saltycharacters · 1 year
Can u tell us about Baxel? How did ey come to be?
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[ID: A digital sketch page compiling multiple ocs. The top left features 5 different species; from left-to-right are the Grokies, slug-inspired creatures with sharp teeth & huge arms, the Seikorg, snail-inspired species with rolled-up eye stalks & shell-hats, the Lumids, jellyfish-inspired species with large hands & decorated caps, the Glix, magnetic-fluid creatures wearing masks & stomach plates, & finally the Sabergrits, a reptilian & avian combination with a large main eye & winged arms. Below them is someone named Baxel, who is black & white, curly eared, with a spiked tail, underbite & tired eyes. Fe's shown to be an artificially created amalgamate of all 5 species, plus some dog dna. To the right are their parents, a Seikorg/Grokie mix called Slug & a dalmation reporter called Broaden. End ID]
Lore-wise, Baxel was originally commissioned as a test-tube baby by their parents (common practice, esp for those who are sterile/don't have means of natural reproduction) and was only suppose to have the DNA Slug and Broaden- however, fe ended up being illegally modified by their bio-engineer, and was later even stolen by said engineer, raised as their own kid after they claimed skull died due to complications. Parents and child continued not knowing the other existed for 16 or so years, until Baxel got involved in a bunch of stuff that led vox to learning about their conception, as well as about the species they're related to.
Baxel's "bonus" modifications included the addition of Lumid, Glix and Sabergrit dna, which coupled with the Seikorg and Grokie dna from Slug, made them a rare and unique mix that's also potential cause for corporate conflict. See, the 5 aforementioned species are technically copyrighted, super secret, artificially created, and incredibly destructive creations of bio companies that went missing a couple years back. Not only do/did the creators hate each other, but they kept them a secret to deter copycats, and to perfect them until they could be weaponized. Most of these species ended up breaking away from their birth companies but, for one reason or another they maintain their secrecy and few know about their existence at all. The bio-engineer who "created" Baxel use to work for these companies and managed to steal some samples/ building instructions, hoping to create something really powerful with a five-way amalgamate, something that would rival all species in raw ability. As Baxel grew though, the engineer's disappointment turned into verbal abuse and skull ended up running away at age 16, getting imself into a bunch of shenanigans and potentially stopping an apocalyptic war.
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saltycharacters · 1 year
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[ID: 3 digital artworks illustrating a variety of ocs. The 1st image showcases a black and white creature that vaguely resembles a bipedal dalmatian, with long curled ears and an underbite. Behind them is a colorful background, with various strange monster silhouettes scattered within it and four DNA strands emitting from the central character. The 2nd image features Byome, a bipedal amphibian creature with no mouth or nose, a single giant eye, and fishbone-like gills sprouting out of her head. She’s shown to wear a fish for a hat, and bright yellow galoshes, as well as occasionally wearing a skull mask and wielding a nail-filled bat. The final drawing is a sketchy doodle of a humanoid character, with moth wings and a hole-filled sweater. He’s shyly peering to the right behind large glasses. End ID]
Recent Arts
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saltycharacters · 3 years
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[ID: A digitally drawn lineup of 5 characters, each meant to represent a separate fictional species. Starting from the left, a toothy, bipedal slug creature is labeled as “Grokies”. He’s mostly purple, with green spots on his belly and cartoonish large arms, with a long tail and large eyestalks. The next creature is based on a snail, labeled as a “Seikorg” and shown to have their eyestalks curled into a spiral, matching their curled tail, four arms, and a shell hat. They are equally toothy and bipedal, with feelers lining their back and decorating their top lip. Next to them is a jellyfish creature called a “Lumid”, floating off the ground to match the height of the seikorg, with a humanoid body and floating limbs and head. Their cap has brightly colored tendrils coming out of it, and their legs are thin to contrast their large arms. The next creature is cat-like and gooey, labeled as a “Glix” and shown to be able to change her form. Her skin is coal black, with a green mask and stomach plate making her identity distinct. The final species is a spikey reptilian with wings, labeled as “Sabergrits” and shown to have a large eye decorate most of their face, with a smaller eye shoved in the corner. They have an overbite and curled, spikey tail. End ID]
Some of my fictional species :]
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saltycharacters · 3 years
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[ID: 4 digital drawings featuring various animalistic ocs. The 1st has a line-up of 5 characters, each labeled by a species name- from left to right; Grokies, which are slug-like, Seikorg, which are snail-like, Lumids, which are inspired by jellyfish, Glix, inspired by ferrofluid and cats, and Sabergrits, a mix between birds and lizards. 2nd image features more Sabergrits, one being Cardal alongside their sibling Orox, and an elder named Grukop. 3rd image has several Lumid characters, featuring Vira, Luchi, J.E.M, Pointoro, and Mirus. The final drawing includes an amalgamate character with all 5 species in their DNA, and dalmation DNA. Vox name is Baxel. End ID]
Fuck it. Here's a bunch of species stuff I drew recently
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saltycharacters · 3 years
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Don’t normally post my quick doodles bc well. Messy and unfinished BUT here’s some bonus oc content for ya
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