#saevus hastae
activatingaggro · 6 months
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feel the ocean as it breathes, shivering teeth see the mountains where they meet smothering me as the wind fends off the waves, I count down the days heavy stones fear no weather
The three servitors, custodians of three mega-sized lusii who's death foretells the birth of the paradise planet! After Riccin's impromptu abduction by the Ziz, they ended up moirails with Averii.. and enemies with Saevus, who's less than thrilled to have a yellowblood being integrated into this typically bloodline-locked club.
Averii & Saevus are @rebatrolls, as always~
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technopatas · 7 years
Nuevas criaturas, islas, armas y naves estarán presentes en esta nueva versión que llega con su preventa para deslumbrar a los fanáticos de la lucha en la prehistoria.
La versión 258 de ARK: Survival Evolved cuenta con un diseño, tecnología y fotografía que sorprende en la industria de los videojuegos a nivel mundial.
Ya está disponible la pre venta de la actualización v258 del esperado juego para PlayStation ARK: Survival Evolved, el multijugador de mundo abierto de dinosaurios y criaturas creado por Wildcard Studios, que tiene a todos los fanáticos ansiosos, esperando las sorpresas y novedades que trae este lanzamiento, presentado recientemente en la Feria E3, de Las Vegas, Estados Unidos.
ARK: Survival Evolved continúa la aventura de sobrevivencia en un mundo lleno de animales prehistóricos que deambulan por el mapa, y que deben enfrentarse a peligros naturales y jugadores hostiles. En este mundo, existen elementos prehistóricos los cuales servirán de ayuda para sobrevivir, o para contraatacar.
Los fanáticos de ARK podrán encontrar en esta nueva versión, que prepara su lanzamiento oficial para agosto de este año, nuevas criaturas que dificultarán o apoyarán la sobrevivencia en nuevas tierras, como la Isla Ragnarok, y nuevas formas de transportarse entre cuevas y montañas, como la lancha a motor que sorprende por su rapidez y diseño.
Nuevos personajes para domar y atacar
Los nuevos personajes de esta v258 para ARK: Survival Evolved, continuarán las aventuras de cosecha, cultivo y construcción de refugios. Además, deberán sortear los más fuertes ataques y podrán utilizar toda su astucia y recursos para matar, domesticar y aprender a vivir con las más temibles y novedosas criaturas, inspiradas todas en los clásicos dinosaurios y animales primitivos de la literatura mundial.
Uno de los nuevos personajes o animales primitivos que vivirán aventuras de ataque y sobrevivencia con los fanáticos de ARK, es el Hyaenodon Dirus, un carnívoro que viaja en grupo pero que es más bien tranquilo, solo se enfrenta a una presa más débil, pero su inteligencia lo hace ser una de las mascotas más populares entre los fanáticos, por su rápida recuperación y su lealtad con el jugador. También, está el Hesperornis Avenatantes, un ave de tamaño mediano que se desliza con mucha rapidez por el agua y que cuenta con un entrenamiento muy fuerte, lo que lo hace un cazador como ningún otro.
Otro temible animal que llega en esta versión para sorprender a todos, y sumarse a la lucha de la sobrevivencia, es el Yutyrannus Saevus, muy parecido al temido Tiranosaurio Rex, que genera un miedo instantáneo en sus oponentes, y los deja en un estado de pánico que los hace huir rápidamente por su seguridad. Esta criatura es una de las armas más poderosas del juego.
Ragnarok: el nuevo mundo de lucha y supervivencia
La isla de Ragnarok se presenta como un extraordinario mapa de 144 kilómetros cuadrados que cuenta con ambientes de tierra, mar o aire, y con miles de toneladas de recursos recolectables para los jugadores y sus criaturas dominadas.
Las cuevas que se encuentran en Ragnarok tienen diferentes tamaños y formas, pero todas están especialmente diseñadas para que, al avanzar en el juego, se pueda construir en ellas, y puedan ser utilizadas como refugio en las luchas.
