hbhtrainees · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Sanghoon finds a breath of fresh air with Hak Bonghwa’s daughter and HBH producer-in-training, Hak Subin.
SERIES: NEW_DECADE PAIRING: Sanghoon + Subin WORD COUNT: 1.3k  WARNINGS: Swear words!
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Sanghoon wouldn’t say that he has the best pokerface, but he surely is better at hiding his emotions than Hak Subin. 
Hak Bonghwa’s only daughter sat in a third chair off to the side while the two main producers at HBH, Fren.z and LeeBoi, worked at the soundboard. Sanghoon was squeezed into the recording booth with Yeetai, Longwei, and Taehyung. Sanghoon didn’t think that chanting one verse together would take this long, but they’ve been recording this same part for thirty minutes. He himself was starting to get agitated, Subin looked straight up homicidal. 
“You guys need more energy.” LeeBoi critiqued into the microphone. Subin snorted. “They’d have more energy if you gave them a break to rest their vocal cords.” Her statement was overheard through the speaker, but neither of the producers acknowledged the commentary.
“Let’s try it from the top. Remember, more energy.” LeeBoi talked over Subin, ignoring her like usual. Subin rolled her eyes and played with the ends of her hair, her frown somehow drooping more than before.
The recording finally ended when Fren.z’s alarm went off. Their time in the recording studio was up. The trainees exited the studio, thanking all three producers as they passed. When Taehyung dipped into a bow for Subin, Fren.z chuckled dryly. “She’s younger than you, Taehyung. No need to break your back in half.” He laughed. Subin narrowed her eyes at the older producer, giving him a look so icy it made Sanghoon’s eyebrow twitch. Taehyung let out a weak chuckle before leading the other boys out of the studio.
“God, they’re awful to her.” Taehyung whispered as soon as they left. “I should have stood up for her, shouldn’t I?” 
“Nah, Subin can fight her own battles.” Longwei reassured his friend, giving the other trainee a clap on the back. A mischievous smirk spread on his face. “I bet she appreciated that adequate bow, though.” 
“Shh.” Taehyung chuckled, rolling his eyes. “I had to show my appreciation somehow.” The four boys made their way to the elevator, taking it back up to Trainee Town to complete their training for the day.
When most of the trainees filed out of the practice rooms, Sanghoon decided to stay behind. Lately the stress of showcases, trainee events, and upcoming debut team announcements has been getting to him. He wanted to take some time to do what he really loved: creating his own music.
He knew that all studios were free after three. He took the elevator down to The Dungeons alone, his bags slung over his shoulder.  He’d only stay until four, then he’d head to the dorms and get some shut eye before another day of practice. 
Sanghoon headed to his favorite recording studio, the Green Room, at the very end of the hall. As he walked down the hallway, he heard a familiar beat coming from the Red Studio. He slowed his pace, wondering if Fren.z or LeeBoi were still here. Sanghoon contemplated turning back just to avoid any awkward encounter with the producers, but then he heard a feminine sounding growl of annoyance. 
The trainee furrowed his eyebrows and glanced into the studio. At the soundboard was Subin, running her hands through her platinum hair. Suddenly, Subin wheeled the chair she was in back, turning around sharply. Sanghoon and Subin made eye contact, both of them jumping in surprise. 
Subin, with a hand still over her racing heart, opened the door.
“Sanghoon, don’t do that again.” Subin sighed, but the corner of her mouth twitched upward ever so slightly into a ghost of a grin. “Sorry… I just…” Sanghoon fumbled for the words. “No worries, man.” Subin shook her head. “I get sketched out after three anyways. Y’know, witching hour and shit.” 
“Yeah,” Sanghoon’s fingers fidgeted with the straps of his bags. He spends so much physical time with Subin that he forgets that they don’t really know each other. At all. He wasn’t quite sure how to respond to his boss’s daughter. 
“What were you working on?” Sanghoon asked, his eyes darting to the soundboard that Subin was previously sat at.
