#scott barringer x f!reader smut
hanasnx · 8 months
SCOTT BARRINGER loves to finger. He knows he’s a big guy, it’s practically the first thing girls point out about him when they’re trying to flirt. Mention his height, his shoulder width, how strong he must be— strong enough to carry them. Ask him for his jackets, point out how oversized his hoodies are on them, how they swim in ‘em. Compare hand sizes— oh, compare hand sizes. That was always the dead giveaway. Every time a pretty girl has placed her hand on his palm, proving just how much larger he is, how his fingers stretch over hers… he immediately thinks about how fucking big they’ll look stuffed inside her cunt. You are no exception. Your hand against his and he curls his digits around the tips of yours, just to show you he’s got more than a knuckle’s length on you. He can see it in your eyes, the moment of realization: you’re thinking about what they’d feel like inside you. He’s thinking about it too.
Thinking about how they’d bully your guts. Only two fingers and you’re freaking out like a little prude. They’re too long, too long to bottom out. Barely gets past the second knuckle on his middle finger when he shoves them in as far as they can go. You clench around him when he talks shit about how short your cunt is. “Can’t take these, just how are you gonna take my cock?” Big fucking words for a big fucking guy. And he says ‘em with pride. He kinda likes that it’s gonna hurt. A dick like his, he knows is one of a kind, and you can’t even keep it together for some fucking fingers.
He likes seeing your back arch when he curls them, likes seeing your fluids drip down his wrist. He likes shoving them in more and more until you can’t take it, and he likes messing with your little clit with his thumb. He fucking loves fingering you.
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starkiller419 · 10 months
Sanctuary & Desires - Pt 1.
pairing : Scott Barringer x F!OC Reader | wc : 4.2k | summary : Scott was sent to Horizon, and upon his arrival he met Madison, a fellow student who was chosen to show him the ropes. After a blissful night of passion shared between the two in the confines of the mountains, their lives would change forever.
warnings : 18+, implied smut, angsty, some violence (Scotty has a bit of a temper.), mentions of drugs and drugs use.
a/n : I have like 14k more words to this story but I didn't wanna go overboard on one post so I'll be making this a little series. Also there will probably be no smut because I'm in a smut writing drought rn, but it could change. Who knows 🤷‍♀️
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Birds chirping around the alpine place would have easily been enough for a normal teen to be eased, filled to the core with relaxation - yet, at Mount Horizon, it wasn't anything like that. For such incapacitated adolescents, only the sight of their most prohibited desires - or maybe the ability to forget - could have led a grin to their features.
Scott was one of them. Brought there against his will by the father and stepmother only a few hours prior, the boy's mind scattered everywhere in despair while Peter elucidated every rule about that hell of a prison. He didn't need to be an ascetic within the enclosure of the school's fences. Instead, Scott necessitated for that whore Elaine to be locked up. 
The troubled juvenile used his muffled vision to scan around the shared dorm he was assigned, eyes just as lifeless as reddened - perhaps because of the cocaine he managed to secretly sniff during the journey. Narcos was the only thing that managed to retain his brain from going insane to a complete extent.
"Understood? No sex, no violence, and most importantly no drugs." Peter firmly conveyed, his silhouette settled tall before Scott's. The teen lazed upon his allocated bed, posture disheveled and coarse. He only darted through the counselor's eyes, not erupting a word since there was nothing to say - except for insults, so it was better for his mouth to stay shut.
"I will take it as a yes. Make your bed first, then a student will be waiting outside to show you around. Just keep in mind, your dad choose Horizon over a juvie hall, the only alternative if you choose not to make it work here. It's up to you." Peter continued mere instants later, his tone being as calm yet explainable as possible. And then, Scott was left alone within the wooden walls of the empty dorm. His mind wherever his body chained in a school for freaks. He had no intention of continuing such odyssey whatsoever. Not one bit.
As Scott begrudgingly began to straighten out his rumpled sheets, he heard a soft knock on the door. With an exasperated sigh, he reluctantly made his way over and swung it open, his eyes falling upon the student who would supposedly be showing him around.
She was a young woman, her frame petite yet elegantly poised. Scott couldn't help but notice the mischievous glint in her eyes, making him hold his breath for a moment. He could already tell that she possessed a certain captivating charm.
"Hi," She greeted, her voice carrying a hint of playfulness. "You must be the new guy. Scott, right? I'm Madison, but everyone calls me Mads. I'm here to show you the ropes."
Scott remained silent for a moment, sizing her up with a skeptical gaze. "Yeah. Just lead the way. But don't expect me to be thrilled about any of this."
Mads gave a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling with a touch of defiance. "No worries. I'll make sure to keep it interesting for you. The first stop is the common hall. That's where we all gather during our free time."
Scott followed Mads as she led him towards the common hall, her every step exuding an effortless grace. He couldn't help but steal glances at her as they walked, the way her hips swayed subtly, her perfectly sculpted figure showcased by the contours of her clothing. It was hard to deny the allure emanating from her.
As they entered the common area, Scott's eyes darted around, taking in the lively atmosphere. Groups of students huddled together, engaged in animated conversations, or engrossed in various activities. Mads motioned towards a table where a few students were playing a card game.
