#sam would secretly be sooo endeared by this and probably cry about it
nobodymitskigabriel · 4 months
In a world where angels are bigoted against Sam the same way they are with demons, I like to imagine Raphael casually referring to Sam as "Lucifer's vessel" and Gabriel, in turn, punting him across the room. They start brawling, not trying to kill, but the way siblings do when they've ticked each other off. Michael then picks them both up by the scruff of the neck and tells them to knock it off.
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cadlrs · 4 years
[   jordan fisher, cis male, he/him   ] ⁠— * oh, here comes CALVIN ADLER ! the twenty-one year old scorpio is often referred to as the recluse. people say they have a tendency to be overwrought and meticulous, but from what i’ve seen, they can be insightful and quixotic too. when they walk by, you’ll probably hear it’s only natural by crowded house playing out of their headphones, but they’re also associated with ink stained hands, glasses that always seem to slip down your nose, and sound of cracking the spine of a new journal. i hear they’re studying graphic design & english and want to become a graphic novelist when they’re older, but who knows what will become of ‘em ! 
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hi !! i’m sam and i’m so unbelievably excited to be here !! i’ve been eyeing this group for far too long...i had originally intended to apply for the recluse before the first round of acceptances, but didn’t end up getting to it so when i saw the skeleton was still open...i had to apply ! anyway, i’m a cap sun, taurus moon, aqua rising...we stressed in this home. i live in the wondrous state of california that the group takes place in, i love it dearly, and i am just so so excited to finally get to play my bb calvin ! if you wanna plot (and i’m hoping to plot with all of y’all) you can hmu on discord @ capricorn dad#1278
FULL NAME : calvin jones adler
NICKNAME : cal, cj, he’ll take anything. nicknames are endearing to him. 
BIRTHDAY : tuesday / november 3, 1970 / 4:41 pm
ZODIAC : scorpio sun, capricorn moon, taurus rising 
NATIONALITY : american
RELIGION : christian 
SEXUAL & ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : pansexual, panromantic 
HOMETOWN : san francisco, california 
ACCENT : standard californian 
MAJOR : graphic design & english
MINOR(S) : fiction writing 
HOBBIES : drawing comics, writing in his journal, 
PETS : a twelve year old tabby cat named pickles
CHARACTER PARALLELS : charlie kelmeckis (perks of being a wallflower), cameron frye (ferrie beuller’s day off)
born and raised in san francisco. calvin is an only child. his father (robert adler) is a loan officer at a bank and his mother (diane hawke) a professor of english at san francisco state. they were your average, middle class family 
his parents had him pretty late in their lives — they were both already in their 40s. they didn’t meet until they were in their early-mid 30s, got married in their late 30s, and enjoyed a few years of marital life without children before actually trying for a child. not that they had to try hard — calvin was conceived within a short few months of their decision to try for a baby
growing up, calvin had always been a pretty sensitive kid. he was quiet and shy, even around his own family. the one person he could talk and talk to for hours was his maternal grandmother. she had been an english teacher too, like his mother, but she taught high school. she had this one specific rocking chair, and many of his childhood memories are sitting right there curled up in her lap while she read a book to him or told him stories. she had a really vivid imagination, and everyone says that’s where he gets it from. 
Didn’t have very many friends in elementary school. maybe one or two (wc?) friends/neighbors that he walked home with, or ate lunch with in the schoolyard, but he certainly didn’t have a best friend. he always felt like he was missing out on that, but didn’t really know how to take matters into his own hands. his mother would always say, “just march right on up to those kids and say you want to play with them!” but cal didn’t have that sort of mentality or charisma or bravery. 
He wasn’t tormented, but he was bullied by his peers. He spent recess drawing comics, which was looked at as weird. If he wasn’t drawing comics, he was reading them. One boy, Gage London, had been somehow so offended by Calvin reading his comic at lunch that he’d stormed over and ripped it in half, and then in fourths, and had walked away laughing, leaving Cal in tears because...he cried a lot. And his comics were special to him. (bonus wc: your muse gave Gage a piece of their mind? stood up for Calvin?thank u)
He didn’t join the group until he was a freshman in high school, though he may have known your muses prior to that, depending. He tended to blend into the background, so if they had no idea who he was, that would make perfect sense too. The group were the first people to ever take him to a party, where he surely avoided alcohol like the plague because he was nervous, and stood on the sides, watching everyone else, only speaking when spoken to. 
He was 16 the first time he got drunk, obviously with the rest of the group or at least with some of them. It was...a whirlwind of a night. He was drunk on a mixture of wine and cheap vodka, and for a good hour, he felt on top of the world. You would have thought it was a different Calvin. Flash forward an hour later...he had his head in the toilet and was moaning about how he would never drink again. He now knows not to mix drinks like that, thanks very much
He is to this day not much of a talker. He’s a quiet observer but that means he notices the little things. He’s very intuitive and picks up on group dynamics more than the average person might (so if any of y’all were secretly dating...eye emoji...he probably found out LOL)
He feels A LOT. Any emotion he feels, he’ll feel it tenfold. So whether it’s good or bad, happy or sad, he tends to find it draining and overwhelming. He will feel everything very deeply, so as much as he might appreciate constructive criticism, he’ll probably start crying while hearing it. He cries a lot.
So, in regards to feeling things deeply, he falls in love...a lot. Maybe it’s not love and he’s confusing it with infatuation, but it feels like love. He’s probably been in love with half the group for at least one point in his life. He definitely never came clean about any of his feelings for anyone, sooo...
Speaking of that! He’s not quite positive about his sexuality. He knows he’s not attracted to just one gender, because he’s felt a deep love for both. but he also doesn’t know how to put a label on it. he doesn’t feel straight or gay or bi, but he’s figuring it out. 
Senior year, Calvin received his acceptance letter plus a scholarship to attend New York University. He was ecstatic about it. New York was his dream. But he didn’t tell anyone in the group. It wasn’t that he didn’t want them to know, it was that he didn’t want to say goodbye. They were the closest thing he had to feeling like a true family...they were his found family!! And he didn’t know how to leave. But he knew (or thought) when he went to New York, he wouldn’t come back. So he kept his acceptance a secret until the night before he left for school, and when he told them, he had shown up at each of their doors to say goodbye. 
He went to New York, and like he had expected, he didn’t return. His family didn’t have the money to fly him back for all the breaks, so he stayed out there during the winter breaks, and for the summer holidays he found internships which required him to stay in the city. He kept in touch with most (if not all) of the group via letters and the occasional phone call, but even those became sparse as the years went on. 
It’s been 3 school years since he has been back in San Francisco, but he has just returned after finishing his junior year at NYU. He’s back in San Francisco after receiving an internship at the San Francisco Chronicle. 
He’s come out of his shell a little bit more since moving to New York. After all, it is the city. He’s still fairly quiet though, still quite sensitive, and still feels things very deeply. Basically, he’s the same old Calvin, but he can actually start a conversation now. 
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