“Oh, yeah,” Subin looked over her shoulder at the equipment. “The demo you guys recorded earlier sounded like ass once Tweedle Dick and Tweedle Dumbass layered it onto the backtrack. I’ve been trying to fix it, but they created a monster.” 
Subin looked back and Sanghoon with a small grin on her face. “Wanna hear what I’ve got?” 
Sanghoon felt like rejecting the founder’s daughter was not a good idea, so he nodded. Subin let him step into the studio, offering the spare chair next to her at the soundboard.
“See, this is what it sounded like before I got my grimy little hands on it,” Subin pressed play on her computer. The song that they had recorded earlier sounded so manufactured. So bland. Sanghoon’s dislike seemed to have shown on his face, because Subin clapped her hands together and cackled. 
“See? It’s booty isn’t it?” She asked.
“Yeah, that sucks.” Sanghoon agreed. Subin chuckled before typing on her computer again.
“Alright, but now this,” She pressed play. “Is how I think it should sound.” 
Subin’s version was much better. There was more dimension, more personality. She kept the more messier recordings of them chanting rather than the robotic and uniform chant the other producers preferred. The track sounded exciting and fresh.
Sanghoon tapped his fingers to the beat. As good as it was, it was missing something. “Uh-oh,” Subin turned the volume down. “You don’t like something?” 
“No, no. It sounds great. Really great. But…” Sanghoon tried to search for the words.
“Something’s missing, right?” Subin asked. “Yeah.” Sanghoon nodded. “I think you need some like… Adlibs or something.” 
Subin nodded. Her eyes darted to the empty recording booth, then back at Sanghoon. “You’re a rapper, right?” She asked. “Yeah.” “Do you think you could improv some cool adlibs?” She asked, a smirk appearing on her face.
Sanghoon’s plan to stay until four was tossed out the window once he and Subin started bouncing ideas off one another. Even if Sanghoon noticed how late it was, he couldn’t bring himself to leave. He really enjoyed spending time with Subin. She was chill and took things so simply. Being around Subin was like taking a break from reality, and Sanghoon wasn’t ready to return back just yet. It was nearing five in the morning when Subin finally recognized how late they had stayed. 
“Holy hell, look at the time.” Subin gasped, holding up her cellphone. “We should probably go. You have practice in a few hours.” 
“Don’t remind me.” Sanghoon groaned. “Hey, debut announcements come out soon. Hopefully you’ll only be a trainee for a little while longer.” Subin comforted him. “Just enjoy the ride. Soon you’ll be looking back on your trainee days with nostalgia.” 
Sanghoon nodded, taking in her advice. He was just about to leave when a realization hit him.
“Hey, are you walking home alone?” Sanghoon paused in the doorway. Subin chuckled. “Do I really look that weak?” “No, but I’ll still walk you to the subway or something.” Sanghoon shifted his bag awkwardly. 
The producer pouted. “You’re cute, Sanghoon. But don’t worry about it. I’m ordering an Uber to come pick me up in a few. It’ll be right outside the company, don’t you worry.” “Okay. Cool.” Sanghoon nodded, shifting his weight on his feet. “I guess I’ll see you tomor- in a few hours, then?” 
Subin grinned. “Yeah. I’ll see you soon. Sweet dreams.” “You too.” Sanghoon smiled before closing the door to the studio.  He felt as if he had just jumped between worlds. Everything felt a little dazed to Sanghoon as he made it to the elevators, exiting the building on the main floor. As he crossed the street to the subway station, he couldn’t help but daydream about making regular late night visits to the recording studios.
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hbhtrainees · 4 years
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Summary: The 2020 HBH Trainees ring in the New Year together, Kyungchul is asked to be the leader of HBHT20. Series: NEW DECADE [HBHT20] Genre: Comedy  Pairing: None Word Count: 1.1k Warnings: Recreational use of marijuana. 
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Kyungchul felt absolutely ridiculous right now. 
