#seriously get some new material mathew
sneakmoney · 2 years
just added "profile picture checks out" to my bio so people can learn that maybe they aren't the first people to ever think of that
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for those who have not been paying attention or who read US media who (surprising no one) seem to have failed (again) to have noticed that this is even a story, the UK’s covid karen health minister matt hancock is in a bit of hot water.
certain cheeky internet felines might even go so far as to coin the term
because there is just no other way to describe the goose of señor matt.
long decried as an amoral atrocity architect who would, on the best of days, struggle to locate his posterior with both hands and renowned for the sort of vainglory cum popinjay preening and projection that only the most venal of cowards may exhibit, monsieur mathew in his infinite wisdom seems to have made available to a reporter (as she aided him in writing his “pandemic diaries” puff piece memoir) what can only be described as a “tremendous treasure trove” of his personal correspondence from times covidian including a large pile of whatsapp messages to other luminaries in which we can see in their own words the characters and considerations of the united kingdom’s halls of power.arrr! ‘tis treasure!
to call it “unflattering” would be akin to referring to world war one as “that kerfuffle over the arch duke.”
these messages are so astonishingly indicting that one must seriously wonder just what sort of mental defect would lead a “leader” already hounded from office not for his gross mishandling of purported pandemia but for the tawdry tabloid trauma of being caught snogging his own top aide in the office in violation of social distancing rules (and quite a few nepotism issues one imagines to say nothing of wedding vows) to once more fuel the salacious fires with more evidence of mendacious misbehavior.
if matty was looking for some sort of rehabilitation or vindication, he did not get it.
instead he got gutshot by oakeshott who deemed it to be in the public and national interest that she reveal this primary source material about momentous decisions made to the detriment of so many.
what an astonishing han-cockup.
now, morality is a funny thing. the clear cases are, well, clear. the tricky ones are always the cases where multiple valid interests oppose one another. you have a duty to keep your promise to a friend. but, if they swear you to secrecy and then confide to you that they are driving around in a van dressed in a clown suit and abducting children, well, few would argue that a higher duty to exists to keep the secret than to reveal it. so, despite my general suspicion of people claiming to be “acting in the public good” while breaking promises, i take zero issue with her choice here. journalism is supposed to be for the people, not the government and (to my mind) the highest duty of the 4th estate is the check government corruption and malfeasance.
so, well done isabel.
the picture that emerges here is just hideous.
matt is clearly stupid, craven, lacks any basic grounding in science, medicine, or epidemiology, and is thinking near totally in “politics, message, and narrative.” he’s also got a fun sideline going in crony capitalism.
more than anything, what emerges from this morass is just more proof of the proper frame for analyzing modern governance:
these are not the science kids working hard to be technocratic tutors.
these are the theater kids being drama queens.
please keep this framing in the back of your mind as you read on. it’s a key pivot.
let’s take a peek:
the ostensible purpose of public health agencies and systems is to protect the public. but what we see here is an inversion of this idea. the literal slogan was “protect the NHS.”
this is the sort of idea that kills.
one of the truly extreme travesties of “handled by hancock” was this dire deviation from morality and sense. it lead to the horrific policy of “not testing people being returned to nursing and care homes for covid.”
hancock overruled chris whitty (UK chief medical officer at the time) on this.
given his later lies about “having thrown a protective ring” around care homes, this is a nasty revelation. everywhere they were implemented, these “fill the nursing homes to protect the hospitals” policies were massive killers. this was the epidemiological equivalent of diverting ships of plague rats to the galapagos. and they did it for deeply stupid and shortsighted reasons like “not my fiefdom.”
this refusal to test those being placed in/returned or diverted to homes is particularly glaring as “massive test and trace” was one of matty’s signature plays, so much so that he was flat out giving exclusives to newspapers to get more people to go get tested so he could hit “his target.”
but it’s all of a piece once you realize that this was all about drama and appearances, not science, health, or welfare.
it also shows just how hand and glove this got with media outlets.
it was all about perception and pushing.
they want to use the temporary hospital (london nightingale) to create a “big public moment” and “ramp up the fear/guilt" factor. permanent secretary case speaks of it “being full with (sic) a couple days” but certain internet felines (and longstanding stalwarts like yinon) were already out ahead of him telling quite a different tale, one rooted in data, not story time.this was about a week before i got de-catformed
all the “the hospitals are at massive risk” screaming was utter codswollop. hospitals and health systems all over the world damn near went out of business and had to be propped up with vast subsidies because volumes were so low.
but that story does not engender compliance. fear stories do. so guess what they told?
you got it. fear and guilt. just like they said they would.
keep in mind that all this shrill messaging with fear narrative, emotional appeals, and endless guilt from made up science like “stay home save lives” and “your mask protects me” was not an accident. it was military grade propaganda and weaponized behavioral economics. the UK in particular had a “nudge unit” of behavioral economists whose explicit job it was to help health agencies manipulate the public. many ultimately resigned in disgust at what was being done and some publicly apologized for having been involved.
but fear was what they wanted. fear is compliance. and they did it on purpose and with malice aforethought. it was not an accident. it was a program. it was a choice. and the citizenry were not the beneficiaries, they were the victims.
all this talk of “narrative” instead of science or data or morality?
perhaps it seemed like exaggeration.
well, here it is in their own words.
consider the hubris to not only posses but to share such sentiments and to do it in writing. they do not even seem self-conscious about it. it’s just reflex, something autonomic like breathing.
this is not science, it’s public relations gaming.
these elitist echo chambers of “our betters” do not even see their behavior as problematic. this is just life on the public stage.
again, not the science kids. the drama kids.
and the drama kids do not seem to like the teachers…honestly, i’m just including this to help make absolutely everyone angry at matt, but hey, which part of “bad cat” did folks not understand? the “bad” or the “cat”?
they wanted visible impact. efficacy is nowhere in these discussions.
they care more about appearing to be “doing something” or being out of step with scotland than science, data, child welfare, or education.
they are neither brave nor wise. they are afraid of parents freaking out if they do not indulge in pandemic cosplay by forcing kids to mask in schools.
they want you masking in public to drive home the idea that it’s a crisis.
and i’m sure that things like this had no bearing….
while i have not done the work myself and cannot speak to the validity of all these accusations, they certainly seem widespread and very much of a piece with his tactical morality and “rules for thee but not for me” attitude.
indeed, mister matt seems to take the view that he should be absolved of all blame and culpability
especially in that last paragraph where he overruled the chief medical officer to spare his NHS barony from stress by shunting the sick into nursing homes full of the most vulnerable. the death toll from that choice alone would be the envy of many an african despot.
and for a time, he seemed able to control the narrative by attacking those who disagreed.
but it would appear that that time is over and a new broom is sweeping if not clean then at least perhaps getting up some of the really big chunks.
my overwhelming suspicion is that matty thought his memoir was going to be a bit of reputational rehab, more narrative to spin and spit-polish a tarnished legacy.
instead, a right thinking reporter took one look at the meal she was being fed and said
this is going to be the story, over and over.
this is going to be underneath every rock that gets turned over.
from fauci to pfizer to birx and trudeau. from newsom to lightfoot to cuomo and whitmer. from the new york times to the twitter files and evening standard to CNN.
it was drama club, not science society.
it was self-service not public service.
it was loud, manipulative, and wrong.
factually wrong.
ethically wrong.
wrong in conception and worse still in practice.
they would not tolerate debate or discourse.
and the reasons were simple and banal.
