#saku wheres isaac
claiestve · 17 days
everyone making isaac content EXCEPT for saku 😭😭
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zsakuva · 2 months
Hello saku! I was wondering: How old was Pickle when they were abandoned? And when Isaac employed them, did he have to teach them how to do chores (since it seemed implied that Pickle never learned before) or let them figure out on their own? How bad was their cooking skills when they started?
Also, I'm very curious as to why did you choose to do a kidnapped housekeeper x rich boss trope? You mentioned that when you were thinking of a story with a character like Isaac, you wanted him to be in a sort of position of power. Why that specific trope and instead of the usual boss x secretary or employee? Is it because it gives way to more possibilities that you can do with his story? Nonetheless, I enjoyed his series very much!
Unsure, but I would say around the end of their school education.
Isaac had certain expectations. I'm sure that Pickle knew how to clean, but to do it up to his standards is a different thing! As for their cooking, I think they knew the basic techniques and rules, but never really experimented with more expensive foods because they could never afford it.
I feel like the boss x secretary/boss x employee can be done well, but I needed a situation where both would be isolated so I didn't have to add too many voices for collaborations. Also, having Isaac completely solitary opened up many possibilities for his background, why he chose to live this way, and what the presence of someone else could do. It feels much more personal despite their relationship not starting off as such. Pickle's personality is another element. They're a fighter, and in most other settings it would be difficult to talk back or disobey in fear of getting fired. But Pickle pokes and prods, and pushes Isaac in the right way until the distance begins to close.
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pocketisla · 3 months
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Twitch Stream 03/26/24
My wednesday and saturday mornings are full of laughter because of these two 🤣✋🏻
Saku is so stressful to watch with these kinds of games 😮‍💨 How is he so calm HAHAHA (Where is the passion as said by Rev 🤌🏻🤌🏻) and Rev was shouting so much probably because he's tipsy He turns British when he's upset It was so funny HAHSHSH 🤣 It was a bad idea to just listen to the stream as they play because it sounds very wrong 😱🤨 I was doing chores
I love their friendship and duality The way that they care listen and ride with each other's fun and chaos I learned a lot about Rev the Rizzler hahshsh poor Rev Im glad Juan was nice about it and he joins competitions too His singing voice and his range of song choices Wowow With Saku you'd learn about what he likes/not general info like what he's allergic to, he's a picky eater, his fave films what he experiences but not really into detail Its either he's good at being private or Im not listening well I think it's the latter 🤣🤣 Also why is he always somehow unwell pls boost your immunity Sir *pat pat* go outside exercise and touch the grass nature is the best vaccine or maybe you should eat the foods you refuse to eat like seafood to build your immunity 😌 I eat everything so Im never sick /j Take care Saku
Yieeeeeee 🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️ he read the Capricorn horoscope using Andrew's voice 🙈 Uy btw The way he'd switch voices from Luca to Isaac That's amazing I thought Isaac's voice would be easier because doesnt his normal speaking voice sound like hes residing in the depths of hell? Dunno very deep already right?
I shouted a little when he said he'll do a Wuca honeymoon audio Is it twue? My brother thought I needed help lol Miss Luca 🥹👉🏻👈🏻 Characters like him and Matias are so cute I could listen to them all day
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Oh! Oh! I forgot! Some of you crumpets asked me to do an art and also ask if we can be friends Ohemegee no need to ask just DM me straight or you can find me in the international chat channel in the Crumpet Kingdom all the time Lets talk about anything sakuverse and simp together 😌🤌🏻
I was going to draw his dream too the way that Reverie described it but eh maybe Ill finish it next time 🤣 Isaac's and Zaros' art require thin lines and erasing it's a lot of work to make them so pretty 🤣
Last ramble because college + orgs makes me so busy 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 I won't be able to watch it live now I turn to audios in my "free time" because you can listen to them while doing smth else I also listen to GoodBoy Desmond Daikon and other VAs 🪭💨😮‍💨💗 I also draw for other ASMR VAs in my other accounts : D Its in a different style tho I think I should just put them here right
Im going to draw more of Xanthus and Dontis while they're still alive 😮‍💨 I don't like how Im seeing an AU and the past Im scared
Here's the one layer draft I made as the stream ended it was pretty too can't not post it It's pretty I think this is prettier than the one on top My drafts look this messy and spontaneous just like me 🤣
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khakicoat · 2 years
hi yes asmr / audio rp recommendations.
first, i dont know if this counts as a rec, but, obviously,
Erik (Redacted ASMR)
my beloved. my favorite thing about Erik and his channel is that all audios are M4A, which is really hard to find considering most asmr is directed to people that feel comfortable with she/her pronouns... im not one of those people so its really appreciated. ALSO, his world building and voice acting is incredible and such good quality. he’s an amazing person and deserves all the support he has gotten since last year.
my favorite characters and series are: Sam (Vampire mate), David (Tsundere werewolf), Gavin (Incubus boyfriend), Vincent (Flirty vamp), Bachium (Deathwalker) and Project Meridian (Android Listener).