En estas tierras también existen amplios biomas construidos y diseñados para recompensar a los exploradores, desafiantes calabozos, hermosas vistas y locaciones y un volcán activo que, mientras dura su erupción, produce una gran cantidad de recursos en forma de cristal de lava. Las aguas termales de Ragnarok pueden ser muy relajantes mientras el volcán está inactivo, pero cuando la montaña ruge, se vuelven peligrosas aguas que ponen en peligro hasta a la más malvada criatura.
Los jugadores podrán crear sus propias armas y accesorios, domar y pelear con un centenar de especias, a quienes podrán utilizar, con sus habilidades y técnicas, para volar o moverse más rápido de un mundo a otro, tanto en tierra como bajo el agua.
Desde su primer lanzamiento, el año 2015, ARK ha contado con casi 7 millones de usuarios en el mundo. Esta nueva versión ARK: Survival Evolved, producida por Navin Supphapholsiri y Dave Loyd, y diseñada por Kayd Hendricks, llega a las plataformas de PlayStation 4 para sorprender, una vez más, a los fanáticos de aventuras, luchas y espectaculares escapadas y jugadas en increíbles paisajes prehistóricos.
Comienza la pre venta de una nueva actualización de #ARK: Survival Evolved, para #PS4 #Gaming #E32017 Nuevas criaturas, islas, armas y naves estarán presentes en esta nueva versión que llega con su preventa para deslumbrar a los fanáticos de la lucha en la prehistoria.
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activatingaggro · 1 year
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Two of the three Servitors, because having all three Servitors in one picture is how Averii has to pull out the “no ashro bro” card. Probably discussing the slightly baffling Riccin <> Averii development, or why Liyiji keeps hissing and shoving his matesprit in the metaphorical closet.
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activatingaggro · 2 years
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1) I came to the grim realisation that all of these fucking characters are past the point of Ascension the other day, and that means - adult names, adult jobs, adult clothes. Thankfully, it doesn’t really take long to knock out reference images.
So first up: Liyiji’s adult title is Annalist Mandarin, with the latter coming directly as his job title, because blue is not a creative colour. He got plucked up post-Ascension by the Ipomoean government, almost entirely because his sun-scarring was deemed very fashionable, and his job is technically to record and preserve historical and sociocultural objects found along the southern shore of the continent for the district. “Technically,” because he’s set to get sort-of-maybe abducted into a more space-adjacent position in current plots.
His outfit here’s mostly jade to mark his position as a government worker - the tilmahtli’s design signifies his department. The amount of gold accessories are not really standard to his position, but Liyiji figures that just because his bosses are jades doesn’t mean he has to dress like a jade.
2) Second up - first part of Liable’s iron lung cover. Torn between horror and aesthetic, here, because one of the primary ways that Hanhai is distinguished visually from the other districts is that Shepherd demands everything’s ultimately pretty, even when the item in question is the biopunk prosthetic integrated into your descendant’s chest.
3) Thread illustration!
Background’s still a WIP, lots of detailwork still to be done, but getting back into the habit of drawing up my favorite bits of threads. And one of the favorite bits in question:
You're so good at controlling yourself, you don't even blink when he just stares down at you over your little sleep joke. He looks appalled, like you'd just gone and said you were going to self-pail all over his rug- and then it morphs. He turns quickly, but not quick enough to hide the blue spreading across his face. It's even at the back of his ears by the time he ducks back in to his little kitchen, and you almost want to laugh. Is he really so shy?
But that's how you get tea thrown at your face. Still- "Are you blushing?" You tease, incapable of restraint. "Why are you blushing?" He's absolutely shy, the little shut-in. And your ancestor worried about you not getting out enough! Next to the Annalist, you were a regular socialite!
Liyiji’s having a long, long night.
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activatingaggro · 2 years
1“Give me writing ship prompts,” I said, like a good person who absolutely writes what they are supposed to, when they are supposed to, with no exemptions.. and then I swept it all off the table to write this shit instead.
