#secondo x loren
Secondo and Loren sending this to the family group chat
Oh they absolutely would like look at our babies!
Despite his normally harsh exterior Secondo will be more than happy to show everyone he passes on the way to the office the videos and photos of the kiddos.
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don-vito-rap · 3 years
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Il Conte Max (Sordi de sica) vecchio e bianco e nero, e l’inquilina del piano di sopra (toffolo e Cannavale) sul 34 oggi sono battuti da la Ciociara Loren de sica e 2061 UN ANNO ECCEZZIONALE ahahah previsioni del tempo sul sultanato delle due Sicilia e Bari a Bad ahahah con solfrizzi abbrescia abatantuono Placido tutti Puglia eheheh con ceccarini fa il fiorentino la lega nord e centro Vaticano e Emilia rossa secondo me veramente tra venti anni Italia sarà divisa in 5 e sud normale torna a Islam ,,,,mentre Albania ieri ha rinnegato Dio e ha votato socialismo ! Merde marx !!! Cicli e riciclo del tempo prima vanno a sinistra per libertà poi si stufano quando libertà troppa e tornano a destra x castigo eheheh umani sempre uguali credono di poter usare Dio ma è Dio che usa loro come piccole marionette in sue mani !!! Compro fazzoletti tricolori e sta Nicky (Nicola Bari) poi trovo caramelle tricolore Italy mia mamma si chiama Italia Vittoria IMPERIA ahahah poi trovo una matriosca in legno che sembra lei vestita da ortodossa in cripta Bari ahahah baribad regginabad palermobad etcetc se Italia finisse davvero divisa come film beh salva solo sud xche Islam donne e gay stann muti mentre a nord saranno tutti tossico gay pedofili ladri assassini etc ! Sarà un casino per estradizione in quel periodo scappano da noi come da Usa scappano in messico dopo inreati .... (presso Don Vito's Cats Bar Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/CONBTnsJBwo/?igshid=43f91ox3f8zw
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perfettamentechic · 7 years
Giorgio Armani è uno stilista e imprenditore, fra i più celebri del mondo. Di origini piacentine, è uno dei più importanti esponenti della moda internazionale. Ha lavorato per La Rinascente fino al 1965, anno in cui viene assunto da Nino Cerruti per ridisegnare la moda del marchio Hitman, confezione dei prodotti del Lanificio fratelli Cerruti. Il suo nome compare direttamente nell’universo della moda per la prima volta attraverso il marchio di abbigliamento in pelle Sicons. Nel 1974 nasce infatti la linea Armani by Sicons, che lo convince definitivamente alla creazione di un marchio personale.Il 24 luglio 1975, Giorgio Armani e Sergio Galeotti, fondano a Milano una casa di moda omonima, con sede nell’atelier di Corso Venezia a Milano. Pochi mesi dopo esce la prima collezione di prêt-à-porter, che sfila al “Plaza Hotel” di Milano. Questo eccezionale avvio, con una notorietà già a livello europeo, nel 1978 subisce un ulteriore spinta con il contratto di licenza con il Gruppo Finanziario Tessile.  L’anno successivo l’azienda si espande oltreoceano, dove lo stilista fonda la “Giorgio Armani Corporation”. Alla fine degli anni settanta la maison è una delle più importanti aziende di moda del mondo.Con gli anni ottanta lo stilista stabilisce un importante accordo di licenza per i profumi, tuttora attiva, con l’azienda francese L’Oréal, e lancia le linee Emporio Armani, Armani Jeans e Armani Junior. Nel 1981 l’azienda apre il primo negozio Emporio Armani a Milano, seguito nel 1982, sempre a Milano, dall’apertura della prima boutique Giorgio Armani. Nello stesso anno vengono lanciate le linee Emporio Armani Underwear ed Emporio Armani Swimmwear. Nel 1987, grazie a una joint venture con le aziende Itochu Corporation e Seibu Department Store, nasce la divisione nipponica “Giorgio Armani Japan“. L’anno successivo la società stabilisce un accordo con Luxottica per la produzione degli occhiali. Verso la fine degli anni novanta l’azienda si informatizza, iniziando nel 1999 la vendita e-commerce attraverso armaniexchange.com. Lo stesso anno vede la nascita della Divisione Accessori. Nel 2000 viene lanciato il sito internazionale giorgioarmani.com (oggi diventato Armani.com). Nel luglio 2000 Armani ed il Gruppo Zegna siglano un accordo per produrre e distribuire le linee Armani Collezioni in joint venture. Analogamente nel 2002 Armani firma un accordo con la ditta Safilo per la produzione di una esclusiva linea di occhiali, chiamata Emporio Armani occhiali. Nel 2000 il Guggenheim Museum di New York gli tributa una retrospettiva. Oltre alla linea profumi (tra i quali, ad esempio, Acqua di Gio o Black Code) di enorme successo commerciale, fra i suoi marchi più famosi vi sono Emporio Armani e Armani Jeans. Nel 2004 viene creata la linea EA7, una collezione active wear che propone abbigliamento e accessori per lo sport. Armani disegna la divisa sociale della squadra inglese del Chelsea e della Nazionale di calcio inglese. Nel 2012 il suo brand sportivo EA7 ha realizzato le divise della Nazionale italiana per le Olimpiadi di Londra. Armani diventa prima lo sponsor principale della squadra di basket dell’Olimpia Milano, e pochi anni dopo, nel 2008, ne rileva la proprietà. Nel 2016 Armani è nuovamente sponsor ufficiale della nazionale italiana alle Olimpiadi di Rio.