There he was, sat on a sofa in the corner of HBH’s New Years Eve party surrounded by his fellow labelmates and seniors. He tried to keep up with conversation, but about halfway through a lengthy rant by M.H, the leader of Vice, the edibles had kicked in. 
Kyungchul had consumed a gummy edible right before he entered the company party with Rushi, Haeun, Longwei, Sanghoon, and Jiah. Rushi and Longwei had made it clear that they didn’t think they could get through another company party without a little something extra in their system, so they bought a ton of edibles last weekend and offered them to people with similar stances on HBH parties.
Kyungchul thought it would be harmless. Just take a small gummy and relax a little through out the party. Before he knew it, he’d be back in his dorm, having the best sleep of his life. 
However, whatever Rushi and Longwei picked up must have been a higher milligram dosage than he was used to, because Kyungchul was having a very very hard time concentrating on the thread of conversation between Vice’s M.H, Triptych’s Nia and Eli, and Promise’s Jimin. They had all sought him out at the start of the party and pulled him aside to talk. Unfortunately, Kyungchul wasn’t really sober enough to contribute.
“And honestly, being a leader was scary at first.” Eli retells, focusing his attention on Kyungchul. “But I really relied on my members. They got me through.” “I was the leader of HBHNG. It’s a great honor to be a predebut leader.” Nia said with a comforting smile. The rest of his seniors looked at him with proud expressions, like he had just told them that he got into an Ivy League. Kyungchul blinked a few times.
“Wait... what?” Kyungchul asked, his own words sounding muddled. “Never mind, you’ll see.” Jimin shook her head, a knowing smile still on her lips. The looks he was getting from his seniors were starting to freak him out a little. Kyungchul managed a small smile back and stood up.  “Uh cool. Hey, I’ll see you guys later. I’m gonna go find my friends.” He said hastily, bowing to them individually before setting off.
It was hard walking through the dimly lit event hall stoned, but he managed to locate the one person he wanted to chew out.
Rushi was grinding in between Longwei and Haeun on the dance floor, totally unashamed. When the Chinese trainee spotted Kyungchul, she motioned him over with a bright smile on her face. “Feeling good yet?” She asked over the sound of the music. Kyungchul nodded his head at first, but then he shook it side to side. “How many milligrams was that edible?” He asked.  “Uh... I don’t know,” Rushi looked over her shoulder at Longwei, exchanging a confused look with him. “Maybe like, fifteen milligrams?” “Fif-” Kyungchul covered his face with one hand, unsure whether to laugh or cry. His body seemed to agree with laughing, and soon he was gasping for air, laughing his ass off like it was the funniest thing he’s ever heard. The other three started laughing too.
During their laughing fit, Haeun grabbed Kyungchul by his shirt, pulling him towards her. Now the four of them were dancing practically on top of one another, laughing and having fun. Kyungchul felt whatever confusion and discomfort he experienced earlier melt away. He was having such a good time with him and his friends. He didn’t want the feeling to stop. 
A few songs later, the music suddenly cut and the sound of feedback filled the room. The four trainees separated, their hands over their ears. Hak Bonghwa tapped the mic again.
“Hello! Welcome to the tenth annual HBH New Years Eve party!” Hak Bonghwa said. Everyone around them clapped, so the stoned trainees clapped along too.
“It’s amazing how only a decade ago, our company was made up of only seven male trainees and five staff members. Now, at the end of the decade, we are boasting three of the most successful groups in the industry, and have the most well-known trainee project in the country!” Hak Bonghwa stated confidently. The room around them exploded in cheers. Not too far off, Kyungchul saw Jiah, Sanghoon, Kitae and Kijung chanting and bumping their fists “HBHT20! HBHT20!” 
“Yes, yes. This past month, the trainees who have made the cut for HBHT20 have been announced. Fans around the world are anticipating the arrival of our company’s future! However, we still have to elect a leader for the new era of HBH. The one who will lead the future of this company to greater heights. And I think we all have someone in mind that will do this job flawlessly.” Hak Bonghwa stated. 