RICCIN KAYATA | 11 Sᴏʟᴀʀ Sᴡᴇᴇᴘs / ~24 ʏᴇᴀʀs ᴏʟᴅ
Wisdom Campus - Temasek, Hanhai
SUMMARY: Liable, Marduk and Riccin discuss the giant white, quasi-feral cannibal in the metaphorical room. Semi-nsfw, a bunch of twenty year olds shit-talking each other - and trying to escape the conversation - about the horrific possibility of an 8 foot tall cannibal's sex life.
Saevus belongs to @rebatrolls, endless affection to her for letting me shit-talk her boy.
"Look, cuz, I just - cuz, please, take the pillow off your face - I just think," Liable says, gentle as a shepherd leading his lamb to the slaughter, "I think we really need to consider, statistically speaking, somebody out there wants to fuck the cannibal."
You wish he'd just pull out the fucking knife already.
It's well into the day, now. The sun's shooting spears across the floor and ceiling, sliver-thin promises of what you'll face if you go running. But the door's right there, the knob unlocked. You could just get up, get your dupatta, and leave this wretched hive behind.
The sun's waiting for you out there. Motherfucker's waiting with palms red hot, ready to grab, ready to press. Another day, you might've risked it. But this ain't monsoon season. There's no clouds to be found for miles and miles, and nothing save cloth between you and the sun's greedy grip.
Folks say lowbloods ain't nothing but a mine, veins full of copper and gold and every shade in between. But what use is a mine, when all that shit comes to the surface? You've seen yourself sunburned before, skin peeling, colour mottled. You're too pretty to burn like that again.
Still, when Liable opens up his damn mouth, you're almost willing to cast your vanity aside.
"Don't look at me like that," he whines at you, spinning his chair around to face you. He's got his chin on the back, his arms wrapped tight - still, he frees one up, just to flap a hand to his words. "I'm not saying I want to fuck the cannibal, dude. Like, obviously, that'd be fucked."
"Brother, we are past fucked." Sappho's nearly a height with you, but Marduk and Liable ain't. Your legs hang off the edge of the couch, and your heads lolling off the other. The world's upside down when you peer at Liable, but it's just another deterrant to getting up and walking. "This conversation is more fucked than an indigo on drone day. This conversation ain't right. It ain't proper. Shit's gone and filled up, what, three different pails? That's how fucked it is."
"That's not legal," Marduk offers up idly. She's hunched over the island dividing the nutrition block from the main, and, aright, you were almost impressed when you walked in. Sister's built herself the most wicked fort and castle of books you've ever seen: a towering, teetering mass of paperwork, pushing against each other, struggling for a grip on the counter's edge, and in the center of it, her and her pens. Occasionally, she snatches one, and moves another into its place. It's teetered, but for all her eyes are glued to her pen, she seems to know when it shifts.
Even as you watch, she lifts a hand, braces a book sliding out of the stack, and pushes it back in. "Filling up multiple pails. Code AO-3021, subsection 6.1.8. - each troll, defined as an Imperial citizen over the age of eight sweeps but under the age of two hundred and forty hundred sweeps, clarified under subsection, is required to send off two pails precisely containing mixtures of their exclusive genetic material -"
"Don't call it genetic material," Liable says with a groan. "You're making this weird, dude. Why the fuck do you always make it weird?"
"What should I call it instead, then?" she asks, bland. "Genetic material - slurry - special Fay-Go -"
"Not that!"
Maybe it'd be better to just go and let the sun take you, after all.
"Well, let me know when you've decided on a proper term."
"I won't be doing that," Liable says, grimacing. "Thanks, you were pretty much the opposite of fucking helpful there, dude. Anyway."
You open your mouth.
"Anyway," he says, but louder. "I'm not talking about this because, like - I know what you're thinking. Fish fear him, trolls want him, et cetera, et cetera - but it's fine, because, like, he's more of a fish than he is a troll, honestly? And.. like, okay, let's be real here, I know this is a surprise."
