#sabine feliciano
valentinescowboy · 5 months
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maybe someone will experience all of it. mess, clutter, masquerade, permanence. and they'll still want to care.
"frog" sabine feliciano, "paper bag" fiona apple, "after the ball" carl christian thomson, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind dir. michael gondry, unknown piece by ana teresa barboza, "holy terrain" fka twigs, "my bed" tracey emin, pearl dir. ti west
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thebetterbear · 2 years
Post Modern Art
Escaping Confines of Museum
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City, Michael Heizer. Located in Garden Valley, a desert valley in rural Lincoln County in the U.S. state of Nevada. land art sculpture. 1970-2022
Collapsing Boundaries Between High and Low
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Curious Kitten watercolor painting is a painting by Svetlana Novikova which was uploaded on February 23rd, 2013.
Rejecting Originality
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Andy Warhol 1928–1987. Silkscreen ink and acrylic paint on 2 canvases. 1982
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Fred Tomaselli, 2014, 60″ x 84″, photo-collage, leaves, acrylic and resin on wood panel, © 2014, courtesy of James Cohan Gallery and the artist
Working Collaboratively
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Meow Wolf. Sept. 13, 2021.
Adam Christopher
Andi Todaro
Ashley Frazier, Michael Sperandeo
Brandan Styles "Bzurk”, Ellie Rusinova
Brian Corrigan
Cal Duran, David Ocelotl Garcia
Cami Galofre
Chris Bagley
Christopher Owen Nelson
Christopher Short
Collin Parson
Corrina Espinosa
Dan Taro
David Farquharson
Dice 51
Douglas A. Schenck “DAS”
Dylan Gebbia-Richards
Frankie Toan
Ian McKenna
Jaime Molina, Pedro Barrios
Jennifer Pettus
Jess Webb
Jodi Stuart, Libby Barbee
Joseph Lamar
Joshua Goss
Justin Camilli
Justin Gitlin aka Cacheflowe
Kalyn Heffernan, Gregg Ziemba
Katy Zimmerman, Erika Wurth
Kia Neill
Kristin Stransky
Laaiaim Mayer
Lauri Lynnxe Murphy
Marjorie Lair, Kyle Vincent Singer
Maya Linke
Myah Sarles
Nicole Banowetz
Nolan Tredway
Ramón Bonilla
Reed Fox, Ben Weirich
Sabin Aell, Randy Rushton
Scott Hildebrandt
Sean Peuquet
Shayna Cohn
Sigrid Sarda
Sofie Birkin
Thomas Scharfenberg
Viviane Le Courtois
Wynn Earl Buzzell Jr.
Andrew Novick, Pamela Webb, Robert Ayala
Chad Colby, Lexis Loeb, Hayley Kirkman
Charles Kern, Ty Holter, Ben Jackson, Rachel Bilys, Brett Sasine
Demiurge LLC: Joe Riche and Wynn Buzzell
Eriko Tsogo, Jennifer Tsogo, Tsogo Mijid, Batochir Batkhishig
F. Ria Khan, Armon Naein, Blake Gambel, Calvin Logan, Charles Candon, Harrison Bolin, Luke Collier, Maria Deslis, Sky Johnson, Sofia Rubio-Topete
Ladies Fancywork Society
Merhia Wiese, Annabelle Wiese, Maggie Wiese, Eunseo Zoey Kim, Dan Griner
Mike Lustig, Mitch Hoffman, Tim Omspach, Nathan Koral, Evan Beloni, Ryan Elmendorf, Scott Wilson, Charlis Robbins
Molina Speaks, Stevon Lucero, DJ Icewater, Felix "Fast4ward" Ayodele, Diles, Emily Swank
Oren Lomena, Alaine "Skeena" Rodriguez, Alius Hu
Peniel Apantenco, Kim Shively, Colin Richard Ferguson Ward,  (In memoriam)
Sam Caudill, Sean Louis Rove, Juancristobal Hernández
Secret Love Collective: Katy Batsel, Lares Feliciano, Colby Graham, Piper Rose, Frankie Toan, Katy Zimmerman, Lauren Zwicky, Genevieve Waller
The Church of Many: Andrea Thurber, Elsa Carenbauer, Anna Goss, Maddi Waneka and Emily Merlin
Waffle Cone Club: Kyle Vincent Singer, Scott Kreider, Marjorie Lair
Everything is Terrible!