"Free speech is dangerous to foes of the Enlightenment and they know it. So they have at it by accusing these opponents of all sorts of grave crimes and misdemeanors, most of them clearly absurd--in other words, by calling them names and trying to scare them." --HL Mencken
this was not some 8d chess game.
watch these people speak. these are not cunning masterminds. these people are idiots.
they are stupid, venal, and narcissistic.
they think ONLY in narrative, not in facts or science or public welfare.
they are not even technocrats, they are the people who play technocrats on TV.
you did not get treated by health experts, you got treated by the people who played doctors on grey’s anatomy.
that’s going to be the everywhere autopsy of this debacle.
and the only real astonishment in it is how they ever thought they could get away with this.
they assumed the mantle of “benign despot” and those who do so never seem to nail the benign part, do they?
no one with the narcissism to presume to such power ever does.
folks like matt should be prosecuted. they waged war on we the people. it was not an accident. they set out to terrify and terrorize.
there should be no liability shield for such behavior nor any “qualified immunity.”
and it should not stop with them. do not accept sacrificial scapegoats but seek to corral the whole herd. there are a great many here who owe.
if we are not going to hold leaders accountable when they get stone cold busted deliberately lying to we the people to force us into subjugation and abridge and abolish our rights through deliberately made up/exaggerated fear narratives, just what are we defining as “the proper role and boundaries of government”?
do you really want to inhabit a society where such things are part of the permissible scope of work?
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ivyglow · 3 years
Number 5 with mat pwease 🥺👉👈
From Valentine’s day prompt: 5. 💐 “You got me flowers? How cliche, I loved it!”
word count: 1.7k + (I got carried away, sorry) 😬
warnings: it’s not proof read lol and it’s angsty but with fluff ending, hope you like it! ❤️
Mat was supposed to be home on Sunday morning, which means he would be able to spend February 14th with you, or so you thought because on Saturday he called to tell you that there was a delay on his flight, and part of the team was stuck in the airport until Monday. It was your first Valentine’s together so of course, you were kinda sad. Since the beginning, you two were very clear with the ‘pains’ of dating an NHLer, but you still wanted to try, and what a great thing you did because although the distance was on somedays almost unbearable, the meeting right after was amazing. And for the first time, you really felt like the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder” was somehow true.
On Saturday, when he called you -really, voice call, not facetime- you thought he would keep talking, and even tell you he would make up for it -like he did when he missed your Family’s annual barbecue- but Mat just told you what was happening and hung up. He didn’t explain everything, just told you there was a problem, his flight was delayed and that was it. You knew his way of saying ‘I love you’ was telling you to take care, or asking you about your plans for the day, but he did nothing of it during the call and for a second you were afraid he was waiting for Valentine’s day to be over so he could break up with you, but you were quick to shake these thoughts off your head and go on with your day. Taking the opportunity to finish his gift, you wrapped everything carefully and placed a handwritten letter inside, you tried cleaning the house and baking to distract, going as far as watching The Bachelor, but Mathew was the only person able to make it sounds funny. Sighing you unlocked your phone calling someone you knew would know almost exactly how you were feeling.
It took only two rings for her to answer with a cheerful tone and you frowned, “Hey, honeybun!”
“Hi, Syd, you sound excited,” you stated before explaining, “I mean, aren’t you sad?”
“Why would I be sad?”
“For spending Valentine’s without Martin?” you explained, but coming to think about it, you would understand if she wasn’t that shaken by the news, it wasn’t her first Valentine with Matt, they were married, they dated for years, they had the time to get used to distance, but they also had the time to experience the date together first.
“Huh?” she’s puzzled and you can almost picture her pout.
“The team’s flight delay…” what if he didn’t tell her yet!?
“Oooh,” it’s a noise of understanding, “yeah, sucks right?! But I’m sure we’ll see each other on Monday, and so will you and Barzy,” you fell silent and she understood the seconds of silence. “Aw, you’re sad, aren’t you?”
Shrugging you answered, “Are you busy right now?”
“No, I’m completely free for the rest of the night, you should come over, I’m gonna order your favorite and we can eat ice cream with cookies after,” Sydney did the job of being a big sister like no one else, and sometimes you wished to be her sister, you always wondered how it must feel to have siblings, other pieces of your family that fit right with you, that gives you comfort, and joy, but also stress.
“Right, I’ll take the wine. Be there in 15,” you tell her before hanging up.
15 minutes later you were at Sydney’s house venting about your situation with Mathew. She listened to everything and made sure to remind you that he wouldn’t break up with you, there wasn’t any reason to, according to her Mat loved you -even though you told her that he never said these three words-. By 10 pm you were deep into two wine bottles shared with your friend, now trying to watch a random romcom movie that was on TV. Truth is you were typing and deleting a message on your boyfriends chat, but nothing seemed right. What would you tell him? Maybe if you reminded him about the fact that you would spend Valentine’s away he would be feeling guilty, like he was missing out on you again. You typed again, this time sending a simple, “hey, how are things out there?” however the message wasn’t even delivered.
You were confused, but maybe his phone died and he was about to connect? Trying to forget you bought your attention back to the movie, or at least tried harder this time.
When the movie was over you unlocked your phone expecting a message from Mat but you were met with the same chat, the message wasn’t even delivered.
“What’s that you fidgeting since the movie began?” Sydney asks munching a cookie.
“Barzy is not answering my texts,” shifting your position on the couch you sighed. “The messages aren’t even being delivered.”
The blond shrugged and said, “Maybe he’s busy?”
“That never happened before,” you point out, “and it’s 10 pm,” it’s not a good argument, but somehow it made sense in your head. “I’m gonna call him,” it’s your final decision and before Sydney could stop you you tap at his name. It rings nonstop and goes straigth to voice mail.
He never not answered a call from you, unless he was on the ice, and he wasn’t on the ice at 10 pm without being in a game.
“What if something happened with him?” now you worried, it’s almost impossible to swallow the lump forming on your throat.
“Y/n, look at me,” Syd calls, “You’re dealing with a lot together and you’re also missing Mat, but he’s ok, maybe he’s just busy, or his phone is dead, or maybe he’s even gaming with the guys and didn’t notice it ring,” she’s good at reasoning, she also seemed so sure you almost asked if there was something she knew that you don’t, but choosing to just listen, you sight trying to relax your body.
You talk a little more about random topics, you can tell she’s trying to distract you, and right before midnight Syd tells you both of you should rest, she had something to do in the morning -to which she didn’t specified to you- and you would probably have a bosy day too -with what? You did not knew.
When you got home it was silent and dark, empty without Mat and even emptier with the realization he wouldn’t be there in the morning. You drank water and showered to get rid of the alcohol in your body before grabbing one of his shirts to sleep. His smell engulfed you into a deep slumber that was only interrupted in the morning by the buzzing of your door bell.
Groaning you grabbed your robe before making your way to the entrance while cursing. Who could possibly be at your door this early? When you swinged the heavy wood material open you frowned.
“Good morning, there’s a deliver to miss y/n,” he stated with a smile. There was a trolley in front of him with at least 6 or 7 jars of all kind of flowers, some which you didn’t even know the name.
“From who?” you ask, maybe it was Mat?!