Sometimes you forget that your boy's a legislacerator. But he lifts his chin, presses a hand to his heart, and says, like it's straight out of the courtblock, like His Vast Tyranny's got the toothpick out and a gleam in his many eyes: "- I don't fuck fish."
Marduk's pen clicks as she presses it to the paper. "Are we discussing the legal definition of fish, or..?"
"There are no laws in this discussion, Mardie." Liable's all brass, all confidence. "We are absolutely, like, knee-deep in the metaphors here." It's almost enough that you could forgive the words he's spilling out. "And I'd never, personally, fuck him, because - he's so tall, you know?"
Almost enough.
"Brother," you say, draping your arm across your face. Not enough to block out your vision, because what fool would ever miss this show? It's like watching the heretics get dipped in FayGo, even if you ain't precisely sure you ain't the heretic, here.
"He's so tall, and you know what that means?" Liable says, oblivious to your suffering, or maybe just ignoring it entirely. "His bulge's that tall. His bulge is probably -" He pauses, wrinkling his nose. For one, beautiful moment, you can almost see salvation in his hesitation, glimmering like a distraction on the horizon. Then your brother goes and remembers what he's saying, and the light of your fucking hopes dim, just like that, as he spreads his arms out wide. "His bulge's probably the length of my entire torso, you know? And you might say, like, yeah, sure, we all know some trolls are into that -"
"And, yeah, yeah," he says, dismissive, blithe, "we've all seen the Steelborn porn, so we know some trolls are really into that - probably trolls like, I don't know, Raphae, no kinkshaming, but I'm kinkshaming -"
"Brother," you say again, louder, bereft.
"Hold your fucking horses, dude, I'm getting there. I'm just saying!" He's sitting all the way up in the chair now, his fins flared, his eyes so bright that he might as well be giving a fucking presentation. "I'm just saying! Like, obviously - bulge, out of the picture - but you might say, shit, what about his nook, right?"
"Ain't nobody ever said that," you tell him, and shit sounds sad! Shit sounds like he's dragged your lusus out right in front of you and showed her your OnlyClam, so the both of you can just bask in the discomfort and disappointment settling in her eyes with every passing image. For has there ever been so much despair dripping off your tongue? You can't think of a single fucking time. "Ain't nobody ever said that, or gonna say that. You know that, right? Mardie, sister, baby girl, tell him ain't nobody ever -"
She sighs. It's like watching sunlight pour over an umbrella. The motion goes on and on and on, enough that you start wondering if it's going to burn right through, but nah; finally it settles, all those layers of cloth laid losing speed. "He made it past Ascension, did he not?" she asks, peering at you over her glasses. Her eyes are bright. Shit's either hosting the most wretched kind of sorrow, or allergies.
Best to assume it's the same kind of sorrow pushing light-bright through your pumper. Mardie's always been a good troll.
"Maybe he hasn't hit it yet," you try.
There's all sorts of sympathy in Mardie's eyes. She's always been a good troll, and.. oh, it's a shame your girl ain't the romancing kind. Folks have tried, time and time again, but Mardie came out of the shell with a to-do list in frond. She's known exactly the sort of trolls she'll have in every square there is to be found, and she's always known none of 'em will call the IEP home.
"I do not think there is a chance he has not hit Ascension age," she says, and maybe it's for the best she ain't one for romance, because you'd dump her for this wretched ass betrayal. "I looked him. I am afraid he is well beyond it."
Liable stands up from his chair.
"Really!" he says, fins lifting. Two strides, and you think he's going to go to Mardie - but, nah, he derails at the last moment, moving past the counter, and to..
Pushing the curls out of your eyes, you sit up to see him flipping open a husktop. The screen pulses electric green, much brighter than Marduk's jade. Then there's a ripple of colour. It deepens, darkens, and the pinlight of the camera up top flickers on.
"Unauthorised access," the husktop chirrs, and Liable sighs, one great, heaving motion.
"Marduk," he cries. "Marduuuuuuk, gimme your code! Or your - eyes, I guess, or whatever, I want to see what you looked up-"
"You have wetware, Liable."
