#s: pugusta
luucypevensie · 1 year
if they had a kid meme for the pairing you want to do this for the *most*
Thank you sm for asking! I think I’m going to go with my Glee OC, Augusta Carrigan. She is my other Glee OC, Thea’s, best friend since childhood, and a future love interest for Puck. So, this will be his and Augusta’s child (Btw, I recasted Puck’s fc to Jesse Metcalfe, and Augusta’s fc is Evan Rachel Wood).
Name: Este Thea Puckerman
Gender: Cisgender female
General Appearance: Este completely takes after her mother in looks: blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile that can be sharp and calculating, but sweet around people she loves
Personality: Este is a bit of a mystery to those who don’t know her: on the outside, she is cool and cunning. However, around her parents and her friends, she is kind and sweet
Special Talents: Incredible dancer (her speciality is ballet), black belt in karate, and a very good singer (which is not surprising considering Puck’s voice & Augusta being in a well-known band as an adult)
Who they like better: Her aunts Thea and Iris Este doesn’t prefer one over the other, she likes them both equally
Who they take after more: Probably Augusta a little bit more (though she’s not as cunning as her daughter)
Personal Headcanon: Brittany has made Este her prodigy, and it’s actually hilarious watching the two of them together because they are two completely different personalities
Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart
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