#sagira ghost
river-shards · 11 months
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Consider: Ghosts as cats.
(Click for better quality!)
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vrcrafts · 4 months
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Finished sagira tonight on stream, still have two other ghosts to do on this piece which will probably take a bit more work.
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lavenderarts · 7 months
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Commission for @braindamagedrizz of THE most gorgeous Guardian getting some much-deserved Ghost snuggles
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ahamkara-apologist · 3 months
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I was playing around with some cheap alcohol markers I bought for fun yesterday, so woe, dragon Osiris be upon ye
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violet-919 · 1 year
I’ve noticed something with Destiny Ghosts… They always have the perfect personality for their Guardian.
Sagira was very cocky and was never afraid to speak her mind while also being very smart, which is the perfect way to be when you’re paired with an arrogant and selfish person like Osiris because she challenges him and makes him stay somewhat humble.
Targe is very quiet and reserved, just the way he’d need to be for someone like Zavala, who has to be alone and in the quiet to think and relax a little so he doesn’t collapse under the pressure of leadership
Glint is very caring, nurturing, and well-behaved. He’s a great guide and pretty much the Ghost version of a therapy dog, exactly what Crow would need due to how people were bound to treat him and all the trauma and overall sadness he’d endure. His Ghost was the only reason he kept going in his early life.
And Ghost? He’s really talkative, supportive, faithful, and generally a very helpful kind of Ghost. Wouldn’t you want that in your Ghost if you almost never talked and were constantly facing the worst of the worst The Witness has to offer while walking the line between Light and Dark?
I wonder if The Traveler created the Ghosts specifically tailored for people that would become Guardians or if Ghosts simply had their personalities from the get-go and where then tasked with finding their match, with The Traveler not knowing who would get chosen…
In any case, Ghosts are the real MVPs of Destiny
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gil-notskajla · 2 years
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famous people!
who is who because i love making silly little graphs
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rivaldi22 · 1 year
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"Wow—Osiris, have you read this?" "Of course I have—several times! It's a fascinating text; she is a master of her field." "You're telling me. Say, what's that you're writing there?" "Errata. For her next revision."
My Dawning gift exchange piece for @ SolPariah6
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thefirstknife · 9 months
if i'm remembering right, different Ghost shells are actually made and sold in the lore. Probably not all the eververse store ones, but maybe.
So the idea that radically varying shells could be canon is rly good when it comes to The Final Shape pre-order shell
like someone looked at an eldritch entity trap and mutilate what has essentially been humanity's god for a millennia and thought. "Huh. Y'know what? That'd make a cool shell for a ghost"
It's really funny. And yeah, obviously we don't know how many shells in the store are canon, maybe even all of them? But a lot of them are for sure so until any are disproven, you can pretty much say that any of them are just something that Guardians make for their Ghosts.
Which makes this one hilarious:
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I don't know what's funnier; that a Ghost suggested this to mock the Almighty and just told their Guardian to tape rulers to it, or that some Guardian was like "I have the funniest idea ever, trust me," and went after their Ghost with a tape.
And yeah, the new TFS shell is also really funny. Some Ghost or Guardian with morbid sense of humour.
I also really like how we know for Glint that his shell was a gift made for him when he was in the Reef:
"That shell's pretty snappy. Is it new?" It's Reef-purple, with a flowerlike silhouette and silver detailing. "Yes! It is. It was a gift."
And also we do know that some Guardians just make the shells on their own, from Marcus Ren and Didi:
"Of course you need a racing shell. I'm going to make you the flashiest shell you've ever seen."
So yeah. Someone out there probably thought that the Traveler encircled with Pyramid ships would be a sick looking shell (and they're right!).
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pohutukosplay · 3 months
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Pōhutukaryl Cosplay as Sagira: original human design Destiny 2
photoshoot with Mumei Wellington Cosplay Photo Fest Pukeahu National War Memorial Park, Te Whanganui-a-Tara February 3 2024
buy me a Ko-Fi?
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Preliminary Poll!
Ghosts (who speak) Versus!