“It doesn’t say in here and there’s no card,” the man shrugs and points at the flowers, “where can I put these, miss?”
“These?” you grimace.
“Yeah, all the eight vases are in your name.”
Still stunned you open the door wider and points to the coffee table. It takes him almost five minutes and when he’s done it’s like your whole living room was covered in flowers. They smelled amazing and you ran to your bedroom grabbing your phone, there would be probably a message from Mat with a cue about the vases, but when you unlock the device there’s nothing. You saw he read the messages but there wasn’t any reply. It was past 8 am on a Sunday, he could be sleeping, Mat wasn’t a morning person, you knew it, but still you almost felt sadness poll inside you, but before you were able to give it any space there was another buzz.
“What the hell?” you whispered walking to your entrance again. Maybe the man really got the flowers to the wrong person, there was another y/n at the fourth floor, you knew she was single, but still, maybe she was seeing someone? It wasn’t even five minutes after that man left the flowers at your living room, maybe he bump into the right y/n on his way out?
You swallowed before swinging the door open for the second time that morning, however you were not met with the trolley and the green uniform, but with a black suitcase, a suit and a face covered by another vase of flowers.
“I told him 9 vases, one from each month together, but I believe he forgot one,” you would recognize that husky voice and heavenly fragrance from miles away. “Happy Valetine’s, princess.”
“Oh my goodness,” your voice wobbly. You stressed yourself out the whole night thinking he wanted to break up with you, but he was just planning a surprise. As soon as he lowers the vase on the ground you jump into his arms lacing his waist with your bare legs, and although it’s cold inside Mat’s body is warm against your skin, it makes your shiver and bury your frace in the crook of his neck. How you missed that smell! “I thought you were going to leave me and was trying to let me down gently, omg.”
“I could never leave you, my love,” his voice is gentle and so is his hands caressing your back and hair. You sniff before looking at the flowers in the ground, trying to change the aura. “And you got me flowers!? How cliche, I loved it!” you feel his smile when he kisses your neck, his shoulders sagged in relief with your now happy and usual tone.
“What else do you love?” his question takes you by surprise because by the seriousness in his tone you could only think he was trying to get a point, but before you can rationalize it too much your lips are moving by itself.
“That’s good, because I love you too,” he whispers before finally kissing your lips after so long away. It’s sloppy and full of smiles, and tongue and grabbing. Mathew loved you and there wasn’t any better Valentine’s gift than his words.
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A lot of thoughts on AWAE 3x08 (spoilers ahead)...
Ka'kwet’s back! Yay! So is that shitty nun, ugghhh. She and the minister who burnt the schoolhouse are going straight to hell. 
While I applaud the ingenuity of her idea, I hope she doesn’t drown.
Holy shit, she’s going to escape by holding on to the underside of the wagon. This moment remains relevant because there’re refugees and migrants that travel using that method.
I love how Anne is so enthusiastic about the paper, she’s going to be heartbroken over the burnt schoolhouse and the confiscated printing press.
“We did do something and this was the result.”-Come on Tillie, don’t blame Anne for the school’s board of directors’ feebleness.
Glad to see Josie’s back at school.
Oh no, Anne is going after Mrs. Lynde. As much as I have flip-flopped on liking her, she did try to be the moderate voice on the panel.
I love how Mrs. Lynde has come around to Anne and her cause because she realized, in spite of Anne’s methods and her “behavior”, she was fighting for her to have a voice as well. Solidarity is beautiful
Bash’s mom is here! They have an uneasy dynamic about them.
Anne and Gilbert are so comfortable with one another and sitting awfully close to one another.
And we’re brought back to reality with the mention of Winifred.  
“Not with you, Anne, with Winifred!” Ooff, that’s got to hurt.
Dining with parents, they’re going awfully fast.
Diana: How not to break up with someone 101.
Describing their relationship as apples and oranges isn’t an accessible way to break up with one another.
Don’t lie Diana, you did think that Jerry wasn’t good enough for you.
The fact she threw his gifts to her on the floor was unnecessarily cruel.
Why couldn’t she just say that the relationship was going a bit too fast and she wasn’t ready to give up her newly found autonomy? It’s not like it’s not true. Those in rural settings tended to marry earlier than those in the city and despite Diana living in the country, she might as well live in the city.
Also, keeping the relationship from Anne was never going to last anyway.
My mom and Diana’s parents have the same look when my relatives come to visit.
Thank god Aunt Jo is here to talk some sense into her.
Oh god, this dynamic between Bash and his mom is getting increasingly awkward.
Bash’s insult was a bit below the belt but he had a point. Gilbert sees Bash his equal in every way. Plus, logistically, they’re going on two different avenues in life.
Mathew is just the best, enough said.
Diana’s taking the exam, yay!
The scene outside the testing place is giving me severe flashbacks to when I took my SAT.
I laughed when Mrs. Lynde apologized for saying damn. Lord knows I would be using much stronger words.
“Why would I stay, with people frozen in time?” I hope the writers aren’t hinting at Miss Stacy and Bash getting together. I like them as friends.
Diana thoroughly surprised me by volunteering to take the first shot of moonshine. Hard alcohol and an empty stomach (I’m sure most of them were too nervous to eat anything for breakfast) is a bad combo.
Now would be a good time for Diana and Anne to make up.
I can’t hate Winifred but all I keep thinking is that they’re not the one for one another.
Damn, they have an apartment in Paris, financing, connections and he gave him his blessing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more appealing offer.
Ruby and Moody are cute.
I love this scene so much. It may be a tad too unrealistic but there’s something so effortless, young and beautiful about it.
The cinematographer deserves a raise. Seriously, Anne looked so beautiful against the fire.
Gilbert’s oversized baker cap make shim appear younger than he is.
Was it a rejection? No, right?? She just vomited out a series of words and restated his options. In addition, HE NEVER OUTRIGHT STATES THAT HE LOVES HER. Besides, you’re too young to get married.
Asking someone to confess their deepest feelings to you whilst they’re tipsy is such a bad idea. It’s as if he didn’t realize the magnitude of asking someone to marry you.
The obvious difference in appearance between Winifred and Anne annoys me immensely. I know they’re only about two years apart but the fact that Anne is still dressed as if she was 14 irks me. I’m not blaming Anne for keeping the same clothes especially since she lives in a rural setting, where fashions are a tad behind, but the lack of change in her appearance, I’m sure factors in her inability to see herself as marriage or courting material. Moreover, it only reinforces the idea that both Anne and Gilbert are only ready for courtship.
The maritime book is back.
Whilst I’m glad that Elijah didn’t steal the ring, I’m still mad about the upcoming proposal.
I’m saying this once again: Thank god for Aunt Jo.
“I feel like I was a child yesterday and I feel like I’m being asked to explain my life on a ticking clock.”-Exactly my sentiments.
Aunt Jo is right, she just needs some time and some clear headspace to sort out her feelings.
“I have clarity.” NO, YOU DON’T. Boy, I swear to god, he’s so thick-skulled.
If you’re only proposing to someone because they’re the second choice, that’s not a good enough reason.
If he does propose, I hope Winifred rejects him because she feels that she’s too young/he’s too inexperienced/it’s too soon. I’m assuming, she’s not yet done with college.
I love this scheming Rachel.
“No, no, there’s no need to be hysterical.”-You’ve got to love her.