Nel 2005, l’accordo con EMAAR Properties assicura all’azienda l’apertura di 14 hotel di lusso nel mondo.
Nella seconda metà del 2006 Emporio Armani lancia Remix il nuovo profumo uomo/donna ispirato all’ultimo album di Madonna e al mondo delle discoteche. Nel 2006 è uscita la prima biografia dedicata allo stilista, Essere Armani, scritta da Renata Molho e tradotta in dieci lingue.
Nel 2009 viene aperto il concept store Armani/5th Avenue a New York. L’anno successivo Emporio Armani è il primo brand di moda occidentale ad aprire un sito di e-commerce in Cina; viene inoltre aperto il primo Armani Hotel a Dubai seguito, nel 2011, dall’Armani Hotel di Milano.
Attualmente si contano 57 boutique Giorgio Armani, 12 Armani Collezioni, 115 Emporio Armani, 66 A/X Armani Exchange, 10 Armani Jeans, 5 Armani Junior, 1 Giorgio Armani Accessori e 12 Armani Casa in 35 nazioni. Nel giugno 2013 apre la nuova boutique in via Condotti a Roma con una festa inaugurale a cui partecipano, tra gli altri, Milla Jovovich, Tina Turner, Clive Owen, Paolo Sorrentino, Giuseppe Tornatore, Laura Biagiotti, Margherita Buy, Ornella Muti, Raul Bova, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Valeria Golino, Fiorello, Sophia Loren ed Emma Bonino.
Sempre nel 2013 lo stilista sostiene i designer emergenti e presta il suo teatro Armani come location per le loro sfilate. Il primo a sfilare in via Bergognone è Andrea Pompilio a giugno, con la collezione Uomo Primavera/Estate 2014. La seconda è Stella Jean con la collezione donna Primavera/Estate 2014 presentata a settembre. 
La produzione di Armani spazia fra abiti di ogni genere, cominciando dalle giacche, di cui rivoluziona il design: vengono eliminati i supporti interni (imbottiture e controfodere), vengono spostati i bottoni e modificate le proporzioni tradizionali: nascono così le giacche destrutturate, emblema assoluto del suo stile. La giacca diventa la protagonista del tailleur di taglio maschile che Armani disegna per le donne.
Ispirato al cinema in bianco e nero, ed alle atmosfere dell’America degli anni venti e trenta, il suo stile sceglie tagli nitidi e puliti e toni di colori freddi: il beige, il grigio e il greige, una nuova tonalità in bilico tra il grigio e il sabbia terroso, anche se è soprattutto il blu-Armani a contraddistinguere la sua produzione. Un’altra fonte di grande ispirazione per Armani è la cultura orientale e araba. Vengono infatti introdotti in alcuni suoi capi colletti alla coreana, e cappotti simili a djellaba, messi in commercio nel 1990, in contemporanea all’uscita nei cinema di Il tè nel deserto. La sua collezione Armani Casa è realizzata con fantasie ispirate all’architettura islamica ed alle porcellane Ming e Qing.Nel 1980 Armani ha disegnato i costumi di scena di Richard Gere per il film American Gigolo. Nel 2008 invece ha realizzato gli abiti indossati dall’attore Christian Bale (nel ruolo di Bruce Wayne) per il film Il cavaliere oscuro, e poi nel 2012 ne Il cavaliere oscuro – Il ritorno. Fra gli altri film per i quali ha lavorato si possono ricordare quelli per Phenomena, Gli intoccabili, Cadillac Man e Ransom – Il riscatto. Nel 2013 veste Michael Fassbender e Penelope Cruz nel film The Counselor – Il procuratore e Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street. 
