delusional-demon · 4 years
Title: - Enter with a Happy heart (Cupid’s arrow on target)
Entering the college hoping for the best days of Happy’s life, she was a mechanical student who already had a great IQ than all. She loves machine, she knows machines more than anyone could know. she walked in and saw few seniors mocking other students and just when she was about to walk past them, she heard a voice…
Doc: “Hey you, stop there!!”
the voice so quiet and commanding she looked back and saw a handsome guy, He was wearing a fedora hat open cream color jacket over a white T-shirt, blue jean and a white Nike with side bag that was slung over his shoulder. All she could feel was ok, be cool don't smash him and she suppressed her anger and walked closed to him He asked…
Doc: “Hey what's your name, which department are you?
For a minute, Both froze seeing each other’s eyes as if the time was stopped and the moment was seized, Doc could not utter a word and he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was perfect with brown chinos and with a black rider’s jacket with grey inner. But on the other end, Happy’s heart pounded and she was like in the state of hyperventilating since he had these mixed emotions in her life. Slowly, they both realized that they were surrounded by others and took their eyes off each other and she said
Happy: - As you can see, I hold scales and drawing sheets which tells you that I am from mechanical. She started to poke toby’s chest and said which is also none of your business and let this be the last time you ever stopped me.
He was stunned by her words and her attitude, she walked away before he even started speaking the next word. He said to himself loudly Seriously, she shut me up? Yes dumbo, your tongue was tied when she spoke what made you stay silent when she shut you off asked his friend and Doc said “nothing” I have things to finish see you later!!.Doc walks to his class thinking of what happened the moment she came close to him and Happy met a few students while on the way to the class who had also been mocked by the seniors and they started discussing it.
Classmate to Happy: - So you were been stopped by that handsome senior guy, what did he ask?
Happy: - That jackass wanted to know about me, I shut him up and walked away. By the way, what’s he called and who is he? She came to know his name is Toby Curtis and he is in the second year medical department and said it to herself “Hmm, seems interesting!!”
Classmate asked: - Why do u wanna know abt him
Happy: Nothing, just in case if he starts doing this again, I can kick his ass and he could treat himself up.
Class started and all Happy could think of was him and his eyes she was ogling his face and said to herself “toby Ahhhhh, I kinda like his hat and his name and she couldn't stop thinking about him. Doc was also in the same state tough all the girl had their eyes on him all he could think was her voice and hair which was perfect open hair and the action-packed attitude that would leave anyone to tie their tongue when her sweet lips were warning him and her hands were touching his chest. He was replaying her voice over and over when he could still feel her hand on the chest.
As the day was over in college, he got on to the bus to head back home. To his surprise, he saw her once again and was dumbstruck. He saw the seat next to her was vacant and had thought of sitting next to her but backed off as he did not want things to go south on the first day of her college, but then ppl coming behind him occupied the other seats and he was left with no choice but sit next to her, he had thoughts if this is all he wanted to be her love of life or if it could go south, what would be the next plan? When all this was going on he guts said, screw it it is worth taking chance rather than sitting in a corner thinking about it. He went and sat next to her and all of a sudden happy felt her heart pound and could not stop the feeling of butterflies in her stomach and Doc was pretending to be busy with his phone while he wanted to spk to her badly but then could not dare to start. She broke the moment of silence and started speaking
Happy: Hey Doc, so what's up? how was ur day?
Doc: how do you know that I am from the medical department.
Happy: This is not a big deal for someone famous in college, everyone knows you Doc.
He felt happy inside said...
Doc: oh, I still do not know your name! would u mind?
Happy: I am Happy Quin
Doc: Nice to meet you, Ms. Quin.
By the time, they started to get into deep conversation. Time flew and they had to get down as they reached the destination. Doc stood up and said see you tomorrow, I got to get down at the next bus stop. Bus stopped and Doc stepped out and wanted to wave at her but he could not see her on the seat. He just turned and saw happy giggling at him come on boy.
They both walked together where they both realized that their hand was touching each other and they are dancing in joy but pretended as if it was normal. Happy said…
Happy: Do you also stay here?
Doc: yes I stay 2 blocks away from here.
