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devoir123 · 6 days
Revolutionizing the Digital Space: Devoir Technologies
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In the heart of Chandigarh, a city known for its architectural brilliance and vibrant culture, stands Devoir Technologies—a beacon of innovation in the realms of Website Development and Digital Marketing Company. As we sail through the digital age, the importance of robust online platforms and strategic digital marketing cannot be overstated. Devoir Technologies, with its comprehensive suite of services, is the partner that businesses across the globe trust to navigate this digital landscape.
Expertise in Web Development
At Devoir Technologies, web development is not just about writing code; it's about creating digital experiences. Each website is crafted with the utmost attention to detail, ensuring that it is not only visually appealing but also functional, user-friendly, and optimized for search engines. From corporate websites to complex e-commerce platforms, Devoir Technologies has the expertise to bring a wide array of digital visions to life.
The team at Devoir uses the latest technologies and follows the best practices in web development to ensure that each project delivers on performance and scalability. Whether you are a startup looking to make your mark or an established business aiming to enhance your online presence, Devoir Technologies can architect the perfect web solution to meet your needs.
Mobile App Development Prowess
With the increasing reliance on mobile devices, having a mobile app can be a game-changer for businesses. Devoir Technologies excels in creating mobile applications that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional and responsive. The company specializes in both Android and iOS platforms, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience that can significantly boost your business’s reach and customer engagement.
Leading the Way in Digital Marketing
In today's digital era, having a great product or service is not enough. Effective digital marketing strategies are crucial for visibility and growth. Devoir Technologies stands out as a leader in digital marketing, helping clients achieve tangible results with services like SEO, social media marketing, Google Ads, and Facebook Ads. By understanding the nuances of digital channels and consumer behavior, Devoir Technologies crafts customized marketing campaigns that enhance visibility, engage audiences, and drive conversions.
Why Choose Devoir Technologies?
Customized Solutions: Every business is unique, and Devoir Technologies respects this by offering tailor-made solutions that align perfectly with your business goals and market demands.
Expert Team: The team at Devoir consists of industry veterans with years of experience in web and app development, and digital marketing. Their depth of knowledge and commitment to innovation sets them apart.
Client-Centric Approach: At Devoir, every client is important. The team works closely with clients to ensure that every project is delivered on time and exceeds expectations.
Proven Track Record: With a robust portfolio and a long list of satisfied clients, Devoir Technologies has established itself as a reliable partner in the digital development and marketing space.
Strategic Loation: cLocated in Chandigarah, Devoir Technologies benefits from the city’s vibrant tech community and its dynamic, innovative spirit.
Looking Ahead
As Devoir Technologies continues to grow and evolve, it remains committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in web and app development and digital marketing. With a focus on leveraging cutting-edge technologies and strategic insights, Devoir Technologies is not just participating in the digital revolution; it is leading it.
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developerguide · 5 years
Delhi Metro Guide - Offline Map, Route info & Fare
Now you can do smart travel bus in Delhi Metro using your metro card, install this application and pick up 5% benefits in travel ,,, Delhi Metro Guide
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ellasfmp · 4 years
Inspiration photos on powerpoint brainstorm.
2020. [image] Available at: <https://www.google.com/search?q=double+exposure+loations+and+portraits+photoshop&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiHgon-hvfpAhUGgM4BHQsFDh4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=double+exposure+loations+and+portraits+photoshop&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoGCAAQBxAeOgIIADoICAAQCBAHEB5QlZ0BWMCUAmCvmQJoAXAAeACAAYMBiAGuEpIBBDM5LjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZw&sclient=img&ei=ArjgXof5FoaAur4Pi4q48AE&bih=722&biw=1536&rlz=1C1CHBF_enGB894GB895#imgrc=sa0JXeUel5HLfM> [Accessed 10 June 2020].