In occasione dell’apertura di EXPO 2015 Giorgio Armani ha celebrato i suoi 40 anni di attività con una festa esclusiva. Negli spazi del Silos Armani,  in via Bergognone, sono arrivati Sophia Loren, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kasia Smutniak, Tina Turner e tantissime altre star che non hanno perso l’occasione di festeggiare con Re Giorgio assistendo anche a uno show speciale.“Ho scelto di chiamarlo silos – racconta Armani – perché lì venivano conservate le granaglie, materiale per vivere. E così, come il cibo, anche il vestire serve per vivere”.
Silos Armani è stato interamente pensato e progettato dallo stilista, uno spazio di 4500 metri e racchiude la storia dello stilista. In mostra ci sono 600 abiti e 200 accessori, realizzati dal 1980 a oggi, ma il percorso espositivo è pensato per evolversi nel tempo e ospitare nuovi modelli.
Al piano terra si viene accolti da un tappeto rosso di luci che racconta, attraverso un serie di fotografie, il rapporto di Armani con il cinema e con le star. Al secondo piano si trovano gli Esotismi, i capi ispirati dai tanti viaggi di Giorgio Armani. Qui rivivono atmosfere indiane, cinesi e giapponesi. I motivi floreali e i decori, come paillettes e ricami, diventano protagonisti, svelando un lato forse meno conosciuto dello stilista. Nella stessa area ci sono anche 200 accessori, tra scarpe, borse, occhiali e gioielli. Salendo le scale di questo spazio rigoroso, ma allo stesso tempo movimentato grazie al gioco di prospettive, ci si ritrova nell’area dedicata ai Cromatismi. Qui il colore è protagonista. Trionfano i rossi, gli arancioni, i fucsia e i blu China, ma c’ è anche il nero, reinterpretato con sfumature così diverse da diventare a sua volta colore. Tra gli abiti esposti ce ne sono alcuni indossati da Katie Holmes e Beyoncé. L’ultima area è quella dedicata alla Luce. L’impatto visivo è sorprendente. I capi di paillettes brillano e illuminano la grande sala, anche qui se ne trovano alcuni indossati da Jodi Foster e Cate Blanchett. Accanto ai vestiti scintillanti c’è l’archivio digitale, consultabile su piani touch screen o su computer. L’accesso a questa zona, voluta da Giorgio Armani per incoraggiare la ricerca e lo studio della moda, è gratuito.
(Micol Sarfatti, L’Huffington Post)
“Allestire Armani Silos, decidere che cosa esporre e con quali modalità, concentrarsi sui temi che meglio possono riassumere un pensiero e uno stile mi ha aiutato a riflettere su 40 anni di lavoro, con passione ma anche con equilibrio – ha spiegato Armani-. Perché la moda, che sembra vivere in un eterno presente, ha necessità di riflettere su se stessa e sulle proprie radici proprio per proiettarsi nel futuro, accompagnando e spesso anticipando i grandi mutamenti sociali. Ricordarci come siamo stati ci aiuta a capire come potremo essere”.
Autore: Lynda Di Natale Fonte: wikipedia e armani.com
  Giorgio Armani #giorgioarmani #armani #creatoredistile #perfettamentechic #felicementechic Giorgio Armani è uno stilista e imprenditore, fra i più celebri del mondo. Di origini piacentine, è uno dei più importanti esponenti della moda internazionale.
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Omg teen Marianna all dressed up ready to head out with her friends and Secondo is just like "where do you think your going?" And she just rolls her eyes and says "I AM going out with my friends." Then there's the classic back and forth between them. It ends with Marianna climbing out her bedroom window to sneak out and gets brought home at 3 am by a ghoul to a very tired prime mover and beyond pissed Papa
Loren: "Secondo it's not the end of the world. If you had only let her go out earlier this wouldn't have been a problem."
Secondo (pounding his fist in his hands): "No tesoro, I am Papa here and she will learn to respect my rules."
Marianna (rolls eyes): "WERE Papa."
Secondo (jaw drops): "Why you little---"
Loren (yanking him back): "Love give it a rest and let's go back to bed.
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How did your Prime Mover OCs join the church originally?
Ok so since just saying how they entered is kind of boring I add a little extra details... Also these are based on my initial Papas In Love Series chapter fics sooooo caution for spoilers below!
Prime Mover Liliana "Lily" Emeritus
Divine Cause (Primo x Liliana)
- Lilana was raised as a sibling of sin in another ministry. She was born into it as she is actually revealed to be Lucifer's daughter, whom was conceived with a Prime Mover who died in childbirth. Lily was destined to mary Primo and conceive the Antichrist (which happens to be Copia in this fic).
