#seriously this is the longest non-fanfic post I've ever made
alex-rambles · 11 months
You were locked in your basement?? Btw, if you do move, perhaps hide your phone in like your clothes or pocket as you’re wearing them. Trust me, it’s easy and they won’t suspect to look through the clothes you’re wearing and if you have to change clothes or whatever, just hide your phone again in the current clothes you’re wearing or even inside of your shoe. If you have a binder, it’s perfect to hide your phone inside of there.
This is a very long post that I made to explain my situation + it's a vent
Nonono not locked. I just meant my parents made me be down there with them. Yeah no when I said "trapped in my basement" I just meant with my family cuz the tornado sirens were going off don't worry. It was just kinda annoying.
I appreciate the help, but my secret device is actually a tablet they got me a year ago, and FORGOT PARENTAL CONTROLS, because my stepdad was setting it up and he is not familiar with the type of tablet it is. They thought they threw it away (I had two of em. One was much more monitored because it was from when I was little. They are just these Amazon Fire Tablets, and they thought they threw both of em away, because when they were cleaning out the closet they couldn't find it, and just assumed they threw it away earlier. I got lucky).
Lucky for me, it was actually in my room. The one my stepdad set up. The unmonitored one where I can browse the internet as I please and check out whatever website I want. The only thing was that I couldn't download any apps I didn't already have, as my mom would get a notification because of how the Amazon App Store worked.
I can probably put it in a backpack, but the wifi would have to change and they'd probably notice the tablet on the plan or whatever, and the tablet doesn't use cellular data.
My actual PHONE is monitored. It's an android with this silly google family link thing on it, and my parents (technically my stepdad, he's the one in control) can easily go into the app on THEIR phones, and check my screen time, and every app I have on it (and I can't even download an app without my stepdads permission. If I try to get an apk from the internet and install it, the thing blocks it), as well as what websites I've gone too recently.
HOWEVER, on the subject of checking websites, they can only see what websites I browse on google chrome. My phone came with another Samsung Internet browser, and on THAT, I can open an incognito tab (dubbed Secret Mode). But I have to be sparing with that because my parents will notice I was using Samsung Internet a lot if I use it too much, and then whoops, that'll get monitored too.
So basically, if we move, I lose what is basically my only lifeline, the only reason I'm politically aware, and the only resources I have as a trans person (my parents have offered groups, but I'm too socially awkward. I absolutely prefer face-to-face communication, yes, but with people I know, thanks. If I don't know you, let's just chat through Tumblr or QuoteV, yeah?). That's a problem.
But it's fine, we live in an expensive area because we got lucky when we moved in two years ago. And they said they will only move if we can stay in the same school district. So, fingers crossed, everything is too expensive. Lots of houses going up for sale around here, but they're all too expensive or not the conditions my parents want or need.
TLDR I already have a monitored phone, my secret device is a tablet, my parents never allowed me on social media because 'it's not safe' and they think I can't take care of myself, and if we move I lose the social media because of needing to switch wifi, which is big bad because it has been supporting me and keeping me entertained
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