Kevin Bourland
Michael Lujan
Moment Factory
Nina Mastrangelo
Scott Geary, Wayne Geary, Gary Ashkin
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Paneel "Rehearsal for an Icon 2001 - Mona Lisa" von Olbinski, Grafikdruck. Digital Print
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Untitled (Studio)2014
Kerry James Marshall
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Andy Warhol (American, 1928–1987) 1962. Synthetic polymer paint on thirty-two canvases, Each canvas 20 x 16" (50.8 x 40.6 cm). Overall installation with 3" between each panel is 97" high x 163" wide
Mixing Media
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Mama, Mummy and Mamma (Predecessors #2)
Njideka Akunyili Crosby. 2014
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Zephyrus Rising, 2022. Acrylic on Acrylic. 32 × 16 × 22 in Duncan McDaniel
Mixing Codes
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 Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, 1503-6; On Winnie: Denis Colomb stoles (worn as a headdress, top and sleeves) 
Confronting the Gaze
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Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad David Ayer 2016 (left), Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey Cathy Yann 2021 (right)
Facing Abject
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Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys, 1985/86, mixed media (Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, photo: Goggins World, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Constructing Identities
Creating Metaphors
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Martin Puryear. Ladder for Booker T. Washington, detail, 1996. Installation view at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas. 2003
Using Narratives
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Damien Hirst The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 2013 Lentikulardruck80 x 120 cm
Irony, Parody, Parody Dissonance
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A Subtlety, or the Marvelous Sugar Baby (2014). Kara Walker Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images
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whatjanesaw · 5 years
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Sabine Feliciano https://www.wildtextileworld.com Textile dissections
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hifructosemag · 6 years
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The textile work of Sabine Feliciano may recall a past biology class for some, as her “dissections” of animals play with the vibrant and textural possibilities of the form. See more on HiFructose.com.
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vulpilandia · 6 years
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this is everything
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kilgore-vonntrout · 6 years
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lukish25 · 5 years
14 & 15 Giugno: Last Days
Questa è la risposta che, alla fine del match contro Feliciano Lopez, Nick Kyrgios da all’intervistatore. Una risposta secca, senza troppi giri di parole.
In questo torneo Roger Federer è sempre presente anche quando non c’è. Durante la settimana ho visto girare per il club quasi tutti i giocatori in tabellone. Erano tranquilli, liberi, sempre gentili con chi chiedeva una foto o un autografo. Roger Federer non c’era. O meglio, c’era, ma il dio svizzero appariva solo per la partita o per una breve sessione d’allenamento. E sempre scatenando sempre il caos dei suoi discepoli. Non ho problemi a definirmi fan di Federer, ci mancherebbe pure dubitare di quanto Roger significhi per il tennis o per le emozioni che genera nel vederlo giocare, ma da qui a diventare “devoto” be’, il passo è bello lungo. Ho perso il conto di cappellini marchiati RF, magliette originali, magliette fatte in casa con stampe clamorose, striscioni di ogni genere, bandiere svizzere, tatuaggi inneggianti al GOAT.
Quando Kyrgios elimina Lopez dal torneo dopo un bel match durato tre set, con Nick a fare e disfare come piace a lui, la domanda sul suo prossimo avversario arriva in tempo zero. La risposta è quella riportata sopra e probabilmente è pure la risposta esatta. Sforzarsi di trattare Federer come un semplice giocatore di tennis e non come una divinità ultraterrena è l’unico modo che hai di giocare ad armi pari contro di lui. E Kyrgios in questo torneo probabilmente è l’unico che può mettere i bastoni tra le ruote del Re in una semifinale che profuma tanto di finalissima: la partita che tutti volevano insomma.