Something in Kyungchul’s stoned brain clicked together. He recalled the conversation he had with his seniors earlier that night. They kept talking about leadership...
“Oh fuck.” Kyungchul said under his breath.
“Lee Kyungchul,” Hak Bonghwa called out, a smile on his face. “Please come over here.” 
Rushi shoved Kyungchul forward, silent roars of laughter shaking her body. Of course she thought this was funny, but Kyungchul was downright terrified. How was he going to face his boss and the whole company being as fucked up as he was right now? 
Somehow, Kyungchul made it to the front of the room, taking his spot next to Hak Bonghwa.
“Lee Kyungchul, ever since you started training at this company in 2016, you have shown nothing but dedication and excellence.” Hak Bonghwa complimented. “In the practice room, you are a friend, a teacher, and also a fierce competitor. You have participated in Produce X 101 to prove to the world that you are a force to be reckoned with. You have brought honor to this company, and myself and the staff members of HBH all agree that you will be the future face of this company.”  Hak Bonghwa paused for the applause to pass over. Kyungchul hoped he didn’t look as near to passing out as he felt. If he did, Bonghwa didn’t acknowledge it.
“If you so do accept, it would be an honor to have you lead the next installment of HBH Trainees.” Hak Bonghwa posed. The whole crowd in front of them seemed to be holding his breath. “Uh...” Kyungchul took the mic from the founder’s hands clumsily, looking out into the sea of familiar faces. His brain was about ten minutes behind everyone else’s. He paused to try to form the right words. He swallowed hard before speaking into the microphone. “Let’s get it.” 
“Lets get it!” The trainees in the crowd echoed back with glee. The rest of the audience clapped and hollered a few straggled ‘let’s get it’s. Hak Bonghwa clapped with pride, a happy smile on his face. 
Kyungchul bowed to the crowd, wondering what the fuck just happened. 
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hbhtrainees · 5 years
Sanghoon felt hands clasp his shoulders. He turns around to see Jiah smiling at him with a proud expression on her face. 
“You’re telling me this whole time, I could have just pelted you with styrofoam darts?” Jiah teases. After the Mix+Match performance, Sanghoon was praised for his growing confidence, something Jiah had been trying to help him with since they started training together.  “Shut up,” Sanghoon rolled his eyes. “If you were on the other end of that Nerf gun, you probably would have found a way to make it fatal.”  Jiah chuckled but didn’t object.  “There you are!” Hanjae appears, breaking away from his evaluation team, still dressed in his stage outfit. “Sanghoon, that was phenomenal! You’re a star! You’re probably one of the more popular contestants now.” 
“Nah, bro.” Sanghoon insisted. “You hit those notes. That shit was fresh. People are bound to recognize your talent.”  “Thank you,” Hanjae accepted the compliment with a smile. “But don’t let your confidence fade once you get offstage. Take the compliment like I did.”  Jiah snickered, shoving Sanghoon with her shoulder. The rapper sighed but nodded his head reluctantly.  “Thank you, Hanjae. That was really nice of you to say.” Sanghoon said meekly.  “See, progress!” Hanjae grinned in satisfaction before turning to Jiah, a slightly smug look on his face. “I told you, positive affirmations are imperative to character development.” Jiah rolled her eyes. “He got where he is today by being open fired on.” “Yes, but positive thoughts can go a long way.” Hanjae tried to reason, giving Jiah an exaggerated doe-eye look.  “I’m positively thinking about you going a long way away from me.” Jiah bantered. “Lying isn’t good, Ji.” Hanjae scolded lightly in a joking manner. “Alright, that’s enough of you two tonight,” Sanghoon interjected quickly before Jiah could start a border-line flirtatious banter war between the two of them. He was ready to hit the hay and relish in his successful performance alone. “I’ll catch up with you tomorrow, bye!” 
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hbhtrainees · 5 years
[4:12PM] HANJAE, SANGHOON, HAEUN, HWAYOUNG and JIAH are excited to be apart of Mix and Match
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hbhtrainees · 4 years
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