Prime Mover Loren Emeritus
Let There Be Night (Secondo x Loren)
- Loren was an American sibling who worked in the nursery. She joined as an adult after initially falling for a brother of sin back in the states who abandoned her when she fell pregnant. Things were not meant to be and she suffered a miscarriage. Years later she would travel to the Ministry's main Abbey, where she meets and falls in love with Secondo, who chooses her as his Prime Mover.
Prime Mover Alessandra "Alé" Emeritus
Tied as One Eternally (Terzo x Alessandra)
- Alessandra was a teenager when she came to the Ministry and took her vows, wanting to make a difference in others lives. She's estranged from her parents. She persued helping the siblings who helped her so much in her own time of need, eventually catching the eye of the third Emeritus... Who would fall head over heels in love with her.
Prime Mover Rosalia Emeritus
The Cardinal's Prime Mover (Copia x Rosalia)
- Rosalia was born to siblings of sin who where very much in love, but died before Lia was an adult. She has fond memories of them and decided to take her vows when the time came so she could remain with the Ministry. She soon would fall in love with the shy Cardinal, after being asked to assist him by Sister Imperator, and eventually would become his Prime Mover.
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Oof, imagine if Loren has twins again. I’m sure she and secondo and the twins would love the little ones to death but I’d feel so bad for her to carry that much again. Plus I’d imagine going from 2 to 4 kids in one swoop is a bit much
Oh I'm sure going from 1-2 is hard. I can only imagine having 2 at once then having to go and have double like 😬
I have 4 but I had my first two within about two years of each other and then the hubby and I had a long stretch of time before we had two more, again about 2 years apart lol 😅 and that was crazy enough lolol
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Do Secondo and Loren ever have anymore kids
You know I would have thought it would have just been the two right. I mean they had a son and daughter...what more could they want right....
Give them a few years and well if art imitates life.... There will be two more lol ❤️‍🔥
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I alreadly told you in a DM but for the person who asked about Loren having twins again, my one boss from a previous job has 3 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets. So let's pray Mr. World wide dosent have super sperm.
Lol exactly cause oh boy....or girl or both again 😅
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Everyone loves protective Papa's but imagine jealous prime movers 👀. One of Secondo's past flings is flirting with him at a church event, "I've had thought a man like you would want multiple prime movers. Looking for another?" And Loren just shuts that shit down. Shes six months pregnant and emotional and she's ready to throw down. Secondo obviously won't let it become a real fight but damn he'd be turn on
Loren is so so sweet, loving, and fragile most of the time but if you try to take her Papa from her....your blood will be spilt.
After the inevitable breaking up of the fight so that people didn't lose their lives (AKA the other sister lol), Secondo would be so turned on about it he'd scoop her up and bring her back into the bedroom and be like, "Oh fucking Hell Tesoro, if you weren't already pregnant you would be after this."
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Can I request something based off of thiiiis picture? Just with cute s/o moments too
The world needs more Daddy Secondo
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Seeing Papa with kiddos makes my heart soar 💕
For your reading pleasure friend!
Also available here on AO3!
**WARNING spoilers for Let There Be Night fic!!!**
I am open for asks, requests, and commissions on the heart mug site!
If I haven't done your ask yet, I am working on it!!!
Let Them Wait
The crowd was booming with energy at the festival. The anticipation, keeping them all exquisitely on the edge as they awaited the appearance of the ever imposing, yet majestic, Papa Emeritus II to the stage. Secondo stood backstage, just moments before his special return performance of Year Zero was to begin. He straightened out his robes, double checking his paints as he ran through his scales. 
He was surprised when Papa Emeritus IV, previously Cardinal Copia, had invited all of them to return to the stage–leading Ghost during a special festival amidst the latest tour cycle. He was nervous, though his pride would never allow him to show it. It had been years since he spread the word of Lucifer in this way, leaving the glamor of the performance to younger men. Never in a million years did he think he’d be back on stage, even less that among the crowd would be his Prime Mover and  children. 
Despite whatever he had envisioned before, here he was now at the festival readying to perform—his Prime Mover Loren and their twins somewhere about on the grounds. He knew they’d be waiting, more excited than the crowd, for him to perform. Secondo was even more tense knowing Loren would be watching. They had met long after his tour days were over, his life goal now to make her happy above all things. When the day came that Copia insisted that the Emeritus brothers all return to the stage, and he saw the way Loren’s eyes lit up—it was a done deal. 
Secondo, took a deep breath in, closing his eyes to truly feel the sensations around him. His breath, clearing his lungs as the smell of paint permeated his nose. The humming of the amplifiers and the tuning of instruments in the air. Suddenly, his eyes still closed to the world, Secondo felt a tug at the bottom of his chasuble. 