Occorre tuttavia tornare un attimo indietro e fare il punto della situazione. La bella notizia è che il sole ormai è una presenza fissa, sul centrale chi non ha la fortuna di avere i posti all’ombra deve fare i conti con un caldo prolungato e costante. Non mi manca certo il freddo, ma qualche velatura poteva evitare l’ustione che ho riportato sulla parte posteriore del collo. Se il campo centrale ormai è teatro delle battaglie di questi due giorni, è meraviglioso vedere come il club si sia nuovamente popolato dei soci del circolo. Sugli altri campi è possibile vedere un allenamento tra Mischa Zverev e Marton Fucsovic da una parte e un doppio tra quattro signori che i sessanta li hanno passati già da un po’ dall’altra.
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Siamo al venerdì, giornata dei quarti di finale. La parte alta del tabellone vede Pouille giocarsela contro Istomin e Raonic contro Berdych. Quella bassa, prevista nel pomeriggio inoltrato, propone Federer vs Pella e Kyrgios vs Feliciano Lopez. Pouille batte Istomin ma non sarà così fortunato il giorno successivo, contro Raonic. Gioca due partite identiche: si affida molto al servizio, evita di perdere game quando batte lui e spinge con dritto e rovescio quando ne ha la possibilità. Scende poco a rete, entrambe le partite sono improntate su brevi scambi e Lucas in più di un occasione dimostra quel talento che ultimamente sembrava perduto. I suoi avversari hanno le stesse caratteristiche: giganti con un ottimo servizio e che, negli anni, hanno lavorato molto per migliorare la velocità di gambe, per facilitare la discesa a rete, il piazzamento e la reattività per giocare delle comode volée. La sostanziale differenza tra Istomin e Raonic è la loro cilindrata: se Istomin è una Mercedes, giusto per restare in tema, allora Raonic è un carro armato. Come lo fermi un carro armato? Non lo fermi.
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Il Raonic visto fino al venerdì è francamente impressionante. Non ha ancora concesso un set ai suoi avversari. Berdych, il ceco dagli occhi ghiaccio, riesce a portarlo due volte di fila al tiebreak senza cavarci un ragno dal buco. Gli altri, semplicemente vengono travolti. Il canadese a un certo punto tira tre servizi di fila a 233, 231 e 234 Km/h, e quelle poche volte che si entra nello scambio la velocità dei colpi non diminuisce più di tanto. Ma del canadese impressiona anche la capacità di scendere a rete tante volte per concludere rapidamente il punto. La speranza è che il suo fisico regga anche se la storia recente ci dice altro.
La partita di venerdì di Federer contro Pella è durata appena 65 minuti. Una scampagnata nel parco dove lo Svizzero ha ritrovato confidenza nei suoi colpi, complice un avversario che gli ha permesso di giocare punti relativamente lunghi. Di Federer, sbigottisce la facilità con cui riesce a modificare a piacimento la velocità della pallina.
Il quarto di finale per Roger altro non è stato che una bella esibizione, ma all’indomani ci sarà la partita, Federer contro Kyrgios.
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Il pubblico è quello delle grandi occasioni, è ovviamente schierato con Federer ma Nick piace e gli applausi arrivano generosi anche per lui. Kyrgios è finalmente concentrato, il palcoscenico è quello che lo impegna mentalmente, che esalta il suo tennis, tanto che tratta Federer come un Marterer qualsiasi nel secondo set, concedendolo allo Svizzero sbagliando quattro battute di fila. Kyrgios ha vinto il primo al tiebreak e si è riacceso come per magia, ma mica tanto, all’inizio del terzo set. Com’è finita lo sapete tutti. Roger ha vinto il terzo set al tiebreak, l’ottavo giocato fra i due su nove set disputati in tre match.
