#same with custards fruit mixes and stuff like frosting
dustylovelyrun · 2 years
So, uh. Quick question - I’ve got a sister that really likes the kind of bread, cakey deserts. Sweeter foods. All that. Problem is, since she’s my bio sister, it has to be made from scratch because she’s inherited a plethora of allergies and has a limited range of food. Store bought is out of the question. I’ve just been absently experimenting with stuff like bread, bars, that kind of stuff for a while now, but - 
How d’you actually make cookies or brownies? Because I’ve tried both, and it’s coming out very consistently as what you’d expect a somewhat sweet, buttery pie crust to be like. It’s very bewildering. And even if it’s the same limited range of stuff, but different format, I’d like to be able to offer her something that feels slightly different, y’know?
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snappyroadster · 4 years
The Standard: The Agent as a Self-Starter, 1922
The Agent as a Self-Starter: “God Helps Them that Help Themselves,” says Chauncey S.S. Miller, former National Association Secretary.
Chauncey S.S. Miller, former secretary of the National Association of Insurance Agents and now publicity director for the North British & Mercantile, gave the Wisconsin State Association of Insurance Agents a lively talk at their annual meeting in Oshkosh, Wednesday, which was as follows:
That delightful book by Samuel Smiles (note the name), entitled “Self Help” (note the title), begins by quoting the author of “Poor Richard’s Almanac.” I cannot do better than imitate him: “God helps them that help themselves.”
Really the world is divided into two sets of individuals — leaners and pushers.
Usually, the architects of their own fortunes are insufferable egotists, so proud of the job that they are the despair of hat-marks and, as the French say, “impossible” as home-makers. but the spirit of self-help as exemplified in the energetic action of individuals really indicates the measure of a nation. Their ingenuity and indomitable will produces powerful reactions and stimuli upon the life and activities of others.
The leaners are the unobtrusive violets by the wayside, usually crushed by the Juggernauts of prohibitive misfortunes.
Many automotive vehicles are run by “cranks” today; all of them used to be started by a crank.
Now practically all of ‘em are self-starters. But even the best have to have gas, oil and an electric spark to make ‘em work: the impelling power of gasoline (energy); the oil of human understanding (tact), and the divine spark (initiative) are necessary for even a self-starter to function.
To Get There One Must Keep Moving. Power of locomotion differentiates animal from vegetable existence. To “get there” one must keep moving. To wear out one’s soles in hustling forever beats superannuating the seats of the trousers in contemplative wistfulness.
Cranking machines involved many a Collie’s fracture of the wrist, as the accident insurance companies knew to their sorrow.
Barbarians used to lope long distances afoot. Hand and arm elevation developed B.V.D. (Before Volstead Days), a wicked whip for cranking autos from a standing start to running wild along the Great White Ways.
Then came the push-the-button self-starter period, when even the juice of the wild grape was almost taboo; but the operator anomalously remained seated while getting under way. Mail order campaigns do produce contributing factors to success; but oral follow-ups still bring him the bacon for road hogs as well as gentlemen drivers.
Nobody bars the postman out. The “envelope stuff” is a Silent Salesman; but the man with the punch “speaks the language” that invariably compels attention to merge into interest and develop into desire, consummate only by the autograph on the dotted line.
Even churches advertise. Today the church advertising section of the great national organization of advertising men numbers more than 1200. But the man in the pulpit Sundays (and in his congregations’ homes other days) really delivers the goods.
Tracts are not as efficacious as trudging.
Salvation IS free; but “the word” must be uttered to save the damned. All the clever printed appeals shot into an agent’s receptive hands by publicity paragons and adverting adepts cannot produce really satisfying results until the solicitor has fired the ammunition at his own targets though the barrels of his own forceful personality, guided by the sights experience and judgment have provided.
And his garget is outside his office. Selling the greatest service vouchsafed mankind is not an indoor sport.
