#sakomi [oc]
shooks-stupid-stuff 2 years
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ebay addison
ebay addison
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m-chromatic 2 years
idk if you meant dr ocs as well in that but-
if so
funny sakomi?
if not just delete this ifnfkf im sorry lol
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YEAH!! sakomi is great, here's some long overdue fanart 馃槀
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divine-cricetinae 2 years
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That moment when you鈥檙e just about to close a dark portal but some dude shows up and now you can鈥檛 stop growing limbs-
Template is by @m-chromatic
Sakomi is @shooks-stupid-stuff oc :]
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shooks-stupid-stuff 2 years
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i had an idea today while at work
ft. @m-chromatic's oc shaplin, because a. i've been meaning to draw her and b. yeah it just fits for the scenario i was going for (aka ordering food is hard when you constantly trip over your words god-) also she's fun to draw i gotta say chjvjv-
i had more ideas but eh this deserves it's own post lmao-
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shooks-stupid-stuff 2 years
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so hi yes @m-chromatic made a template for what if your oc was a secret boss and ofc i had to do it with The Funny One (aka sakomi)
and uh
piracy :]
full design/doodles/me rambling about this concept bc i really like it beneath the cut-
fuck i just realized i forgot her collar on the 'how they met the knight' drawing goddammit-
it's FINE that one's shitposty anyways-
ok so anyways. yeah so what's going on here huh? piracy. piracy is going on.
now to be CLEAR: sakomi is a lightner so like. she's not supposed to be a PIRACY WEBSITE or anything, no. she's a pirate, she DOES the pirating herself. don't ask how that works just accept it it makes sense i swear-
so like, i dunno i kinda just was thinking of designs and went 'yeah i should give her an eyepatch' and then i remembered piracy existed and it just worked (especially bc sakomi is based off of me and i pirate stuff all the time-)
oh yeah before i forget, initial design doodles + explanations on that-
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god man i thought that citra joke was so funny when i thought of it.
it's really not.
uhhh anyways, so! design process woooo-
so, sakomi's og design takes a lot of inspiration in the outfit department from rudolf fire emblem (my beloved), so like. ofc i took more inspiration from fire emblem civbchjvb-
specifically with the scarf-bow-cape thing, which is inspired by generic adventurer class outfit from fire emblem fates (because that design slaps so fucking hard) as well as the hat and boots (the boots to a much lesser degree). other than that just y'know, a slightly torn up pirate coat and eyepatch for the pirate aesthetic, and gloves with colored fingertips bc they're c o o l (yes they aren't fingerless gloves).
and the in-universe explanation for why/how she has video game clothes is: she pirated them.
this is ADVANCED PIRACY (but more on that in a sec)
already explained the dumb joke one, so uh other doodle. so like, remember those anti-piracy psas that would play before movies? like, the one's that were edited to say you wouldn't download a car. so like. what if that but more fucked up-
like the eyepatch is not just for show (she accidentally poked her eye out with a ds cartridge, what a dumbass) but what if she tried to pirate a new eye
yeah it didn't work- (it did for her leg though so no more perpetual leg wound but still that's Fucked Up)
again, don't ask how this works it's just a cool idea and i like it (also she can threaten to pirate people's organs and that's just funny)
but yeah she probably participates in whatever black market cyber world has (it probably has one let's be real)
ok so now: i will uhh actually explain the stuff on the template one by one
so sakomi's whole deal is that she's a lightner who's been trapped in the dark world for like 2 years and as such just basically lives there now. she has a small shop that is also her house (the curtain separates the two) and uh. yeah she doesn't get many customers, and being fucking TERRIBLE socially if she doesn't already know someone doesn't help. but she gets by (somehow). she's incredibly lonely, essentially being the odd man out in every way possible, but she gets by. i'll go into more detail on this in a later section though, so for now i'll stop.
man oh man she's a criminal now-
jokes aside, she's still a shopkeeper, just for less than legal things now. some stuff is even free (but it's download only, physical media is still way cheaper than official releases though) but some of the pirated items are a bit lesser quality than the originals. you get what you pay for, i suppose lol.
obvious melee joke is obvious
additional sprites:
well (shitty) overworld sprite aside, w e a p o n s
she has a fucking gun oh god oh fu-
and a cool sword (also stolen from fire emblem, will elaborate in a bit). yeah she fights with them idk what else to say, no way in hell i'm coming up with like actual bullet patterns (yet)
item drops:
ok so first the scarf:
i kinda already explained the design, but the effect. not only is it a touhou reference (kinda) but also it reflects sakomi's feelings of loneliness and isolation. when you're all alone and feeling own in a sea of people who are all talking with others, it often can feel like your invisible (same when the few friends you do have ignore you in favor of other friends they like better; and yes, i'm speaking from experience). and since in dr certain attacks will target certain party members, it would make sense to translate this into an in battle effect that makes the character with it equipped less likely to get targeted. other than that it's inspired by the koishi card from touhou 18, except instead of making it impossible to die by touching an enemy it just makes your hitbox smaller cjvhcbj-
and next, the sword:
ok this one is simple. in fe there's a sword called the killing edge (yes i looked up synonyms for both words lmao) and it increases crit rate. so i made a bootleg (pirated) version of that, and since crits don't exist in dr it just makes the sweet spot for attacks a bit bigger (the little bar you hit for max damage). it's design is based off of the fire emblem awakening version of the killing edge (since it's my fave character of that game's signature weapon). not much else to it i just like my dumb anime tactical rpg lol-
how'd she meet the knight:
ok i know i made this one shitposty but i do have a legit thing for it lol
also no, i don't think the knight is gaster. fucking sue me.
aaaaaanyways. so imagine being sakomi in this situation.