"Feel free to join, Scott. It's a good way to get to know some of the other students," Mads suggested, her voice dripping with coy suggestion. "Or if card games aren't your thing, I'm sure we can find something else to occupy our time."
Scott's eyebrows arched in intrigue as he considered her proposition. He couldn't help but wonder what other activities Mads had in mind. He decided to play along, letting a smirk tug at the corners of his lips. "Well, Mads," he replied, his voice laced with a hint of teasing. "I'm always up for a challenge. Show me what you've got, and maybe we can find a way to pass the time together."
Madison led Scott through the halls of Mount Horizon, her steps slightly ahead of him, intentionally giving him a view of her enticing figure. She seemed to glide effortlessly, commanding attention as she walked.
As they passed by the chapel, Madison glanced over her shoulder, her gaze meeting Scott's eyes before flickering down to her own body. She subtly adjusted the hem of her skirt, drawing his attention to her toned legs and the tantalizing curve of her hips.
"Scott, have you ever been inside a chapel?" Mads asked, her voice carrying a soft, melodic tone.
Scott's eyes lingered on her figure for a moment before he tore his gaze away, attempting to play it cool. "No, can't say that I have. Why, do you want to pray for my soul?"
Mads chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "I'm not exactly the praying type. But the chapel has its hidden delights if you know where to look."
Intrigued, Scott followed her into the dimly lit chapel, its stained glass windows casting a colorful glow across the pews. They wandered towards the altar, where an intricately carved wooden screen separated the sacred space from the hidden alcove behind. Mads beckoned him closer, her voice a seductive whisper. "Care to see the secrets it holds?"
Scott's curiosity was piqued, and he stepped toward her, the allure of the unknown drawing him in. As they reached the screen, Mads leaned against it, running her fingers along the intricate carvings with tantalizing slowness. "Behind this screen," she murmured, "is a small chamber, known only to a select few. It's a place where secrets are shared, and desires are explored."
Scott's heart raced, the electrifying atmosphere between them charging the air. He couldn't resist the temptation any longer. "You've certainly caught my attention. Lead the way."
With a flourish, Mads pushed open the screen, revealing a hidden chamber bathed in soft candlelight. The room was adorned with plush cushions and velvet drapes, an atmosphere of intimacy and secrecy.
She motioned for Scott to join her inside, her eyes filled with an invitation he couldn't refuse. "Welcome to our little slice of heaven, Scott."
Scott, still fairly high on cocaine, felt euphoric. He knew it was partially due to the drugs in his system, but he couldn’t help but feel an innate connection to the woman before him. She walked ahead of him and kneeled down on a soft cushion. She smiled at him sweetly and he felt himself moving to her before he could comprehend what was happening
Scott's steps were almost automatic as if his body was being guided by some invisible force, drawn towards the alluring sight of Madison on the cushion. The drugs coursing through his veins heightened his senses, making every movement, every subtle hint of her body, feel intensified and electrifying.
As Scott neared Mads, he couldn't help but notice the way her skirt clung to her curves, the delicate dark lace of her underwear peeking through. The sight sent a wave of desire coursing through him, his mind clouded with both the effects of the cocaine and the growing hunger that burned within him.
Mads reached out a hand, her touch featherlight against Scott's arm, pulling him closer. "Come, here."
A primal instinct took over Scott's consciousness, overpowering any lingering doubts or hesitations. He sank down onto the cushion beside Mads, his gaze locked with hers, the air heavy with an undeniable tension. His fingers trembled slightly as they brushed against the soft fabric of her skirt, the desire to explore her body becoming overwhelming.
Without any hesitation, Scott leaned in, his lips hovering dangerously close to Madison's, his breath mingling with hers. "You're driving me wild. I need to taste you."
Madison's eyes gleamed with a mixture of mischief and desire. Her fingers traced a tantalizing path up Scott's arm, sending shivers down his spine. And with that, the boundaries shattered, and Scott succumbed to the irresistible pull of his desires, surrendering himself to the enchanting temptations of the hidden chamber and the captivating allure of Madison, his senses consumed by the heady blend of pleasure and excitement.
Their lips collided in a fiery, desperate kiss, fueled by a heady mix of desire and intoxication. Scott's mind swirled with an intensifying haze of sensations, his body responding instinctively to the touch of Madison's hands roaming across his form.
As Mads traced his hands along her body, Scott's fingertips trailed along the delicate curve of her waist, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his touch. The taste of her lips, the warmth of her breath, sent a surge of heat coursing through his veins. A surge of confidence surged within him, emboldening him to deepen the kiss, hungry to explore the depths of her passion.
His movements became more urgent as if guided by some fervent need. Scott's hands threaded through her hair, gently tugging at the strands as he deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking entrance to her mouth. Their tongues danced together in a passionate rhythm, each movement igniting sparks of desire.
Madison's fingers gripped Scott's hair, their kiss growing even more desperate as their bodies pressed against each other. The intoxication of their connection heightened the sensations as if they were both intoxicated by the intensity of their desires.
With a surge of exhilaration, Scott gently pushed Mads down onto the cushion, hovering above her, his body yearning for her touch. Their eyes locked, a shared understanding passing between them, as the boundaries of their surroundings faded away.