Today the agent with a window outlook, through which he may see the passerby, who falls to capitalize that opportunity for displaying his wares by posters, colored folders and envelope stuffers, would discourage every window-shopper who ver pug his nose against a Saturday night display on “Main Street” in Everytown.
Lantern slides beat labial lectures. It is thriving to have Theda suffocate Mary with her own molasses taffy curls, and “Doug” choke Charlie with a custard pie hurled from Hollywood to Hoboken. But the thrill that makes us happy and empties the Palace of Art twice daily is the close-up: “Go to Izzy Indolence for Your Insurance.”
Invariably, everybody gallops through the lobby, heedless of spearmint and lollypop allurements and the Bally Who Boys, to the third floor back office in the “Blitz Block” to have life, limb and limousine covered by the panoply of indemnities!
Talk Without Action is Dead Sea Fruit. No; by the beard of Bernard Shaw, talk without action is Dead Sea fruit; ashes to the taste and caviar to the common people. No honest man, sane and sober, asked for insurance. Give me the Hustling Harry who drags behind his trusty tin Lizzie, through the streets of Frederickton, the mangled remains of Selectman Silas Sobersides’ snappy roadster, with the blinding sign:
“Fifteen minutes after the crash,
Hustling Harry handed the cash!
Insurance pays the sane or rash.”
At the County Fair the prize book is not to be leered at over in the livestock pens; but in the booth that proudly bears the proud device: Insurance, Scrubbs & Dubbs, Agents of the Fearless Fire Insurance Co.
Simply that and nothing more.
The live wires put out tentacles for business by proclaiming:
“Check your hats, baby carts and grips!
Free parking space for cars and whips.
You can find ‘em and us
After the show — before the blow.
You all know Ketcham & Rush
Insurance Specialists
When a feller needs a friend.”
Mark Twain used to declare onions are delicious, but the trouble is you have to take so many folks into your confidence when you enjoy ‘em.
Some people insure their popularity by munching peppermints. But a rose by any other name would be as sweet and the scent of good advertising clings to us still. You may break, you may shatter the vice as you will, the man or article that becomes a household word is always a success, be it Harding or hard liquor.
To advertise is to advert — eyes: to attract attention to your wares.
Look up; be optimistic. Look out: be futuristic. The mole has never been adopted as a national emblem. The eagle has.
Fear is no longer a factor in insurance soliciting. “If you should die tonight” is as obsolete a talking point in selling Life Insurance as “If you should burn tonight” is in modern theology or Fire Insurance soliciting. “Safety First” was a good slogan. It’s as trite and unnoticed now as Carrie nation’s hatchet, since barrooms have become soda sanctuaries.
“Insure and be Sure” seemed snappy, like fire crackers on July 4th, 1822. Now fireworks are as scarce as firewater on Independence Day or libations and liberties at a Sunday school picnic.
“Protect Your Family and Funds” was a sweet mouthful morsel, like a disk of watermelon on a moonlit canoe mixed “twosome,” with the wavelets lapping the sides and our Ootsy Tootsies sliding off our laps. Now it’s seedy, like a storehouse when the frost is on the pumpkin and her corns have had a shock.
“Do It Now” thrilled us when we were able — to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of rum hounds. Today Volstead has taken the joy-water out of life and the Nineteenth Commandment has become a proverb, though the hootch architect is with us and the poet murmurs, “Some days must be dark and dreary; but behind the clouds is the Moonshine still.”
It used to be all the rage for alert agents to carry “cards” in the “Saturday Evening Ghost,” reading: “John Marbledome, Real Estate & Insurance, 4-11-44 Main St.” and in the program of the Finishing Exercises of the High School Commencement. By adding merely his birth and death dates, it could have been appropriately pasted on his tombstone and have chiseled the marble-cutter out of his just reward.
Up-to-the-lnstant Selling Talks. Twenty-first Century methods mark the printed selling-talks of the up-to-the-instant insurance man today. He stresses his knowledge of all covers and his readiness to obtain lower rates, through careful inspections and certain indemnity by proper endorsements.