Cose che rimangono di questo torneo e di questa partita:
Kyrgios è stato perfetto nel primo set, ha spento il cervello nel secondo ed è tornato nuovamente competitivo nel terzo. Questo accendersi/spegnersi a piacimento affascina e inquieta in egual misura;
Federer riesce a rispondere ai servizi di Kyrgios — avete presente? — con una facilità disarmante;
Il dritto a sventaglio di Federer colpendo la pallina in controbalzo è la cosa esteticamente più bella che si sia vista su un campo da tennis;
Fotografare Federer è quasi monotono: i movimenti sono sempre esattamente identici, riesce a impattare la pallina sempre al centro della racchetta, riesce in spazi brevissimi a trovare la compostezza necessaria e l’equilibrio per il colpo pulito;
Roger sembra volare sul campo nonostante i 37 anni;
La semplicità con cui Kyrgios fa tutto, dal muoversi in campo al tirare diagonali di dritto in recupero in equilibrio precario, è seconda solo al signore contro cui ha perso oggi;
Kyrgios ha tirato 23 ace ed è comunque uscito sconfitto dopo essere stato vicinissimo a vincere la partita;
“Vicinissimo” nel tennis non conta niente: conta fare i punti quando pesano davvero, l’ultimo tiebreak insegna molto in tal senso;
Il rispetto che Kyrgios ha per lo svizzero è tutto lì da vedere: a fine partita, mentre stanno intervistando Federer, l’Australiano esce dal campo salutandolo con il suo classico fist-pump e una bella pacca sulla natica;
Dopo un serve and volley perfettamente eseguito, Kyrgios non nasconde lo stupore e grida «Yeah, that’s world class»;
Vince Roger, la folla esulta, parte il delirio collettivo, lui torna ad essere numero 1, a fine partita scappa un sorriso tra i due che ormai hanno dato vita a una bella rivalità e ne sono entrambi pienamente consapevoli;
Sabine Lisicki, che guardava il match dopo essersi allenata, è di una bellezza abbacinante dal vivo.
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dratinimartini · 6 years
i got tagged by @agileo-101 !! Thank you :D
Rules: answer these 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
Name: = Kris, Kristina if we’re family 
Nickname: Dratini, Frogger, Dr. Icecream
Zodiac: Libra! 
Orientation: reluctantly straight. Real men terrify me bc of past trauma, but I’m just not into women or NB people yknow? If aliens or fish people invade the earth, hit me up. Also demi aro/ace 
Nationality: American
Favorite fruit: STRAWBS... I like oranges and watermelon, too!
Favorite season: S U M M E R
Favorite book: Oh hell it’s been so long since I sat own and read a whole book. I love Spud, the Cirque Du Freak Series, and recently picked up Zepencils’ “The creative struggle”. It’s gr8
Favorite scent: Bath and body’s twisted peppermint, I wear the body spray every single day,,, I also love the smell of open windows in spring, butter, milk and margarine melting in a fudge pot, and the searing hot pavement at king’s island
Favorite color: DA BA DEE DABA DIE
Favorite animals: Foxes and spiders!
Coffee/tea/hot cocoa: Coffee
Cat or dog person: Cats! I own two rottweilers though, and I lov them 
Favorite fictional characters: Kuja Tribal, Shiromori (and the whole msa cast really), Captain Harlock, Clear, BOTW link, Sabin figaro, Cyan Garamonde, Feliciano Vargas, Goemon Ishikawa XIII, and far as Jojo goes, my top 5 are Dio, Jonathan, Speedwagon, Kars, and Jolyne! (oktop6IlovevalentinethoIhaven’treadpastphantomblood)
Number of blankets you sleep with: One! Sometimes two if it’s REALLY cold. 
Dream trip: Gonna be a weeb and say japan. I never wanted to go just bc I’m an anime fan, but now that I’ve discovered that japanese food is super fucking good, I want to go for the food LOL. However, I’ve wanted to see italy and lots of other places in europe for a long time as well. 
