminder of the old building.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘Floral Still Life’, Hans Bollongier
oil on panel, 1639, H67 W53 cm
In the course of the sixteenth, flowers like the tulip, anemone, hyacinth and crocus found their way from Asia and southern Europe to north-western Europe. The popularity of these exotic blooms continued to grow in the seventeenth century, and also extended to painted bouquets. Speculation eventually drove tulip prices up so high that the market collapsed dramatically in February 1637. This bouquet painted by Haarlem artist Hans Bollngier in 1639 depicts flaming and striated tulips in various stages of flowering.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘Gerard Andriesz. Bicker’, Bartholomeus van der Helst
oil on panel, c.1642, H94 W70 cm
Gerard Bicker was a descendent of a wealthy regent family of Amsterdam. His father Andries was a powerful man, serving as both the city’s mayor and a director of the Dutch East India Company. For his son Gerard he arranged a post as the bailiff of Muiden town. Though Gerard is but twenty years oil in this portrait, he is noticeably obese, and as an adult he would weigh as much as 220 kilograms. He is rather ostentatiously dressed, with a pair of stylish gloves clasped in his right hand.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘Interior With Women Beside A Linen Cupboard’, Pieter De Hooch
oil on canvas, 1663 H70 W75 cm
Two women stand before a linen cupboard in a well-appointed interior. The woman of the house just taken the washed and ironed linen from her maid to place in the cupboard. The maid tucked up her skirt to keep it from getting soiled. Int the open doorway, a small child is batting a ball across the tiled floor with a ‘kolf’ club (similar to a hockey stick). Though probably a boy, the clothing makes it difficult to tell, as boys and girls were dressed almost identically until this period. Through the open doorway we see another room, and beyond it the open front door, offering a view of the sunlit façade of a house on the other side of the canal.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘The Feast Of Saint Nicholas’, Jan Havicksz. Steen
oil on canvas, 1665-1668, H82 W70 cm
On 5th December families throughout the Netherlands celebrate the feast of St Nicholas, in a tradition that has changed little over the centuries. Children sing songs and put their shoes on the hearth in hopes that they will be filled with gifts and sweets from ‘Sinterklaas’. Children who are well-behaved receive a gift; those who are naughty a switch. The girl in the foreground has gotten a St John the Baptist doll and enough sweets to fill a pail. The boy next to her points a gloating finger at his crying brother, while behind them a maid indicates the switch in his shoe. Towards the back, an old woman beckons the distraught boy with a gesture suggesting there is yet a gift for him hidden in the canopy bed.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘The Merry Drinker’, Frans Hals
oil on canvas, c.1628-30, H81 W66 cm
A civic guardsman raises his glass with a friendly twinkle in his eyes. Rendered with deceptive simplicity in quick, seemingly spontaneous strokes, the loose brushwork is as easy and natural as the drinker himself. Hals’ brisk paintwork animates the picture, giving the man’s head and hands an illusion of movement. Most of Hal’s work was painted on commission, but this painting was probably an exception. Though the animated facial features indicate the possible use of a model, Hals probably intended to sell it on the open market.
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nanasense · 4 years
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‘Windmill Cup’
Dordrecht, c. 1650, silver, H25 cm
Dutch people were fond of banquet games and rituals that involved drinking from special cups. For instance, if woman was announced to be pregnant, a goblet called a Hansel in the cellar was brought out for the occasion; as liquid was poured into it, the tiny figure of a child came bobbing up. In this cup, the sails can be made to turn by blowing into the little pipe. Presumably, the object of the game was to empty the cup before the windmill stopped turning. This windmill cup is richly ornamented, with a clock face with twelve numbers and two millers on the staircase.
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nanasense · 4 years
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The Castle Of Batavia, Andries Beeckman
oil on canvas, 1661, H108 W151 cm
Batavia (today: Jakarta) was the Dutch East India Company’s administrative centre in Asia and home to a motley of ethnic groups. Its diversity is evident in this view of the city, which hung in the company’s meeting room in Amsterdam. The market teems with Japanese and Indians, as well as ‘Mardijkers’ (freed slaves and their descendants), recognizable by their striped dress. A Dutch man and his East Indian wife are out for a stroll, a servant with a parasol behind them. There is a Javanese fruit seller and a Chinese fishmonger. A group of Moluccans play football with a rattan ball. Andries Beeckman had lived in the Indes himself and painted watercolours of the inhabaitants.
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