“Piccola? What are you doing back here, where is your mother and brother? Secondo asked, staring down at his daughter Mariana, who had managed to find her way backstage. A ghoul came running up to them, panting and stopping to drop his head down, hands on his thighs as he finally caught up to them. 
“Sorry boss she needed to use the bathroom and well….huff…huff…she insisted you take her. I told her we could handle it but she …huff….she took off running full speed.” the ghoul explained, catching his breath. Secondo laughed, bending to pick up his daughter in his arms. 
“Mariana, you know better than to run off like that. Your momma must be worried sick.” Secondo explained brushing her golden locks from her face, a hint of discipline mixed with amusement in the tone of  his voice. 
“But Papa, I don't want anyone else to take me. Can’t you?” the girl asked, she was only five years old, but already so willful and bright. Secondo could tell his daughter missed him, preparing for the show and being overseas had lent them more time apart than ever before and while Loren and their son Christian seemed to be faring ok—Mariana was certainly a daddy’s girl. 
“I know you miss your Papa piccola but....” Secondo began hearing them announce him to come to the stage. He looked down at his daughter’s face, her big doe eyes–much like her mother’s, staring back at him. The audience could wait, if just for a bit longer. “I’ll be right back.” Secondo told the ghoul as he set Mariana down and took her hand in his. 
“But…boss the ritual…they are waiting for you on stage.” the ghoul panicked, his distress visible in his posture. 
“I will only be a moment.” Secondo said, throwing up a hand to dismiss the ghoul. The whole world could wait if it meant making his daughter happy. They walked, hand in hand to the bathrooms when from in front of them came running up Loren and little Christian. 
“Mariana! There you are! Oh sweet Lucifer Secondo, I’m sorry–Do you know they called for you on stage. Shouldn’t you be—” Loren began, relieved to have found her daughter safe and sound with her husband. 
“We just had to make a small bathroom trip beforehand is all.” Secondo explained, winking to Loren. His Prime Mover’s heart set aflame, he looked so handsome in his vestments and even more so when he was in dad mode. Secondo passed her by, giving her a kiss on the forehead as he did—the bathrooms only feet beyond them. 
“Hurry back ok, they are waiting.” Loren laughed, holding little Christian’s hand and Secondo smiling back at them and then down at Mariana. 
“Let them wait.” Secondo stressed, “I have more important business to attend to.”
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
TW, morbid question...
Would you ever write about a Papa/Prime Mover's child loss? (Feeling angsty...)
So, I debated about answering this ask,
Especially right now, during this time of year is a very sensitive subject for me, but I understand the curiosity. I suppose so that hopefully this will answer things and that this way I won't need to do it again (no hate to the anon btw), I will say something about it to share my HCs and fics.
I have written stories that included miscarriage before, I will link them below. I haven't written about anything other than that because now that I have children I feel that would be too painful to think about for myself.
As far as what I think, I would say that for sure they would be devastated. A sense of a gaping hole that doesn't ever get filled no matter how much love, compassion, and anything else that they try to fill it with. That regardless of whether or not things were planned or accidental, the loss is still felt so deeply.
That while time does heal things to a point, both the Papas and their Prime Movers who had experienced this would go eventually--however always carrying their grief.
The outside world may never even notice until something triggers it and they can't hold back or until they remember that with each special event or even gathering of their family, there should be additional people there to celebrate---but aren't.
Anyways thats what I would say on the matter. If you still want to read there are the links:
The Cardinal's Prime Mover
-Copia and his Prime Mover Lia experience a miscarriage when she unexpectedly becomes pregnant the first time.
Let There Be Night
-Secondo deals with his Prime Mover Loren having a previous miscarriage before they met and how some of that impacts how they feel about the whole situation.
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Secondo's fic, Let There Be Night is almost over!!!
This new chapter has some extra Copiiia. I wonder if I should write a spin off at some point with Copiiia from this universe.
Anyways check it out if you haven't already on AO3!
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Secondo Chapter 5 is LIVE!
If you are reading my Secondo fic, Chapter 5 is now up!
Follow the link above to read that or this link to start at the beginning!
Still open for commissions!
💚message me here or find me on the heart mug site, user copiousloverofcopia!
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copiousloverofcopia · 8 months
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These are all the fanfiction AO3 links to Secondo related content. Please see pinned post on Tumblr for other Papa content!
If you don't see something you are interested in please feel free to send an ask when open as well as commission me through the heart mug site. Link in pinned post!
