#sastan hc
inthehytes · 2 years
Ok so I have to know how do u picture Gia Kendall and synth in ur fic? Like hair colour, style etc
Okay so this is probably going to be longish so I’m gonna stick it under a cut once I get to my laptop I promise xx
I’m also in no way fashionable I’m either in weird looking blouses for work or workout clothes, so if anyone has more concrete or specific ideas I’d love to hear them!
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So for Gia I imagine this hair/color on them and I feel like they would dress either very very nicely or in sweatpants and a sweater there’s no in between. Has a pair of docs that they wear almost religiously when working and they favor nicely tailored pants and button downs that they leave half unbuttoned most of the time. I can see them being very fluid in the way they dress as well and while pants are more practical for their job they have been known to pop into Synthia’s store in a dress or skirt occasionally. Wears a lot of dark colors but loves to find the wackiest printed shirts that they can and is a sucker for the soft slip of silk. I feel like they get cold easily so they always have a coat on standby or a pair of fuzzy socks.
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I started writing the story the week of the roast and subsequently this is the Kendall that was cemented into my mind. Like Gia she prefers wearing pants and nicely fitted blouses out of convenience but has a closet full of pretty dresses she’ll wear on dates or the weekend when they’re going out. Wear heels most of the time when they’re working, but has an incredibly ancient pair of sneakers she wears on lazy days and refuses to get rid of because they’re ‘just broken in correctly.’ Has a lovely black trench coat that she wears in the winter and will drape around Synthia’s shoulders at any given moment. Favors more neutral tones but isn’t a stranger to the occasional bold and bright color.
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This was the best picture I could find to match what I imagined so I’m sorry for the quality of it 😭 I’m obsessed with the idea of Synthia having big bouncy curls naturally even though so straightens them pretty often. I can see her having been insecure or self conscious about them when she was younger, not really knowing how to take care of them and make them look as nice as she knows now. When she starts dating Gia and Kendall they encourage her to leave her hair natural, Gia loves to pull a curl straight and watch it bounce back curly again. Synthia definitely is a girly girl through and through. Loves sparkly hair clips and was absolutely thrilled when scrunchies came back in style. Half her closet is varying shades of pink and pastels. It’s split pretty evenly between dresses and skirts and jeans. Doesn’t ever buy anything super nice for herself considering it ends up covered in baking ingredients anyway.
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