#saying that Amber was just being gaslit into uhhh hitting JD and mocking him and laughing maniacally and not letting him leave
motherhenna · 2 years
cant wait for people on this website to stop talking about this trial because I havent seen this many horrible takes since before the most toxic users migrated to twitter
#sorry i keep ranting about it but every time I think I'm done I see some new freezing cold take#reblogged by someone I otherwise like and respect#the fact that so many people absolutely refuse to recognize that JD was so obviously horrifically abused just further proves#to male victims that if they come out with their truth they will be disregarded and gaslit#the host to a podcast I usually love wrote an absolute shit article about it#saying that Amber was just being gaslit into uhhh hitting JD and mocking him and laughing maniacally and not letting him leave#and that she's the real victim#literally what the fuck is wrong with you that you jump over that many mental hurdles to make excuses for the real abuser#I need these people to listen and re-listen to every single one of those recordings and tell all the survivors in the audience#that isnt abuse#what happened to 'believe all survivors'?? or do some of yall only support that when it's 'believe all women'?#fucking ice cold#ice cold takes here#and I fucking listened and believed her when she first came out against him!#So did thousands of others!#But now that I've seen the evidence from both the UK trial and here I have changed my mind#because she fucking perjured herself over and over and over!#call me a 'misogynist' all you want but it's not fucking feminism if it doesn't include men!#No what's misogynistic is believing that a woman who has been RECORDED admitting to physically abusing her husband#is incapable of being the abuser because she's a woman and he's a man
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