Blog created: 2011 ish? I joined for doujin reading purposes and didn’t start bloging until 2012. 
Number of followers: 2753! I’m climbing closer to that 3k, thank you :D
*Random fact: My job 9 months out of the year is making candy for the local farm market called Barn N Bunk! I make fudge and am learning to make chocolate dipped pretzels, and for the craft shows in autumn I also make caramels and pralines. Honestly it’s all super good and I’m happy with my sugary skills and to take over the family side-hustle. 
i tag.... 20 of you!!! 
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kimleutwyler · 6 years
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The Textile Dissections of Sabine Feliciano http://ift.tt/2BPlzvi via @hifructosemag
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rosyuck · 4 years
Work Cited
“Bikini Kill.” Bikini Kill, bikinikill.com/about/.
“Bratmobile.” Kill Rock Stars, 7 Nov. 2014, www.killrockstars.com/artists/bratmobile.
Empsfm, director. EMP Riot Grrrl Retrospective -- Riot Grrrl Is...? Youtube, EMP, 16 June 2011, youtu.be/_q8_1ZcSwRo.
Empsfm, director. EMP Riot Grrrl Retrospective -- Tobi Vail on Bikini Kill. Youtube, 16 June 2011, www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9xn9g_5utk&t=.
Feliciano, Stevie. “The Riot Grrrl Movement.” The New York Public Library, The New York Public Library, 27 Oct. 2015, www.nypl.org/blog/2013/06/19/riot-grrrl-movement.
Laing, Olivia. “The Art and Politics of Riot Grrrl - in Pictures.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 29 June 2013, www.theguardian.com/music/gallery/2013/jun/30/punk-music.
Mcdonnell, Evelyn. “Bikini Kill, Then and Now: A Front-Row View of a Punk Revolution.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 3 May 2019, www.nytimes.com/2019/05/03/arts/music/bikini-kill-live.html.
Nichols, Natalie. “Bands Let Loose a Gust of Female Power.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 24 Feb. 2001, www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2001-feb-24-ca-29563-story.html.
Pelly, Jenn. “Kathleen Hanna on What Bikini Kill Means Now.” Pitchfork, Pitchfork, 22 Nov. 2019, pitchfork.com/features/interview/kathleen-hanna-interview-what-bikini-kill-means-now/.
Plitt, Amy. “Bikini Kill on Riot Grrrl's Legacy and Reissue of 1991 Demo.” Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone, 25 June 2018, www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/bikini-kill-on-riot-grrrls-legacy-taping-over-nirvana-cassettes-167839/.
Sabin, Portia. “Girl Germs, by Girl Germs: A Podcast About Bratmobile's Pottymouth.” Girl Germs: A Podcast About Bratmobile's Pottymouth, 5 Dec. 2018, girlgermspodcast.bandcamp.com/.