Happy: I too stay there with my friend.
They reached the apartment and doc says will see you around. they shake hands and walk to their respective flats. They both knew they had some kinda feelings for each other but thought its too early to even think of expressing it. Doc could not stop but turn back and walk fast to her and ask...
Doc: you wouldn't break my teeth if I ask your number?
Happy grins and takes his phone dials her number and give it back to him doc says thank you and he had no mood to let her go off his sight but walks back to his flat.
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delusional-demon · 4 years
After happy leaves, Doc freshens up and does his paperwork for research and sends it. Happy on the other end goes to her apartment and sees no one, she takes bath and thinks about what doc said about moving, she wasn't sure about it and thought of keeping it that way for now.
She gets a call from garage and goes to fix things there her boss in garage asks
Happy’s boss: Hey champ, How’s the classes going? Did you make any friends?
Happy: Yeah! Class is quite good and I got myself 2 friends But, the theory class are way boring than I expected as I knows more than what’s in the book.
Happy’s boss: You have to complete your college and have yourself a degree so that u can achieve your dream and get settled in life. So, concentrate and get it girl.
Happy : Thank you Boss, and there you go it’s fixed.
Happy’s boss: Thank you happy here's your check,
Happy: Thank you and bye 😊
She heads to deli to get groceries and feels happy that she got into a good college and she is goanna make successful engineer soon. She buys things and heads home, she prepares lunch and watches a movie. The movie plot is about a father and daughter, she gets emotional and tears flow over her cheeks, she gets a ping from Toby
Toby: Hi Happy!!! I would need your help fixing my bike. I could not start it anymore may be the engine seized due to rain yesterday. Would u mind looking at it when you are free?
Happy: Sure doc, give me few minutes, while I come there with my tools.
Happy does the vessels and takes her tools to go doc’s place to check on toby's bike.
Happy: Hey Toby!!
Doc: Hi happy, sorry for disturbing you.
Happy: Hey tats ok I just finished my work. Let me take a look at it. You sure know things and your bike 😊 There is a little bit problem in the engine. I need few parts let me go get it. Do u know any shops nearby?
Doc: Yes, there is one 3 blocks away
Happy: Ok let me go buy and cm back.
Doc: I'll feel better if you let me walk you to shop
Happy: Sure, doc let's go Thank you again.
They go to shop and buy things for bike and get back. Happy really liked his company as he makes her forget ala her agony and gets her back to happy mood. Doc likes the way she is that makes her like him even more. They get back and she repairs it in no time.
Happy: Here's your thing, just try and let me know if it's all good.
Doc: why don't you do the honors
Happy sighs and starts the bike It goes al smooth...
Doc: Thank you happy!! you saved my day 😊 Come on your hands are greasy get it cleaned in my place Happy: Can u carry the tools for me?
Doc: Obviously Ms. Quin, Anything for the mechanical prodigy.
Happy: yeah, you genius.
Happy walks and toby follow her,
Happy: So, toby how is your paperwork on research going? is it done yet?
Doc: I have three papers to complete and I wanted to refer a book in the nearby library that is when I found out my bike didn't start and had to ask you to check
Happy: Uh ok!!
Happy cleans her hand and doc gives her towel to dry, she takes it and asks...
Happy: Would you mind if I join you to help finding the book for reference.
Doc: I'd be delighted I’m too bored to go there alone At least your company shall make it worth. Shal we?
Happy: Yes doc, keep the tools here I shall collect once we are back.
They reach the library and toby says the rack detail where she can find the book Happy says too much of medical terms 😯
Toby- Can't help and rolls his eyes.
Here I found it
Nice work
Toby starts taking reference and gets completely involved in it. Happy watches toby like a cotton candy in a shop she is so attracted to him, His personality, his voice, his smile and the way he cares for her, the way he is They head home and he drops her and gives his apartment keys to her and says…
Doc: Happy please take your tools and have the keys with you. I shall submit the paperwork and get back here to collect the keys
Happy: Sure.
