#secondman saves
Hi this article means everything to me forever and always so I have to post it here
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transsexualunderground · 10 months
happy 8/8 to themmmm
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the sequel to the toby the tram engine menstrual pads
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toby deluxe menstrual pads box repost because the old version has reblogs disabled by op
context: op made a post about how pad boxes should be cooler and have cool stuff like shadow the hedgehog on them. i was feeling dysphoric that day due to menstruation things. toby jumpscare! he's box shaped i'm making him into a box now.
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may eventually be reblogged with a not MS Paint version by yours truly
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the book description: "he was like an excited particle powerful enough to bore a hole straight through someone's brain"
I read this in George Carlin's voice and it made it god-tier when it was already god-tier so it was like god-tier^2. Good shit and also very accurate feeling LOL sure as hell resonated
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Hi! I'm Jade! You might know me as the Secondman, kujakisser, or prideoftheline though!
I post a lot of Disco Elysium lately, but I'm also into Final Fantasy (VII and IX), TTTE/RWS, real life trains, Star Trek (TNG), OCs, writing, poetry, fiction, literary and character analysis/discussion, literary devices, bugs and other small creatures, and a bunch of random niche specific things, probably.
I don't have a DNI because I simply block who I see fit. That and DNIs never seemed to work for me when I did try them LOL.
Moving this above the cut to be clear, I am not using the term "transsexual' in a transmed way. I'm using it in an "I really like this term and appreciate it so much" way.
About me, links, and tag guide below the cut!
last edit: Apr. 16, 2024
He/him (neos to eventually occur, I swear), transgender and genderqueer man (I also use the word transsexual for myself; I imply it the same way as transgender), greyace greyro, young adult (I am 18+), mixed (Filipino and white) USAmerican, neurodivergent (AuDHD, most likely, or perhaps just ADHD)
My blog mostly consists of reblogs, but I have other fun stuff in there too like personal art, writing, memes, and other original posts.
Here's my tags for original posts (remnants from when my url was the-secondman, but they're still my silly lil' tags):
#secondman says - any and all original posting
#secondman shitposts - original memes and the like
#secondman storytelling - original writings (prose and poetry) and infodumps
#secondman scribbles - original art
#secondman (re)sponds - answered asks
I have some misc. tags as well for ocs and the like. Of note is #secondman saves, which is just my tag for stuff I wish to save for later.
here are some misc. links!
anti-bravoman icons 1 and 2
#jade's engine days, aka my TTTE engine number date post things
@wesley-saysley, my (mostly inactive) OC ask blog thingy
RWS (and more) resource post
@sephipedia, my (also quite inactive) blog where I make Sephiroth read Wikipedia?
@kujascodpiece, a sideblog I just made solely to have that username.
(223)-263-5266, a cool as hell phone number
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