fc-suggests · 5 years
Hi, I'm looking for an FC who could play a CIS caucasian male in his 40s with dark hair?
Sure thing:
Adam Hills - Unspecified Caucasian (1970) *Amputee
Jordan Prentice - Unspecified Caucasian (1973) *Dwarfism
Pablo Pineda - Unspecified Caucasian (1974) *Down Syndrome
Aron Ralston - Swedish, Dutch, English, German, Irish, Northern Irish, Scottish, Welsh, French-Canadian, Swiss-German & French (1975) *Amputee
Tadhg Murphy - Irish (1979) *Has artificial right eye
Alex Brooker - Unspecified Caucasian (1984) *Amputee, Hand & Arm Deformities & Can be aged up a little
Craig Towler - Unspecified Caucasian (??) *Amputee
*Please correct me if any of these are wrong.
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(mascot: jordan fisher - english, irish, scottish, welsh, cambodian, tahitian, african-american, cherokee native american & sioux native american)
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whiteqveendarling · 5 years
“you should try and get some sleep, you’ll want to be rested for tomorrow.” // @scttysummers
Emma rolled her eyes a little. “It was only Charles, darling. I hardly broke a sweat.” Emma teased though that was simply a lie. If anything, it was one of the most toughest astral battles she had ever encountered and though she managed it eventually, that wasn’t to say Charles pushed her to the brink. “Besides, do you think I am laying across this lump of dirt and ruining the best thing to ever happen to you and your X-Men? Bury the thought.”
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ofblueberries · 5 years
@scttysummers sent  “boy do i hate being right all the time.”
Despite the general shittiness of the situation, Tony couldn’t help but slant an understanding smile at Summers’ statement. “You know, I think I can relate to that,” he said. “Especially when being right tends to involve worst case situations and things going to hell.”
Waving a hand at the jungle around them, he shook his head. “Still, my nightmares tend to involve alien invasions, not… whatever this is.” He glanced over at Scott. “In any case, what exactly is it you’re right about and hating at the moment?”
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@scttysummers reacted for a starter!
Carol had chanced across the location of the SHIELD facility, and had been just about to try and get in, when a whole pack of little feathered dinosaurs had descended upon her. 
They weren’t huge, but they were fast and aggressive, and no sooner had she pushed back a bunch, when another group arced round the back to try and get at her. It made trying to get into the base and trying to ward them off practically impossible. 
“Look,” she snapped at them. “I’m trying to not to blow all of you to smithereens-- augh!” A momentary lapse of attention and one of them leapt onto her back, sinking teeth and fangs in. Hearing footsteps, Carol waved frantically at the newcomer.  “Hey! Could use a hand over here!”
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ofpolariis · 5 years
“i won’t tell anyone you threw up, just… just give me your hand.” | @scttysummers
“–i’m fine.” lorna came back quickly, rocking back where she’d been leaning over to sit on her heels instead and draw in a deep breath. “just don’t eat the purple berries.” she warned, trying to clear her still somewhat groggy mind. not all the fruits and vegetables that grew here were like those back home, and lorna had been trying to decipher what was edible and what wasn’t. unfortunately, there was only one way to figure that out at the moment. after taking a moment, she pushed herself up and onto her feet. “there’s a lake nearby. i’m going to head there and get some water. i’d recommend stocking up on it.”
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