#sephiroth is the hungry hungry caterpillar in comparison
prismaticpichu · 1 year
continuing the smash bros. line of questioning, who in the smash roster (other than cloud and sora, obvi) is capable of facing sephiroth one-on-one? i think kirby and bayonetta both have a good shot, but who else?
Ness prolly has a good shot! Little guy has stopped the most evil of cosmic entities before, Sephiroth prolly very familiar territory to him. However, he’s still just a little bean, and mayyyy shy away from Sephiroth. Ganondorf on the other hand is the incarnation of evil energy and corrupted spirit—almost impossible to defeat for real, and Palutena is a Goddess with all the bullet points that your average Goddess has. Sephiroth may THINK he’s a god, but unfortunately just bc mumsy said it in his bday card doesn’t mean it’s true. Bowser is mega strong in the physical sense—and’s got a nice shell for protection! So much more than two meager pauldrons. This guy doesn’t even wear a shirt half the time!
All that said though, Sephiroth is still one of the strongest characters out of all 89. He was still the strongest SOLDIER Gaia had ever seen and possesses the DNA of a monstrous organism that eradicated an entire race. He can fly, is insanely fast, can hurl chunks of buildings at people with enough strange, and is practically a magician with his illusionist abilities.
This guy cleaved Galeem—an entity that was the catalyst for an entire story mode, enslaving every character in the roster save for Kirby—in half. And in one single blow too. Tickets better sell like hot cakes to see him fight!
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