The room was filled with the symphony of their moans and gasps, mingling with the soft music played by the crackling candles. The scent of anticipation filled the air, as their bodies entwined and gave in to the aching hunger that consumed them.
And in that moment, they drowned in each other, lost in the depths of pleasure and frenzy. The world outside ceased to exist as Scott and Mads became enveloped in the intoxicating symphony of their desires, their connection undeniably raw and primal.
In that hidden chamber, they danced a delicate dance of passion and indulgence, leaving behind the rules and restrictions of Mount Horizon, embracing the forbidden, and finding solace in their carnal desires.
After their intoxicating encounter in the confines of the chapel, the two made their way back to their respective dorms. Scott had joined Madison's group, the Cliffhangers, and over the next few days, they had gone on hikes and adventures, exploring the Pacific Northwestern wilderness. The two had managed to steal forbidden kisses and embraces whenever they could, but the confines of the reformatory school had restricted them from embracing each other fully as they did in the chapel.
The memory of what had happened between them lingered within Scott like an indelible mark on his soul. All of his traumas and frustrations had disappeared in her arms. She made him feel safe, and loved, even with a simple glance in his direction.
However, he couldn't shake the feeling of possessiveness and jealousy that gnawed at him. It was during a group activity that he noticed the lingering glances exchanged between her and another student, Ryan. Ryan's adoring gaze directed towards her ignited a flicker of rage within Scott, setting the stage for a brewing storm of emotions.
Unable to contain his jealousy any longer, Scott sought out Ryan, their heated confrontation escalating into an argument fueled by possessiveness and territorial claims. The air crackled with tension as harsh words were exchanged, both parties refusing to back down.
"Stay away from her man. She doesn't want you." Scott's voice crackled with an uncharacteristic vulnerability, his anger laced with echoes of desperation.
Ryan scoffed, a wicked smirk twisting his lips. "Why should I? She's a free spirit, Scott. She can make her own choices."
The confrontation reached its peak, an explosion of pent-up emotions that left Scott breathless and consumed by regret. He and Ryan had engaged in a physical fight over the girl, which resulted in both of them cooped up in Peter's office to receive a talking-to.
"Why was there an altercation between you two?" Peter asked while he sat across from the two young men, sitting at his desk. Scott rolled his eyes and turned his head to the side, avoiding the question. Ryan however felt the need to speak up.
"Scotty here thinks he has some sort of claim over Madison." Peter's eyes widened at this as he focused his attention on Scott.
"What does he mean by that Scott?" Scott lifted his head to face Peter, and he was sure his emotions and conflicts were showing on his face. 
"I don't know what he's talking about," Scott said as he refused to admit their encounter to the two before him. 
"I think you do Scott. You may be reckless and abashed, but you don't seem like the type of kid to hurt someone for no reason, whatever that reason may be." Peter spoke calmly as his eyes burned into Scotts'. 
"Maybe he deserved it," Scott muttered. Ryan scoffed and Scott's head whipped in his direction, 
"Oh yeah? For what? Fucking your little girlfriend?" Scott saw red as he lunged towards Ryan, the two of them fell from the chair as Scott's fists pummeled into Ryan.
"That's enough!" Peter yelled as he pulled Scott from the boy beneath him, who just lay there laughing at Scott's attempted assault. Peter brought Scott near the entrance of his office and spoke to him in a low tone, so Ryan could not hear. 
"Look, I can see you care about her, don't think I haven't noticed the way you look at her during group. I know you may think you're ready for something like this Scott, but you're not. You have too much to figure out for yourself, too much to understand about you and your past before you can be involved that way with another person. Besides, relationships between students is forbidden here. If that were the case, I would have no choice but to silence the two of you." Peter's expression was caring and understanding as he spoke to Scott, who felt his heart burst at Peter's words. 
"What do you mean silence us?" He asked quietly, 
"We would monitor the two of you and restrict contact with each other. One of you would be removed from the Cliffhangers and placed in a different group." Peter explained to Scott and he felt overly consumed by anger. 
"That's bullshit! Why would you do that to someone? That's not healing anybody, that's fucking torture!" He exclaimed and Peter placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. 
"I never said that's what's happening. As of right now, I have no reason to suspect the two of you have nothing more than a simple crush, and if it stays like that and nothing more ensues, you have nothing to worry about," too late for that Scott thought to himself, "As for now, you and Ryan will be placed on firewood together for the remainder of the week. Take it as an opportunity to overcome your short bearings." 
Scott scoffed before he turned and stormed away, his heart throbbing with conflicting emotions.
The next day Scott sauntered into the mess hall for breakfast, spotting Madison and Kat sitting together at a table eating cereal. She glanced up at him and smiled brightly, causing his heart to flip and flop around. He wanted to smile back, and more than anything he wished he could run to her and wrap her in his arms, kissing all over her body as he once did.
But after what Peter had said he knew he had to distance himself. He wouldn't want to not be able to speak to her or see her because he couldn't hide his emotions from everyone surrounding him. So instead of smiling back, or even acknowledging her, he turned and walked away from her eyesight and left the hall altogether.
