#só é pobre de marre
paulomarr · 6 months
Paulo Marr in loco - A vadiagem promíscua
Sou mesmo estranho. Li de uma mulher um elogio para um poeta, escritor sei l. Que o mesmo escreve com sentimento , puro. Eu fiquei a pensar. PQP já conversei com tal indivíduo e o mesmo disse que seus textos nada tem do coração. Só escreve por escrever, só por brincadeira. Ok, direito Aí ele me diz outra coisa que é uma confirmação que sempre tive. Mulher é um bicho carente e necessita sempre de algum elogio. Aí sai a procura. Ora exibindo sensualidade. Ora pelada mesmo. Ou então como este cara me falou que mulheres lhe mandam imagens para ele usar em seus textos. É claro né gente, as inagens publicadas são até comportadas mas as que ficam nas mensagens privadas são as 'calientes'. E são mulheres jovens, velhas, casadas, solteiras de 29 até os 50. Mulher carente (vamos descrever assim, pessoa carente, pois é como a bendita psicologia acaricia a falta de caráter, deturpa o amor próprio e por aí vai, pois acho isso uma balela) e é prisioneira de elogios, só faz cagada! Fato! E depois sai dizendo que todo homem é safado pilantra, mas não reflete que quem abriu as portas e as pernas foi ela de forma rápida, atropelando o tempo e tudo mais. E às vezes leva esta cagada para dentro de casa e aí se tem filha o que acontece? É isso mesmo e algumas pobre coitadas mostram sinais, falam mas a confiança está no macho. Eu sempre mantive distância de muitas mulheres e nunca usei o que escrevi ou as músicas que compus para usufruir de intimidade delas. Pelo contrário, já fui até grosseiro. Os textos, as músicas que fiz são para as mulheres que amo, que fizeram parte de minha vida. Uma coisa que me aborreceu, graças a Deus não acontece mais, é mulher comprometida ficar de blá bla blá comigo, bla blá bla não é a conversa comum, de rotina, mas de sacanagem, pu..ria. Só faltava eu falar pra tal pessoa que detesto pu...a adoro e respeito prostitutas, mas pu..as eu acho um lixo! Mulheres que ficam mandando fotos para tais pilantras. Pois isso eu acho pilantragem, são tão pilantras quanto tais. Caras que ficam na sombra glamourosa de tal nome. Poeta. São nada mais do que safados e ainda mais quando enviam textos eróticos para as mulheres. Coisa que eu já bati de frente com alguns vermes no Twitter e nunca mais pertubaram a Fá. Agora mulheres, não todas, mas estas tais que adoram se exibir tenham vergonha na cara e se respeitem. As casadas nem vou falar nada, pois estas são mais pilantras ainda. Este foi texto dirigido as mulheres e aos poetas pilantras, mas há muitos homens pilantras também ao se aproveitar da carência, de um momento difícil de uma mulher.
Paulo Marcos
Paulo Marcos
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rhiezus · 4 years
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“ i'm not young enough to know everything. ”
name: kim yootaek
nicknames: nino (he has no memory to why)
age: he is around twenty four.
zodiac sign: sagittarius.
their parents names: seol taeha and kim mansook
their siblings names: seol bomi (half-sister)
favorite childhood memory: when he was about two years old, his parents got divorced and although he doesn’t remember at time when they were actually together and in love he still kinda looked up to his father, even if he went live on his own after his mom moved away and ended up marrying again. his father would visit him in years following, but it became less and less until they only talked on the phone and soon only on facebook or something like that. so his favorite memory is still of his father, despite he being a very emotional distant and weird man, he was quite fond of yootaek when he was little and when he was five or six year’s old he took him on a trip to his hometown in the countryside and they had a whole day together. yootaek really remembers every thing about this day, he remember falling asleep on the bus and his dad waking him up, remember him feeding him sandwiches from his bag, they went fishing and his father caught a very small fish so they had to pay for their meals but his father was so happy that it wasn’t a bad thing, then they played soccer with his dad’s school friends and by the time he woke up he was already home in his mom’s arms again. the whole feeling of being wanted, happy and innocent, is what makes this memory so special to him.
