#send me more of these guys ill love uf orever
zannolin · 1 year
3, 13, 19! -kai
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
BUT I WROTE SO MANY THINGS I LIKED THIS YEAR....okay i'll compromise and list a few.
-it's not posted yet, but the bird scenes in my christmas fic are some of my favorite things i've written in a while.
-the corner pieces scene in planetarium stickers
-the not-wilbur chapter of without anesthetic ouagh ugh it's perfect and i love it
-the description of the faerie court bc ho-lee shit what was i on: "The Court is ringed by aspens and birches, blackbark eyes staring him down from every possible angle; a thousand unseeing eyes, a thousand glamours unseen. Tommy’s palms itch beneath the bandages, itch and burn and ache as he Sees the magic of this place. All around are faeries, some with forms that shift endlessly like firelight throwing shadows on a cave wall. Everywhere are horns and claws and teeth and tails, too beautiful and too terrible to look at for long.
In the center of it all, the Faerie King sits upon a throne of bleached bones and starlight. Broken glass glitters like scattered planets in the grass and thistles growing at his feet, and everything orbits around his inexorable gravity, drawn ever inwards towards the maw of a black hole. (He doesn’t have any fingernails, merely long, bone-white fingers, and this is what Tommy will always recall afterwards. Hands made of something distinctly unlike flesh. A body composed of all the wrong materials.)"
-"He feels unsteady, somehow—flayed open, like a knee rubbed raw against asphalt, like a throat after screaming for too long, like he’s sitting on the sidewalk picking grit out of the wound with bare, bloody fingertips."
-phil and wilbur's reunion in without anesthetic bc again, what was i on
-"When he was very young—seven, maybe, or six—back when Pogtopia wasn’t quite so barren, they used to have an end-of-summer festival. It was always on a Saturday in late August, sticky with heat and the juice of the last of the summer berries. Wilbur can remember the last year they had a three-legged race. He was too young to participate, or maybe he just didn’t have a partner, but he vividly recalls watching each team stumble forwards, shambling six-limbed creatures, leaning heavily on each other to find the support they so desperately needed.
That, Wilbur thinks, is him and Tommy. He’s not sure if it’s a good thing. He fancies that he doesn’t quite care."
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
hm...did a lot of listening to "out of the skies, under the earth" by chris zabriskie as well as "concerto in d for guitar largo" by vivaldi and this version of "waltzing matilda"
19. any new fics to start next year
SOOOO many! oh my god. there's a couple i intend to get out next year that i've already started so i won't touch on those but next year's plans include the magic of pegasus au, hopefully the coma au, ghosty bois inc, the final girl au (resident evil), crimeboys get a horse, and my rose sees ghosts au (resident evil). VERY VERY excited for all of these.
ask game.
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