0 notes
whatjanesaw · 6 years
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Sabine Feliciano https://www.wildtextileworld.com Textile dissections
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
Diede De Groot becomes first female player to win Wimbledon wheelchair singles and doubles titles in same year | Tennis News
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=8187 Diede De Groot becomes first female player to win Wimbledon wheelchair singles and doubles titles in same year | Tennis News - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=8187 Diede De Groot makes history; Stefan Olsson wins men's singles; Lucy Shuker lays claim to shot of the tournament By Gemma-Louise Stevenson Last Updated: 15/07/18 11:45pm Lucy Shuker (left) was targeting her first Grand Slam title in her fourth Wimbledon doubles final The 2018 Wimbledon wheelchair tennis draws drew to a close with some familiar faces crowned champions. In the men's singles Stefan Olsson became the first man to successfully defend his wheelchair singles title at SW19 with a three-set win over Gustavo Fernandez 6-2 0-6 6-3.In the women's doubles Yui Kamiji and Diede De Groot claimed the title with a straight-sets win over Lucy Shuker and Sabine Ellerbrock 6-1 6-1. So what are the five things we'll remember from this final day...History-making momentsThe wheelchair tournament has already brought so many history-making moments this year including the first ever quad division doubles match to be played, the first ever partnership to win three successive men's doubles titles - Gordon Reid and Alfie Hewett - and the first ever player from South Africa to compete at SW19, Kgothatso Montjane.But the final day brought us even more action for the wheelchair tennis history books as the Netherlands' De Groot became the first female player to win both the singles and doubles titles in the same year here at Wimbledon, and she did it without dropping a set in any of her matches. Diede de Groot added ladies' wheelchair doubles success to her singles title - Credit: Anna Vasalaki "I don't think I can ever describe how special that is," De Groot told Sky Sports. "That's something nobody will ever be able to take away from me.""It's a different kind of special than last year as I will not ever forget the first time I won the singles here and how it felt to get that first Grand Slam title."But this year I needed to work harder for it, I needed to be mentally stronger as there was more pressure. So, the fight I put up I'm really proud of so maybe I can say this one is prettier."De Groot's partner on the Wimbledon doubles court Kamiji also made her mark on this year's Championships at the same time by claiming her fifth successive doubles title.This was the first time the top two women's players had paired up to compete on grass, Kamiji's previous four titles coming with Britain's Jordanne Whiley by her side."I feel very happy," Kamiji said. "It's amazing. Diede and I played so well together our communication was good and we worked as a team."Have we witnessed the shot of the tournament?Britain's Shuker made it to her fourth Wimbledon doubles final and first in five years in 2018 and ends this year's tournament with well-earned runners-up honours.But she came away from this year's Championships with more than that.After showcasing her drop shots and net play on the hallowed lawns of The All England Club all week in the doubles tournament she has definitely notched up some contenders for the best shot at Wimbledon 2018.Speaking to Sky Sports about the drop shot that came off her racket when her and doubles partner Sabine Ellerbrock were 5-3 up in the deciding set of their semi-final, Shuker said: "I think playing with Sabine when she puts good pressure on it brings the ball short and then it allows me to do what Shukes does and have a little play at the net."The grass court king reigns supremeWhen the men's singles draw started all eyes were on Shingo Kunieda and whether he could win his first singles title at Wimbledon, after taking the first two Grand Slam titles of the year.However, the player that has ended up making the headlines and lifting the trophy is Sweden's Stefan Olsson.In what was a replay of last year's final between him and Argentina's Gustavo Fernandez, Olsson successfully defended his title from the last year and solidified his reputation as the best grass court player on the tour. Stefan Olsson successfully defended his Wimbledon wheelchair singles title - Credit: Anna Vasalaki "The only thing I was thinking was put the backhand slice in the court because I knew Gustavo wasn't going to aim for my forehand," Olsson, the world No 7, said about his moment of victory."After that I don't remember anything, it's pretty much a blur. I know I just started to scream but that's all I can remember."I'm floating on a cloud right now, it's just crazy. I never believed I got be that guy, the one to beat on grass but maybe I am now."With automatic