favorite family member: although he doesn’t quite show it, his favorite member is his half sister, bomi. he was very jealous when she was born, but he couldn’t help but take care of her and they ended up becoming good friends. she makes him laugh and for her he does kinda feel special to work and bring pizza in the evening, he wishes to have her low pressure in life but nevertheless he likes her as a person and that counts in a family that he couldn’t care about anyone less.
faceclaim: youngk (day6)
height: 1.81
allergies: none.
diseases: had struggled with pretty bad anxiety in high school, he is better now but sometimes takes medication for it and when he can afford he tries to visit his psychiatric.
blood type: A+
fashion: he is punky, likes black and cheap necklaces. uses the same sneakers for years and years, he even has clothes that are very sketchy and with holes in it but he wears it anyway because he says “it adds character” to his sense of style. he doesn’t try to fit in with his rich friends, for that reason he is not afraid to go thrift shopping and find gems. wears the same thing over and over when he really loves it, but he never smells though he is a clean guy and has a nice scent.
tattoos: his first tattoo was just after he graduated from high school and had a bigger paycheck in his part time job, it’s pretty self explanatory, he just wanted to do something brave and crazy and decided to do a tattoo. he didn’t even search for a studio, he went in the first and coolest he found and asked for that. this one was after getting into collage, he just found it really awesome and did it. now, in this he was very drunk one day and decided it was a good idea to text his friend who is a tattoo artist that he wanted something like that, the next week he didn’t have the courage to say no and just decided to go for it cause well, you only live life one.
piercings: both his ears, and he wears earrings a lot too.
born: busan, south korea.
resides: idk where the university at.
pets: can’t even take care of himself.
vehicle: doesn’t drive yet, doesn’t even have a license, he literally walks everywhere and takes the subway and bus a lot too cause he is just poor.
major: public relations.
career: honestly? he applied to public relations because it seemed to be the easiest course to get accepted at, and he did get in but despite his belief he actually likes it. he is very good at handling crisis, talking to people, debating and finding a common ground, he can blend in well with any kind of crowd and be appreciated for it but more than that he is an observant and likes to judge others by that. that’s why he wants to be a content strategist, dealing with pr issues at companies and stuff like that... right now he goes in between jobs at burger king, offices and the regular part times.
trained in: because of all the odd jobs he did since middle school, he knows how to work at a lot of places and can deal well with troublesome situations. he learns things very quickly and thinks almost strategically at everything.
languages: korean, barely english, just the usual to survive but he does say he speaks english in his resumee. he plans on taking english classes on the university to learn more, he is just procrastinating it.
religion: none.
felonies: none, yet.
drugs: had tried it, but he gets very aloof and hates it.
smokes: he prefers cigarettes and marijuana, so at a party if he is tempted to get high that’s very you will find him trying to loosen up. doesn’t smoke every day though, is just occasional or when he is stressed at the end of the week. but can’t deny he already had taken a test very high though, cause he did.
alcohol: he gets more high than drunk, if he drinks he is a complete mess and does a lot of crazy stuff, like crashing things and burning things down that’s why he tries not to drink alone to lose control.
diet: none, he drinks and eats everything.
sexual orientation: pansexual.
availability: free as a bird.
looking for: ain’t looking, he is not the type to believe he is ever gonna be in a serious relationship but doesn’t oppose to it if it ever does happen depending on the situation. he has a weak for independent women and reckless boys, so he gets more crushes than he likes to admit.
hobbies: listen to music, taking the bus, working, studiying (or just pretending to study when he is in fact on youtube gossip of youtuber’s he doesn’t even know anything about), more music to listen... likes to watch movies and definitely has a letterboxd account, his favorite genre is of course suspense and documentaries, has a pretty thirsty desire to know useless and intellectual stuff, that won’t add anything to his life, he just wants to learn things non-stop. more listening to music, and sleeping in, sleeping late, not sleeping at all.
traits: hardworking, decisive, independent, loyal, perceptive, sage, aloof, misguided, opinionated, resentful.
mbti: estp.
moral alignment: chaotic good.
chinese zodiac: rat (is outgoing, cheerful, and sociable in character. they can get along well with different people, so there are a lot of friends around them. facing hardships, they show bold and positive personality traits due to their acute instinct and calmness.)