One day turned to many, a bittersweet silence between Scott and Mads ensuing. Passing glances were filled with a mix of longing and frustration. The longing in Scott's eyes remained unmistakable, a silent plea for understanding and a chance at redemption. He hated himself for giving her the cold shoulder. He was more than sure that he loved this girl. He had never felt this way for anyone before. And the fact that he was cold as ice to her was torturous for him, even if it was just to reduce Peter's suspicions.
Then after weeks of torture, on a stormy night, rain poured down upon Mount Horizon with relentless intensity, mimicking the chaotic storm that raged within Scott's heart. The sound of rain against the windows echoed his turmoil, urging him to confront his true feelings. Drenched to the bone, Scott found himself unable to resist the magnetic pull drawing him towards her. Determined and resolute, he fought against the raging tempest that threatened to push him away, his heart pounding in his chest.
In front of Madison's dormitory, raindrops slid down his face, as if his tears had mingled with the rain. His breath came in uneven gasps, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. With trembling hands, he knocked on her door, waiting with bated breath for it to open. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Scott, his face streaked with raindrops and streaks of vulnerability. The intensity in his gaze took her breath away. Her heart quickened as she stepped outside into the rain, her voice barely above a whisper. "Scott, what are you doing here?"
His voice cracked with an impassioned rawness as he spoke with unfiltered honesty. "I can't pretend anymore. The thought of you with someone else tears me apart. These past weeks without you have been unbearable. Not being able to show you how much I care for you has been torturous. I want you. Not just for now, but forever. I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine."
Raindrops blended with silent tears as they cascaded down Madison's face. Her vulnerability mirrored in her eyes as she stood before him, caught between her own fears and the love that had slowly but surely blossomed within her. Her voice trembled as she met his gaze, her words laden with emotion. "Scott… I've felt the same way, but I was scared to admit it. It's not just infatuation, it's something deeper. Something I can't deny any longer."
In that moment, every worry, every doubt, every unspoken fear was washed away by the rain, leaving only the profound connection between them. Their hearts beat in sync, a testament to the intense love that had blossomed between them.
As the rain continued to pour, they sought solace in each other's arms, a blissful embrace borne from desire, heartache, and a deep understanding of one another. This stormy night became the turning point in their story--the night they let go of their fears and chose to embark on a journey that would forever change their lives.
And amidst the rain-soaked chaos, Scott and Mads found solace, connection, and love that burned brighter than any storm. As the rain continued to pour, a newfound resolve enveloped Scott and Mads, intertwining their hearts and fueling their hunger for freedom. Their lips met in a deep and passionate kiss, sealing their agreement, their love, and their desire for a life beyond the confines of Mount Horizon.
Breaking away from the kiss, Scott looked into her eyes, a mixture of determination and excitement shining within. "Let's run away. Let's escape this place and create a world where it's just you and me, where we can be free."
Her breath caught in her throat, in a mere matter of weeks and hidden moments, the boy who stood before her had managed to cascade his way into her very soul. Her response was swift and unwavering. "Okay. I want to escape with you. I want to leave this place behind and create our own path."
The two snuck from her dorms, hiding away in an empty storage shed as the rain continued to pound outside. They engaged in searing moments of desire and anticipation for what was to come, the life they would be able to live together. The two spent the night planning their daring escape, their hearts pounding with fear and excitement. Their plan was to wait until the clock struck midnight the following night, taking advantage of the cover of darkness and the exhaustion that often accompanied the late hours.
As the time drew near, their excitement grew. Scott stealthily collected the necessary supplies while Mads gathered any valuable information about the school and its security measures. They meticulously planned their route, leaving no room for error.
Finally, the moment arrived. As the rest of the school slumbered, Scott and Madison slipped out of their dormitories, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and exhilaration. Their steps were cautious, ensuring they remained undetected as they made their way toward the school's perimeter.
Aided by their knowledge of the campus, they skillfully navigated through the pathways, using the cover of darkness to their advantage. Their pulses quickened as they neared the fence that symbolized the boundary between captivity and freedom.
Scott's fingers trembled as he fumbled with the fence, silently urging it to give way and grant them their long-awaited liberation. With a sigh of relief, the fence yielded, providing them with an opening just wide enough for their escape.
Hand in hand, hearts racing, they emerged into the wilderness beyond, their spirits soaring as they breathed in the air of newfound freedom. At that moment, they truly believed they had conquered Mount Horizon.
The night swallowed them whole as they pressed on, their senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through their veins. With each step, the darkness of the night seemed to be a metaphorical embrace, wrapping their youthful rebellion in its protective cloak. They walked hand-in-hand for hours, stopping occasionally to exchange in a passionate embrace.
They embarked on an uncertain journey, captivated by the thrill of the unknown and the intoxicating allure of their shared escape. Their destination was not predetermined, their path guided by the whims of the moon and the whispers of their hearts.
As their escape unfolded, their bond only grew stronger. They relied on each other for support, their love becoming a lifeline amidst the unpredictable currents of their adventure. They discovered hidden coves, and secret hideaways, and shared countless stolen kisses under moonlit skies.
However as Scott and Madison ventured deeper into the wilderness, they soon realized that their escape was not without obstacles. The harsh realities of survival gnawed at their romanticized notions, testing their determination and resourcefulness.
