imaginative-123 · 2 years
CARS 3 ALTERNATE ENDING Monty and Cruz 2017/ The Fabulous Hudson Hornet at Willy's Butte 2006 by me
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So here's my HOT TAKE, Cars 3 ending is underwhelming tbh, bec Cars 3 kinda exists to make an apology to a abomination sequel yet made an underwhelming ending instead, of making Cruz won the race and flip Jackson Storm as a connection to Doc flipping the rookie on his glory days. Despite the fact there's no scenes of Cruz having a closer connection to Doc only McQueen who has more flashback scenes and emotional scene when he was with Doc Hudson and when he's alive during that time. It makes the flipping scene underwhelming bec what was the point of having McQueen more scenes with Doc Hudson only to have his trainer won the race making the connection not having a lasting impact on me and I never cheered when Cruz won bec my expectation from the first and second half was so high and the payoff was so underwhelming. The reason More than New Paint alternate ending works bec in summary McQueen was not allowed to race bec Sterling sees more potential in Cruz, despite in my additional version McQueen could've been given an upgrade bec the actual movie conveniently never give him upgrades in the RUZTEZE Center despite they have techno stuff and based on my research Corvettes like him can get upgrade, and despite trying to race against his trainer Cruz he can't keep up with her despite she has the fastest speed than him, and Sterling was willing to give the 95 no to her as a connection to Louise who stole a number to enter a race bec she's being discriminated as a woman back in the 50s the only difference was Cruz was allowed to race with that no. due to her speed but the connection is there between her and Louise Nash. So McQueen was in the position of Doc who did everything to go back to racing only to be turned down the only difference was Tex Dinoco gave him a chance to race again one last time and this time he decided to wear Doc Hudson's colors and 51 no. as a way to honor him and was sponsored by DINOCO bec it's his dream at the first movie but he turned it down at the end bec he found a family in RUZTEZE including his newfound friends from Radiator Springs, but it's also a callback that Doc never got a chance to show them, this time McQueen had a chance to show Doc that he can get back to racing one last time.
This ending personally for me could've given McQueen a chance to win and that's where he needs to retire and give his Ruzteze place to Cruz bec it can allude to the ending of Toy Story 3 where Andy decided to give away his toys to Bonnie the new owner including his fav toy Woody bec he decided it's time to let go and play his toys one last time before heading off to college. As his last childhood moment. That could've been what Cars 3 that McQueen, he decided that retiring would make his decision that it's time for him to let go and be a trainer of Cruz just like how Doc retired and be a crew chief of McQueen, but nope he said at the end he didn't want to retire making the story overall pointless. It makes the credits scenes confusing if during his time of coaching Cruz did he even retire or not?
Although I only liked Cars 2 and 3 for the fanarts despite me having problems of the story overall. So here's my art in detail in humanized alternate version.
So in this version McQueen decides to retire after winning the first Piston Cup and giving it to Cruz who only won second place after Cruz gave him a chance to win against Jackson Storm who pushes him to the wall and I used the alternate ending where McQueen flipz over Jack just like how Doc flips over the rookie in his glory days. Cruz wants to decline due to her generosity but McQueen said she deserved it since she wants to follow her idol and here she was standing beside her idol who won the Piston Cup and was giving it to her. So Cruz happily happily receives the trophy as her reward.
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As McCqueen won, to which he teaches Jackson Storm to not judge a book of it's cover and Jcakson was left humilated but realized that he;s right and he told McQueen that he's right but he'll work hard to win again someday and McQueen may have distaste against him but he respects him as Jackson lost himself at the crowd, the media and news reporter questioned him if he's willing to race again. He decided that it may be the time to retire since he finally decided it's time to let go and give his DINOCO place to his friend Cal Weathers who got fired earlier in the actual movie to give his older gens a chance to race again including Bobby Swift to which Cal's crewchief and uncle Strip Weathers agreed to his decision and tried to fix his relationship with his nephew in the end in my version that is they have an argument earlier as to why he's fired but Strip explained he has no choice to remove him for the next gen cars bec he has to follow the rules and Cal was angry and depressed bec it's his dream of continuing his uncle's legacy only to be thrown under the bus that he quit racing. But he visited McQueen's race at he end of the movie and him hearing McQueen's decision makes him relieved that there might be a second chance and Strip and Cal apologized to each other for what happened. After the speech, Tex Dinoco approached McQueen who was being approached by Sterling who seems shocked and tried to apologized for underestimating McQueen's win. McQueen decides to sarcasticly mock Sterling bec of him being thrown under the bus bec it reminded him of his mentor Doc Hudson who was in his same position and he did gave him a favor bec he couldn't continue racing but Monty just got so lucky bec Tex Dinoco was standing beside him.