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2020. [image] Available at: <https://www.google.com/search?q=words+over+portrait+photoshop&rlz=1C1CHBF_enGB894GB895&sxsrf=ALeKk01kstZ63-QkNlLkGIIdNpy6xN6lqw:1591785370681&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI0M_MhvfpAhXTT8AKHXFUD3oQ_AUoAXoECA8QAw&biw=1536&bih=722#imgrc=Zw9z42G-mbTt5M> [Accessed 10 June 2020].
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Your Bibliography: 2020. [image] Available at: <https://www.google.com/search?q=newspaper+collage&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiHpr7Oh_fpAhVS0oUKHSICAfsQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=newspaper+collage&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyBAgAEEMyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoHCCMQ6gIQJzoHCAAQsQMQQzoFCAAQsQM6BAgAEBhQp7eOAVi5ko8BYMGUjwFoAnAAeAOAAYsKiAHyQ5IBDzIuMS4zLjIuMi4wLjMuM5gBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nsAED&sclient=img&ei=q7jgXsekAdKklwSihITYDw&bih=722&biw=1536&rlz=1C1CHBF_enGB894GB895#imgrc=EX_Afis7Q6u4kM> [Accessed 10 June 2020].
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These are the photos that im using on my powerpoint brainstorm. 
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People think Emilie and Gabriel found miraculous when they were adults but this is impossible because Gabriel has been a famous fashion designer for a long time and a butterfly with the logo of Gabriel's brand . Thomas Astruc says we will see the relationship between Emilie and Gabriel and I think should be linked to these events . I think Emilie and Gabriel found miraculous as teen not married adults , I think we're going to watch teen Gabriel and Emilie find miraculous . What do you think ?
Thank you so much for this fantastic question, this is one of my favorite miraculous topics to theories about! I just wish I could give you a solid answer to that. But I’ll glady tell you my thoughts on it! I apologize beforehand if this turns out real long (which it probably will)
Well the whole Agreste-Miraculous-backstory is still very much in the blur to this point but I agree this much with you that Emilie and Gabriel MUST have had the peacock for longer than we initially thought. In the originis episodes it pretty much seems like Gabriel was using the butterfly for the very first time. Nooroo didnt know him yet and Gabriel commanded him to tell him about the butterflys powers. So I believe the butterfly and the miraculous book were indeed found by Gabriel and Emilie on their last journey to Tibet since gabriel said in “the colllector” to Marinette that it was Emilies very last gift to him from that very journey (and this show wouldnt have included that line if it wasnt true. That was staright backstory information for the viewer)
BUT the peacock miraculous was found earlier and if I’m right the show already gave us some clues in the very same episode I just mentioned. Remember this in the collector?”
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This old drawing from Adrien was shown for an other reason than just highlighting Gabriels ruthlessness and Adriens sorrow. Look at the picture closely
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You see the mountains in the background? Good. Now let me tell you something about Tibet and things might get clearer.
Tibet is a highland in central Asia and in my country (germany) it’s even called “The roof of the world” because its one of the or even THE highest place on earth (fun fact, thats also where Mount Everest is). This is highly interesting and suspicious when you remember that the miraculous lore in general is very Chinese/Asian oriented and THIS
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is the location we were given were master fu lost the peacock,butterfly and book. (look at the background, thats one HELL of a high place! They are above the CLOUDS)
So the mountains in the background of Adriens old family vacation drawing? I bet my left arm thats Tibet and the time the peacock was found. The show decided to give us both the drawing and Fus backstory in the same episode, we were supposed to connect something there. I’m not entirely sure how “intentional” the search was since Adrien was brought along but I’m certain the first “founding” was there. There is no other reason they would include mountains into the picture after visually revealing some of Fus story. It could have been anything else that isnt so especific but they chose this setting and “Miraculous” doesnt introduces or hints at loations they are not gonna use one day properly.
Them finding the peacock around 10 years ago (I’m guessing Adrien to be 4-5 years old in the drawing. Its a typical drawing style for a kindrgartner in Tv-shows/movies) also can explain why Gabriel knows so much about these two miraculouses and why hes so much more experienced in using and holding his powers than LB and CN even though he started using his on the same day as they did.