“Spreading news around town, is my forte”
Not going to lie, I was hoping for something more than a gender balance. I don’t think that was a fair trade-off. At the very least, a gender balance and the restoration of the school and the printing press should have been agreed upon.
Hopefully, the two other female members are Anne/Marilla and Miss Stacy.
KA’KWET IS HOME!! Hopefully for sure.
The reunification scene had me in tears.
“You don’t even like being you”.” -Ain’t that the truth.
Yay Diana and Anne made up!
Hopefully, Anne can convince Diana to clarify her breakup with Jerry. It’s the least she could do.
“I’m in love with Gilbert Blythe!”-YOU CAN’T END WITH THAT!
Final Thoughts:
I hope Winifred and Gilbert break off things before he proposes. A proposal would actually complicate things. Was I the only one surprised that her parents were so willing to let Gilbert propose after knowing her for such a short amount of time?
If does propose and they somehow break up, he better not propose to Anne with that same ring. The light blue stone of that ring, won’t do. I feel like Anne would be someone who likes pearls or emeralds.
What happened to Diana’s empathy during the breakup? Couldn’t she say she doesn’t know what to do and doesn’t want to hurt one another any further?
I really wanted to see Anne comfort Jerry about his first breakup.
Bash and Miss Stacy needs to not be a couple.
I’m so confused about Gilbert’s marriage storyline. On one hand, he’s 18 and of acceptable marriage age. On the other hand, his options are literally: propose to Winifred or confess his feelings to Anne so that he can court her. They’re not of equal weight.
Why does Gilbert see Sorbonne as his only option? He can’t speak French well or at all and most certainly, not at university level. What happened to the University of Toronto, McGill, Dalhousie or Queen's School of Medicine? Fredrick Banting and Charles Best of the Uni. of Toronto were the first to synthesize insulin in 1921. 
While I’m glad this episode brought back Ka'kwet, how is her story going to tie back to Anne’s? I don’t want a white savior plot but it seems odd to introduce a storyline that has little to do with the main plot.
Bash and his mom need to have a conversation on race and class ASAP or else it’s going to harm Delphine greatly.
I find it unrealistic that Diana could pass the entrance exam without any studying. They should have started this storyline an episode or two earlier. It would have worked well alongside Diana’s attempt at exploring autonomy storyline. Dating someone of a different socioeconomic class isn’t exactly all that freedom should be.
Finally, I want to petition the writers to put Anne is something besides braids and too-short dresses that come with aprons. The 1985 adaption, they put Anne in a full-on young lady of the 1880’s ensemble by the time she is taking her entrance exam.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Link to my masterlist for earlier chapters or other stuff I've written
His Queen
Part 3
Bri ripped open the letter, amazed it was handwritten and in cursive! Knowing Roman, he had an assistant write it, but she felt a warmth in her chest knowing he’d truly loved her all along.
To My Queen, Briana Godfrey,
(Admit it! That sounds way better than Tucker, have the lawyers change it.)
Oh, and before I get into it, I wrote this myself. No assistants, so fuck you for thinking it.
Bri smiled a sad smile at how they still knew how the other thought.
I have to start off by saying thank you for reading this letter. That means you're at the white tower. I don't deserve you. I've turned into everything I never wanted to become. Everything you made me believe I could escape. You are the light to my darkness and I'm so sorry I disappointed you. I don’t have a lot of time, but I needed a plan in case I fail. You’re the only person I trust with my company, my money, my daughter, my legacy, my heart, all of it. I am an absolute crack head level blood addict, and I couldn’t trust myself when we got overly emotional to keep my head. Because I love you so much, you can make me so upset, and That last fight we got into, I scared myself. I don’t blame you for slapping me, but to hold back from returning the blow, I literally broke my own hand... but this is not what this letter is about.
Peter and my sick half-sister Annie have stolen my daughter. Peter is hell-bent on destroying me because he killed Destiny's trash fiance, and lied about it, so she blamed me and attacked me and I hurt her bad enough to foresee issues with peter, so I broke her neck to avoid problems figuring it was showing her some mercy since she was heartbroken. Annie was there and when I refused to carry on an incestuous relationship with her, she turned on me and told Peter about Destiny. So he came after me and fucking shot me, we fought and I won, but didn't cut his head off so I knew he’d be fine. Well, he calls me and has my kid and won't turn her over, and says he's going to kill me so even though I doubt it, Nadia needs someone to raise her, and if I'm killed it's not my whore of a sister Annie. I need you to find Nadia and take her home and raise her as she deserves. She’s such a sweet baby and she adores you.
Find Shelley and she can help you maybe. She’s in love with this weird old poet and chooses to live at the old steel mill. Calls it Rooster Poop. Can’t make this shit up.
The entire security team is trying to find Nadia, so contact them and see where they’re at with it.
you are the love of my life and I refused to ever say so, even though we both knew it was true. I would bullshit and say it’s cuz I was saving you from myself, but I’m not that fucking noble. You scared me more than anything ever scared me in my life. God, it's great to admit I love you. Like I need to make up a new word for how I feel for you cuz love isn’t strong enough.
there’s a pretty poem I saw that reminded me of you;
I’d still choose you.
In a hundred lifetimes,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality,
I’d find you and I’d choose you.
Even though I knew you were going to break my heart again and again.
I’d still choose you.
It’s crazy how happy I am writing you a letter, even with every aspect of my life in shambles, you’re my light.
You get everything. Fuck all of them. You were right about everything. If I survive this shit, I am winning you back if it takes 100 years and I have to spend every cent. This is literally a reset.
I tried to forget your baby girl but I never could. No amount of drugs, money, blood, or bullshit could ever distract me from the constant ache in my heart for only you. You’re the only pussy I ever wanna see again. I ran thru a fantastic amount of pussy after you left and none of them made me forget you for even a moment. I pictured you or I could not get off. It was pathetic. I hope I get to see you again and rip up this fucking letter.
I looked back over this and there’s a reason I have other people write shit up for me. A few requests to seriously consider:
-->Blitzky should take over for Pryce. Not only is he a genius, he's a good guy. He's a bit soft, so you may have to be the bad guy.
-->Get a new nanny. The current one looks good on paper but she's an idiot.
--> Live in the white tower. It's secure and safe and you can make as many floors as you like home.
--> if an animal killed me, it's Peter and he's still a wolf. He’ll be white. Kill him, cut off his head and burn him up in the incinerator.
--> if Annie comes around at all, kill her. She's very manupulative and acts religious and nice. She's crazy and not to be trusted.
-->try and convince Shelley to live in the mansion and have her little homeless community there. She doesn't care about money but she cares about people, so offer it as a safe haven. Make sure it stays stocked in necessities like toilet paper, soap, cleaning materials, etc and write it all off as a charity contribution. Make the whole endeavor a big tax write off, but don't tell Shelley that part. Just tell her it was my dying wish she had a home.
--> the loser she's with has legal problems. Have the legal department solve them so he's got no reason to desert her.
-->if Peters mom comes sniffing around, don't tell her a damn thing. I doubt she will tho, she's a wanted fugitive.
--> don't trust any gypsies.
--> Nadia is very intelligent. She can read minds, influence dreams, and kill anyone or anything just by looking at them. She's dangerous and shouldn't be allowed around animals or people until she can understand the concept of death and consequences. There's no way to control her, I have found.