He heads to the department and submits his paperwork. He meets some guys on the road and gets into small fight when they start teasing about his character and how he fails to connect to people. His professor shouts on them and asks toby to go home. Toby reaches home and sits in the hallway wrecking things and hurting his hands It's been a while toby left to college and happy seems worried that he isn't back yet. Happy tries to call toby several times and it just goes unanswered and she thinks of going to college to check on him, She walks down and while she tries to get her bike She sees toby sitting in the hallway with al bruises and blood on his hand and head, she is terrified seeing him and runs to see him.
Happy: Doc, what the hell happened? why are you wrecking things? You are bleeding, do you know that come on let me take you to hospital.
Toby doesn’t utter a word Happy calls a cab makes him sit and cleans his wound with her scarf, I know it's not clean. But I can't see you bleeding let me just clean this up. they reached hospital and Doctor treats toby and gives some medication, Toby says
Toby: this one would work better and I have got it in my place just finish up the dressing. I shall take the meds myself I am a doctor
Happy: Toby shut up let him treat you.
Hospital Doctor: Take care of him says the doctor
They both get home Happy takes toby to his apartment She calls her roommate and says she won't be coming home tonight and there is some dinner left and asks her to have it if she wants. Doc says
Doc: You don’t have to do it. I can take care please go home.
Happy: Just shut up doc. You helped me when I was sick, I’m worried about you. I’m not steeping aside until you are back up. your hands and head are badly injured, just let me take care of you, ok come on doc let's get you some food and meds sit here while I prepare something.
Happy goes inside but doesn't know what to do, she is not good at cooking like she is with machine Doc says…
Doc: happy I can you that you are struggling with it. I am ordering food for us come over here you don’t have to worry.
Happy: You saved me I don't cook. I just reheat 😊😊
Doc- Interesting
Happy: Don’t worry you have got a great cook who can cook for you anytime.
Happy: Is it that your mouth keeps working al time or is it that you are high on pain meds.
Doc: Um sorry 😳
Food arrives happy says I l go check n gets foods Since toby's hands were hurt, he struggled to eat and spoon falls down.
Happy: Take it easy doc let me feed you .
Happy feeds doc and all he could feel was happy that he is injured so that he could be taken care by the girl he likes. Happy gives him the med and he suggests
Doc: Can you get the tablet in the drawer, a green one that treats it better than the one that person gave.
Happy: U never give up.
Doc: NEVER!!
Happy: Here take this and lie down.
she puts a blanket on him and asks to take some rest. He falls asleep and she watches him being so cute She keeps a bottle of water and some soup in case. he needs something and tries to wake up from the chair. She could not get going because she call feel her hands stuck She turns behind n sees. Toby holding her hand tight and is in deep sleep. She felt sweet and supportive when she saw him holding her hand which she wanted always She wanted someone to hold her hand and keep her safe always she felt alone since she was a child. She didn't want to break it and disturb him so she let it be and sat next to him in the couch and stayed all night with him.
It was morning and doc woke up due to pain in hand. He saw his holding happy's and her next to him He felt like he was in a heaven with angel herself holding his hands. He just turned a bit and it woke up her
Happy: Hey doc how are you?
Doc: Feeling better except for the pain in my hand, Sorry that I bothered you last night.
Happy: Tats fine doc. Just get some rest let me make something for you although I don't no anything more than eggs 🤣
Doc: Tats ok happy I shall make breakfast for both of us.
Happy: No that’s fine. this time just walk me through Let me do it Ok.
Doc: happy just keep the pan, light it, Happy tries to light it and a small spark hurts her finger and she feels burns.
Doc: happy are you alright? show me your hand. There is a small blister in her finger come here let me check. He applies the ointment say her leave it to him. I shall order food dont worry She says ok doc better do it I shall fresh up and get back Happy goes to her apartment.
After couple of days one evening when they are walking back to their apartment
Happy: Toby you looked so bad on the day you were injured. I wanted to ask about the things that happened I was not sure if u l feel comfortable sharing. I was worried watching you in that state
Doc; Uh actually I don’t connect that well to others. I have high IQ but low EQ it's always been like this. So, group of guys in college mock me with that and they try to trick me into fight. The same thing happened the other day. It got intense and I was hit by them until my professor came to rescue It's been like this since I was young, normal people won't understand people like me and try to bully
Happy: I too have same issues but I don’t try connecting to people. Don worry things l be fine. Bye doc take care.