They faced treacherous terrains, their clothes becoming tattered and dirty as they trudged through thick mud and dense undergrowth. Hunger gnawed at their bellies, prompting them to forage for food in the unforgiving wilderness. They relied on their wits and burgeoning survival skills, scavenging for berries and edible plants, and sometimes even daringly venturing into small towns to acquire necessary provisions.
Their escapades sparked a sense of adventure within them, reinforcing their bond as they clung to each other for support and comfort. Each hardship only served to strengthen their resolve, their love serving as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.
In the midst of their journey, they stumbled upon a hidden waterfall, its cascading waters shimmering under the sun's gentle rays. It became a sanctuary, a place where they could wash away their struggles and bask in the purity of their love. They embraced amidst the gentle spray and let the waterfall's serenade drown out the echoes of their past.
As they continued their arduous exploration, they came across a humble cabin nestled amidst a grove of ancient oaks. It seemed untouched by the modern world, a forgotten refuge beckoning them towards its welcoming embrace. Seeing it as a sign, they decided to make it their sanctuary, their home away from home.
The cabin was worn and weathered, but livable nonetheless. They transformed the cabin into a haven, a place where their dreams could intertwine with reality. They adorned the walls with Polaroid captures of their journey, creating a tapestry of memories that whispered stories of a life lived on their own terms.
On one of their few trips to the neighboring small town, Madison had purchased a secondhand sewing machine and tailored the two new outfits, bedding, and towels. They restored the cabin together, spending their days in the blistering Oregon sun creating a home for themselves.
The two learned more and more about each other with each day that had passed. No one from Horizon or from their past had come to look for them, and they didn't care.
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hanasnx · 8 months
scott barringer headcanons.
WARNINGS: enemies (?) to lovers | flirting | mentioned: fingering
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He's a hot, new commodity on the Horizon market. At least two girls you know have their sights set on him. It's clear how gorgeous he is, but you tried to keep your distance. The last thing you wanna focus on is some boy with his own set of problems. Fate finds a way. Every time you'd pull back, it'd draw you in, pairing you with him on chores more often than not, conversation was inevitable. You had a suspicions it's because neither of you are particularly chatty, and staff thinks you're less likely to cause an upset. "Ever done a campfire?" he taunts. The sick innuendo makes you scoff, tearing up grass while you sit on the ground with him. "You just say things to shock people, don't you?" you remark. You brush your hair back, and he keeps his gaze on you. "What else is there?" his reply is wry, and you roll your eyes at him.
When you break the rules together, you serve the time together. Which means you and Scott work alongside each other scrubbing the bathroom floors. "What? Afraid to break a nail or something?" he tosses the phrase at you, regurgitated from the other misogynists he's heard it from. "Shut up, Barringer," you reply, just as unenthusiastic. The latex gloves catch on your manicure as you slide them on. "I'm not doing all this by myself. So make yourself useful." The vision of him on his knees is truly a sight to behold, the sudsy brush in his large hand. You have half a mind to kick him over by his chest, just to see what he'd do. It's not like you to exercise empathy, more like experimentation bred out of sick fascination. Besides, he deserves it. Him and his sour attitude. "Just get started without me." you tell him with a pinch of your shoulder, waving him off with a flick of your wrist. "Yeah," he scoffs. "you'd like that, wouldn't you?" He slaps the brush onto the tile, soap splatting out. You flinch, narrowly evading a stray splash on your shoes. "Watch it!" you admonish, "You almost got it on my Birks!" There’s an air of silence but you’re positive you can hear his eye roll. You have to fill it as you gingerly get down onto your knees next to him, dusting off your hands after. “I don’t get why we have to do chores. The amount of money my daddy’s paying for this place they should be able to afford a maid service.” "Yeah, I wouldn't expect daddy's little princess to understand."
Even if he makes it hard, you and him do manage to get closer organically. It came in the ways he mocked you for your upbringing or your supposed stupidity. Scott has a lot to complain about, evidently. It blossoms into a sort of teenage fantasy. You let him get away with messing with you because you kinda like it. Little excuses to talk to you, bump you, tug on your hair. It's not long before he's messing with you more physically too. Less plausibly deniable.
When things start heating up, you find yourself unable to stay away from him. The first time you kiss begins a torrid affair. Full of tugging him into dark corners to make out, sneaking off to the woods for “inappropriate touching” as the rules so clearly state to stave off of. He’s so frustrating all you wanna do is shut him up and make him useful. He’s a god at fingering you, makes quick work of it too, even if he is clumsy.
There’s not much he won’t do to get your attention on him, he can't stand when it's anywhere else when he wants it. A bag of frozen veggies in his hand while you reach for it. "C'mon, is that how high you can jump?" "Scott!" you scold, balancing on the tips of your toes as you brace a hand on his chest. "Gimme it." Each time you crest, he moves it out of your way. You don't notice him sneak a hand around your waist, spinning you so your back is flush against him. His body curls around you, his cheek against your head as you weakly fight him off, using his arm to propel yourself up for the bag. "Will you forget the vegetables already?" He tosses them behind the two of you, but keeps you in place when you try to chase them, nuzzling his nose into your neck in search of skin to latch onto.
