#seven deadly sins is my spintrest ATP
wow-skylar · 9 months
My persona with all of my Seven Deadly Sins OC's
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Front and center: Me! Or rather my persona that I insert into every piece of media I consume 😀. They're a multiversal anomaly, which allows them to be aware of multiple timelines and universes all at once. Can rip powers straight from other worlds (like being able to open tears like Elizabeth in BioShock Infinite) and even open portals to bring objects through (like being able to get the energy sword from Halo). No matter what universe or time period they're in they have access to technology and social media. Posting pictures and updates about whatever tomfoolery they got into. Favorite way to get around is to roller blade but in the way that the one girl does in Big Hero 6. Basically just exists to cause chaos and mess with people and a way for me to be so powerful that it's stupid and laughable which is my favorite kind of powerful.
Back left: Fira. Fira is Phoenix Beastman making them a powerful deity (similar to Camila in GC). In her day to day life they pose as a fire dancer, putting on shows and traveling all over Brittania where they would eventually be found out and forced to go on the run.
Front Left: Arcadia (formerly named Anika iykyk). An OC that I've had for the last 6 years and has been through extreme changes. Arcadia is the sibling to Meliodas and Zeldris being the youngest out of them. When she was very young The Demon King and Supreme Deity made a deal for incase something went wrong in the holy war. The Supreme Deity blessed Arcadia and gifted them the powers of a goddess (hybrid mary-sueish I know..) after the holy war Arcadia wandered around from place to place eventually going to the fairy king's forest where they met King and Helbram, shenanigans ensued and Arcadia wandered around again. After that they wind up in liones after following a lead that Meliodas was being hunted by the kingdom. Wanting to desperately reunite with her brother, she posed as a Holy Knight.
Back right: Quinni/Elianna, even though they're one of my most recent OC's they're much more developed. Quinni was a princess in a small tyrannical Kingdom. She was also completely blind. Her mother was a druid and died when Quinni was 16. Quinni is also related to one of Elizabeth's incarnations, they were sisters. A few days after Quinni's 21st birthday Elizabeth fell 'ill' (really she had fallen unconscious as she was regaining her memories) and Quinni went off alone to pick up some herbs to help Elizabeth. As she was out, one of the knights led her out of the kingdom and into the woods where she was later abducted by a cult that worshipped chaos. That cult managed to summon a small piece of Chaos and bind it to Quinni. Afterwards she took on the name Elianna and using the newfound power, escaped from the cult. One more thing is that as Quinni she has long white hair and white eyes but after being fused with chaos and becoming Elianna their eyes became a soulless black and they have short black hair. Their skin also fades into darkness as if they are part shadow.
Front left: Vietra. Vietra is a goddess who is the sister of the original Elizabeth, being her older sister. She didn't play a very big role in the holy war and was able to get away with it because the Supreme Deity was to busy cursing Elizabeth. She managed to escape the goddess realm before the end of the holy war and wandered Britannia mourning the loss of her sister. The loss drove her mad and the people sparked legends about her calling her the weeping siren. (I came up with this on a whim🥰 I also was going to name her Vienna but then I started thinking about Symmetra from OW and my brain mushed the names together)
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