They reach their apartment. Happy thinks whole night and feels bad and connects to doc to her situation and how bad it is to be like that She thinks she has to support him.
Things go as usual, It becomes a routine. Class, bus, casual talks, studies and home It's now the second year of her college, All goes smooth. The class is planning for a visit to a mechanical industry which is 2 hours journey from there. So happy informs toby that she is out for 2 days and asks him to take care Happy and her friends head to the place. While attending class his friends ask toby if he wants to gambling place to spend some time and earn money Toby had not been gambling for an year or so after meeting happy as he doesn't want her to know the other addiction of his which might give a bad impression. As happy isn't there and he wanted some distraction he agrees and goes to the place to play He could feel gambling in al his nerves when he enters also he feels a bit off thinking what could happen if she knows about this, So leaves al tat thought and starts enjoying the game Happy returns back to hotel room after their visit to the industry. She tries to call doc n check on him. Happy calls toby call goes unanswered, She calls multiple times
Toby is busy with game and didn't notice her call, She thinks he could be busy with his work and just sends a text “Call me when you are back”
2 arounds up!!
Toby loses all his money and is thrown out by the jerks there, Being unable to bare al this he gets drunk Happy is on the way to her apartment, She reaches home after 2 hours of journey, Once she reaches she checks her phone still sees no reply from Toby She gets worried n tries to check his apartment. Happy finds the apartment is locked She gets a call from an unknown number telling I guess your friends here is drunk and is in no condition to reach home on his own sending you the location please come and take him home.
She rushes to the place n finds toby in very bad condition, She takes him to his apartment and pours a cold water on his face, Toby gains conscious n asks happy when did you come back Happy slaps him and says what the hell do you think yourself? Stop acting like kid don't u have responsibility who asked u to gamble. Go to hell and she leaves his place.
Toby feels terrible to have done all that and happy finding it out he checks his phone to call happy and sees missed calls and text that she had sent. He felt that he had done a very miserable thing today going to that place. He knows she is angry on him and tries to call her but passes out. The next morning toby calls happy she doesn't attend his phone. He goes down and see happy waking to bus stop alone she did not wait for him. He feels hateful and thinks he could speak to happy in the bus, By the time he tries to speak to happy they get into bus and happy occupies a seat next to her friend.
Toby is left with an empty seat n feels bad that he could not speak to her once they reach college. He tries to speak to her she avoids him and moves whole day goes like that. He is left alone for lunch. He controls himself knowing it was his fault to make her feel bad about him. Finally, after reaching there stop. He tries and stops happy and says
Doc: Happy I’m sorry pls don't ignore me. I can't stand that I’m already half mad with things that happened last night, Pls don't walk away I won't repeat it.
She walks fast but toby tries to stop her catching her hand
Doc: Happy please!!
Happy: shut up you idiot do you even know what condition were in outside of that place. You looked so miserable you said you left gambling long back then why did you go there? If it wasn't me you would have been under a truck yesterday Get lost!!I can't change you.
Doc; Happy happy, listen to me i know I did very bad thing yesterday but please don’t avoid me.
Happy; Doc I tell you again you have to stop gambling otherwise it's your choice.
Doc: Happy I promise I won't even go close to it ever.
She holds his hand and walks to their apartment.
Happy : Yes, doc one more thing, Mind moving my things to your apartment I have few box pending to be wrapped
Doc: Oh my goodness Happy you are moving in here Love that,
Happy: Ok let's move these things Doc
happy move her things to his apartment and settles the place Doc is all overwhelmed he could literally imagine being with happy all day in his apartment
Happy: Doc are you ok ?
Doc: never been better, Ok so do u like the place
Happy: Ya n the person too 🤣
Um. Huh I must be in heaven. Coz it feels so at this moment 😊
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delusional-demon · 4 years
Collage Sequel # 2
Title: Love at first fight!!