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hanasnx · 8 months
honestly the most i could ever wish for with scott is to be pinned against the wall by him in some dark corner, while he unzips his pants just enough to slide in. he'd be fast and messy because finding moments alone at horizon is next to impossible with peter's careful eye monitoring his students behaviors every waking moment.
"Quiet." SCOTT BARRINGER chides, murmuring it against your lips as you mouth hangs open. So close together, panting in unison, you breathe each other's air, clumsy pecks intermingling. "You wanna get caught?"
"Uh-uh, no," you answer his pointless question, brushing your nose against his when you shake your head.
His hand, wedged between the two of you, has the base of his length in his grasp, prodding it around until he feels the give. You angle your hips to give him more access, and he slides in. In the rush, you didn't have time to prepare yourself. Even though you're slick, you still experience that delicious sting of the stretch. He's not the thickest you've ever taken, but certainly the longest.
To swallow your little noises, his plump lips wrap yours, massaging your mouth and quieting you as he pushes his way inside you. Everything's heightened, every sensation, every nerve. The adrenaline of doing something wrong, the thrill of doing Scott... it's all so much. It's like you can feel the veins lining his shaft, the lip of his head inside you.
"You feel... fucking good..." he speaks against your mouth, spreading spit stained lips on the skin past it. A shiver of tingles goes down your spine, loosening you up, and there's a visible difference in how he thrusts in, less resistance this time. "Yeah? Is that what you like?" A rare grin graces his handsome features as he whispers to you, you can see his pretty teeth in the dim light. Apparently pleased to have learned your affinity for praise.
You nod, even with your faces pressed together, bumping him softly. "Call me a good girl and you'll see." you exhale. A damp, chaste peck is placed against your parted lips.
"Doing this in the kitchens? With me? Nah, you're not a good girl." he snickers, slowly pulling out that draws a whimper out of you along with it. It's like your cunt hugs him, and by the sound of his grunt he wouldn't have it any other way. "You're a bad girl."
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hanasnx · 8 months
scotts the kind of guy to sit you on his cock and cover your mouth with his hand because he doesn’t want to hear you whine
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SCOTT BARRINGER hissing, “Shut the fuck up.” when he claps his hand over your mouth shouldn’t make you as wet as it does. Slick and slobbering all over his long cock drilling into you, your pussy stings from the stretch. You can’t tell him to stop, not when you’re so close. You watch him as he works, thrusting up into you as you straddle his lap, his tongue moistening his bottom lip and it bobs back out. Plump and pink, you wish you could lean in and capture it, but his palm remains over your mouth. Those intense eyes of his lay on the spot where your bodies connect, a ring of cream forming at the base of his dick and stringing in his pubes. His gaze flickers up to meet your fluttering one, listening to the little sounds you emit through the labored exhales of your nose. “I like you better this way.” A dark curl forms on the corner of his mouth, bowing his head to watch your reaction through his brows. “Like it better when you can’t say shit. You want to, right?” his words feather out, the pleasure getting to him, but he wants to elicit a reaction out of you. “You wanna tell me how it feels good?” he whispers, “I can tell it feels good, I don’t need you to whine it at me. I’m in you, aren’t I? Can’t hide a thing from me.”
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hanasnx · 8 months
Like, he'd be a dick all day, whining and complaining about how you're stuck with him or how you're too slow for his pace on a hike. But in reality, Scott LOVES that you're stuck with him. The more time you spend together on this stupid 2 day quest, the more he thinks about your pussy. Like how it would feel around him, even better... How it tastes.
Scott is an oral man, he loves giving AND receiving. Just imagine him teaching you how to give head, trying desperately not to fuck your face because he knows it'd would overwhelm you, "pick up the pace, would ya?", Scott grumbled in a hushed tone, trying to keep the noise down to not raise suspicion around the small campsite. With one hand clutching his half-discarded sleeping bag and the other fisting your hair gently, Scott couldn't help but slowly thrust up into your mouth. He's being greedy and he knows it.
SCOTT BARRINGER loves complaining. it’s all he ever uses that mouth for. besides eating you out, of course. he’ll bitch about how slow you hike, how pathetic you are when you get nicked and he’s the one chosen to bandage it, how you’ve got nothing going on in that head of yours because you’ve been here a couple days and he’s been here a couple months. he’s seasoned compared to you, adjusted to the tolls of mountain life and endless chores. you, not so much. and he’ll take every opportunity to tell you that. unless his big mouth envelopes your pussy. how warm and wet it is on your lips as he traces your folds with his tongue. he overproduces saliva, drooling all over you, dribbling down his chin, letting it string out when he pulls away. he likes to look you in the eyes when he does it. for him, giving oral is a big thing. he never liked doing it before you, he might think it’s demeaning getting on his knees for someone— so to speak. so the least you could do as look at him in the eyes like an equal. he wants to see your pupils dilate, your eyelashes flutter. he doesn’t think he’s good at eating you out, so little compliments like that matter, letting him know he’s doing alright. you might be pathetic, but he thinks you taste fine enough.
between giving oral and fingering you, he prefers fingering. long, slender fingers stuffed inside your pussy. barely to his third knuckle because you’re so tight. if he’s got the time he’ll lean down and tongue your clit while he curls his digits inside you, loosening you up in a pinch.