While Torrent Hose No. 1 is still playing softly on the ruins of the cider mill or motion picture dive, "The Evening Rush Light" carries alongside the four-column out of the conflagration the dazzling fact that The High Speed Insurance Agency of our fellow townsmen,
”Payallup & Settle have the loss adjustment well advanced." "We buy that with which we are most familiar" is as axiomatic as "that all men were created free and equal." Our great-grandfathers, our grandfathers, our fathers, ourselves, obtained, and will continue to obtain Fire Insurance cover. The big city agent, the small town agent, the rural agent did, does, and will continue to do straight Fire Insurance; but the farmhouse, the village store, the city skyscraper are illuminated today with electric lights — not candles. The wide-awake insurance man long ago realized that Fire Insurance commissions alone would not butter his bread, much less put jam on it. While it is true that the volume of Fire Insurance written in this country has increased from $317,013,383 to $556,S65,968 in ten years, the striking fact is the inauguration and development of the Casualty and so-called Side Lines. In that same period, the latter have swelled from $104,338,652 to $488,898,614.
The old-fashioned drug store provided pills and purges; the modern drug store not only dispenses "dopes," but diffuses soft beverages, tickles the air with phonographs and runs a radio receiving station.
The modern insurance agent writes Fire Insurance, of course; but he hustles for fifty-seven other varieties. If lie doesn't he's in a pickle more acidulous than any of Mr. Heinz's melanges.
Moreover, the insurance agent who looks about him today realizes the very significant trend of our population towards the cities. In 1880, the census showed that 28% of the population of this country was urban and more than 71% was rural. The census of 1920 shows that now only 48% of our entire population lives, moves and has its being outside of the cities, while more than 51% is city bred and bled.
Where the Business Is Done
Obviously, the agent in the urban field has many more prospects than the fellow who has to root, hog, or die in the corn fields. Moreover, the fast increasing proportion of prospects in urban localities multiplies in geometrical measure the opportunities of the insurance salesman. You can't sell as much Water Damage, Elevator cover, Public Liability, etc.. etc., to Conrad Corntossel as you can to Cyril Cityman, can you?
It is worth noting that the proportionate number of homes occupied by the owners in the United States is 45.6%. Those living in rented homes make up the balance of 54.4%. But in your own state of Wisconsin the owners of more than 64% of the homes dwell in them. The home owner is a bright and happy prospect for as many kinds of cover as the clothing department of your biggest emporium displays for the descendants of Adam and Eve.
Out of the 20,698,000 dwellings in the United States, more than half a million have their foundations in the Badger state. Every dwelling is a beehive prospect; honey is carried thither and sweet prospects arise from the selected risks. The undertaker and the busy bee may "say it with flowers." Mr. Abel Agent must do it with tabasco.
Last year the ratio of fire losses incurred to net premiums written in Wisconsin was 63%, — an unprofitable showing; but for the ten years' period, 1912-1921, your state Fire loss ratio was 44.33%, considerably below the mean general average of all the states for the same period.
Surely these alfalfa and other dry statistics ought to furnish food for thought, whether you are Nebuchadnezzars or city born, bred and broke.
The Self-Starter Wisconsin agent carries a variegated car full of insurance wares; nearly a score of the covers are provided by his Fire Insurance companies, and more than a score of other varieties furnished by his Casualty Companies.
Not only the lively Life Insurance agent, but the Fire and Casualty man cleverly remembers his customers' birthdays with a greeting. When the Health & Accident policy is within
a month of expiration, he sends clippings of local accidents and literature which brings the imminence of daily mishaps close home to the policyholder. The clever agent takes his "Please Do Not Smoke Here'' WARNINGS, with ample space for affixing his lurid policy sticker, and distributes them at garages, filling stations, livery stables, feed stores, railroad depots, freight houses, moving picture buildings, theatre lobbies and everywhere else that Fire Prevention preachments should be conspicuously posted.