--> I promised a homeless man I ate that id pay for his sons school. Anonymously pay for Mathew Shandwicks classes, books and dorm at Penn State for all 4 years. His father traded his life without a single complaint so it's imperative you keep my word.
-->make sure Nadia isn't a spoiled brat like me. Teach her about her mother and her father and all the good things about us. Leave out we were related if you can swing it. Just say we were young and loved each other very much. I enclosed a pack of photos of me and Letha for her.
I wonder what you’re wearing... That reminds me; if I’m really dead, you have to be in mourning at least two years. That means all black suits and dresses that cover you up, black nails, big black hats like you just left a Catalina Yacht Mixer or you’re going to a royal wedding. I even got you black lab coats just in case.Don’t half ass this. It’s important.
Also I want “Fuck you” by the Archives played at my funeral, if it comes to that.
Hopefully, you never see this letter because I got everything fixed here, and went and found you and you ran into my arms and we lived happily ever after, and I have a whole lifetime with you... But just in case...
All my love,
Roman Godfrey
P.s. - since you're a genius, hopefully you can fix me or bring me back. I hope you still love me even 10% as much as I love you, because then nothing can stop us.
Brianna stared at the page as her tears fell on it swirling the ink in designs and spirals. She knew he’d always loved her, but it was bittersweet seeing him finally admit it. She took the photos out of the envelope and looked through them.
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Looking through the pictures was heart-wrenching. There had to be a way to fix all this! She tried to remember everything she’d learned about Upirs from that dreadful Russian women and Pryce. Luckily they’d been a bit of an obsession for her that she delved into when Roman pulled his shit. Being obsessed with Upirs had distracted her from obsessing over the real issue.
Just as she started to wonder when Mueller and Edwards would be back, as if by magic, the elevator doors opened. They had brought Dr. Blitzkey with them as well.
“Oh my gosh! You’re alive! I’m so happy to see you’re ok and still here!” Bri said as she ran up and embraced Blitzky. “Where is Roman? I need to see him.”
Blitzky looked at the ground nervously before meeting your eyes. “It’s not fixable.”
“No matter. I just NEED to see him. Please?” She begged.
“Okay. He has several severe traumatic injuries so please prepare yourself for that.”
“What happened to him?”
“Some Type of animal attacked him in the old mansion and pushed him out the upper story window, fracturing his spine and neck which most likely left him paralyzed and vulnerable. His throat and heart were then ripped out.”
“Peter.” Bri said darkly. He was going to pay for his betrayal. She would make sure of that.
“I mean that’s the most logical conclusion but after all Roman did for that little degenerate, ” Blitzky muttered.
Bri nodded solemnly.
“Hate to interrupt your happy little party but we have several forms that need immediate attention, to get this shit show back on the road,” Edwards interjected.
“They’ll have to wait till after I see Roman. You lead the way Blitzkey, you two stay here.” She said firmly stepping into the elevator with the doctor. Both lawyers looked furious but did as they were told since they were honestly intimidated by this young woman that had all this piled on her, and seemed unfazed.
As soon as the doors closed she sank to her knees and screamed. The tears came flooding out of her eyes as her body was wracked by sobs. It’s like she’d been hit by a truck. The realization that Roman was really gone finally sinking in.
Blitzky didn’t know what he should do. He was a genius, but completely clueless when it came to social and interpersonal skills. He hesitantly patted Bri on the head like a golden retriever, unsure how long was comforting so he just kept doing it. “You’re strong.”
Bri glanced up at Blitzky through her foggy tears and couldn't help but agree. She WAS strong.
The elevator opened to their floor as she looked down at the floor.
“Well” Blitzkey peeped, unsure of what to do, “this is it.”
“We have to fix him Blitzkey. There’s got to be a way.” she said rising to her feet, as if the little display he just witnessed never happened.
“You’re the boss.” Blitzky said as cheerful as he could muster.
“I’m giving you Pryce’s position. I trust you.”
“Thank you! I wasn't sure if maybe you'd want to take charge.... What will you do? Take over for Roman?”
“Until I can bring him back, I guess I’ll have to. I will bring him back Blitzkey.... If I have to make a deal with the Devil himself.” Bri stated adamantly before setting off down the hall like a woman possessed.
11 notes · View notes
mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: Mecha Combat #1171 -April 3355 Fides
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184)
Mountain Climbing Mecha Combat #1171
Brought to you by ANN
Highlighting the April 3355 Fides
This time the Gaming Authorities decided to promote a single Mech model, -the 50 ton Fides.
-Unless you fought on K9, K10 or K11. No restrictions there
There were a couple big differences since the last Fides event we had, back in February `54.
Firstly, no sidekick Mechs were allowed. Either you had at least one Fides (even a factory fresh one) or you were a target everyone (including those without Fides could beat) Secondly, this was a sudden death event, not a Chrono, so being present when the scramble started would probably be neccesary to get any (good) prizes.
I was a bit wary of joining up. After all, I had just a couple Fides` to my name. You might wonder why, since the Fides is arguably the best buyable medium Mech?
Well, as a Commander increases the Piloting Licence, Heavy, Huge, BFM (and UHM) Mechs become avialiable, and as Niodes tend to be tight, upgrading lesser Mechs is often no longer in the budget. Further, as those Mechs fall behind, selling them for some additional Niodes seem a good idea.
I did, for some reason, keep a couple. They do put a bit of backbone in my 50-65 ton formations, and are good for boosting an Oggun/Daemon/Namtar formation when an Mech event allowing sidekicks comes along.
But as the scramble drew closer, I noticed most competitors had few if any Fides` as well. Looking over all the tops, the number of Fides` spotted was pretty low, and many of those were way from fully developed (I even spotted a factory fresh one).
So in the end, the pair were brought forth. They were given the best eauipment avialiable, and filled up using top weapons. Ten minutes before the scramble started, they arrived on K4.
Blasting my way through neglible opposition, I set my aim on Roman Himmelhan from the Death`s Brethren on the lowest slope. He had a pair of Fides` as well, but they were blasted out of the way.
The top were held by another one of my nemesis`es; Luc Lachance of The Brotherhood BlackWatch. He had a pair of Fides` as well, and the first two tries saw him blast mine to pieces.
But third time is the charm, and the top was ours.
Then it was sweating and worrying. Would Luc come back? Did any of the others have a full line that would blast us out of existence? As the clock ticked away, my fingernails grew steadily shorter, and after a while the taste of blood was pretty strong.
But no assault materialized, and when the light finally flashed we were still on the top.