It was 7 later that evening, toby goes out with his friend to the coffee shop nearby. He didn't expect the thing that was about to happen. The moment he entered the shop he saw happy with her friend in the table opposite to where his friend was waiting for him, Doc waves and smile at happy but the reaction was too blunt and it was self-explanatory that she was avoiding him. He felt so disturbed and avoided by her because Toby was the guy who was raised by parents who failed to take care of him as his mother was sick and his dad spent time in taking care of her which eventually made toby fall apart and left alone he started gambling to keep himself busy and distracted which eventually got him addicted. He used to gamble so madly that some times he loses control and starts smashing things and goes to loan sharks losing all money. He never had anyone to share his feeling or pain He thought he could not survive like this long and tried to study well and got into med school so that he can treat people like his parents and avoid kids like him getting spoiled.
He does not get along with a lot of people and had a group of friends. He never speaks to girls much and had never dated anyone. Happy saw him and felt resented she couldn't confront him and saw him feel stressed. He couldn't stand the thought of that one girl who he asked out after being able to connect after ages turning him down. He walked away all of a sudden shutting the door hard and everyone saw him after the door bang.
She felt the pain, she caused him and followed him back.
Happy: Hey Toby!!, Toby please listen to me. He walks fast to avoid showing his feelings and didn't want her to c him losing control, she walks ahead and blocks him and says
Happy: Doc listen to me
Doc- Why do u bother, Leave me alone please don't follow and I am sorry for making you uncomfortable asking you out, I didn't know you wanted to avoid me
He walked away again, Happy stopped him again and said
Happy: I am sorry I never wanted to hurt you. I never went out with any guys, nor I know how to react when one asks me I didn't know how to respond and didn't want to be embarrassed in front of you. This is real please trust me!!
Doc did not know how to react and said uh ok. She felt that he did not believe her but she wanted to get things smooth between them for that she didn't want to lose someone good like him. She pulled him close holding his T-shirt she put her hands on his cheeks stood up on tiptoes and started kissing him. It was something that they wanted to prove themselves and doc’s hand was on her waist holding her up and the kiss was so intense that they forgot everything in life and they had got the best thing to hold on. Eventually, They ran short of breath and they pulled away. He was about to say words, Happy rushes and says don’t speak and don't ruin it. They walk together with all the happiness in the heart after few steps happy held toby's hand sending shivers down the spine.
He thought that the only thing he was addicted to is Happy. She felt safe holding his hands and Doc said
Doc: Hey happy, shall we grab dinner here as they stopped near a restaurant.
Happy: Yes, sure happy said They ordered their fav food Doc orders hazelnut creamer and California roll while he asks Happy what would you like to have Happy says peanut butter sandwich and a coffee and they in the meantime until the order comes. They both speak about their interest Toby asks
Doc: So you are a coffee ☕ person uh.
Happy: yup I love coffee.
Doc: So where does ur family stay asks doc?
Happy: I was raised in a foster home since I was 2 and have no one to tell my family.
Doc feels bad for her and comforts her holding her hand which rests on the table
Happy: So doc, What about you
Doc: Uh more or less we share a similar past I used to gamble and earn money and I left home when I was 9.
The order arrives. Happy sighs at doc and they start having the dinner, Doc pays for the dinner and they leave.
Doc: So happy I do some research and paperwork also motivational speech and earn a few bucks to survive. What about you?
Happy: I m a mechanical genius and I use that skill to fix machines. I work part-time in a garage nearby
Doc: Tough ah, 😊
They didn't even realize they have reached their apartment. Both drowned in each other's thoughts and said bu-bye to each other and walks to the flats. As soon as happy enter inside phone chimes.
Doc- Hey just wanted to thank you for making my evening a memorable one. So friends?
Happy- I am sorry for turning down the invites first, I didn‘t mean to hurt you doc.
Doc- I can understand don't worry about it, I still did not get my answer
Happy- friends ☺️
Doc changes the contact name to “happy freaking Quinn”😊 Happy on the other hand changes his contact name to “Doc the maniac 👨‍⚕️”It went on for hours knowing each other's interests and they finally fell asleep not knowing when Happy woke up full of happiness and hopes in the morning and smiled at how they were having a never-ending conversation last nite. She was never comfortable with anyone like she was with toby Happy texts toby.