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The new webepisode “Gabriel” also comfirmed that Emilie DID indeed use the peacock prior to the show (and thats why shes in a coma now)
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And from the way Gbriel reacted to Mayuras help we can definitly tell that Gabriel has witnessed/ exerienced in himself how the (damaged) peacocks powers work and that consequences come out of using it
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I can not present you an answer to what Emilie did with the peacock with a clear conscious (I’m having an idea though. But for now I’ll say it couldnt have been anything publicly), but I’m convinced Emilie used and learned alot about the peacock and that Gabriel was IN in all of this and supported her. Thats how he got so experienced and knowledgeable, though Emilie!
But to come back to the beginning and summing up my answer to one of your points: No I dont think they were teenangers when they found the 3 lost miraculou objects, they were adults.
BUT you are again making a fantastic point with the butterfly being Gabriels logo for who knows how long! Because that is 100% true and certainly no convincedense (as if). Alright, lets break this down too!
For this I need to say that I strongly believe that, basically, it was Emilie who accidentally started all of this. The show portrays her as the missing link to the Agreste-Mystery/Drama/Backstory and she wouldnt have been taken out of the picture for now or presented to us like that if she wasnt an important key character with critical knowledge to the story. But I digress. As stated before, Gabriel verly likely learned everything he knows about the miraculouses from HER so she had to have been the one who learned about it first. Meaning, I think Emilie was a Miracuous enthusiast since she was younger (possibly teenager/young adult as you said) and got a little.. well, a little obsessed? In the in-universe world the miraculous have heavily influenced the history of earth for who knows how long already. So many heros and villains were made by them, so I dont thing I’m reaching at all when I say that I’m sure that at this point, they have become legends and myths (“The Pharao” basically comfirms this with the puplicly historical evidences of the past Ladybugs). So yeah, I think Emilie really got into this miraculous mythology (I have a suspicion how, but I need more details first before I’m confident to state and stant to it. Just know, I have a solid reason in mind when I tell you this). And Gabriel who fell in love with her, supported her in her interest and odd hobby (probably couldnt even have imagined how big this “hobby” would become tho). This is how I think Gabriel ended up with the butterfly as his logo. Out of love for her (which in THIS show is VERY likely) he dedicated his fashion labels sigiture sign to his wifes interest (which also fits to the name “Agreste” which literally can be translated to “butterfly”, so smart move there Gabe), also it seems like Emilie had a special interest in the butterfly because “the collector” God I love this episode shows us how Adrien realised that the mansion is full of hidden butterflies and the show wouldnt present that as something bad if it didnt had a deeper meaning.
What I didnt state above because it fits better here is that, on the vacation from Adriens drawing and where they likely found the peacock, I think Emilie knew it could/would be there. I just find it highly unlikely that they just found a miraculous on their family vacation that Emilie has been obsesion over for so long, in the highlands of Tibet. Like, how random and Anticlimactic would that be?
No, I think she knew. Emilie might have figured out that the Miracuouses should be there, so they went to Tibet to find them. Though I’m honestly thinking that finding them was Emilies secret side project and she didnt tell Gabriel about her other intentions there. Because I dont see why else a 4 years old Adrien should have been brought along, if it wasnt planned as a simple “family vacation” to Tibet.
Alright I’m gonna stop here, I hope you didnt mind my text wall xD
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evertumbles · 3 years
What Are The Benefits Of Expert Locksmith Providers?
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Locks are essential as they guarantee the protection of one's property, vehicle, briefcase, and also even office and caninets. They help protect your valuable belongings. If you're searching for residential or commercial lock setup, then it certainly is superior to hire a specialist for this intent. If you employ 24 hour locksmith Jacksonville FL service company they are able to repair and solve almost any sorts of problems associated with locks easily. Additionally they provide strong customer care service also. If you might have missing your home or auto keys suddenly, then you are able to telephone these locksmith services plus they're going to come together with their higher level tools and fix your lock within the shortest period.
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rickymolina · 4 years
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