Angels & Bread ASMR
this guy THIS GUY. i discovered him thanks to the Dark Prince series and I've loved him ever since. most of his audios are M4M which are very hard to find.
my favourite series are: The Dark Prince series, The Assassins series and Naps, Laps and Naps (sleep aid series)
the only thing that can be considered as "bad" (which really isn't) is that he uploads like 3 audios a month TT but it's understandable considering all the editing and time and stuff. i just have high standards for uploads thanks to erik because he NEVER TAKES A FUCKING BREAK.
I LOVE SAKU HOLYSHIT. he has a bunch of series which are amazing and some are even connected. most of his audios are M4A except for one that is M4M.
my favourite series are: Your Boss (Isaac), Strict Professor [Prof. Marston (complete)], Trapped Crush [Kayson (complete)], Playful Vampire (Xanthus), and Gang Lord's Son (Elias)
andAND Elias' serie is so cool bc its kind of a interactive story where you vote on a poll and depending on what option had the most votes it's what the listener does and what ending we get and we dont really know what the options are so it's kind of scary but also interesting so yeah i love it
pleaseplease tell me if you want more recs bc I've been in this asmr business for years and i have more channels to recommend and a lot of infodump to get out my chest so thankyou bye
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ashtonsdrumstixs · 3 years
Yes we just did a small movie night with mr. Saku the other day in his server where we watched the maze runner trilogy. He also pops in saejins when he streams.
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claiestve · 1 month
im warming up to asirel after i literally have been bashing him since the beginning .
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zsakuva · 2 months
Hi Saku, how do you think Isaac would be like drunk? And how would he deal with Pickle being drunk?
I think Isaac is a very contemplative drunk. It's the time where he doesn't get any work done so he's confronted with himself which means actually facing introspection. That could lead to some bouts of negativity.
Depends on what kind of drunk they are, but he'd keep an eye on and look after them.
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zsakuva · 2 months
how would andrew, isaac and elias comfort a s/o who failed a uni course and can’t retake the year/study the subject they want? (very specific situation Lol but my friend is a huge fan of those characters and she’s currently going through the same thing </3 apparently, since education is free where she lives, if you fail the first semester, you’re not allowed to study the same course/subject anywhere else in the whole country… she really wanted to become an engineer and she’s heartbroken atm so i wanna send this to her for comfort <333)
i feel like elias would maybe sympathize the most? since he couldn’t complete his studies either. or maybe andrew, since he couldn’t continue teaching?… dunno! have a good day saku and stay healthy!!
I'm not sure; that's very specific! They would all comfort their partner in their own ways; all of them would sympathise, but Elias and Andrew would empathise with them the most.
Elias would also likely be the one to try and rectify it, while Andrew and Isaac would try to look for alternative things to keep their partner occupied or figure out something else to study.
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zsakuva · 1 month
I have some Andrew x Isaac questions because I love them and their relationship.🥰
1. Where was their first date? Were either of them nervous?
2. How old were they when they started dating?
3. You mentioned that Andrew was more reserved when he was in a relationship with Isaac compared to how he is now. So, what changed? If I remember correctly, they weren't together for a long time and it was only a couple years later that he became a professor. So, how did he go from a shy boy to a charmer in such a short time? Was it Isaac's influence or just him growing up?
4. Did they gift each other anything that they still keep with them to this day?
5. What were their favorite features about each other? Like face, eyes, personality, etc.
6. What were their first impressions of each other?
7. I believe a lot of people are interested in their relationship and want to know more about them while they were together. You mentioned that if you were to delve into them, it would have to be written or visual, so not an audio. Just curious, are you for sure going to write something about them or is it still up in the air? Also, would this be sometime in the near or far future? Don't mind me, I'm just desperate for some Andrew x Isaac crumbs.
No idea.
Andrew was 18 and Isaac was 21.
Andrew was certainly more reserved, but Isaac could've cracked that shell of his to make him feel more confident in himself. A couple years of negative energy can definitely change a person, and he may have felt in his element as a professor which could've contributed to that demeanour.
No idea.
No idea.
Andrew might've thought Isaac was out of his lead. Isaac might've thought Andrew was a loner by choice.
No idea. It'd be fun to write, but it's not a priority.
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zsakuva · 2 months
Hello again saku!!
Sorry for constantly asking like a billion different questions but this one just came to my head now😓🙏.
Yk how you said xanthus,isaac and elias would kill to protect their partner(im not sure if youve mentioned any other characters),do you think andrew would do the same?? Ik that it depends on the situation ig but do u think if he had to he would and probably panic after?
I think if it came down to it, majority of the character are capable of killing to protect their partner. When driven to the utmost edge, where any other decision means death, I think many would act, Andrew included.