The full list of winners were:
Div 1 359+ (27 Commanders): Don Davis (28m,2s)
2: Sherriff Leary Wretham
3: Christine Mainer
4: Dan Ross
5: Gary Muenzel
6: Ben Rail
7: Jeff Haas
8: Larry Vandervort
9: Fabio Favaro
10: Jay Fleharty
Div 2 -358 (10 Commanders): Stroker Spot, 中臣氏 (40m,54s)
Div 3 -266 (11 Commanders): DarthSpidius, Mad Scientist.7 (1d,5h)
Div 4 -198 (19 Commanders): Sten Hugo Hiller, Star League (38m,5s)
Div 5 -153 (23 Commanders): David McCallum, Heroes (11m,7s)
Div 6 -106 (25 Commanders): Mike Slowinsji, Emerald Dragons (1h,56m)
Div 7 -77 (17 Commanders): Stug Hill, Behemoth (55m,51s)
Div 8 -51 (13 Commanders): Nick Walter, **R.V.** (1d,5h)
Div 9 -31 (12 Commanders): Mathew Le Gassick, Jagdstaffel 2 (1d,8h)
Div 10 -19 (15 Commanders): Cathy Goetz, *R.V.* (1d,4h)
Div 11 9 (12 Commanders): Mistuh_Mitts, Dawg Patrol (1d,5h)
On the eight tops where only Fides were allowed to fight
0+0+0+1(G)+1(S)+1(S)+1(G)+1(G)= Three Golds and two silvers were awarded to Commanders who might have had pure Fides formations
Total Contestants: 184
Total medals claimed: 148 (of 165 possible)
Compared to the previous (SR) event, the number of contestants rose by nine.
But due to the serious imbalances between the tops, a total of Seventeen Bronzes from five tops ended unclaimed and had to be returned for resmelting.
The last half-hour saw two Golds in play, while five Golds were held for at least one day.
Obviously seriously strong winners on quite a few of the tops, but how was the strength dispersed when it came to the fight over the lesser prizes? To sate Our curiosity, we take a look at the number of medals held for more than 30 minutes in this event:
Div 1 ....3 of 4.........3 of 10
Div 2 ....3 of 4.........1 of 5
Div 3 ....1 of 4.........5 of 6
Div 4 ....4 of 4.........7 of 10
Div 5 ....0 of 4.......10 of 10
Div 6 ....4 of 4.......10 of 10
Div 7 ....4 of 4.........9 of 10
Div 8 ....4 of 4.........8 of 8
Div 9 ....4 of 4.........7 of 7
Div 10 ..4 of 4.......10 of 10
Div 11 ..4 of 4.........7 of 7
Mixed fighting. On the low end we had five tops (K6, K8, K9, K10 and K11) without any succesfull medal attacks. On the other end of the scale, both Mount Olympus and K2 saw at least half of the medals in fresh hands. The remaining four tops varied between solid action on K3 to a single attack on K7.
This was another of those events where none of the clans managed to bring home more than one Gold each.
But we had one unaligned winner this time, and that on Mount Olympus!!
Don Davis are probably sought by most of the top clans by now, but due to the Chaos War, he can not sign up with any of them quite yet.
There were also a couple of repeat winners; Cathy Goetz from *Raging Vengeance* on K10 as well as Star League`s Sten Hugo Hiller on K4
Upcoming event: Mountain of Fire Chrono
Here we are getting another weapon enhanced event.
As in most such events, you are free to bring whatever Mechs you have and can fit into the formation, but one of the weapon types (Here Fire) will dish out 80% additional damage.
It is also a Chrono, so you had better sign up immediately to start getting the Points needed for some of the (good) prizes. (Especially if you are to fight as some specialist in the Chaos War, The last 16-18 scorerounds will be after the war starts.)
Event ends January 17 between 0400 and 0430 New York Time
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0 notes
humanoid-lovers · 6 years
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A fun, witty book about the world's second favorite beverage. If you aren't trying to take this book too seriously, then you'll have a blast. Mathew Inman (aka The Oatmeal) illustrates much of this book. It has a lot of fun infographics and charts but it is not a reference book. For that you would want to read 'Uncommon Grounds' all 800+ pages. Go to Amazon
but it's great to have it in a book form to casually ... I received this book today and I can't wait to take it to the office to share. Yes, a lot of the content is also on her website, but it's great to have it in a book form to casually (or, as in my case, quickly) read when you want an internet break. I'm so glad I'm a black and espresso coffee drinker but I think even if you drink soy or more-sugar-than-coffee drinks, you'll get a kick out of the book. If we can't laugh at ourselves (I am obviously going to die from a sharp and bitter soul) then we need serious help. Have some coffee and read a coffee table book! It will help. Go to Amazon
A Great Addition To Any Coffee-Themed Gift! I first heard of this book through The Oatmeal, of which I'm a pretty big fan. I ordered it not for myself, though, but for my Mom, and I used it as inspiration for her Mother's Day gift this year, which was a collection of several of her favorite coffees (and some new ones to try), accompanied by some coffee bars and coffee-flavored chocolate bars. My Mom, who says she "lives for coffee" isn't exaggerating by much, and she LOVED reading this book while munching and sipping away at the contents of her present. We both agreed that Coffee Gives Me Superpowers was just the right mix of entertaining and educational, which made it a fun way to learn about her favorite beverage. Go to Amazon
A perfect "coffee table" book This is a very nice coffee table book that tells you about coffee and caffeine in full page illustrations. The information provided is the factoid such as how much coffee the average American drinks, which country drinks the most coffee, who the "Joe" is, etc, which might appear in the Trivial Pursuit. It will not take more than 30 minutes to read through the book, but the book is cheap (less than ten bucks), and so the money is well spend. Go to Amazon
Educational and funny Bought this for a friend for Christmas thinking it would be a neat little gift. Luckily, I was able to sit down and read it before I wrapped it. I really enjoyed how they had facts about coffee mixed in with humorous bits. It kept me engaged in the book instead of growing bored. As a coffee aficionado, my friend loved the book also. Go to Amazon
perfect little book on a coffee table! This is a beautifully illustrated, fun book that is also very informative and interesting. I am a big fan of Ryoko Iwata's website, I Love Coffee, so I had seen some of the materials there already, but I like having the infographics right there, printed---somehow it gives a different feel. There is also a ton of new materials, too. I have a copy in my office and everybody that comes through loves the book. I think I am going to buy extra copies to give as gifts! Go to Amazon
Great gift! Great gift idea that I purchased for a friend and paired with some other coffee-related items. Adorable and witty! Go to Amazon
Sure I'll have another cup... Does your home run on a steady stream of brown, caffeinated liquid? Have you worn out more than 3 K-Cup brewers in the last 5 years? Do you brew a carafe just to get started? Go to Amazon
Must have Four Stars Five Stars Five Stars Five Stars Perfect gift for a coffee lover Cool book! She loved it and learned some new things about coffee while ... Perfect for coffee junkies! Not what I expected
0 notes
Mobile subscriber base reaches 895.25 million in March
New Post has been published on https://worldupdatereviews.com/mobile-subscriber-base-reaches-895-25-million-in-march/
Mobile subscriber base reaches 895.25 million in March
The Cell subscriber base of 7 telecom operators, consisting of Bharti Airtel and Vodafone, improved with the aid of five.68 million in March to reach 895.25 million, according to industry facts. The numbers consist of those of the latest entrant, Reliance Jio Infocomm as of December 2016. Apart from the statistics of the Mukesh Ambani-led company, the whole subscriber base on the end of March 2017 stood at 823.10 million.
“…the range of Cell telephone subscribers confirmed a boom to 895.258 million in March 2017. The net growth in subscriber base is 5.68 million within the month of March,” the Cell Operators Affiliation of India stated in an assertion. Bharti Airtel led the subscriber boom, adding three million new Cell customers at some stage in March and taking the total base to 273.sixty five million subscribers. It had the best market percentage at 33.25 in keeping with a cent.