Multi-Chapter Works:
⛧ Let There Be Night (COMPLETE) >>> Secondo & OC Loren Secondo Emeritus decides he will bite the bullet for the sake of his family and get a Prime Mover. The sister he chooses is perfect for the task but unlike any of his typical lovers. Will the pact between them be fruitful or will it die on the vine? (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Pregnancy Loss/Angst/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy) Secondo x Loren Sequel Snippets (Mini sequels to the Papas in Love stories): 🜏 Let Them Wait Secondo awaits his name to be called for the return to the stage when it gets an unexpected guest. (SFW-Fluff/Daddy Secondo) 🜏 As the Night Settled In (Spin off) Copia pulls an all nighter after becoming Cardinal and gets some much-needed release when he gets back to his lover. (NSFW-Romance/MFM/Established relationship/COPIIIA/UNRELATED/NON-RELATED AU)
⛧ The Games We Play (COMPLETE-Feat. OC of @spectralmagpie) You are Desdemona, a part Imp Sister of Sin with a penchant for a good time and an insatiable appetite for driving your lover, Papa Secondo, mad. When you discover an exciting development within the Abbey will be limiting his time with you more, you decide, with the help of Terzo, take it as a challenge to find a way to entertain yourself and get a rise out of him. (NSFW-Public Sex/Romance/Brat/Exhibitionism/Multi-Kink/Feat. OC) ⛧ The Hell Torn Heart (ONGOING-Feat. OC of @ashley-ghuleh) After a recurring dream leaves Marcus, a half-demon/half-hellhound, dealing with the ghosts of his troubled past and visions of a place he has never been. He is unexpectedly thrust into an unknown world. Guided by a mysterious couple to the Ministry, surrounded by ghouls and siblings of sin. The once outcast struggles with what haunts him and learning to find himself—until he meets Secondo. (NSFW- Hellhound OC x Secondo/Romance/Angst/Anal Sex/BDSM)
One Off Works:
Exactly As it Should Be Secondo wasn't sure what to think when you told him you wanted to have a baby. Now holding his newborn daughter, the world has suddenly changed. (SFW- Fluff/Romance/First time Dad Secondo) You Bewitch Me You have reached a breaking point with body dysmorphia and seclude yourself in the bathroom only to be discovered by your lover Papa Emeritus II. (SFW-Part 1/2/Comfort/Body Image problems/Gender Neutral reader) Spell Cast After a hard bout of body dysmorphia, your lover Secondo shows you just how much he worships the body you reside in. (NSFW-Part 2/2 Comfort/Body image problems/Romance/Body Worship) Anything For You The celebrations of Lupercalia have begun at the Abbey and while you agreed that you wouldn't "celebrate" in the traditional way, seeing everyone else do it is getting to you and your Papa can tell. (NSFW-Lupercalia/Valentine's Day/Romance/Fluff/Comfort) More Than a Feeling As a FtM brother of sin in the Ministry things have not been the easiest. One thing however was sure, your love for Papa Emeritus II. When Papa leads Black Mass one evening, your entire life changes. (NSFW-Romance/Love Confession/Breeding Kink/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy/Transmale character/Mpreg) The Feel of Silk You were invited to Secondo's bed chambers knowing exactly what to expect...he did not disappoint. (NSFW-Romance/Light BDSM/blindfolding) Liquid Courage The hard and unapproachable Papa you have been crushing hard on gets a few drinks in him and finally decides to confess something to you…and the rest of the Abbey. (SFW-Romance/Love Confession/Gender Neutral Reader/First kiss) The Medusa The tables are turned for Secondo when his lives has him tied to the bed. (NSFW-BDSM/Edgeplay)
Secondo One Off Works Featuring Other's OCs):
Starving (feat. OC of @sirlsplayland) Secondo has been a bit of an overbearing expectant father, when he decides to show his Prime Mover, Marzanna, just how much she means to him. (NSFW-Romance/Pregnancy sex/Pregnancy Kink/Secondo POV)
Thank you for reading!
May he walk with you in Darkness, leading you from the Light
⛧ PM Ren
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Ahem. May I suggest some Copiiia? With Terzo pounding the ever loving hell outta that ass? 🐀 ♥
The long awaited Copiiia spin off fic from my Let There Be Night fic featuring Secondo x Prime Mover Loren.
Hopefully you guys like it. My first time writing M/M stuff so be gentle!!!
⚠️Copia and Terzo are NOT related in this fic!!⚠️
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As the Night Settled In
Also available here on A03!
Definitely NSFW below the cut
It was late—so very late. Looking over at the old Monstrance clock on the fireplace mantle, Copia could tell it was well past 2 in the morning. His blurry vision, making the numbers hazy and indistinguishable. As the night settled in—he rubbed his eyes, pushing back in his chair, and stretching for the first time in hours.