Happy: Good morning doc
Toby still asleep Could feel the phone vibrate. He wakes up in hurry and checks his phone as he saw happy's text and he jumped out of bed with happiness
Doc: Hey Hap, very good morning 🌞
Happy pings back immediately
Happy: Hey lazy guy better get ready soon or else we are gonna get late for the bus.
Doc wit al excitement replied
Doc: Getting ready hap.
After a quick bath doc gets dressed and quickly grabbed an apple to go.
Doc: Waiting for you, meet me downstairs.
Doc turns behind and sees happy!!!
Happy: Hey doc!!
Doc: Hi happy!!
They hugged and walked to the bus stop and while they speak they get into the bus and only two seats left. Doc feels happy deep inside to have got a chance to sit next to her. Happy occupies the seat followed by doc She takes out her breakfast and said…
Happy: Doc, you wanna have some.
Doc: That's fine happy
Happy: She looks at doc angrily
Doc: Ok ok get me some!!
They both start having breakfast. They reached the college and doc says bye happy. Both went to class and it's lunch break Doc calls happy.
Doc: Happy would like you to join me for lunch
Happy: Yes doc tel me where can you wait? I shall come there
Doc: Sure things happy says Doc goes to happy. Ready?
Happy: Always 😍
They both heads to the canteen and have a good lunch Once they come back they get to know that there is some work going on and the classes are postponed for tomorrow. Happy asks doc…
Happy: Doc any plans?
Doc: nothing happy, what about you
Happy: I got a call from the garage and have a few mins of work and then I m free
Doc: If you don mind I can take you there and wait for you until u finish. what say? only if I m not interrupting your work.
Happy: Sure!!
Doc: Get in let's go.
doc takes happy to the garage, Happy starts setting up the machine. Doc's amazed seeing her doing things perfectly. Happy finishes and gets back
Happy: So doc What your plan?
Doc: Uh happy good work out there, You are really the best with machines
Happy: Thank you doc
Doc: Uh I have a place where we can go and spend some good time you would love it. Let's go?
Happy: Yes doc
He takes her to a raceway, she felt so happy that she enjoyed every bit of it, and seeing her happy made him happy
Happy: Nice work doc I loved it thank you!!!
Doc: 😊
Happy: You do know how to make someone happy.
Doc: Anything for you.
She got onto the bike and they drove home while they were about to reach. It started raining both drenched and happy started sneezing. Doc was worried that she might fall ill they reached their apartment, with all hesitation doc asked
Doc: Happy would u mind if u can stay in my apartment today? I stay alone and I just wanted to take good care of you. your sick Happy
She could not hesitate and she nodded her head and they started moving towards his apartment He wiped his hair made happy sit on the couch and started wiping her hairs, Doc kissed happy on her head and gave her a pair of his t-shirts and asked to change Happy took those clothes and changed it. Once they are back he warms her up by giving a hug and gives flu med and says you will be fine by morning to make urself comfortable. I m here if u need anything. Doc moves in sits on the couch, They both wrapped each other in a blanket and happy had hugged doc, After a while, happy slept on his check and Doc sits opp to the one where happy is lying so that he can be available in case she needs him and to have a good view of her. Moments later, happy feels a bit better and wakes up and sees doc sleeping on the couch. She thought that he is a gem of a person Anyone could have easily taken the opportunity but doc was caring for her.
This made her fall in love with him at that very moment. She wanted to hug him tight But the meds get her to sleep the next morning happy still feels dizzy it was a weekend they did not have their classes Doc woke up before her and said…
Doc: Hey girl how do you feel?
Happy: your meds worked wonder doc I m good just feeling a bit tired
Doc: It's because of the meds happy, you will be fine just have this
She gulped the fluid doc gave Uh it's so sore.
Doc: It cures u😊
Happy: ok doc I shall make a move I got to fresh up and run some errands
Doc: Happy I know it's too soon to ask. My apartment is vacant if you like you can move in. I heard you saying a friend of your roommate is gonna join you and you might not feel so comfortable you were searching for an apartment
Happy: Yes doc, I m not sure let me think about it, thank you for everything 😊 By the way nice apartment 😍
More to come on Quintis collage sequel. Psst take a pit stop it's on the way
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