-you've been missing for 2 years so your family/few friends think you're dead and you doubt you'll see them again because your stuck in some computer dimension
-you have terrible social anxiety and can't even bring yourself to talk to people unless it's strictly business
-you feel like you're annoying and no one actually likes you because you tend to ramble about interests a whole lot
-you hate that you snap at people when your irritated, regardless of if they actually irritated you or not
-you feel isolated and cripplingly lonely
-you have no friends or life to speak of as of now
-you have no customers and barely can scrounge up enough money to afford to live
-half the time you struggle to find the motivation to even do anything anymore
and really, there's more but i think you get the picture. she ain't doing to great.
now she suddenly gets a regular customer, one that engages her in conversation and actually seems interested in her incessant rambling. one that feels like a friend. and she latches onto that, HARD. that momentary escape from feeling like a lonely, pathetic piece of garbage. it gets to the point where she only has the motivation to do stuff in hope that they'll return to her shop and talk to her; the point where she starts to think of this person as her best friend (borderline idolizing them subconsciously), and feeling like their attention is what makes it worth doing anything, getting depressed when they don't show up for a day.
but one day, they just stop showing up. gone with no explanation. she sees them talking to someone else one day, but they don't acknowledge that she's there.
it's devastating, being tossed aside by someone you thought of as a good friend. and she kinda just.... snaps. one things leads to another, and yeah.
well that was depressing, anyways, moving on to-
angst square:
ok well this is less angsty, just kinda more depressing. at this point, the idea of friends kinda... makes sakomi irate. what, so she can be tossed aside again? yeah, no. never gonna happen. she doesn't feel joy from relationships with others anymore, and she doesn't feel sorrow about her past struggles with it. she just feels rage about the whole subject. she feels she doesn't need anyone, when really she needs someone now more than ever. but y'know. she's a bit too far gone to realize that, i guess.
ok, god i have written a fucking lot, but god this was fun to do. if i do any more with it i will 100% ignore the depressing shit, but i did want to address it here because it really reflects a lot of shit that i've been going through lately friendship-wise. it's hard, it really is, and there is no feeling worse than the feeling of crippling loneliness your left with when a friend fucking ignores you in favor of talking to someone they like more (especially when you're sitting with them and REALLY just being ignored). but ah, i'll just leave it as that. honestly working on this has helped me feel a whole lot better about all that stuff, and also gave me my art mojo back so hey! win-win.
if you actually read all of this, then thanks :]
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shooks-stupid-stuff 2 years
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sewing (gone wrong)
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shooks-stupid-stuff 2 years
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welcome to shook does way too much with her ocs episode like 200
anyways sakomi storylines ft @the-lizard-doodles's raine
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shooks-stupid-stuff 2 years
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are you sick of my deltarune ocs yet? too bad.
and no i didn't mess up and forget the fucked up and evil sakomi's eyepatch this is just before the ds cartridge incident shut up-
once again ft. @m-chromatic's oc shaplin (though she's very small cjhvjv-)
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shooks-stupid-stuff 3 years
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if these two were in the same story/timeline they would probably not get along At All
which is funny considering several things, mainly their shared interests
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shooks-stupid-stuff 3 years
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so completely inspired by a doodle i made at like 4 am two nights ago (see: the first picture) may i present to you:
the wallet incident (aka why it is a terrible idea for me to put sakomi and paint in the same story, but i'm gonna do it anyways-)
events include:
- sakomi sneaking into the mansion and getting kicked out, before realizing 'oh shit these pockets suck, gotta go get my wallet'
- see comic above
- no one believing her, not because they think paint wouldn't steal a wallet but because they don't believe sakomi ever had a wallet to begin with
- sakomi learning what seething rage feels like
this is so fucking dumb
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shooks-stupid-stuff 3 years
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raine belongs to @the-lizard-doodles
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shooks-stupid-stuff 3 years
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cant draw so
random doodles of ocs (and a single spamton)
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shooks-stupid-stuff 3 years
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also never posted this bc i planned on doing more, but
sprites of my dr oc sakomi and @the-lizard-doodles's dr oc raine (WHICH IS ONLY PART 1 OF MY REVENGE FOR MAKING THAT VIDEO E I SWEAR-)
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shooks-stupid-stuff 3 years
Show :]
jghcuxvuc ok i will show again even though i am now like 90% sure i did post them both-
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ah yes, my two ''''''''wonderful ocs'''''''', 'literally my art software' and 'Haha guys she's definitely not a self insert im not that cringe Haha'
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shooks-stupid-stuff 2 years
Sakomi Macaroni
i have been trying to think of a response to this since yesterday.
...and i have absolutely nothing, e what does this mean-
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shooks-stupid-stuff 2 years
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*vine thud sfx*
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