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dredgen-dope · 1 year
sagira made this the other day 🤣
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silverstarstrike · 2 days
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One of my favorite things about Destiny? Ghosts. Fun little pocket sized guys that are very helpful that I get way too emotional about.
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tacticalgrandma · 9 months
I don’t know if this is a hot take or not but I just do not like Immaru as a character. Ghosts are often sort of comic relief-y but it’s very weird for Savathun, this imposing, fascinating presence, to have an 80s football coach villain as the advent of her most terrifying plot. And like it maybe could be a fun weird if he were funny, in the way our ghost or Glint is funny at times, but he’s just not. He has stepdad jokes and repeats them to the point where they’re not corny they’re just grating and bad.
And it does a disservice to Savathun! It seriously undermines her as this gray figure if she has a cartoon villain as a ghost!
Idk man I just do not get the point of him at all, and it’s annoying to have to put up with.
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orbdotexe · 1 year
I think exile Wolf would have potential for friends/allies but once they notice the connection forming it immediately sets them on edge until whoever is attempting to be friendly to them takes a few steps back emotionally. Whenever Crow starts getting too close Exile snaps at them, keeping him on his toes even if unintentionally. That when someone gets too close Wolf begins to be smothered in dread and fear, it being the surface of a trauma that never gets the chance to heal.
Just the idea of Wolf being emotionally damaged from exile to the point that they can’t form proper bonds again is painful in a nice angsty way.
You are, as usual, 120% correct!
Crow, fortunately, is stubborn and incredibly dedicated to what he believes is right!
Ghost, a bit unfortunately, is also stubborn and dedicated to what he believes is right! And what's right, is protecting his Guardian!
Ghost does not trust anymore, and while you may be able to wear out his Guardian with your determination to get close to them, you are not going to wear him out.
Now, listen. Ghost was already close to the Vanguard when he found his Guardian.
Either it was either Ikora or Zavala in the first game, but one of them says that Ghost has been looking for them for a very long time. Ghost talked about how Saint encouraged him to keep looking (and, yknow, Saint knew who Ghost's Guardian would be). There are more examples escaping my mind, but Ghost knew these people. And they knew how much this meant to him.
And now he's here. And he's not trusting them again.
So, Crow's here. Him and his Guardian's replacements. Being trained by their mentors. The only reason he didn't lash out during the first meeting, is because he knows how much this means to Wolf and what it'd do to them if he pushed Crow back towards the Vanguard.
Wolf is the only reason Ghost hasn't gone apeshit. Wolf may just lay down and die if they lost Ghost, but Ghost would go on to commit many homicides if he lost them. Our little buddy is fuming in rage 24/7 in Exile.
Wolf may be emotionally damaged to where they lash out in half-assed, self-destructive attempts, but Ghost lashes out in pure anger, and he never regrets it. If you give him a chance to go ballistic on someone, he damn well will.
Wolf tries to stay angry at every opportunity, but it's a guilty anger. They're tired. They don't have the energy to try anymore-
-And Ghost fucking hates that. He hates that these people, who they both trusted, has made his Guardian like this. They're too young! He's barely had any time with them at all, they don't deserve this- He doesn't deserve this!
How could they do this to him?
Ghost hates that Wolf is slowly letting Crow in and struggling with their own traumas in the process, but he isn't so blind as to not see the good it's doing them. But he can't help but worry about why Crow's doing this.
It just... feels wrong to him. (Crow's Vanguard! How can Wolf trust him? How can Wolf not be angry at him for replacing them? How can they not see it? Not be worried?)
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Osiris's worst nightmare. He doesn't know what to do. He literally walks off a building thinking he'll wake up in his own body after hitting the ground, only for a Ghost that isn't his to resurrect him and ask why he did that.
Sagira starts pestering Saladin in Osiris's body, making fun of him constantly, poking at him repeatedly saying things like, "Osiris could do this better than you," and whatnot. Saladin then loses his shit and rams his fist into a table, realizing he just broke the hand instead of breaking the table like he would in his body. He realizes Warlocks are just... squishy. Sagira reluctantly heals the hand.
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blacky-nikki-art · 2 years
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Baobab from Mercury
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