Vodafone accompanied in the tally with 209.06 million subscribers and Concept Mobile with 195.37 million subscribers. Reliance Jio had 72.158 million subscribers. “The boom inside the subscriptions shows that client base is expanding… The industry, but, is a present process excessive financial strain and submits that requisite intersection is made at the coverage regulatory front for a solid, facilitative long-term ecosystem,” COAI Director Well known Rajan S Mathews said.
Telenor, whose commercial enterprise has been acquired by Airtel, lost 1.13 million Mobile customers. West Bengal and Andaman and Nicobar brought the maximum range of subscribers at zero.86 million in March, at the same time as UP East circle had the highest wide variety of subscribers at seventy-five.10 million. Will Apple’s iPhone Penetrate the important thing Mobile Subscriber growth Markets and Therefore End up a Pressure
Every guy and his dog within the Cellular and song content region has been shouting approximately the iPhone and its floor breaking person interface. I’m able to gladly concur that the iPhone has raised the bar in phrases of ease of use interface and integration of a track player right into a Mobile cell phone. However, does this imply it is destined for international domination as some commentators country? Despite the quickly to be launched 3G model upon our doorstep, I consider the answer is a firm NO!
There are clearly too many boundaries inside the cutting-edge Mobile market for the iPhone to force enormous penetration levels in the quick to medium term. Shall we get the sleek shine of the iPhone and study the monetary factors to get a real photograph of its ability to dominate the Cellular cell phone panorama in terms of actual units being bought on a global basis.
First off, in maximum markets outside of us, purchasers are used to receiving their cell phone for “free” – correctly subsidized with the aid of the community operators, while tied right into a monthly settlement for voice and facts utilization. This has no longer been the case with the first incarnation of the iPhone; in fact, it has come with a hefty top rate fee tag. Already I view this premium rate tag as a severe disincentive for lengthy-time period growth ability.
Now Shall we examine the key boom areas in phrases of handset subscribers? throughout 2007 ninety% of global Cell subscriber was gained in the “rising markets”. The traditional markets of the west are already witnessing above a hundred and ten% penetration stages and are beginning to see stagnation in terms of increase. With this sort of high top class fee tag, the iPhone is much less possibly so one can force penetration stages in “rising markets” as they are traditionally low to mid-range Mobile handsets – albeit many now have huge and developing clever cellphone markets as nicely.
The “rising markets” are rolling out 3G networks nearly normal because it’s far inexpensive to release a 3G network than constructing in-ground broadband cable infrastructure. Already in Brazil, 36% percentage of people’s first revel in of the internet is via the Mobile telephone – count on to look this upward push substantially over the next 12 months in all “emerging markets”.
Traditional handset producers and operators all agree that the “rising markets” are in which real increase lies. In those markets, the Mobile handset has come to the front because it’s miles less expensive to very own a Mobile telephone than a computer laptop. So a top rate priced iPhone is unlikely to have a smooth time breaking into the excessive subscriber growth markets.
international Mobile handset subscriber ranges passed 3.2 billion in early 2008. nearly 1.8 billion of those handsets are MP3 successful and this determine is growing at a very fast fee. iPhone had goals of promoting simply 10 million in its first yr of launch – a needle inside the haystack in reality. Even though apple have been to herald tiered feature leveled variations with corresponding tiered pricing – equating to lower iPhone handset fees (which in my opinion they’ll no doubt do). Might this truly dent the market shares of Nokia, Motorola, and Sony Ericsson inside the brief to medium term? I seriously doubt it.
Yes within the United states we’ve got visible the iPhone make a huge dent in the market share of clever smartphone producer RIM, who had dominance inside the smart smartphone market both in the US and on a Fashionable global level. But does this always suggest the equal will occur in the wider conventional markets and more importantly the “rising markets” section?
Undeniably from a person interface and layout angle, the iPhone wins towards another handset hands down! however, most handset producers and network carriers additionally have digital track shops, which might be additionally included into their product/carrier services. So opposition to a Cell handset solution integrated right into a retail track imparting is and has been crowded for some time. cease user delight isn’t any doubt highest with the iPhone – evidenced through the 50% boom in Cell net browsing and content material consumption when compared to other handset sorts.
Yet will this be enough to dent the penetration ranges of the cutting-edge handset incumbents whose market proportion without difficulty drowns out that of the iPhone? Nokia sees handset increase in rising markets as the key to its endured market share dominance. It seems apple remains firmly centered at the oversubscribed traditional markets and it stays to be seen if this is a good marketplace to only be centered on within the brief to medium term. Even the parents at apple do no longer seem to be thinking about the rising markets. They need to be because every year handset vs. Laptop boom is above a ratio of four:1 and the general public of this yr-on-12 months Cellular handset increase is in these rising markets.
0 notes
humanoid-lovers · 6 years
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A fun, witty book about the world's second favorite beverage. If you aren't trying to take this book too seriously, then you'll have a blast. Mathew Inman (aka The Oatmeal) illustrates much of this book. It has a lot of fun infographics and charts but it is not a reference book. For that you would want to read 'Uncommon Grounds' all 800+ pages. Go to Amazon
but it's great to have it in a book form to casually ... I received this book today and I can't wait to take it to the office to share. Yes, a lot of the content is also on her website, but it's great to have it in a book form to casually (or, as in my case, quickly) read when you want an internet break. I'm so glad I'm a black and espresso coffee drinker but I think even if you drink soy or more-sugar-than-coffee drinks, you'll get a kick out of the book. If we can't laugh at ourselves (I am obviously going to die from a sharp and bitter soul) then we need serious help. Have some coffee and read a coffee table book! It will help. Go to Amazon
A Great Addition To Any Coffee-Themed Gift! I first heard of this book through The Oatmeal, of which I'm a pretty big fan. I ordered it not for myself, though, but for my Mom, and I used it as inspiration for her Mother's Day gift this year, which was a collection of several of her favorite coffees (and some new ones to try), accompanied by some coffee bars and coffee-flavored chocolate bars. My Mom, who says she "lives for coffee" isn't exaggerating by much, and she LOVED reading this book while munching and sipping away at the contents of her present. We both agreed that Coffee Gives Me Superpowers was just the right mix of entertaining and educational, which made it a fun way to learn about her favorite beverage. Go to Amazon
A perfect "coffee table" book This is a very nice coffee table book that tells you about coffee and caffeine in full page illustrations. The information provided is the factoid such as how much coffee the average American drinks, which country drinks the most coffee, who the "Joe" is, etc, which might appear in the Trivial Pursuit. It will not take more than 30 minutes to read through the book, but the book is cheap (less than ten bucks), and so the money is well spend. Go to Amazon
Educational and funny Bought this for a friend for Christmas thinking it would be a neat little gift. Luckily, I was able to sit down and read it before I wrapped it. I really enjoyed how they had facts about coffee mixed in with humorous bits. It kept me engaged in the book instead of growing bored. As a coffee aficionado, my friend loved the book also. Go to Amazon
perfect little book on a coffee table! This is a beautifully illustrated, fun book that is also very informative and interesting. I am a big fan of Ryoko Iwata's website, I Love Coffee, so I had seen some of the materials there already, but I like having the infographics right there, printed---somehow it gives a different feel. There is also a ton of new materials, too. I have a copy in my office and everybody that comes through loves the book. I think I am going to buy extra copies to give as gifts! Go to Amazon
Great gift! Great gift idea that I purchased for a friend and paired with some other coffee-related items. Adorable and witty! Go to Amazon
