#sammy saw a pic of his mother with gap and thought that was his dad
wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
Hii!! I wanna ask regarding jake and samuel. Are they half brother?? Because I remember reading a chapter where samuel keeps saying gapryong kim is his dad or maybe he's just desperate??!! I just want to know your thought tho
Jake Kim + Samuel Seo: Bro
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"Bro why you being like this?"
"Stop following me around."
"Bro cmon."
Samuel whirls round, "STOP calling me bro, I am not your bro."
Hurt creeps over Jake's face, "Maybe not by blood but-"
"Not by anything, now fuck off."
Brad and Jason watches the two of them. An odd routine they seemed to have picked up ever since their conversation on the pier. Jake trailing after Samuel like a lost puppy and Samuel being pricklier than ever.
"10,000 won on Samuel throwing the first punch?" Brad offers.
"No frickin way," Did this bald idiot take Jason Yoon for a fool? "That's as good as guaranteed."
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