petyrbaealish · 6 years
Hi! I'm a new follower and i wanted to ask few things: how old are you, where are you from and can you give us some writing tips?
Hi! Thanks so much for the follow! I followed you back with my main  (@aeaofthefae ) :). 
I am 29 (I know, I know, practically ancient for tumblr, apparently XD) and I’m American and pretty unhappy with my country rn tbh. Hopefully that’ll change - fingers crossed.
As for writing tips I think I can give you a few:
Read. A lot. Everything you can get your hands on. Even the stuff that’s not great will teach you something.
Write down story ideas as they come to you - you never know when you might be able to use them later.
Write as much as you can and as often as you can. Even when you don’t feel like it. If you’re struggling, reread what you’ve already written, particularly passages you are proud of. Or read something, anything, or watch something. Sometimes all I need is to watch or read something to get inspired to work on my own projects.
Write down words you like, or look them up if you don’t know their meaning, whenever possible, to help strengthen your vocabulary.
Names. Oh god how I love names. I keep a list of names I love, last and first, normal and unusual. A good name is the start to a great story imo. 
Don’t compare yourself or your writing to that of others. Focus on finding your voice and developing it to your liking. And as long as you like what you’re doing, nothing else matters. 
Look up proper use of dialogue tags, if you’re unsure.
Editing is your friend, but keep original drafts, just in case.
Use google docs. I love it. I am always paranoid I am going to lose my work, but if you’re editing online, it saves every time you change the document. Automatically. Plus it’s free. Google Keep is also a godsend - I use it to jot down notes throughout the day.
Take inspiration from everything, write what you love, and most of all, have fun! I write because I truly love it, and nothing makes me happier. If a project doesn’t make you happy, then set it aside and work on something else that does :).
That’s more than a few, and I could probably add more but I think I’ll stop at ten XD. Hope you found them useful!
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