#saurry. Thoughts. justice for soyoung jail for wuwo commenters
yisanged · 2 years
i still have to get up to date on s classes. i started rereading it and now i feel like i can't just suddenly get into the new chapters like i have to reach that point naturally through the reread. but i keep falling behind hrmm. anyways the comments on it on wuxiaworld are so rancid.... like i remember during that one arc with like kang soyoung and riette and. hold on. i'll cut this
hi anyways with kang soyoung and riette where like she was so allured by the pretty dragon lady that she sided with riette even after hyj told her to knock it off and they had to fight with noah like that i think idk it's been a while. anyways all the comments were like "god kang soyoung is such a bitch like yoojin told you to stop why wouldn't you listen to him sooo fucking annoying" like HELLO i know you're the same fucking dregs going "ooohhh are we sure this isn't some yandere brocon romance instead of an action story ahahah" whenever yoohyun does something overprotective... so you're willing to be all teehee in the worst grossest way whenever yoohyunie doesn't listen to yoojin but when soyoung (dragon rider whose power entirely depends on dragons that are extremely rare) meets a pretty dragon lady that offers a dragon ride and completely understandably gives into her you'll turn on her like that. why do you hate women and why are you disgusting. i hope you die
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