it’s not the first time he’s had to teach someone about sex related acts, he’s taken a few virginities, been with a few celibate girls. he prefers ‘em that way, but he doesn’t care about the meaning of taking a virginity. he doesn’t go crazy for it like some guys on his old football team did. talking about how much they like virgin pussy or whatever. he’s not one to get all worked up about it, he mostly just tries things out til something works. it’s annoying to have to teach someone about their own body, he’d like it better if they just knew. if they just told him. mystery doesn’t belong in sex for him.
however, he didn’t mind teaching you how to give him head. big hands palming your head as he draws you into him, lifting his hips to meet your mouth. the sound you make when you gag, the lurch, is what drives his actions. makes him wanna do it again, but he can’t overwhelm you. not when there’s people around. you try to pull off because of your own insecurity, but he’s quick to assuage you, “shh, you’re doing great.” his winded and whispered words encourage you, relaxing your hands on his thighs. he remembers the time you could barely fit his head into your mouth without freaking out. the taste, the foreign texture, the meaning of the act, it was all too much for you back then. you had to take baby steps, and it didn’t bother him to show you what he liked, but fuck you took forever to get to where you are now. more than halfway down your throat, his cock loves it in there. all safe and warm, he knows your esophagus is all gunked up with his thickened pre-cum because he pushed it down there. “you’re alright,” he soothes your hair when your lurch again, an influx of saliva drooling down your chin, the wet noises too loud for comfort. “i’m gonna cum, okay? can i cum in your mouth? i’m close.” as soon as you nod, he takes the initiative, jamming your head down on him before you’ve caught your breath. you squeeze your eyes shut and try to take it, take it for him just long enough for him to finish. “yeah, yeah, that’s it. that’s what i like. you’ve got it. just one sec, one sec, i’m right there… fuck. fuck, i’m cumming. fuck. fuck fuck fuck.” his panting evens out as he slows your bobbing on his cock, hot spurts spraying in your mouth. his vein twitches against your bottom lip, and he keeps you there for a second. it’s the first time he’s ever done that, finished in your mouth. slowly he pulls you off, and he jerks when your lips pass over his hyper sensitive tip. “are you…” he gulps hard. “gonna swallow?”
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hanasnx · 8 months
“The ass on her, huh?” Auggie remarks, licking his bottom lip as he glues his eyes to the subject.
SCOTT BARRINGER steals a glance at you, allowing his gaze to linger on your swaying hips, at how your figure fills out your jeans. “Yeah, s’alright,” he replies, but bows his head down to redirect his attention to his essay. A thousand words on what friendship means to him due in less than a week. One of Peter’s creative punishments.
Auggie notes the disinterest, but is determined to get a rise out of Scott, scooting closer to him on the bench. “Ah, more of a tits guy, right?” Obnoxiously, he looks over Scott’s shoulder, and snickers to himself.
Scott casts him a glance in his general direction. “More of a ‘drop it or drop dead’ guy.” As his gaze sweeps back to face forward, he lets it pass over you again, idling just a split second. He tells himself it’s to make sure you can’t overhear this conversation.
Vaguely more threatening than his other tone, Auggie raises his hands in surrender, once again mockingly. “Woah, big man, easy. Just gaugin’, is all.”
That grabs Scott. Now fully invested enough to pivot his head to look at Auggie head on. A wry curl to his lips as he scoffs at him. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Aug knows he’s got him. “I dunno,” He shrugs. “she’s cute. Planning on talking to her, you know,” Suggestively, he shuffles his shoulders. “see where it goes?” He stands from the seat, and pats Scott’s back firmly when he passes him. “What?” Once he rounds him— and Scott’s eyes follow him— he purses his lips in calculation, taking great joy in the bewilderment Scott conveys. “You like her or something?”
Scott rolls his eyes in dismissal, clicking his tongue, going back to his task. “Shut up, man.”
“So you won’t mind?” Auggie outstretches his hand in a gesture, “Not that care, jus’… you won’t mind? I know she’s been looking at me, man, I don’t think you had a chance to begin with.” Something about this issue makes Augusto want to press. Scott’s one of the most volatile guys here, and it’s a fun pastime to try to set him off.
“Yeah, right.” a simple and sarcastic answer is disappointing, but not unexpected. When things get too heated, there are times Scott checks himself out, using that soft-spoken voice and removing himself from the situation. But when Auggie spins on his heel, he overhears another phrase, a touch louder than the one before. “We’ll see about that, Aug.”
A grin tugs at his lips, emitting a snort as he symbolically pops his collar using his unzipped jacket. “Yeah, guess we will.”
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hanasnx · 8 months
It would be a cold night at Horizon, camping on one of their quests and Scott is your tent-mate. He'd get start getting fed up with you and how you weren't quick enough on pitching your side of the tent, well for his liking. Eventually everything is set up and it's later in the night, freezing in the mountaintops. "C'mere", Scott would mumble as he grabbed you, noticing you're absolutely freezing in the tent. He would partially unzip his sleeping bag so you could slip in and keep warm, using yours as a blanket essentially. Scott looked down at you and smirked, "I know another way we could keep warm", he muttered with a cheeky grin.