What the Clever Men Are Doing. Many of the clever men in the business, who long ago stopped bemoaning the decrease in their incomes due to depleted stocks, cessation of building operations and slow recovery of trade in general, have rehabilitated themselves by writing Water Damage, Trip Transit, Tourist Floater, Rain cover, etc., etc., in addition to such business as they could continue to renew among their old clients on the old lines.
The efforts by the companies to accelerate the agent, be he a Self-Starter or a Crank, now include the preparation and distribution of printed advertising matter intended and calculated to help him build his business up on broader lines, have evoked the most delightful and inspiring responses from the producing force.
Personally, I am tremendously indebted to the progressive agents of this country, from Eastport to San Diego, Atlanta to Tampa, for their suggestions and illustrations of business-getting ways and means. This interchange of ideas between the promotion-publicity-advertising departments in the home office and the whirlwind business-getters in the field is not only gratifying, but mutually helpful. There's a long, long trail a-winding
 Into the land of MY dream, Where the Agents all are hustling  And counting th' "long green"; It's a long, long time awaiting  Until that dream comes true,  Till the day when you're All a-hustling   New fast trails: You! and YOU!! and YOU!!!
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Yummy Healthy Dessert
Sweet pastries more often than not contain unadulterated sweetener, palm sugar, nectar or a few kinds of syrup, for example, molasses, maple syrup, treacle, or corn syrup. Other basic fixings in Western-style sweets are flour or different starches, Cooking fats, for example, margarine or grease, dairy, eggs, salt, acidic fixings, for example, lemon squeeze, and flavors and other seasoning operators, for example, chocolate, nutty spread, organic products, and nuts. The extents of these fixings, alongside the readiness techniques, have a noteworthy influence in the consistency, surface, and kind of the finished result.
Sugars contribute dampness and delicacy to prepared products. Flour or starch segments fills in as a protein and gives the treat structure. Fats contribute dampness and can empower the advancement of flaky layers in baked goods and pie hulls. The dairy items in heated products keep the pastries damp. Numerous pastries likewise contain eggs, keeping in mind the end goal to frame custard or to help in the rising and thickening of a cake-like substance. Egg yolks particularly add to the lavishness of sweets. Egg whites can go about as a raising agent or give structure. Facilitate development in the adhering to a good diet development has prompted more data being accessible about vegetarian and without gluten substitutes for the standard fixings, and trades for refined sugar. Pastries can contain numerous flavors and concentrates to change it up of flavors. Salt and acids are added to pastries to adjust sweet flavors and make a differentiation in flavors.
A few sweets are made with coffee,a espresso enhanced variant of a pastry can be made, for instance a frosted espresso soufflé or espresso biscuits. Alcohol can likewise be utilized as a fixing, to make alcoholic desserts.
1. Chocolate-Dipped StrawberryBattle chocolate's not really sound side by utilizing it as a semi-sweet coat on superfoods, similar to strawberries! Dunk and let set in the icebox until the point when the chocolate covering has solidified.
2. Choco-Nut Popcorn Pop a little pack of regular popcorn and best with 1 tablespoon dissolved nutty spread and a cleaning of cocoa powder. Crunchy and the ideal measure of sweetness! Not sufficiently sweet? Take a stab at swapping nutty spread for Nutella.
3. Solidified Chocolate Banana This is the ideal solidified sweet treat with some additional dietary punch! Bananas are an extraordinary wellspring of vitamins C and B6, and are likewise pressed with fiber and potassium. Peel a banana, cut into two equivalent parts, and stop. When strong, take out and come in liquefied dim chocolate. While the chocolate's still melty, come in whichever crunchy topping you like—sprinkles, nuts, and granola all function admirably! Come back to the cooler until the point when the chocolate is set (no less than 60 minutes). Appreciate!