"But I don't want to use my wetware." He's drifting over towards her counter, now, complaining all the while. "I want to use your laptop, dude."
"There are all things that we want in this life." She doesn't look up, but instead just flips to the next paper in her stack. Girl's like a fucking stone; she doesn't even pause when he drops his head on her shoulder, fin flipping out to smack at her bun. "To live is to want is to suffer, until we are freed from the wheel we are bound to -"
Liable pauses. His eyebrows scrunch. His mouth twists, like he's bit into something sour. "D'you think," he says, pensieve, "that -"
"No," you tell him. You're sitting up now, all the way. Your braid hits the ground next to you with a thunk, but you pay it no mind. "Motherfucker, you better not -"
"I wasn't done, Riccin, tyrian tits!" He straightens up, holds out his hands in front of him, just straight up baring the pale of his wrists. He's always had thinner skin than most. You can see the veins, the little pulse of lavendar nearing the surface of his skin with every hip-hop of his heart. "I just - d'you think that if you, like, tied him up, it'd be fine?"
"Wait - no - oh my god, don't look at me like that, fuckers," he cries, because that - that finally has Marduk looking up, her pretty brows knit, her mouth half-opened in what, in any other troll, would've been a pre-emptive what the fuck. But Mardie doesn't curse.
Ain't she lucky she has you around to do it for her?
"What the fuck, brother," you say, while Liable's still spluttering. He's got a hand to his mouth, like it's anything but too late to hold those horrors within. "What the fuck? We talkin' to Liable, here? Or did you go to some fish party and a motherfucker just slithered on inside, hollowed out your sense, and replaced it with something dour?"
"Insular dwarfism would prevent that," Mardie says, perturbed. She's got those oversized fangs worrying at her lip, even, smearing black stain onto the edges. "If anything, one would have to suppose something would've bit out his tongue and replace it. Unfortunately, there's been a predilection towards louses this sweep in the caverns.. perhaps he has gained a psychic one?"
"If he gained a psychic one, sister, it'd have rotted right in his maw, first thought it hit."
"Perhaps a shitty psychic one," she allows, with a dip of her chin.
"Stop making it weird!" Liable wails. "Fuck you guys! I didn't mean it like that! I meant it, like, consensually! Normally! Like normal trolls do - or, well, no, shut up, Riccin, like - fuck - weird trolls do! Not like us."
"Not like me," you say, looking at him side-long, and he really just goes and flares his fins at you.
"Not like us! Other trolls. Weird trolls. Weird fucking trolls, okay? Like.. like…" He takes a deep breath. If you cracked open his skull, you wonder, would you see the numbers crunching in his pan? "Weird trolls, like, I don't know - fucking - Raphae?"
He was flaring his fins at you. But when he takes in the looks on the rest of your faces, they just fall flat instead.
"Hm," Mardie says. "Is that.. well. No. Let me rephrase. Has that been.. a issue of Raphae's, then, that he just.." She pauses. If her brows knit any further, they'd form a sweater and fly right off her face.
"Don't look at me," you protest, holding up your palms. "I ain't his auspistice!"
"I'm not his auspistice, either!" When the two of you look at Liable, there ought to be water gushing from his lungs, his gills, from every passage that'll give it. Because the motherfucker deflate: shoulders slumping, fins pinning, his eyes as wide and wet as if they were cenotes leading to his soul.
If he had a soul, you think, because wouldn't that stop a motherfucker from opening his maw once more?
"I'm his arranged auspistice, okay? It's not like - it's not a real quad, you fucking know that, don't look at me. I mean, no, fuck - look at me! Look. I'm not being weird! It's just that - some trolls are into that sort of thing," he starts, dogged, like he might just convince the two of you if he tries just so. Or is he just trying to convince himself? "It turns out, like, there's a lot of trolls, into all sorts of things. Raphae's -"
You stand up from the couch all in one-go.