The Cardinal yawned as he gathered up his things and headed out the door, ready to feel the warmth of Terzo's body against him as he drifted into sleep. It had been only a few short weeks since Copia's ascension to Cardinal and he had already placed more pressure on himself than any one man should. The Abbey had been so busy. The halls swarming with new siblings and too many ministry meetings to count—not to mention Secondo and Loren's twins to fawn over. As far as Copia was concerned, his social and professional plates were more than full.
Despite his self-awareness however, he couldn't get his mind to shut down as he strolled through the darkened halls. As he slowly climbed the stairs, Copia's mind was still playing through all possible outcomes of the day's decisions and mentally wading through the checklists that lay unfinished on his desk for tomorrow. It wasn't long before, without realizing, he had arrived at the Papal suites. He carefully opened the door, dropping off his briefcase and files on the table in the foyer as he headed for the bedroom—quiet as a mouse.
He was surprised to find Terzo passed out and covered in his notes, when walking into the room. A field of crumbled papers littering the bed and spilling onto the floor. "Amore?" He whispered, trying his best not to startle his Papa.
"Sí, sí…oh caro it's just you what time is it?" Terzo asked him, pulling himself up in bed and scratching his head as he became more conscious.
"It's late Terzo. Listen, I'll take care of things why don't you go back to sleep." Copia insisted as he gathered up the scattered papers within the room. Terzo watched him in confusion, if it was late, why was he still trying to work?
"Cope…what are you doing?" He asked him, a air of sarcasm in his tone.
"I'm cleaning up a bit." Copia answered, holding a mess of paperwork to his chest. Terzo shook his head as he scooted over to sit along the edge of the bed. He grabbed Copia's arm, stopping his lover from continuing on.
"You'll do no such thing." He explained, pulling Copia to sit down beside him. The Cardinal began to remove his vestiments, pulling off his shoes and unfastening the clasp of his pellegrina. As Copia finally got down to his underwear, Terzo began rubbing his shoulders. Copia's eyes closed, his head leaning into Terzo's touch as he pulled and squeezed tightly the tense muscles.
"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked, grateful for the relief in his tired and aching state.
"Caro, you are working yourself too much. You can't do everything for everyone all the time–that includes picking up after me." Terzo chided.
"Well if I don't pick up after you who will?" Copia teased. Terzo stopped his massage, raising an eyebrow at him as he pulled Copia's face to look at him.
"I can pick up after myself, I'm a grown man…no need for you to do it." Terzo exclaimed.
"Oh is that right? Copia asked, a bit of a chuckle under his breath. Terzo was a lot of things but organized was not one of them.
"I will show you just how much of a man I really am." Terzo hissed as he pulled Copia down onto the bed, crawling to hover above his stuttering Cardinal. While Terzo tried to remain serious, the two of them couldn't help but giggle. Their banter that of an old married couple at times and love sick teenagers at others. They truly felt perfect for one another.
"Amore?" Copia said, a smile on his face and eyes closing as Terzo ran his fingers through his mousy brown hair.
"That being said, I could not live without you." Terzo purred, bringing his lips to taste Copia's. The tasted of coffee from the late nights, still soft and wanting. Always hungry for his Papa's touch. They two eased into their kiss, Terzo slowly bringing his tongue to twist with his lover's. The Papa's hand, traveling down the Cardinal's boxers to meet with his already stiffened cock.
"Mmm.." Copia hummed at his touch. Terzo rubbed him through the fabric, as Copia rutted his hips up against Terzo's hand. They pulled apart, both struggling to maintain their breath as Papa lowered himself past Copia's waist.
"Let me help you relax." He insisted as he pulled his lover's cock from the confines of the fabric.
"Oh amore you don't have to—ah." He mewled as Terzo licked the tip of his cock, swirling his tongue around the head and slowly pulling the shaft deep inside his mouth. Copia pulled himself up on his elbows to watch, Terzo bobbing his head up and down on his lover's length. A full display of lust and love as Copia watched the dripple of spit and precum running down the sides of Terzo's mouth and dripping from his chin. His cock so sensative as Terzo sloppily worked it in his throat.
Terzo looked up into his eyes, their hands reaching for one another's and taking hold just before Copia's head fell back onto the pillow. The feeling of Terzo's soft mouth tightly wrapped around his cock sent hellfire throughout the Cardinal's body. Copia squeezed Terzo's hand tightly as he raised his hips to meet with his lover's mouth. Turning his head to bite the pillow beside him as he struggled to hold off his need to cum.