qualification for the US Open being announced soon, and only the top seven men guaranteed a place in it, the win meant much more than just defending a title, it meant he kept his top seven ranking ahead of the cut-off point."If I hadn't won here I would have been out of the top seven for sure so that added a little more pressure," he said. "The win I'm still going to have the same number of points, I haven't lost any so I stay where I am."An alternative 'Fedal' for Wimbledon?Ten years on from that famous final in 2008 all eyes in the main draw were on whether we could see Federer and Nadal go head to head again in 2018.That didn't happen but perhaps we may have seen the birth of a new grass court rivalry this year.With Fernandez and Olsson so closely matched and the last two Wimbledon singles finals in the wheelchair draw being three-set battles between them it's definitely a possibility. Reid and Hewett an unstoppable force Great Britain's Gordon Reid and Alfie Hewett have etched their names into the history books once more. "I don't know. Maybe?" said Olsson. "But how can anyone compare to Roger and Rafa?"If I'm honest I see myself more as Feliciano Lopez on the grass - he has a great slice, I have a good slice, he has a good serve, I can serve well - the only thing that sets us apart is he's a leftie."Gusti plays a lot like Nadal for sure so maybe he's Nadal but maybe we're a new combination taking our styles from Lopez and Nadal."We have the US hardcourts covered from all angles via our website skysports.com/tennis. On the move? Head to our app for mobile devices and iPad, or follow our Twitter account @SkySportsTennis to join in the conversation. Keep up to date with the latest on skysports.com/tennis We will have news, previews, live blogs, reports and expert analysis from Wimbledon. On the move? Head to our app for mobile devices and iPad, or follow our Twitter account @SkySportsTennis to join in the conversation. Our next tennis action comes from the German Open in Hamburg. Watch the action live on Sky Sports Arena from Monday July 23 from 10am.Never miss the big kick-off or have to deal with interrupted games or low-quality streams with a NOW TV Sky Sports Pass this summer. You'll get exclusive coverage of the 147th Open from Carnoustie, The Ryder Cup, ATP Tour, World Darts Matchplay, and loads more starting from just £7.99. No contract. Tennis updates straight to your phone How to receive all the latest tennis news straight to your mobile 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eduwhan · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(via The Textile Dissections of Sabine Feliciano)
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junker-town · 7 years
US Open 2017 live stream: Times, TV schedule and how to watch Day 3 online
The US Open continues on Wednesday and we have all you need to know to catch the action.
Rain delayed a large portion of play at the US Open on Tuesday, so Wednesday’s action will feature a mix of first- and second-round matchups. A handful of women and only a couple of men managed to make it through on Tuesday, so there is a massive list of singles matches to be played on the day.
Alexander Zverev, the fourth seed for the men, will be in second-round action against Borna Coric. Zverev is somebody to watch as he’s in the bottom half of the bracket, essentially alone now that Andy Murray bowed out due to an injury, joining Novak Djokovic and Stan Wawrinka, who aren’t participating.
Play on Wednesday will begin at 11 a.m. ET, though only live streaming on WatchESPN for web browsers and the ESPN App for other devices will be available at that time. Television broadcasts begin at 1 p.m. on ESPN, and will run through 6 p.m. From there, ESPN2 will carry coverage through 11 p.m. in the evening.
In addition to Zverev, another five top-10 seeds in the men’s bracket will be in action. Fifth seed Marin Cilic will take on Florian Mayer. Seventh seed Grigor Dimitrov will face Vaclav Safranek. Eighth seed Jo-Wilfried Tsonga will take on Denis Shapovalov. Ninth seed David Goffin has a match against Julien Benneteau, and finally, American John Isner, the 10th seed, will face Hyeon Chung.
On the women’s side, Maria Sharapova will be in action after taking down the second-seeded Simona Halep on the tournament’s first day. Sharapova is unseeded and will face Timea Babos, another unseeded player, on Wednesday.
Venus Williams and Garbine Muguruza are the biggest names in action for the women. Muguruza, the third seed, will take on Ying-Ying Duan while Williams will take on Oceane Dodin.
Below is all you need to know to watch the action on Wednesday, and a list of every singles matchup that involves at least one seeded player.
How to watch the US Open
Date: Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2017 (first- and second-round play)
Location: USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center, New York
Time: 1 p.m.
TV: ESPN (1-6 p.m.), ESPN2 (6-11 p.m.)