hogwarts house: gryffindor.
tarot card: the devil (a hedonist through and through. they follow their own pleasure, instincts, and take risks. people might find them to be intimidating at times but no matter what, there’s no denying they have a certain allure.)
tv tropes: the main character’s best friend that for some reason you feel so dangerously attracted to.
song: level of concern by twenty one pilots,
ideologies: oh my god, he has a lot on his mind but he doesn’t exactly believe in anything concrete because that’s too much responsibility to back it up. he is that option in bitlife when people ask if you believe in god and you say “which one?”, because somehow he doesn’t see rights or wrongs in any of them. people believe in whatever they want to believe, as long as they do it good, and honestly he doesn’t think people are doing so well with their beliefs because the world is fucked up so something needs to be changed about that. so he doesn’t believe, he just likes to keep all his options open and listen to everyone fair and square.
song: lucozade by zayn malik.
book: doesn’t have any.
place: his favorite place is taking the bus, any window seat on the bus for him is the most peaceful and neutral place on earth is like taking a trip to another dimension.
memory: his favorite memory is from when he went to the university for his first class, because he thought it was gonna be easy and even though he forgot all his pencils at home he just fucking memorized everything to write down when he was at his part time job later and it was just an exciting day, he finally had a goal for a change other than earning money to survive. he realized he could be someone, learn something and that was life changing.
person: he is very fond of taegon, actually, he feels like he is his only true friend despite their really different upbringings. he doesn’t share all his hardships with him, but he knows the other understands and they speak almost without words, they just vibe together and there is no other special reason to have a favorite person as, vibing is everything.
movie: inception dir. by christopher nolan.
tvshow: how to get away with murder.
sport: soccer.
food: korean barbecue, just meat.
beverage: redbull.
color: steel grey.
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paulomarr · 4 years
Paulo Marr In Loco #10 - Vomitei! Sim vomitei!
Uma das coisas que mais me assusta e me afasta é em nosso meio. Olhar para o Brasil em geral é simples. Olho para o nosso meio. Meio este chamado de poesia, de poetas e poetisas, meio este que numa simples relação que nem a cara vê não consegue mostrar respeito, compreensão e o sentimento mais falado, mais puro o que enche qualquer um que o viva de virtudes. E aí neste meio, fantasioso, tão belo nas palavras vemos a vulgarização do amor em atitudes, posicionamentos, em palavras que tornam o amor um simples sentimento de final de semana ou enquanto for adequado. O exemplo da poesia fica na terra dos sonhos, na fantasia mentirosa de alguns, que pregam o amor mas desprezam o próximo por pensar diferente, pregam o amor mas não perdoam um simples discordar, que se une para falar mal, que ao invés de dar palavras de crescimento escreve de desmantelamento. Que na rede social tem uma face toda fofinha mas o pobre do porteiro, da menina que faz a faxina, o cobrador tem o conhecimento da verdadeira face. Ah que que tem a ver com o 7 de Setembro? Tem a ver que a poesia em sua história em suas prosas, são parte de mudanças, parte do inconformismo, parte da manutenção da família, da demonstração do amor em todos os cantos e não só debaixo de um lençol com um corpo teso, que faz ver estrelas. E isso é exemplo para que os próximos governantes políticos tenham pelo menos o caráter de quem viu as palavras belas sendo vividas por quem escreve. Falei de uma área que nunca me considerei parte pois o que escrevo é meu, para as mulheres que amo, meus vômitos as vezes contra algumas injustiças, mas me sinto tremendamente triste em ver tantos escreverem coisas lindas e suas atitudes contrastarem com sua pregação. Acho que estou um pouco mau humorado com nosso país, seu presidente, com a poesia e quem escreve. Comigo por tão pouco fazer, e ainda ter votado neste psicopata, presidente de boteco. E a cara deste país é algo que assombra! Pois a maioria do teu povo está sempre em cima do muro e entre o certo e o errado escolhe o conveniente Ah e desculpa fui inconveniente. Já falei pra mim mesmo que não mais comentaria nada na internet .
Paulo Marcos
Comentário em uma postagem da Nane ao 7 de Setembro
Acho que perdi uma amiga. rsrsrs
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