4. Yogurt Parfait Top 1 container Greek yogurt (plain or vanilla) with your selection of fixings: disintegrated graham wafers or granola, nuts, and organic product are for the most part solid decisions. Include some shaved chocolate in the event that you should.
5. Crisp Fruit Can't get more basic than this. Any bit of new organic product should sufficiently offer normal sugar to fill those yearnings. Also, it's certainly the most beneficial decision and you get included supplements and fiber.
6. Dull Chocolate Apologies, companions—no old chocolate bar will send you to stimulating paradise. Be that as it may, dull chocolate (think in excess of 70 percent cacao), which does not have all the additional fat and sugar of great drain chocolate, can really be a solid treat with some restraint. Dull chocolate is pressed with cancer prevention agents and can even help manage levels of the pressure hormone, cortisol
. 7. Chocolate Milk Not exclusively is chocolate drain an incredible method to fit a trace of sweetness into your day, explore demonstrates it's really a viable post-exercise recuperation drink, as well.
8.Smoothie It's anything but difficult to locate a simple, solid smoothie formula for breakfast, a bite, or pastry. Actually, here are 54 solid smoothie formulas sufficiently sweet to fill any of those yearnings.
10. All-Fruit Popsicle There's no additional sugar in these sweet and cool treats. Essentially puree watermelon lumps and some lime squeeze, solidify, and appreciate. On the off chance that it's not watermelon season, attempt some other delicious organic product: Pears, peaches, or berries with a bit of squeezed apple for base will all make awesome pops.
11. Bistro Mocha This is the ideal method to get a kick of caffeine and a serving of dull chocolate at the same time. Select low-fat drain and adhere to a little size to keep the calorie check low.
12. Banana Ice Cream This one-fixing frozen yogurt is the ideal after-supper treat. In case you're feeling extravagant, have a go at blending it up and including a nutty spread twirl or a couple of teaspoons of cocoa powder for some chocolate enhance.
13. Nutella Yogurt Dip with Fruit This is a more beneficial interpretation of chocolate fondue. Rather than unadulterated chocolate, blend Nutella with Greek yogurt and use as a plunge with some new natural product or low-sugar treats or wafers.
14. Oat and Milk You can make this one as sound or undesirable as you like. Select a high-fiber, entire grain oat in case you're going the sound course and sweeten with a touch of nectar or cinnamon. Obviously, on the off chance that you have a craving for going the "naughtier" course, there's dependably chcolate chex.
15. Sorbet Particularly amid hotter months, keeping a half quart of sound natively constructed sorbet available is the ideal method to fill sugar desires without trying too hard on the white stuff. This super-basic plum sorbet doesn't utilize any sugar—only 3 little tablespoons of nectar per quart (and we guarantee there's no absence of sweetness!).
16. KIND Bar These are a Greatist HQ staple. Kind bars arrive in a huge amount of marvelous marginally sweet flavors (counting a couple of sprinkled in chocolate — yum) ideal for sweet tooth nibbling. In addition, you get a measurement of omega 3s and protein. Go for a full-sized bar if your stomach's protesting, or select a "scaled down" if cravings for food haven't exactly set in.
17. Graham Cracker with Peanut Butter This is a great combo. The graham saltine is sufficiently sweet and the nutty spread includes an extravagant smooth surface. On the off chance that you require somewhat more sweetness, pick chocolate or cinnamon-enhanced graham saltines. Extra focuses for getting an additional measurement of calcium when delighted in with a little glass of low-fat drain!
18. Nutty spread and Chocolate Pretzels A little salty sweet combo can fix those sugary longings. Microwave 1 square of dim chocolate and 1 teaspoon normal nutty spread until softened, and plunge 1 huge or 10 little pretzel bars.