Sure I'll have another cup... Does your home run on a steady stream of brown, caffeinated liquid? Have you worn out more than 3 K-Cup brewers in the last 5 years? Do you brew a carafe just to get started? Go to Amazon
Must have Four Stars Five Stars Five Stars Five Stars Perfect gift for a coffee lover Cool book! She loved it and learned some new things about coffee while ... Perfect for coffee junkies! Not what I expected
0 notes
humanoid-lovers · 7 years
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This book contains the secret to True Happiness. This delightful, short, optimistic well-illustrated collection of infographics is an unusually rewarding diversion for a moment while sipping a cup of coffee. I confess that I came to it as a fan of her website, but Ms. Iwata has done more than just copy-and-paste from/about her Internet publishing; the book is thoughtfully sequenced to lead the reader through a short, happy, informative journey through what she's discovered about coffee. Go to Amazon
A fun, witty book about the world's second favorite beverage. If you aren't trying to take this book too seriously, then you'll have a blast. Mathew Inman (aka The Oatmeal) illustrates much of this book. It has a lot of fun infographics and charts but it is not a reference book. For that you would want to read 'Uncommon Grounds' all 800+ pages. Go to Amazon
but it's great to have it in a book form to casually ... I received this book today and I can't wait to take it to the office to share. Yes, a lot of the content is also on her website, but it's great to have it in a book form to casually (or, as in my case, quickly) read when you want an internet break. I'm so glad I'm a black and espresso coffee drinker but I think even if you drink soy or more-sugar-than-coffee drinks, you'll get a kick out of the book. If we can't laugh at ourselves (I am obviously going to die from a sharp and bitter soul) then we need serious help. Have some coffee and read a coffee table book! It will help. Go to Amazon
A Great Addition To Any Coffee-Themed Gift! I first heard of this book through The Oatmeal, of which I'm a pretty big fan. I ordered it not for myself, though, but for my Mom, and I used it as inspiration for her Mother's Day gift this year, which was a collection of several of her favorite coffees (and some new ones to try), accompanied by some coffee bars and coffee-flavored chocolate bars. My Mom, who says she "lives for coffee" isn't exaggerating by much, and she LOVED reading this book while munching and sipping away at the contents of her present. We both agreed that Coffee Gives Me Superpowers was just the right mix of entertaining and educational, which made it a fun way to learn about her favorite beverage. Go to Amazon
Educational and funny Bought this for a friend for Christmas thinking it would be a neat little gift. Luckily, I was able to sit down and read it before I wrapped it. I really enjoyed how they had facts about coffee mixed in with humorous bits. It kept me engaged in the book instead of growing bored. As a coffee aficionado, my friend loved the book also. Go to Amazon
perfect little book on a coffee table! This is a beautifully illustrated, fun book that is also very informative and interesting. I am a big fan of Ryoko Iwata's website, I Love Coffee, so I had seen some of the materials there already, but I like having the infographics right there, printed---somehow it gives a different feel. There is also a ton of new materials, too. I have a copy in my office and everybody that comes through loves the book. I think I am going to buy extra copies to give as gifts! Go to Amazon
A perfect "coffee table" book This is a very nice coffee table book that tells you about coffee and caffeine in full page illustrations. The information provided is the factoid such as how much coffee the average American drinks, which country drinks the most coffee, who the "Joe" is, etc, which might appear in the Trivial Pursuit. It will not take more than 30 minutes to read through the book, but the book is cheap (less than ten bucks), and so the money is well spend. Go to Amazon
A must have! This book is being passed thru ... A must have! This book is being passed thru the office...bursts of laughter, shouts of "did you see this..." It has been a perpetual coffee break party...Ryoko, I hope you have your coffee cape on today! Go to Amazon
Five Stars Five Stars Perfect gift for a coffee lover Five Stars Cool book! She loved it and learned some new things about coffee while ... Perfect for coffee junkies! Not what I expected Sure I'll have another cup... I don't drink coffee but it's a fun read anyway
0 notes
humanoid-lovers · 7 years
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5.0 out of 5 stars This book contains the secret to True Happiness.
5.0 out of 5 stars A Great Addition To Any Coffee-Themed Gift! I first heard of this book through The Oatmeal, of which I'm a pretty big fan. I ordered it not for myself, though, but for my Mom, and I used it as inspiration for her Mother's Day gift this year, which was a collection of several of her favorite coffees (and some new ones to try), accompanied by some coffee bars and coffee-flavored chocolate bars. My Mom, who says she "lives for coffee" isn't exaggerating by much, and she LOVED reading this book while munching and sipping away at the contents of her present. We both agreed that Coffee Gives Me Superpowers was just the right mix of entertaining and educational, which made it a fun way to learn about her favorite beverage. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars A fun read! Very entertaining! This is a beautifully illustrated and designed book that's an absolute pleasure to flip through! It's loaded with terrific trivia that will make you think, including some real surprise facts. I bought this little gem as a birthday gift for a good friend who is an avid reader. It turned out to be a perfect choice. He normally leans towards somewhat heavy material, like history, politics, and philosophy - but also loves a good cup of coffee! I think this was just a real fun, lighthearted change of pace for him, and he absolutely raved about how much he enjoyed reading through it. Sometimes we all just need to lighten up a little and curl up with a good, fun read that's entertaining and doesn't take itself, the subject matter, and its audience too seriously. Ryoko Iwata's book definitely does the trick. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars but it's great to have it in a book form to casually ... I received this book today and I can't wait to take it to the office to share. Yes, a lot of the content is also on her website, but it's great to have it in a book form to casually (or, as in my case, quickly) read when you want an internet break. I'm so glad I'm a black and espresso coffee drinker but I think even if you drink soy or more-sugar-than-coffee drinks, you'll get a kick out of the book. If we can't laugh at ourselves (I am obviously going to die from a sharp and bitter soul) then we need serious help. Have some coffee and read a coffee table book! It will help. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars perfect little book on a coffee table! This is a beautifully illustrated, fun book that is also very informative and interesting. I am a big fan of Ryoko Iwata's website, I Love Coffee, so I had seen some of the materials there already, but I like having the infographics right there, printed---somehow it gives a different feel. There is also a ton of new materials, too. I have a copy in my office and everybody that comes through loves the book. I think I am going to buy extra copies to give as gifts! Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars A perfect "coffee table" book This is a very nice coffee table book that tells you about coffee and caffeine in full page illustrations. The information provided is the factoid such as how much coffee the average American drinks, which country drinks the most coffee, who the "Joe" is, etc, which might appear in the Trivial Pursuit. It will not take more than 30 minutes to read through the book, but the book is cheap (less than ten bucks), and so the money is well spend. Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars A must have! This book is being passed thru ... A must have! This book is being passed thru the office...bursts of laughter, shouts of "did you see this..." It has been a perpetual coffee break party...Ryoko, I hope you have your coffee cape on today! Go to Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars A fun, witty book about the world's second favorite beverage. If you aren't trying to take this book too seriously, then you'll have a blast. Mathew Inman (aka The Oatmeal) illustrates much of this book. It has a lot of fun infographics and charts but it is not a reference book. For that you would want to read 'Uncommon Grounds' all 800+ pages.For a 100 page, cutely drawn, fun little 'coffee table' book this is a winner. It's selling for under $10 and well worth it. Go to Amazon
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