Tex Dinoco finally announced that he talked with Rusty and Dusty about Sterling's shady practices behind the scenes for only caring about the brand and money not Monty himself, being incredibly rude and power tripping to his employees, and not hiring more female trainers and applicants only Cruz as a trainer bec if you keep an eye in the RUZTEZE Training center there are more male trainers and workers than women although to be fair there's a woman janitor but I still stand my point, bec he doesn't believe women can't be a racer and he only hired Cruz bec Cruz was begging for a job and he has no choice but to let her in bec in my ver she was being let down by everyone for wanting to be a female racer bec in actual racing world there is still discrimination against women, he's only skeptical of her strengths as a trainer at first but only used her for his own gain when he realize her car has more speed than Monty that he doesn't cared about his opposite gender just for the sake of using their strengths as a means to his own gain. And Tex always keeps an eye on him, despite the two founders retired and they found out about Sterling's true nature they decide they want to return to the company and will never trust Sterling again and they made him officially fired from Ruzteze. Sterling was furious at first but before he comes at Monty and blames him for everything the security decides to take him away for making a scene.
After that, McQueen decides to propose to Sally and Sally agrees that she agrees to be married to McQueen. And Cruz was also happy about this and was being approached by Maddy McGear and asked McQueen and her for an autograph and she agrees, and after taking photographs with Maddy who was taken a camera shot by her mom, Melissa Bernabrake. Cruz had a realization and asked if Maddy wants to be a racer like her and Maddy cheerfully agrees she wants to be like her and Cruz tells her to never give up on your dreams bec someday it will happen, and Cruz said she'll build a organization for women to have more women racers and promote more equality alongside male racers and rebrand it to Racing Center Cruz Ramirez, and Tex Dinoco and Monty agrees and Sally asks Cruz is she can teach her to be a race car driver and see if she can compete with McQueen someday bec she was interested with racing and was inspired by her boyfriend. To which Cruz was willing to do and Monty was worried at first but was willing to give his girlfriend a chance.
As for this happy ending for the artwork I made here are the art details. So Since McQueen retired from racing to make it allude to TS3's ending. McQueen's car will be like Doc Hudson except McQueen will have no Ruzteze decals just Fabulous Monty McQueen just like how Doc used his old decals for his retirement and mentor McQueen when he's alive.
Based from the art I made before of Doc Hudson wearing Paul Newman shades, Herb Thomas clothes during the 50's the driver he's based on, and Paul is also athletic I gave him lean muscles and an old build.
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Herb Thomas
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Since most humanized fanarts like to depict him in long coat sleeves, I based him on wearing polo shirt from Herb Thomas including white helmet and goggles.
For Monty I based him on what Doc's hairtsyle was and wore his shades and holding his helmet. And his collars is altered to have red linings to represent his fav color with white color. And he has a lean build bec of his training back at RUSTEZE Training center. So his white pants and brown leathers shoes remained the same. so his beard may be based from Pewdiepie to represent his late 40's look although Pewds is 34 but still I decided take his appearance but make McQueen look older, and the Piston Cup sticker of Doc is the first NASCAR sticker from his old days so McQueen is from 2017 Piston Cup sticker.
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And credit to the artist for inspiration
Fabulous Lightning Mcqueen by moonepaws
However the link to that is not found anymore sadly although I did saved the image.
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As for Cruz's car is based on 2016 Scion Fr-S.
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And maybe this 2017 CRS Sports Coupe.
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Bec this is based on research.
So I mixed the 2017 and 2016 version together.
As for the yellow car's color I used the actual ending race of Cruz colors to represent the colors for the alternate ending.
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For the signature I based it on her actress Cristela Alonzo's signature on Cruz Dinoco Funko POP!
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Since she's the new star of Ruzteze I based it on the sideways logo like her DINOCO version on her hood.
The inside of their cars is based on the images I found on google regarding NASCAR stock car interiors so some may not be accurate bec I can't find other parts, bec some are blocked by how they were pictured so take it as a grain of salt.
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As for her appearance since she's Hispanic and may be Latina from the sources I've seen on the internet, I based it on her actress appearance.
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Including Hispanic women.
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And face shapes I chosed for Hispanic women face shapes is rectangular appearance that is top middle bec I seen Cruz as more of an energetic person. But I also make her chin flat to make her look different from the women I designed from my Cars Human AU.
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As for her NASCAR fire suits I had to research 2017 version bec the movie is set in 2016-2017 the only suit I found is Danica Patrick for female racers.
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For her yellow color I based it on NASCAR yellow suit colors.
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And her right shoe says Ronaldo bec in Cars 3 she said when during a ritual and wants McQueen to concentrate and rest his tires and he should name them just like as she named her tires, for her back left tire Maria, front left tire Fuerita, back right tire Ronaldo, and front right tire is Debbie Richardson.
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Also here's the clear view of details bec the whole picture is landscape and it's hard to see
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Sorry for the long post I just wanted to express my art and explanation. I'm willing to hear your thoughts on this redesign.
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otterlytoony · 7 years
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