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zsakuva · 5 months
saku! i have two questions:)
i’m p sure mentioned your favorite book was lotr, but do you have any other recommendations? oh or maybe an anime/manga you really like? anything is fine hehe
my second one is, what inspires you to write? i’m sure it’s something you’ve been doing for a long time, but in general, it seems like whether it’s through your videos or your degree, you’re always trying to tell some sort of story? it’s amazing to me how you treat your characters as real people, if that makes sense? it’s almost like you’ve met them and they’re not just words on paper. i know a couple of artists treat their characters/work as such, but i’ve never really seen it like i have with you. i’m just a bit curious about what exactly makes you tick? please ignore this ask if it’s too personal haha i’m just genuinely interested:)
have a good day with many crumpets, tea, and cat cuddles!!!!
My favourite film trilogy is LotR, but I don't read! I'm in the middle of reading The Fellowship of the Ring, but reading makes me tired so I seldom do it! Unfortunately, that means I can't recommend any books or manga, and I haven't watched anime in a long time either~
Everything inspires me to write! It's a way of escapism for me, and for as long as I can remember, I've loved creating fictional stories. Characters themselves are the vessels in which the story is being told, and they drive everything. There is so much in a life that occurs which defines one's sense of self, and it's ever-changing. I love exploring internal conflicts, the tug-of-war over nature vs nurture, and the long-lasting effects many of us carry.
Almost all of the characters I've made have attributes of someone I know, a fictional person, or myself. It's also through this medium where I can test decisions some people might make in intense situations. A prime example would be Isaac Rhoades, a man traumatised by a past that dictates his every decision until he learns how to loosen the reins--if only by a little. The listener challenges his beliefs while also providing him a way to confront what it means to love, to trust, and to hope.
Another would be Alex (a taboo name for many of you, I know haha). The events of his past fuel his insecurities of the present, and that powers his decisions for the future. A lot of my characters act this way because I believe many of us are the same. His listener is no different. One has dealt with their trauma in one way, the other in another way, and then they clash. Sometimes, it's easy to put the pieces together, but not always. And that's why I like to base actions on character because humans themselves are contradictive, stubborn, and in many cases, illogical.
Then, there are other characters who I use to explore certain themes, such as Niall. His story is heart-breaking yet relatable; I wanted to delve more into his self-perception which was crafted by bullying and homophobia, and how he could possibly shift towards a positive direction.
Audio roleplays are great for my creativity, but they only scratch the surface in terms of how I would normally develop characters and their potential arcs. Novel formats are more my forte, but I do enjoy the platform that I have to fan the flame of angst, fluff, and everything in between!
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zsakuva · 5 months
Saku… I’m convinced you’ve got all the sakuverse characters in your basement bc how can you write but not pick up on sarcasmxD You’re out here writing about mascaras, murder, intense political conflict, but you’re unsure of when someone’s sarcastic? Cutee~
Three things!:
If Isaac did ever decided to have kids, what kind of father do you think he’d be? And would he have a preference in terms of gender? I think if he had a daughter, he’d def be a girl dad lololol (like letting her put clips in his hair, paint his nails, etc) but i also think that he’d really like having a son cus he could give him the fatherly love his own dad didn’t always openly express
Are you half Japanese? (Feel free to ignore the question if it’s too personal!) I was showing my friend the Isaac series and when he got to the part where Isaac quotes his mother, he asked me if you’re Japanese. (For reference, he’s JapanesexD) Be said that you have very typical “hafu pronunciation”. I asked him to elaborate and he said it didn’t sound quite fluent (mainly due to intonation) but also too well spoken to be a foreigner. 
I apologize for my essay heh…
It's more tone of voice I can't pick up on sometimes, so I tend to hear things very literally xD
If Isaac were to have kids, I think he'd be the overprotective, smothering type. Though he wouldn't shelter them from what's out there, he'd be sceptical of everyone coming in contact with them. Sleepovers would be a big no-no, but he'd be battling with his own traumatic childhood. He'd want them to live happily with protection, but he also wouldn't want to suffocate them.
I don't think he'd have a preference! But I agree, he would--although begrudgingly sometimes--allow his daughter to do his hair and paint his nails.
I'm not Japanese at all! I studied it for a brief period in university, and I've tried to maintain my pronunciation (though I've definitely fallen off with it LOL)
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claiestve · 9 months
Thoughts on new Isaac audio? 🤭
spoilers !
AHHH STOP PLAYINNN i was giggling so hard everytime he was talking abt how the listener changed his life so much like what omg AND THE RING?? LETS TALK ABT IT!!! THE RING WAS CRAZYYY. THE "This isn't a proposal" MADE ME AUTOMATICALLY KNOW IT WAS A RING. SO CUTE
i do wanna talk abt the last few minutes where he says he would lock the listener up to keep them safe. first of all, HELLO??? AND THEN THE LAUGH AFTER LIKE SIR UR GOING CRAZY. anyways the cliffhanger made me so pissed LIKE WDYM I HAVE TO WAIT MONTHS TO KNOW IF THE LISTENER STAYS OR NOT??
given the dynamic, im sure the listener is gonna stay but, and dont tell saku, i kinda want them to leave? IDK THEY JS DESERVE TO LIVE A REAL LIFE AFTER ALL THAT MADNESS
but overall i loved it and i love isaac. (and im working on 2 requests rn so be happy)
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