illicitvffairs · 5 years
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      ‘     YOU REALLY THINK i’m stupid, don’t you?    ’    gigi didn’t have time to waste on this conversation anymore. downing the rest of her whiskey neat, the petite blonde hopped down from the barstool and started to make towards the exit, but a hand on her arm had her rolling her eyes.    ‘    you’re a masochist. that’s it, right? you just like coming here every week trying to win me over and getting turned down time after time after time. it gets you off - i mean it has to because why else would you keep trying?    ’ // @rvmcrs​
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silvrmccnz · 5 years
 for my babylove @rvmcrs​ . ♡ 1/2
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      for the first time in forever, lyanna felt like things were finally getting better. her father was away on a business trip and wouldn't be home for the next couple of days. she could breathe again, even if it was just for a little while. the female had been spending an awful time with nate, they were closer than they had ever been and she was starting to feel like maybe there was something there, but she was wrong. she was so wrong. one of their mutual friends had invited them to a party, and although the blonde found it weird when he hadn’t mentioned to her he was coming when her steely blue orbs spotted him she couldn’t help but smile. that same smile faded away as fast as it had appeared when she realized he wasn’t alone. a beautiful girl wearing tight jeans, a snug top that showcased her considerable bust line and a sultry smile walked hand in hand with him. a wave of pure confusion washed over her, followed by vertigo, which had her head spinning slightly. who the fuck was that? “um, hey.” the female greeted them with a weak smile.
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heroexxs · 6 years
based on this  // @rvmcrs
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   the adrenaline was already pumping through his veins as he got comfortable backstage and heard the yelling of the crowd. this was what he had been waiting for, people screaming his name and singing along to the songs that he wrote. if all of that wasn’t enough, he was able to tour the whole country with the love of his life. city after city she got to come along with him, and it was such a huge adventure that he never thought they’d ever be on. sure, it was a lot of moving in such a small amount of time, but she knew what she was signing up for. he was a signer when they met, and he wasn’t about to put his dreams on the back burner. 
   a wide smile was on his face as he was going through his little routine to warm up his voice, tune his guitar and just make sure that he was in a great mood before he went on. when he heard the door open and saw his wife, he gave her another grin as he got up and stretched. “you ready? show number... shit i lost count.” he said with a little laugh as he sighed happily. she didn’t seem like she was in a great mood, and he couldn’t help but to tilt his head a little bit. “you okay?” he muttered, hoping that something wasn’t wrong. the last thing he wanted was for her to be sad backstage while he was out on stage. 
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summcrshcndy · 5 years
SUMMER: i was supposed to delete ur number out of my phone but i didn't and it's fucked up that i'm still checking up on u but i just need know that ur ok
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mocnflowers · 5 years
sam had lived in california all his life, moving from house to house until eventually he was old enough to leave the nest. his mothers had given up so many opportunities to raise him and he’d promised himself that he’d make them proud. what sometimes deterred him from that path of righteousness was his interest in pretty faces. it was one of the reasons why he had become a photographer. his mother would take him to sets or magazine shoots she was working on, of course he had been thrilled any time she brought him to work with her. he grew up around models - it was one of the perks of having a stylist for a mother. he could have had it easy if he wanted, he could have thrown himself into photography without the aide of college but sam wanted more than to just perfect the skill, he wanted to be more than just your bog standard magazine photographer. luckily for him, his teacher was pretty phenomenal and it seemed he’d taken quite a liking to sam’s work, too. sam liked to play with lights, often bringing them into his work to play tricks on the mind with different casts of shadows. what of course sam had not expected when his professor, michael invited him over for dinner was to find that his son happened to have one of the prettiest faces the young man had ever seen. needless to say, his interests were getting in the way of his ability to pay attention. “so mikey, what is it you do?” sam asked, trying not to look to deeply into those stunning brown eyes of his. @rvmcrs
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daydrcamcrs-blog · 5 years
ft. @rvmcrs
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      “ I’m in love with you, I don’t care about what people have to say about it because I’m done caring about other people have to think about the idea of us being together. If I have to climb to the roof and yell it than I will to prove to you that I’m not bullshitting about any of this. “  People’s opinions had always been something Gabriel gave a lot of thought about but when it came to how he felt about her and part of Gabriel hates himself for waiting so long to be honest with not only himself but her as well about how he feels about her. However that doesn’t change he did have his moments in the past of being a jerk towards her and now all he can do is have faith that she can forgive him for being scared of everyone else’s judgement.  “ I will do anything to prove to you that I mean what I say. “ 
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badassteller · 6 years
@rvmcrs / based on this and this. 
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when he heard that there would be a group assignment he groaned. he hadn’t been in school much lately and it was clear that he picked the wrong class, cause the last thing he wanted to do was to have to do a paper with someone. zach listened as the teacher paired them into teams of two. he had barely talked to anyone in class, he usually kept away from everyone and did his own thing. the rest of the lesson, the teacher kept on explaining what the paper would be about and all the details. when the bell rang and everyone hurried out, zach walked over to the other. “so, how are we gonna do this?” 
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thestarryeyesx · 5 years
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@rvmcrs liked for a starter
“Don’t get mad, but while you were gone I found this little one out in front in the bushes and I had to bring her in. I’ve just been calling her Kitty, I haven’t decided on a name yet, and I figured I should leave the naming up to you.”
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ethercvl1234-blog · 5 years
@rvmcrs hit ♡ for a starter | based on this !
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"we are so going to get caught.” the blonde laughed as she lid the key card into the empty hotel room. they’d been goofing around the place for the last few months. it helped that their boss was often gone, but this time he was at the hotel. though she knew they were trusted but it was shocking that he didn’t check on them. “well come on, before we get caught please!”