Online Streaming: WatchESPN, ESPN App
Men’s Singles
No. 4 Alexander Zverev vs. Borna Coric No. 5 Marin Cilic vs. Florian Mayer No. 7 Grigor Dimitrov vs. Vaclav Safranek No. 8 Jo-Wilfried Tsonga vs. Denis Shapovalov No. 9 David Goffin vs. Julien Benneteau No. 10 John Isner vs. Hyeon Chung No. 11 Roberto Bautista Agut vs. Andreas Seppi No. 12 Pablo Carreno Busta vs. Cameron Norrie No. 14 Nick Kyrgios vs. John Millman No. 15 Tomas Berdych vs. Ryan Harrison No. 16 Lucas Pouille vs. Jared Donaldson No. 17 Sam Querrey vs. Dudi Sela No. 18 Gael Monfils vs. Jeremy Chardy No. 19 Gilles Muller vs. Paolo Lorenzi No. 20 Albert Ramos-Vinolas vs. Nicolas Mahut No. 22 Fabio Fognini vs. Stefano Travaglia No. 23 Mischa Zverev vs. Benoit Paire No. 24 Juan Martin del Potro vs. Henri Laaksonen No. 26 Richard Gasquet vs. Leonardo Mayer, to finish: 6-3, 2-6 No. 27 Pablo Cuevas vs. Damir Dzumhur No. 28 Kevin Anderson vs. Ernests Gulbis No. 29 Diego Schwartzman vs. Janko Tipsarevic No. 30 Adrian Mannarino vs. Ricardas Berankis No. 31 Feliciano Lopez vs. Andrey Kuznetsov No. 33 Philipp Kohlschreiber vs. Tim Smyczek
Women’s Singles
No. 3 Garbine Muguruza vs. Ying-Ying Duan No. 4 Elina Svitolina vs. Katerina Siniakova, to finish: 6-0, 6-6(2-1) No. 5 Caroline Wozniacki vs. Ekaterina Makarova No. 8 Svetlana Kuznetsova vs. Marketa Vondrousova No. 9 Venus Williams vs. Oceane Dodin No. 10 Agnieszka Radwanska vs. Petra Martic No. 11 Dominika Cibulkova vs. Sloane Stephens No. 13 Petra Kvitova vs. Alize Cornet No. 14 Kristina Mladenovic vs. Monica Niculescu No. 16 Anastasija Sevastova vs. Kateryna Kozlova No. 17 Elena Vesnina vs. Anna Blinkova No. 18 Caroline Garcia vs. Ekaterina Alexandrova No. 19 Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova vs. Christina McHale No. 20 CoCo Vandeweghe vs. Alison Riske No. 22 Shuai Peng vs. Donna Vekic No. 25 Daria Gavrilova vs. Allie Kilick No. 26 Anett Kontaveit vs. Lucie Safarova No. 27 Shuai Zhang vs. Sabine Lisicki No. 29 Mirjana Lucic-Baroni vs. Carla Suarez Navarro No. 30 Julia Goerges vs. Saisai Zheng No. 31 Magdalena Rybarikova vs. Kristyna Pliskova Maria Sharapova vs. Timea Babos
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placerdiario · 7 years
Asics - your own religion from Kim Charlotte Lemaire on Vimeo.
A fictitious campaign for Asics sportswear. | Graduation Project Kim Lemaire 2015 ; Academie Artemis Amsterdam
Director/styling/concept: Kim Lemaire DOP: Christiaan van Leeuwen Edit: Dave de Vaal Focus puller: Daan Bothof Light design: Eva Heinsbroek & Sylvester de Bruine Music: Daniel de Booij - Night Owls SFX: Daniel de Booij VO: Shari Klein Lyrics: Kim Lemaire Models: Sabine van Kooperen, Janniek Sinnige, Feliciano de Snoo, Cas de Rijk. MUA: Femke Rakhorst
All rights reserved by Lemaire Creative Branding ©
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sergenegri · 3 years
"Hindsight" (The Last mix of 2020) features tracks by:Suede Jenkins, Bohio Music, Monvelyno, Riva Nyri Precil, Okai Music, Sabine Blaizin, Frankie Feliciano, DJ Spinna, Ralph Gum, Rema, Tyrone Francis, Omar, Jennifer Hudson, Antonio Ocasio, Slam Mode, Jorja Smith.....And a few exclusive tracks coming soon from me. Happy New Year!
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