Sappho's near a size with you, but girl's still smaller, and everything here's still mostly to Sappho and Liable's scale. You have to duck your horns to step into the nutrition block, and yet your horn tips still scrap at the paint, a soft enough vibration to set your teeth at edge. And once you're in..
There's just not meant to be room for this many trolls. There's Mardie at the counter, shifting in her chair to watch - Liable with his ass against the sink, his fins already proactively flared - and then there's you, trying your best not to step on neither pot or lusus feedbowl as you stride over, and watching your elbows all the while. There's a husktop by the cooker. There's paperwork on the counters, and pots hanging from the shelves, and a thousand places that an ill-timed step could bring disaster crashing down.
But it's worth it when you're finally in front of Liable, looming up high over your shortest of bros. He tilts his head up, and then up, and then up, even as you lean forward, one hand balancing on the sink behind his head, and the other..
He's expecting you to go for his face. He ain't expecting you to grab his jaw and pinch your thumb and fronds right into the fat of his cheeks, squashing them flat like the puckered end of a pufferfish.
"If you say one more word about Raphae's fucking, brother," you say, syruppy warm, "I will take out your tongue, and I will twist it into a rope, and then I will take that foul-ass rope and make us a noose, and I will fucking hang you with it. It will be a public goddamn service."
"You would need a license for that first," Mardie informs you, "or I would be forced to report you for an illegal hanging on Imperial property."
"I'll take out your tongue, I will twist it into a rope, and then Mardie'll hang you with it," you amend, and the corner of her mouth curls up. "For Empress forbid a motherfucker ever does a single thing on the wrong side of the law. Nah. We'll do shit so tight, so legit, we'll get a fucking medal." Liable squirms underneath your hand, but he can't say a word, not with you pinching his cheeks like this. The stage's yours. "Shit, Shep hears about the noise you're spewing, it'll be a national goddamn holiday. Motherfuckers will line the streets just for an opportunity to thank me, for the burden I have taken on upon my very own goddamn shoulders."
"You got that, brother?" you ask, and you let go of his face.
Soon as you do, Liable's squirming out from under your arm, his fangs bared in a grimace. "Dude!" he complains. There's lavender mottling his cheeks, but you didn't pinch him hard enough to bruise. Doesn't stop him from scrubbing at his face all the same. "You're such a nookmunch! Y'know what? Fine. We're not going to discuss this! I get it! The only mysteries you care about are giant tombs that you can crack open like a egg and snort all the gross mummy dust you can dream of."
"You ain't wrong," you allow, and he flares his fins at you again.
"Well, maybe I'll go do that, then," he snaps, jerking his chin up. He snatches the husktop off of the table, sliding it under his arm. "Since that's the only questions you're willing to, like, even discuss here. You're such a nerd. You're both nerds. I'm out."
He takes three steps towards the doorway.
"I'm out for the rest of the night," he clarifies, peering over his shoulder at you, his eyebrows set low. "For the record! Absolutely not going to answer my phone, or anything. Just fucking unreachable."
"Aright," you tell him.
"I'll be back in the morning."
"Have fun, bro," you say, and wave as he stalks out the front door of the apartment block entirely.
".. that's my husktop," Mardie says, wrinkling her nose. "Does he realise that?"
"No tellin'," you say, and slouch back to the couch.
Your arm's flung across your head, your eyes half-shut, pillow once more under your head, when you hear a sound at the counter. It's not the rustle of paperwork, or the toss of pages turned. No, it's the creak of a chair.
Then the shuffle of besocked feet on the ground.
When you open your eyes, Mardie's peering down at you, her mouth pulled to the side. "You know," she says, pensieve. "While this is hardly a topic we wish to confront, Liable did have a point."
Oh, no.
"Raphae does have numerous power and control issues. One really might assume.."
"We're not talking about this," you snap, and press the pillow back on your face.
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activatingaggro · 2 years
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4 NPCs down, and 24 to go. :’)
Sappho Wilcox, the Carnifex, Honour Captor, and Saevus Hastae.
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