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deadrosesindie · 5 years
@rvmcrs liked this for a starter
Orion shrugged. “Everything is so confusing. I don’t know...”
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illicitvffairs · 5 years
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      HAVING THE KIDS at his parents was an unfamiliar feeling. the house to himself, a date night only officially a few minutes away, and a neatly displayed dinner in front of him, he was surprised to not hear the screeching cries of his daughters as they fought over toys. he’d taken the week off of work and he’d agreed with his wife that they needed a break from everything, even being parents. for some time, they’d been on the verge and this was a last ditch effort. feeling so far away from each other had always been a foreign concept - until it wasn’t. he missed her more than he saw her, their schedules keeping them from seeing one another except right before going to sleep, but he was trying. when she entered the room, his breath caught.     ‘     you look beautiful. you know we’re, not going anywhere, right? we’re just sitting here together.      ’ // @rvmcrs
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silvrmccnz · 5 years
for my baby love @rvmcrs 2/2 ♡
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       it was late, milo wasn't sure of just how late it was but judging by the silence that now reigned inside he assumed that it was pretty late. his body was heavy, an unfortunate result of the beating he had received. it hadn't even been meant for him, but there was no way he'd let the older man hit lyanna in his presence. it didn't take long for him to push himself out of bed, change into a pair of sweatpants and grab his favorite hoodie before heading out the door. the night was cold and quiet.  it seemed like the darkness would win and pull him, and the deafening silence would drive him mad, so, before he knew, he had pulled outside her house. his head resting back against the seat as long fingers dialed the one number he had bothered to learn by heart. "hey," he murmured, pearly whites sinking into his full bottom lip as warm brown orbs fluttered closed. just the mere sound of her voice was enough to calm the storm brewing within him."i'm sorry, i know it's late... i just, i need to see you."
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heroexxs · 5 years
// @rvmcrs​
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    ezekiel was hoping that isaac’s plan would work. as much as he hated getting dressed up and wearing some mask that he got him, he’d do it all to win back maryanne. as much as he hated isaac’s guts, he at least helped him look a bit... nicer than normal. it was a black tie affair, and black tie wasn’t anywhere in his closet. thankfully isaac found him a suit from who knew where that he could borrow and he had to admit that he didn’t look that bad. that, and he finally got his hair cut, and trimmed his beard so hopefully maryanne wouldn’t notice that it was him. for the longest time he stared at himself in hsi mirror in full suit and mask wondering if this would really work. she seemed pretty adamant about not seeing him ever again, but hopefully tonight she could forgive him. isaac texted him the address (which zeke was still weary about giving him his number) and as he took a deep breath, he tried his best to keep calm as he headed over to the event. this had to be one of the nicest places that he had ever stepped into. after flashing his ticket, he felt his eyes go wide at how beautiful the place was, and how many people were there. thankfully, he could pick maryanne out of any crowd. all he had to do was find her red hair, and he’d be golden. isaac would be a little more difficult to find, but he’d talk to him later. after grabbing a glass of champagne, he quickly drank it all to gain some liquid courage before going on his quest to find maryanne. his eyes scanned the room, trying to find just a glimpse of her, but it was a little harder than he expected. everyone was wearing masks and it was a bit confusing of who he already saw and who he hadn’t seen before. finally he noticed her red hair and knew that he had to make a little move before someone else asked her to dance. he fixed his suit jacket, took a deep breath and made his way over with a smile on his face. “um, excuse me miss...” he said trying to deepen his voice so she wouldn’t notice that it was him. “would you like to dance?” 
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summcrshcndy · 5 years
KAI: hey why didn't i see you at the show last night??
KAI: i told matty and milo that you were gonna be there and they were bummed
KAI: i mean they pretended to be bummed but idk if they actually were but...
KAI: sorry for triple texting
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champagns-archive · 5 years
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lukas  manages  to  slip  away  from  the  meeting ,  making  his  way  down  to  the  break  area  that  seemed  to  be  empty  ;  except  his  dad’s  assistant  was  there  .  he  can’t  hide  the  smirk  that  finds  it’s  way onto  his  lips  ,  he’s  always  been  crushing  hard  on  them  but  never  had  the  chance  to  properly  ask  them  out  .  lukas  always  assumed  there  was  someone  else  in  the  picture  because  they  were  too  hot  to  be  single  .  still  ,  that   didn’t  keep  him  from  shamelessly  flirting  with  them  whenever  he  got  the  chance  .  “  every  meeting  just  gets  more  and  more  boring  .  ”  he  announces  himself  ,  sitting  up  on  the  countertop  next  to  them  ,  “  i  don’t  know  how  you  can  work  with  my  dad  ;  i  can  barely  live  with  him  ,  and  i  know  he’s  a  bigger  asshole  when  he’s  here  .  ”     /     closed  starter  for  @rvmcrs  (   ♡   )
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daydrcamcrs-blog · 5 years
ft. @rvmcrs
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    “ I told you that I never wanted to see you again and I meant it. Do you really believe that two months would be enough for me to heal from the heart break? “  Allison has always been known for being a tough girl but what had happened between the two of them had been one of the hardest things she had to possibly deal with in a long time.  “ I needed you to be there for me when I lost my parents but you had been too busy living out your dream to come back and pretend like you gave a shit about me right?  I had to come up with excuses to why you weren’t here by my side during one of the darkest times of my life. Did you actually ever love me or was I just someone you brought home to keep  your family happy to think that you weren’t always going to be single. “  This anger she has been bottling up for months is finally overflowing and it just turned out that they were going to be the victim to her frustration she has been feeling. 
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