drawwithmis · 2 years
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Artie's Scavenger pack!
loading file: wildlife_examination_cyclexxxxxxx ...
User: BEtH_Os.1
Subject pack regular, despite continued aggression displayed towards and recieved from neighboring slugcat colony. closing doors to outside chamber not yet necessary- they do not seem to even fathom leaving the can grounds.
Subj. Purveyor: clever, greedy and with a penchant for shiny objects, Purveyor is often caught raiding the User's minor data storage facilities or trying to pry Os.1's eye away from its main unit. The subject's obsession often finds it in direct conflict with the neighboring slugcat colony, especially with the large spotted specimen often seen wandering the Can. Due to worry of serious lasting injury, it is currently being calculated if opening access to a major data storage unit would incentivize Purveyor to share its "treasure.
Despite the undesirable behaviour, purveyor appears to be trusted and even loved by the rest of the subjects, and is often seen grooming or tending to the others' wounds.
Subj. Skittish: a small specimen, not quite adult judging by its stature and behaviour, but with little chance to grow larger. Genetic testing of fur samples reveal a familial connection between it and Purveyor, though what kind is hard to discern- considering their ages, they are suspected to be siblings. The subject would be quite unremarkable, with its lack of dominance and boldness, if it weren't for it's intellect- surprisingly high considering its species. It is often seen hauling spears on its back, but will often combine different objects to craft- more often than not lanterns or explosive spears.
Subj. Shaman: An interesting subject. Smaller than Purveyor and even more thinly built than Skittish and partially consumed by the Rot, it is a wonder just how it is given such a high standing between the pack. Despite its physical issues, it seems to have caught to my teachings somehow. it often visits the BD mainframe closure mechanism, blabbering away and drawing the ancient's karma symbols onto the door- it might be possible it expects the door to open at some point?
Subj. Boss: Despite the specimen's imposing presence, it seems as if it is the most soft-spoken and withdrawn of the group. Often appointed the role of leader, Boss does not shy away from anything, but rather appears to simply prefer quiet.
However withdrawn Boss might be, it seems as if it does enjoy the company of its pack members: it seems to hold Shaman in a high regard, even going as far as to share its affliction (a ritualistic tradition, perhaps), cares for Skittish like it were a child and has a special interest for Purveyor, often bringing it food or high-value trinkets in what appears to be a courting display. Purveyor indeed also shows interest, but seems to be more amused by the chase than accept Boss's offerings. A way to milk it for all its worth? or maybe it is attempting to create its own courting gift.
Nevertheless, the presence of a possible breeding couple bodes very well for the longevity of the experiment.
AccidentalSubject Large: An interesting discovery, as mentioned in incident report no.3. A failed (?) attempt to introduce hostile wildlife to the Can, thislizard was instead tamed via a rather panicky diversion tactic involving food while hunting Skittish. It now follows Skittish around, protects the pack and is decidedly well-fed.
Overseeing Iterator: Better Dreamscape
Communications report: Still nothing. Seeding pearls around the slugcat colony residing in MI's can has not garnered any result, to the point that I wonder if my messages have reached him at all. Maybe he too perished to the Rot, like No Prophecy?
System report: All systems operational, if not with some inconveniencies caused by the spreading infection. While locking the CPU from any outside interferences has efficiently kept all systems running, I will not deny that even an Iterator can feel lonely and trapped. Sometimes I do envy my subjects- at the very least they do not know they are trapped.
@yellowldraws 's slugcat colony is HERE
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drawwithmis · 2 years
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This was an Attack on Art Fight featuring (@yellowldraws and @artiev88 's Characters)...
but now it's just one of my favourite things I've ever made lol
I will probably post all my Rainworld inherent Art fight attacks at the end of the month! But for now you get this, since is part of our shared universe.
(Comic by @yellowldraws)
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