19. Solidified Greek Yogurt Drops This present one's splendid. It's this easy to transform a measure of plain old Greek yogurt into a fast solidified treat that is amusing to eat: Combine 1 glass nonfat plain Greek yogurt with ½ container solidified berries and mix everything up until the point that the natural product has separated and the blend has an even consistency. Line a heating sheet with material paper, and drop 1/4 teaspoons of the blend onto the sheet, leaving enough room between each drop so they don't contact. Stop for a couple of hours until strong and empty every one of the drops into a plastic baggie. Store in the cooler until the point when you're prepared to nibble!
20. Natural product Leather Natural product by-the-Foot? Not precisely a more beneficial decision. In any case, a low-sugar, natural product just dried organic product calfskin can be an extraordinary method to fulfill a sweet tooth. Simply make a point to discover a brand with no additional sugar.
21. Heated Apple This treat is anything but difficult to make ahead and warm, or throw together in a moment right when you need it. Stuff the apples with oats, nuts, and only somewhat nectar for sweetness
. 22. Pudding Chocolate, vanilla, pistachio—take whichever enhance you like most and whip some up with skim drain. Appreciate glass with no blame! Top with some crisp berries for included fiber. 23. Leafy foods Cheese Not exclusively does this choice fulfill sweet teeth, it gives an ideal serving of filling protein, as well. In the event that plain organic product isn't sufficiently sweet, take a stab at sprinkling with nectar or blending in a teaspoon of cocoa powder.
24. Solidified Grapes Pop a vine in the cooler for a couple of hours and out comes a durable, somewhat sweet treat stuffed with cancer prevention agents and different supplements. The greatest wellbeing help? Resveratrol, which ponders recommend may help bring down levels of LDL cholesterol and advance vein wellbeing.
25. Creature Crackers A little bunch of creature saltines isn't only a perfect nibble for kindergarteners. A decent estimated bunch (around 16 saltines) has pretty much 120 calories and just 7g of sugar.
26. Hot Chocolate Skim drain can make a stimulating base to this marginally sweet drink—simply don't try too hard on the chocolate syrup.
27. Waffle-wich Time to give that Eggo a makeover. Begin with an entire grain rendition of the great solidified waffle. Toast to wanted firmness and cut down the middle. Top one half with 1 tablespoon nutty spread and 2 cut strawberries. Top with other half, and appreciate!
28. Enhanced Greek Yogurt Ordinarily, we settle on plain yogurt with our own particular custom-made flavorings to curtail sugar. Nonetheless, in case you're hoping to enjoy a bit in any case, a little measure of seasoned Greek yogurt is an extraordinary alternative. Despite the fact that it has some sugar, it additionally offers a decent measure of protein and will keep you full until that next feast.
29. Cinnamon Toast No, Cinnamon Toast Crunch doesn't check. Rather, toast up a cut of entire grain bread and best with ½ teaspoon of spread (or substitute), ¼ teaspoon of sugar, and as much cinnamon as your heart wants!
30. Trail Mix  A little serving of a sound blend of nuts like almonds and pistachios with a couple of pleasant chewy bits of dried organic product (like cranberries or fruits) and some dim chocolate pieces influences an incredible bite to blend with great healthful esteem as well.
31. "Banana Butter" Rice Cake Here's an astonishment: Bananas are so sweet all alone they can help sweeten any treat. Pound ½ a ready banana until soft, and twirl in a teaspoon of nutty spread. Spread on a rice cake, and appreciate!
32. Yogurt Dipped Fruit This current one's sweet—truly. Begin by making the yogurt covering blend by consolidating 1 measure of your most loved Greek yogurt with 1/4 glass confectioner's sugar. Mix until totally smooth. Presently get plunging: Coat your most loved natural products (grapes, bananas, apple cuts, and strawberries function admirably) in the yogurt blend and set on a material lined treat sheet. When full, put the sheet in the cooler until the point when the yogurt solidifies. (The sugar is the thing that makes the semi-hard shell outwardly of the organic product. In the event that you like, you can preclude the sugar and simply keep the organic product solidified so the yogurt "shell" remains unblemished.)
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