#rubber ducky ur my best friend
mrslatifi · 1 year
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# me tumblring Images i made
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multi-fandom-imagine · 4 months
I warned u and now u shall pay the price ☺️
Luci and baby's first steps-
I await ur notification my friend ✨😂
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Lucifer vowed that he'd be a better father, and with your and Charlies help he knew could do it. It was another lazy afternoon you were resting on the couch, your gaze fixated on Lucifer that did his best to get his little girls attention.
"Edna sweetie! Look at this little ducky! Don't you want the little ducky?!"
Sitting up,Edna dropped the plush she was chewing on as she turned her attention to her father. An excited squeal escaped her lips as she did her best to stand on wobbly legs.
A gasped escaped Lucifer's lips as he grasped your arm shaking you awake. "Look! Look!"
Slowly opening your eyes, you nearly slipped off the couch as you both watched the toddler take a few tentative steps towards you. Her legs wobbling as she did her best to reach the little rubber duck in Lucifer's hands.
Now sitting up on the couch, you and Lucifer eagerly watched your daughter walk towards you until she collapsed in her father's arms. Her excited squeal matching her father's as he lifted her in the air, her small legs kicking with happiness. "Did you see that! OH." Letting out a small sniffle, he turned to face you as his lips quivered. "I can't believe we didn't record her first steps...what kind of father am I!"
Sighing, you slipped off the couch fighting back a yawn. Your cheek pressing against his as Edna nuzzled into her father's chest. "It's okay Lucifer, we'll get them again. Besides, I think this a much better memory."
Relaxing into you, Lucifer slowly nodded his head as he fixed his daughter's blonde hair. "You're right...we'll get it next time" Right now he was going to enjoy this moment with his two girls. "I can't wait to tell Charlie."
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sxaras · 3 months
hey luma its ya fav older sister kinna type (im messing fr) been in a selfship mood so im gonna come up with some questions and you can answer with whoever you like
- you and your s/o take a bath together, what's that like? (special ritual or anything, sky lore because i had a rubber duckie ritual as a kid)
- your s/o finds you sad and tries to revive you & ur mood, how do they do it?
- give me a chaotic idea in your head that would be silly with one (or more of them if it makes you happy) of your s/os
- i know you mentioned on the server like aus... what's a parallel au for your s/o that you'd like to live out with them? (for example like a shoujo anime when ur s/o is in a mafia game/anime)
- favorite thing about them
- who tucks you in at night and kisses you goodnight before you sleep (very romantic)
hope you like these<3
xoxo, sky
ok so baths
xiao - omggg they’re the most sweet and intimate thing ever in our relationship. whenever im stressed, he runs a bath for me. he lets me lay against his chest as i vent to him about what’s bothering me or we chat about something uplifting. he likes to massage my shoulders and thinks im very pretty with my hair in a messy bun <3
scara - mans was not okay with taking a bath together at first, which i understood and gave him time. when he was finally opened to the idea, i tried to make it as comforting to him as possible. i even set up candles and his fav movie to try to ease some anxiety <3
ok so
xiao - bro wants to go all out, but didn’t know how to at first. so, he asked my friends for advice, which, they didn’t really know much since i don’t vent to them often. but they said to do his best and honestly anything from him is perfect enough. he likes to, as previously answered, run a bath for me, we watch our favorite anime together (we sometimes rent perfect blue if i have the right headspace). usually i like to heal at home but sometimes he’ll take me out to see the city/town i live in <3
scara - says “take ur damn meds”💀ok but fr if it’s someone or multiple ppl affecting me negatively, he’s very much dead set on wanting to kick their asses. i have to tell him to be civil and to not let them bother us. “but if they’re bothering you, then that’s a problem to me!” he says. most of the time, we watch our fav anime and chill <3
dazai - another one who wants to go all out. (well all my f/o’s do but these two do it in a way im really into, not like im not into other f/o’s giving me affection tho) he buys me my favorite foods (but in no way pressures me to eat them bc of my low appetite), we rent perfect blue and any other obscure anime we can get our hands on without a virus together, takes me to the bookstore and lets me go ham, and will read to me when we fall asleep at night <3
silly scenarios
zhongli walking in on xiao and i making out
zhongli sending me an “are you ok” text at 3AM and me and xiao are like “??”
my mom scolding me after i cracked a joke how both my mom and ei can’t cook😭
me thinking dan heng was texting other hoes then i realized he was looking at a saved album of photos he has of me <3
hmm this is an interesting one
for me and xiao i have a shojo au based off my fav manga ‘cheeky brat’ (luma shut up about this manga we know😭) (i also have a shojo au for all my selfships) (also minus the non consensual pervasive actions)
dazai i lowkey have an idea for an au based off ‘grease’, but idk if dazai would fit the role (i kinda think he would)
xiao - his eyes <3
scara - we’re two sides of the same coin
dan heng - his voice <3
dazai - he’s just as crazy as me ♡︎
for who tucks me in.. all of them do. they’re very caring in bed (not like that)
also also have u put any more thought into making a selfship account? or will u keep everything on ur main?
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tired-artist-aqua · 3 years
Yoooo tell us about ur cookies man! Girl? I dunno but u go enjoy ur things!!!!
((Really??? Well don't say I didn't warn you /j
((there's like 8 ocs here I have so it's all under the cut for your sanity
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((Okay so Spider Cookie is around 12, and is on the dark side; however they don't really care for doing their job right and sneak off to visit their best friend, Zebra Cookie (oc I've already explained before) and they have a really wholesome relationship
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((Ice Cube Cookie is constantly dripping wet with water, which makes them a hazard to any cookie they touch- so they mainly stay away from others despite being on the 'good' side. In a nutshell they're a introverted mess
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((Raccoon Cookie! Famous criminal around the Vanilla Kingdom! He's a sworn enemy to both Almond Cookie and Rye Cookie; being a master at escape and stealing; somehow avoiding both cookies everytime. Needless to say, he's not very liked, but he makes due
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((Rubber Ducky Cookie! The most wholesome of my ocs! They're about 7, only speak in "squeaks" and absolutely adore juiceboxes! Not much too them, no angst, only fluff :D
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((Plush Cookie! The shortest of all cookies! Their age is unknown, but do seem to have the maturity of an adult. They help stray and helpless cookies and seem to be able to just be there if they're needed- overall a helpful buddy to guide you!
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((Wilted Flower Cookie! Girlboss and Edgelord. She shares the same powers as the Laughing Flowers seen in some stages, but it's unknown how she got them. She doesn't work or protect anyone, and is free-spirited; however she still won't hesitate to slice a cookie in half.
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((Manticore Cookie! My most bizarre cookie! They're a manticore combined with a cookie, and they live alongside Fig Cookie in the forest. They're kind of scared of themselves, worrying they might hurt someone with their poisonous tail- but they try their best to be as welcoming and friendly to every cookie as they can!
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((Last but not least, Static Cookie! The first cookie made from any other means beside the witch's oven- which would be by them being built. As a robot, they were programmed and built by none other than Dark Enchantress Cookie; to work on their side. However, due to contact with water, they malfunctioned and were given their own free will. Only at the cost of their screen-eyes being constantly set on static; making vision hard and fogging their mind.
((If you actually read all of my rambling I hope you like my silly lil' Cookies!! There's definitely way more on the way! /pos
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