This is bad, but you get the idea ☝️😩
jay coming in clutch
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“i know another way we could keep warm.” SCOTT BARRINGER murmurs. there’s that look in his eyes again, you can see it even through the dim light. they’re dark, suggestive. there’s a little curl to his lips that defines his laugh line. you don’t answer at first, considering him and the consequences. “are you gonna take as long as you did to pitch your tent? here.” that signature exasperation shines through in his voice as he pulls you over. “like this.” flush against him, he maneuvers you before you could decide for yourself, and his hand muscles open your thighs. “see? maybe it’ll stop your teeth from chattering. then maybe i’ll get some sleep.”
“don’t act like this is all for me.” you bite back in a whisper, clutching on his wrist to make sure he can’t go any further, but his fingers pet your inner thigh. his grin widens, you can feel it against your cheek even if you can’t see it.
“alright, you got me.” he concedes. “been thinking about your cunt all day. now it’s centimeters away from me and still out of my reach. when are you gonna stop being such a prude, huh?”
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hanasnx · 5 months
i finally caved and started watching higher ground bc of you and i’m so upset i didn’t watch it sooner. i spent the entire first episode thinking of how much i wanted to stick my tongue in scott’s mouth. i would have fucked him in that little private room at the beginning of the episode. i finally both understand and enjoy your scott thirsts 🫶
while he’s still wearing the handcuffs 🫨
i really enjoyed that show tbh like genuinely entertained me and i thought the concepts were more or less accurate to my journey as a “troubled kid” especially when i was taken to a place kinda like that. i really identified with scott.
but yes.
stick your tongue in his mouth and he’ll push you off by your shoulders with a little disgusted twist on his face, “ugh. where’d you learn to kiss like that? jesus. go slow, okay? slow.” talking to you like you’re stupid because he lacks a kind filter.
you both snuck into the private room after hours so y’all can get down and dirty with a door. no one in bunks that could wake up at any second, no patrolling staff that can catch you in the act while your most sacred parts are exposed. they’ve locked this door for the night, it should be all good.
and it is all good. all good for you. bouncing up and down on him while he keeps a big hand over your mouth, shutting you up because he knows your ass is loud. brows pinched, breathing through his mouth or biting down on the skin past his lip. “that good? huh? that good, baby?” meeting your gaze for a second to gauge whether or not you nod and your eyes roll into the back of your head. “w’gotta be careful, yeah? yeah, fuck, i missed pussy.”
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hanasnx · 6 months
Tbh, Scott would fuck you out in the woods bc he knows that you're too damn loud for the cabin or the shed, doesn't want to get his ass caught. It's probably also cold as balls outside, but he still needs that pussy ❤️
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SCOTT BARRINGER’s big hand clamped over yours leads you further and further away from the warm confines of Horizon’s campus.
“Scott—“ you gasp, cut off by losing your footing against the uneven ground. Rudely, he yanks you back up in his version of aid without skipping a beat. “Scott!” you whisper, “Where are we going?” The steam of your breath rises over your nose.
“C’mon.” he tells you, throwing the word over his shoulder as he glances at you. Finding yourself in the outskirts of the woods, you realize what he’s doing as soon as your back hits the trunk of a tree. “You’re too damn loud, had to get you all the way out here to do anything to you.” Your response is interrupted by his lips silencing you, muffling your “mmph!” of surprise.
Any protests regarding the temperature are met with his agreement, “Yeah, it is fucking cold. But it’s better than you promising you’ll shut up only to wake up my bunkmates again.” while he’s heating you up with his body, nailing you to the tree with his long cock beating your insides. Layers of clothes moved out of the way just enough so he can get at your pussy.
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hanasnx · 7 months
my thirsts for scott barringer are closed <3
i had a couple thirst messages for scott so i’ve compiled them here bcos i want to give them responses, but i didn’t wanna answer them indiv:
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— via @xstarkillerx.
ngl donnie i gatekeep the shit out of your asks bcos theyre always so good. like id come into my box just to stare at this bcos oh my god. hooking his big long fingers in your mouth and making you look dumb and sound dumb bcos he makes you speak through it. "you look like a fish on a hook, you know that?" and you can only whine indignantly at him. if he wasn't mean to you, how could he justify making you feel good? fucking bars, donnie. fucking bars.
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"your word is law" that's right baby that's the stuff right there. i do love the trope of a virgin who strays from her path of purity bcos a pretty boy set out to challenge it. scott talking about how her legs are "locked at the knee" when discussing her with his step sister.
maybe it's cos two girls were into scott at the same time in the show, he gives me poly vibes. a boy with two girlfriends simply because he couldn't decide between them quick enough for their liking, so they take the decision out of his hands in a less traditional sense. i wanna see him fuck the stepsister and the principle's daughter at the same time. make all three of them kiss at the same time :)
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— via @st4rfckerz.
scott. you are such a window-enterer. i can see how his big hand covers your mouth because "shh, we gotta be quiet." rutting into you as you're folded over yourself. "daddy might chase me out with his twelve gauge. serves me right for touching his perfect daughter, huh?"
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thank you, i appreciate it :) scott looks like he belongs with a short gf man he just loves bullying you. pushing you around and tugging at your hair. calling you his "little girl" and keeping both your hands pinned in just one of his 😵‍💫
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