#ryuu after everything: honey i love you bUT WHAT THE ASS
tenacquity · 4 months
now that more tgaa/dgs rpers are climbing out of the woodwork (btw i'm here just gathering you up in my arms and holding you 5ever♡) and i'll be using ryuu's main verse more often, i do want to draw attention to a canon element in my portrayal uvu
pre-game, ryuu and kazuma definitely were together romantically it's what @howthesleeplesswander and i like to call: "Kazuma is inevitable." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
now, whether any other characters are aware of the relationship remains to be seen (i mean... look at them??? are they not obvious?), but basically the point of this post is to say that ryuu was with kazuma before all the train wrecks of the games occurred
by the end of the games, whether or not he's still romantically involved with him is up for debate and interaction-based. things are... complicated, to say the least ヽ(ヅ)ノlots of healing to do, no doubt. of course, kazuma will always be important to him, but the nature of that relationship is changeable
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