Terzo could tell he was getting close, smiling devilishly with Copia's cock still throbbing inside his mouth. There was nothing he enjoyed more than watching Copia come undone for him. Papa worked him expertly, using his tongue to press and glide along the base of his shaft—pulling in and out of his mouth as Terzo's own cock began leaking from excitement
With one hand, white knuckled gripped onto the violet sheets and the other holding on to Terzo's for dear life, Copia's balls seized up as he emptied himself into Papa's throat. Terzo gulped back, swallowing all his beloved Cardinal had to offer. Copia writhed a bit on the bed, his cock softened and his skin set aflame. Terzo wiped his mouth clear and stood up along the side of the bed, starting down as his meek and sexy lover.
"Caro, get on your knees for me." Terzo groaned as he began to stroke his own cock, his leaking aiding to his smooth glide along his shaft.
"Oh—ok…" Copia responded, still breathless and weak from his orgasm. Copia crawled on all fours, looking over his shoulder as Terzo's eyes filled with wanton lust.
"Oh fuck caro, I don't know how long I will last, but I need to be inside you. Fill you." Terzo began running his hand down Copia's spine. "Ti faccio mio amore mio mentre vengo nel profondo di te." Terzo moaned as he worked his cock in his fist. Copia wiggled his ass at him, perching his eyebrow up and smiling.
"Amore I'm waiting." Copia teased. Terzo sucked in his bottom lip, his eyes gazing over the swell of Copia's ass. He marveled over just how perfect it was, sliding along his buttocks and grabbing it tightly in his hand. Copia moaned, as Terzo sucked two fingers into his mouth—a firm grip still on his lover's ass. Terzo teased his opening, slowly pushing in the slick fingers.
"Mmmm...there we go." Terzo growled as he felt his fingertips reach the perfect spot inside. Copia rocked back on Terzo's fingers, begging for more sensation—more contact.
"Papa…amore, I need your cock please." Copia whined, his own becoming hard once again from the intense stimulation.
"You want my cock caro?" Terzo began, steadily working his fingers inside Copia's ass, "then you shall have it." Before Copia knew it, Terzo had flipped him onto his back to face him. Papa lining his cock up with his hole, circling it a bit with the pulsing head of his cock.
"Ah fuck!" Copia cried out as Terzo pushed past his entrance, slowly moving inside him, Copia's ass conforming around his girth. Terzo grabbed hold of Copia's hips pulling him closer to the edge of the bed as he began to pound harder inside him.
"Ah…yes…mmm…my dear. Sweet. Cardinal. You feel so good around me." Terzo groaned, fucking into Copia hard, but controlled. Terzo closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of Copia spread out around his cock. Copia began to stroke himself as Terzo fucked him. Terzo reopening his eyes to the sight eliciting a string of indiscernible curses in Italian from him as he pounded away.
"Terzo please. I want you to cum, cum inside me amore, make me yours." Copia insisted, pushing himself back on Terzo's cock with each thrust. Copia was holding on by a thread, fist gliding along his own cock while Terzo filled him over and over again. The sensation between them radiating throughout their bodies.
"Oh Copia, I'm cumming for you, I'm cumming!" Terzo cried, his balls pulling taut and his teeth clenched. The Cardinal could feel the gush of cum bursting inside him, the sheer pleasure causing him to cum once again, hot and sticky over his lower belly.
"I love you so much." Terzo whispered breathy and satisfied, the sweat from his efforts making his raven hair stick to his face.
"I love you too Papa." Copia smiled as Terzo bent over him, bringing his lips to kiss him once more.
"You are my reason for being…you know that?" Terzo professed, slipping out of Copia and falling beside him on the bed. The two lovers stayed still a moment, both exhausted and so content. Copia was now more ready for bed than even before, however knowing he'd desperately need to shower first. He sat up, laughing a bit what what a mess the two of them had made of eachother as he turned to face Terzo.
The Cardinal brushed Terzo's hair from his face, holding his cheeks as they both stared into each other's eyes. Copia inhaled deeply as he tried to stand up on his weakened legs.
"And you Papa, are mine."
Ti faccio mio amore mio mentre vengo nel profondo di te-Make you mine my love as I cum deep inside you
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
This is not my confession, this is yours. If you could ship any one of your ghesties in a fic with any ghoul, ghoulette or Papa who all would you ship with who?
I confess my dear sibling that I have multiple Ghesties that I would ship in multiple fics with multiple Papas and ghouls/ghoulettes alike lol
(Also yes I included me, let's fight about it lolol 😅)
Prime Mover Ren's Ghestie Ship list:
Primo x @the-cardinale
Secondo x @secondosprimemover (aka me, which my secondo fics PM is Loren 😅)
Terzo x @meowsaidmissy
Copia x @cardinal-copia-popia
Aether x @vampghoulette
Dew x @blanchebees
Cirrus x @tsukaiyomi
To name a few 😈
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